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[Accepted] Unban request for Jet

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Total Ban Length:

10080 minutes.

Banning staff member's Key:


Reason of Ban:


You have been banned by alberyk.

Reason: Enabling the emitter at the engine room without the engine being prepared as the AI, causing it to go critical..

This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 10080 minutes

Reason for Appeal:

I do not believe the ban was justified. I have two warnings-- neither of which I believe are justified, which is what I believe Alberyk is referring to when he mentioned my notes in our discussion leading up to my ban.

Addressing my warnings:

I have two for self-harm, one for going through the dumpster and being cycled into a multi-floor trash compactor. I had no idea the length and the multi-floor system that really fucked me. I was expecting to come off a conveyor belt in some small room. It was late, and I was about ready for bed. Was seconds from logging out after that fun ride, and an administrator PM'd me about it. I was trying to explain that it was late and that the disposal system is way different than any server I've played, and he wasn't bothering to hear it. He apologized, and gave me a warning. This is like, the equivalent of giving someone a ticket for j-walking in a new town.

My second warning was for self-harm as a brigged antagonist. I was brigged for an hour for trespassing, and in an effort to get out of the brig-- after trying to break out and making a mess of the place I resorted to self-harm. It got me out of the brig, but soon got me back in. After being placed in solitary, couldn't bare being in such a closed space any longer with no hope of getting out, so I took a stool and offed myself more or less. Leading up to this, I was very vocal about my feelings of being imprisoned, especially when I felt wronged IC-- severely wronged and abused, and at the mercy of people who did saw me as a nice target to flex their corporate power on, and I showed signs that I could be a danger to myself. Rather than get someone to put me in restraints-- the admin involved chose to give me a warning and a ban at the same time. Wooh. When my ban expired, two days later, I saw other antagonists doing the same thing and they didn't get warnings, but they did get the straitjacket I never got (Must be something about late nights/EU time huh?).

Now I'm banned for messing with the engine, and from our discussion it seemed Alberyk was convinced I was doing it on purpose to sabotage or grief the server, I don't know what his intentions are-- but here is our conversation.


  Discussion said:

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Why are you messing with the sm.

to Alberyk: SM?

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: The engine.

to Alberyk: only thing I've done to it was turn on the emitter

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: And are you aware that this will cause it to explode?

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Besides; The station’s primary power source and atmospherics systems are generally off-limits in terms of catastrophic sabotage, due to the impact they can have on the round. If you think you have a really good reason to mess with either, adminhelp first to get clearance.

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Okay, what is the purpose of trying to explode the sm 40 minutes in the round?

to Alberyk: I wasn't aware it would explode. Sorry, DS froze

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: And why did you mess with it if it is clearly against the rules?

to Alberyk: I was trying to prime it so someone can just set it up.

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Okay, so, you tried to explode the engine to see if someone could start it...?

to Alberyk: I wasn't trying to 'explode the engine'

to Alberyk: Part of setting it up is firing off shots from the emitter

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: What did you expect to happen when you let the emitter firing upon it then?

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Without any coolant?

to Alberyk: I expected it to be ready for the engineers to finish off thhe job and get power stable

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: OKay, no, that makes no sense, and you just broke the rule about fucking the engine without a good reason.

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: And due to your notes, I am applying a ban.

to Alberyk: Wait hold up

to Alberyk: That's a LOT of insinuations. This is the only server I've played with this kind of engine, and the few times I've been walked through it shooting the crystal with the emitter is a part of the process and the LONGEST part.

to Alberyk: I reported that the engine needed to be set up and I wanted the crystal pre-prepped so we don't have to wait for that part of the process

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Don't touch what you don't know about, you just told me you just keep firing it in hope someone would set it up when no one was doing so.

to Alberyk: Oralndo Wolfe was over there setting it up

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: Don't really matter, even if it was your first accident, I would have given you a note at least or warning at worse.

to Alberyk: And I'm sorry I don't have 100% code knowledge of how this thing works, but I've been engineering cadet a few times and have been walked through the process so up until now, I thought I pretty much knew what was needed. I would appreciate it if you didn' try to psin that like some shitcurity or something to make me look like a griefer

[Primary Admin PM] Alberyk: You still fucked with the engine without having any idea, trying to explode it or no.

to Alberyk: My warnings have NOTHING to do with this, the first warning wasj umping into a dumpster on a late night whhen I wanted to go to bed, and the other was some other bullshit that I've already made a forum post about. Not to mention that first warning is very old

You have been banned by alberyk.

Reason: Enabling the emitter at the engine room without the engine being prepared as the AI, causing it to go critical..

This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 10080 minutes.

To try to resolve this matter head to https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewforum.php?f=38

Connection died.


He came straight out of the gate trying to purge me from the server-- I just want to say some healthy and nice admin conduct would be:


  Healthy Conduct said:

Admin; "Hey, did you do _____ to engine?"

Person: "Yeah, why?"

Admin: "It's a potential danger to server, what are you trying to accomplish?" or even: "What are you trying to do with the engine?"

Person: "Trying to ______"

Admin: "Ok, this is how you do _______" or "That's actually against the rules you need clearance for that. I'm going to "


But anyways--- I didn't know what I was did would result in an explosion, and it didn't, when I looked in Engineering there was an engineer dragging phoron canisters back and forth. He was also accessing, or at least trying to access the engine. Orlando Wolfe, in full void-suit. The worst I thought could happen was phoron might leak somewhere, but there was an engineer there so I didn't expect any problems-- and I would get alerts if there were problems. I was essentially banned for not knowing enough about something, on a server that is different than any other server, with no wiki or guide to support its changes (unless they're hidden here somewhere on this forum). I don't think that's fair at all, and the insanely easy alternative to all of this was just telling me what I did wrong and how to do it right.


Please note that unless specifically outlined in a ban reason, you do not have to touch on prior conduct because whether or not you have a prior behavior does not really factor into accepting an appeal if you believe the ban was unjustified. I'll wait for Alberyk to weigh in on this ban otherwise before I weigh in as to whether the ban was justified or not.


Your past warnings were the main reason I applied this ban, besides there are enough information on the wiki/forums/in game about how the supermatter, and there was a clear warning over the radio that something was going wrong. I will lift this ban, but, take in mind to don't mess with things you have no idea what you are doing about or just ahelp at this point.

Appeal accepted.

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