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Diversify the "scientist" role into further specific roles.


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Basically, get rid of the scientist role and replace it with more roles that the scientist role covered broadly. Example, "Telescientist".

Having the scientist role is just lazy, in my opinion. At least make it so the scientist role has aesthetic specifications, like engineer role. (Station, electrical) or Cyborg (Cyborg, Robot, Android).

I would prefer if access levels could be changed entirely, but I understand the hassle it might be to create new IDs, new IDscanners, etc. Really, it just irks me that you can only specifically be a scientist, and not a Telescientist. I don't like people barging in whenever they please and wasting the Telescience computer's calibration charges.


Out of curiosity, why is this located in the Guides and Tutorials subforum?

Also, there are pretty well diversified roles.

Plasma Researcher - Toxins

Xenoarchaelogist - Exactly that. Go out, dig stuff up.

Anomalist - Works in conjunction with the xenoarchaelogist.



Telescience is open to everyone in Research, not just scientist.

Same with MiscLab.

Plasma, Xenoarch, and Anomalist exist as titles because those are Scientist-only access areas.

The amount of Xenobotanists, Chemical Researchers, and other Scientist-Access required specialists is depressingly low, and I doubt adding titles would help frankly.


The problem is none of the current jobs in science provide enough gameplay to work as a standalone. Xenobiology is complex enough to warrant its own special category, but a telescientist would become bored incredibly quickly (have we even seen a telescience-specialized character?), and I think it's better to leave science open to most scientists than to demand a specific job access for each area (because few people will want to focus on a single, limited aspect of science).

What does this do? Because a ton of confusing custom titles might not work best (scientist already works well as a catch-all), and I would rather trust people to police themselves in limiting their skills (and having the extra access if needed) than to enforce a restriction.


I don't think I phrased my request very well. Sorry.

My priority request is for aesthetic TITLE changes. Like if you're a cyborg you can change your role from being cyborg to android or robot, or Chaplain can alternatively become Counselor. The idea that access levels should be changed entirely is just a tack-on. When you become a scientist you can have an aesthetic change to Xenoarcheologist, and my proposed change would add Telescientist, etc.

As to Ffrances, hopefully in an RP server we shouldn't be totally concerned over gameplay intensity, and I often roleplay a Telescientist character throughout. As to people policing themselves, I've often seen people barging in wanting to have access to the computer, and when I tell them they can't because you're a roboticist, or a xenobiologist, or a janitor, they simply nonchalantly say "Oh, I have a PHD in literally every science field" or "Roboticism, this highly complex and delicate science, is merely a hobby of mine, and NanoTrason hired a hobbyist!" (Paraphrasing), so clearly no. While the custom titles wouldn't really help this I suppose . . .

Mainly, I suppose, my main wish is that these limited aspects of science which are really quite fun and intuitive, be expanded. But that's not your concern, I guess, and is more betterly directed towards the Baystation 12 devs themselves. ICly I'm pretty sure there would be different access levels, because in the real world scientists just can't hop between fields of research in one shift. But I guess that for now OoC gameplay will be more important than IC roleplay, in this particular scenario.

((No idea how this ended up in Guides and Tutorials. >.>))

As to people policing themselves, I've often seen people barging in wanting to have access to the computer, and when I tell them they can't because you're a roboticist, or a xenobiologist, or a janitor, they simply nonchalantly say "Oh, I have a PHD in literally every science field" or "Roboticism, this highly complex and delicate science, is merely a hobby of mine, and NanoTrason hired a hobbyist!" (Paraphrasing)


If this happens, then ahelp it. Meta/powergaming is against the rules.


The problem is that I personally don't think the problem is big enough to really necessitate somebody specifically getting in trouble for it. I hate calling the admins on somebody for a minor offense, especially when the offense can be mediated in some way. I suppose if this suggestion or some other solution doesn't present itself, I'll have to resort to ahelping.

The problem is that I personally don't think the problem is big enough to really necessitate somebody specifically getting in trouble for it. I hate calling the admins on somebody for a minor offense, especially when the offense can be mediated in some way. I suppose if this suggestion or some other solution doesn't present itself, I'll have to resort to ahelping.


Tell the RD.

We have a tendency to get inquisitive on people with suspicious amount of skill and training not noted in their employment records.


I suppose that works, but sometimes the RD just doesn't exist. It tends to be the last Head of Staff position to get filled, especially during the times I'm online.

I suppose that works, but sometimes the RD just doesn't exist. It tends to be the last Head of Staff position to get filled, especially during the times I'm online.

You can, of course, always talk to people about it in LOOC.

Most people are fairly reasonable.

Posted (edited)
I I've often seen people barging in wanting to have access to the computer, and when I tell them they can't because you're a roboticist, or a xenobiologist, or a janitor, they simply nonchalantly say "Oh, I have a PHD in literally every science field" or "Roboticism, this highly complex and delicate science, is merely a hobby of mine, and NanoTrason hired a hobbyist!" (Paraphrasing), so clearly no. While the custom titles wouldn't really help this I suppose . . .


I feel like this is a reference to my character, which does have a degree in bluespace xenology but knowns nothing about, RnD, toxins and robotics (http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=828) which I chose for the specific purpose of being able to grow blue space crystals in xenobiology and bring them to telescience. Now basic telescience is pretty straight forward and anyone that can do trig can actually do working telescience (which I assume most scientists should be able to do trig so you can hardly call it meta-gaming).

I like the idea of having more titles. Something like “toxins researcher, RnD specialist” could be added to the options if you want your character to have a focus. But I feel telescientists falls similar to miscellaneous science and should be treated as public domain for scientists. Any scientist (roboticists and xenobiologists included) have access to the public domain science departments. Every department in science has a use for telescience and telescience needs other departments to become useful (crystals mined from riplys or grown from slimes). If telescience is limited then the other science departments has very little reason to invest in growing those crystals (why do it if you can’t reap the reward). As a result telescience will more likely be stunted during most games because it will be harder to get the crystals(not like a lot of people set up telescience anyway, most games I join the lab is not touched). Thus telescience should not be limited. I like the idea of having the title and in fact that is what I have done with Travis when I self-title him with bluespace xenologist. But I do not attempt to use that title to keep anyone else out of telescience because I understand telescience is public domain for scientists to use and should be treated as such.

Furthermore, as long as this was an aesthetic change I would be ok with it. But I don’t think something that has public domain status (such as miscellaneous research or telescience) should have its own title because that is begging for conflict. When someone who does not have the title comes in to use those labs the “telescientist or miscellaneous researcher” that does have the title will want them out. We have already seen this attempt with your character specifically (which reminds me I was planning to make a thread about science access to public domain science departments). This is the primary reason why I am against telescience or miscellaneous research getting its own title because it will encourage anyone who has those titles to try and kick other science departments out while other science departments have an genuine use and need for those labs.

Edited by Guest
The problem is none of the current jobs in science provide enough gameplay to work as a standalone. Xenobiology is complex enough to warrant its own special category, but a telescientist would become bored incredibly quickly (have we even seen a telescience-specialized character?), and I think it's better to leave science open to most scientists than to demand a specific job access for each area (because few people will want to focus on a single, limited aspect of science).
I do frances. I only recently developed him and until my character I don’t think anyone else did. I would like to point out you are exactly right about the limitedness. I have to do xenobiology to make my hobby of telescience a working thing. Telescience is useless without other departments as I stated previously.
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