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Incident Report - 10/7/2459

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Reporting Personnel: Drake Bond

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Security Officer, Level Two

Game ID: bQP-avX9 (EXTENDED ROUND Pretty amazing, huh?)

Personnel Involved:

- Opamator-3.0, Head of Security, Witness (Promanguy1223)

- Albert Wolfe, Detective, Witness

- Bjorn Karlsson, Security Officer, Offender

- Kal Dietrich, Paramedic, Witness

Time of Incident: 8:50

Real time: 10/7/2459

Location of Incident: Interrogation Room, Security Department

Nature of Incident:

  • []Workplace Hazard


    []Destruction of Property

    [X]Neglect of Duty




    []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident: (General description of the incident, to include as much detail as is deemed necessary)

To start with, "As a level two security officer, I have offered my assistance long before this interrogation. Detective Wolfe and I have been working together on the investigation regarding reported missing dead bodies. Detective Wolfe was thrilled when I've given him our lead suspect, Kal Dietrich , the impersonator impersonating as Parker McClymonds, a janitor who has died to being crushed by elevator in early shift. We took Kal Dietrich to the interrogation room and interrogate her, I've done little paperwork for Detective Wolfe to make his interrogation flow through easily. I believe that's all need to be said here following up to Officer Karlsson's interruption of the interrogation wherein I called for the Commander. The Commander has ordered Officer Karlsson to exit the interrogation while I was standing in interrogation, being an aide to Detective Wolfe. Detective Wolfe has exploded (metaphorically) and scolded Officer Karlsson for ruining the interrogation and leaving the culprit, Kal Dietrich in state of confused of what is occurring, one thing led to another and interrogation room was somewhat in chaos. Detective Wolfe pulled Officer Karlsson out and scolded him some more and told him to back off and never to come back, along these lines. Whilst I feel as Detective Wolfe needs his space, I decide to without a word leave the investigation team and patrol around on my own.

I hoped this would be the end of it until Officer Karlsson decides to act as one of those high school jocks cliche, drag you to the security equipment locker room, he would then say to me in extreme hostilities, "Do we have a problem between us?". I knew it was the best not to answer this question and ignore Officer Karlsson until he decides to stalk and scream at you in the hallway in the public that he is trying to talk to me. I knew the situation was falling apart, I grabbed my PDA to contact the Commander that I am this close to arrest Officer Karlsson for battery (touching and trying to stop me from ignoring me) and hooliganism then I asked him for his audience. Commander shows up and finds out for himself that Officer Karlsson is indeed following me and screaming at my face. I receive a work call and pursuit a suspect reportedly possibly killing a security cadet, Jane Sarie. I lose the pursuit of the suspect, Head of Security pulls me and Officer Karlsson to the briefing room and we have a seat. I give my short side of the story to satisfy the Commander's question and expectations as Karlsson gives his side of the story. Captain asks me over Security channel if I am occupied at the moment, I do not say anything and look to the Commander. The Commander speaks over the Security channel that I am not occupied and dismisses me. I inform the Commander that I will be filling out a complaint form and send it toward to him to make decision. Unfortunately, that did not occur as I sat down with Internal Affairs Agent, Carter LaFontaine, an internal affairs investigation regarding a missing satchel. The crew transfer vessel was called and I decided on my own that I would fill out an incident report.

I have considered checking neglect of duty for interrupting the detective's interrogation and harassment for stalking me around the public areas whilst screaming at me.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Head of Security, Opamator-3.0

Actions taken:Attempted to get us together in groups but is unable to due to a murder, Captain and IAA requested for my attention immediately. Head of Security has appeared to have done nothing.

Additional notes:

(OOC: I may be busy over the weekdays. Contact me immediately as I can try to fit interview in my schedule.)


TO: Drake Bond, Security Officer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Division to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a CCIA Agent when and if an investigation begins.

DTG: 07-08:35-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2459


  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Drake Bond, Security Officer, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIAA Liesel Metz (Synnono).

You may be contacted by the duty officer for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 17-14:04-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2459


  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Drake Bond, Security Officer, NSS Aurora

FROM: Liesel Metz, CCIAA, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals.

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 29-22:35-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2459

SIGN: Liesel M.

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