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[Denied] Permbanned for acting as (head approved) militia "with an overpowered weapon"

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So you immediately believe I'm guilty of breaking rules because rules exist? What? How does this make any sense at all? You're only listening to evidence that agrees with you and discounting the fact that we were given permission to fight the antags and screamed at to charge in.


..Because you broke those rules. Characterized by the statement of, "This isn't really what I believe you've done wrong, it is what I know you've done wrong because our ruleset both in written nature and nature in spirit greatly discourage this kind of conduct on our server." Which is a nice way to say you broke rules, you're trying to say you didn't break any despite having run across this issue over and over again. This isn't an issue with the thermal drill in particular but your conduct as we've seen it. I'm denying this appeal and will have it locked in 24 hours. If you have anything else to say you may as well say it, I'm not really surprised this went the way it did considering how you handled your last appeal for the science job ban. This isn't personal, this is me doing my job enforcing server rules you still don't seem to have a grasp of. Sorry, I wish you better luck if you manage to fit into another server climate.


I really think it's just sad that you're so obsessed with being right that you refuse to see logic or any viewpoints other than what you've decided. Let's face it, I was never going to change your mind. Ever since you started arguing with me on the discord political channel you've been dying to permaban me and have constantly overpunished for minor things. There's no way you should be a mod, and especially not one with the power to permaban people.

I'll be glad to leave, only to get away from you.


Ever since you started arguing with me on the discord political channel you've been dying to permaban me and have constantly overpunished for minor things


Considering you brought that up and are still holding that over me I think you're the one holding the grudge, not me.


Ever since you started arguing with me on the discord political channel you've been dying to permaban me and have constantly overpunished for minor things


Considering you brought that up and are still holding that over me I think you're the one holding the grudge, not me.


I'm not the mod who's been constantly condescending, admitting to following me during rounds to find things to punish me for, or taking over punishments from other staff in mid-game so you get to be the one to do it. Ever since Discord you've been harassing and bullying me out of spite.


Gronko enjoys getting into fights. It's completely within reason that she would join a militia and not be afraid of a few stray bullets (which I retreated from at the times I realized I'd been shot). Ask anyone who's worked with her. Mining is dangerous.


So you are trying to use your character characteristics to validate obvious valid hunting and power gaming. You have another character who did this, and that was your quartermaster.

You may deny my claims, you may decide to tell me that I have a grudge on you, but I have mostly experienced your quartermaster. I have seen them run through maintenance with cult armor, a cult sword on their back, hunting cultist. You have ran fearlessly with that character and personally affected one of my wizard rounds by pushing me, a extremely dangerous hostile over fearlessly with shitty “hi” then “I got your sword”, and dragging me out of maintenance to get high explosive law giver to the face. I never attacked you, and I never interacted with you.

Honestly, from what I heard, you seem to get a IC issue and IC punishment on one character, then you make a new character with the same “fearless” Mary Sue personality to play hero. You lost your privileges to play on the server due to this, and rather trying to solve this issue, you make excuses and continue to the point of telling that the banning mod has a biased opinion on you despite multiple people's agreement that you pushing yourself in front of the fight with the “fearless” personality is valid hunting while the drill is absolutely power gaming. Your use of the drill was not valid.

This type of behavior belongs to TG and the other low roleplay servers and you are free to continue it there.


So you immediately believe I'm guilty of breaking rules because rules exist? What? How does this make any sense at all? You're only listening to evidence that agrees with you and discounting the fact that we were given permission to fight the antags and screamed at to charge in.


There is a difference between defending yourself and going offensive. You were given permission to defend yourself, not to rush the antags. Of course, maybe these words are showing over and over again on your screen like a broken recorder as people keep repeating this to you. People eventually start ignoring a brick wall that does not move.


I'm not the mod who's been constantly condescending, admitting to following me during rounds to find things to punish me for


The solution to this issue is not break the server rules. Of course staff will watch you when you constantly break them.

My words can be taken to heart, or ignored and it would not change the amount of sleep I get at night. These are the truths of your attitude and what you have done wrong.


Ever since you started arguing with me on the discord political channel you've been dying to permaban me and have constantly overpunished for minor things


Considering you brought that up and are still holding that over me I think you're the one holding the grudge, not me.


I'm not the mod who's been constantly condescending, admitting to following me during rounds to find things to punish me for, or taking over punishments from other staff in mid-game so you get to be the one to do it. Ever since Discord you've been harassing and bullying me out of spite.


Pot calling the kettle black, I guess? If you think me explaining how you broke the rules is talking down to you then honestly that's not really my problem if you get offended over that. Sorry, dude.

I don't believe I've ever admitted the second one to recent memory. It seems a bit like nonsense. I think it's nothing more than coincidence that you've run into me many times relating to player issues. I look out more especially for this kind of behavior because of how harmful and toxic it is to the community. I don't think that's personal bias, that's morein executing a proper MO on the most common rulebreak that happens, and that is powergaming.

As for the third, I had to take over because superiorform's computer bluescreened and he could not be online to deal with the issue.

That being said, I'm denying this appeal. Feel free to appeal it in a month, though frankly if you wish to have any chance of appealing the ban in the future you should first drop the hostile attitude and perhaps take a little responsibility and culpability for your own conduct.

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