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Miko's inspirational labour posters


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BYOND Key:Jakers457

Character name: Miko Du'razhu

Item name: 'A smart miner, has an alibi.'

Why is your character carrying said item to work? To make sure mining declare their yields, and nothing is more eyecatching than pretty colours

Item function(s):Works like a poster

Item description: 'A colourful poster depicting a strong miner writing out a declaration form with a smile.'

Item appearance: A poster of a miner filling out forms, something to that capacity anyway.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? It'll add more flavour to the mining department's decor as well as add to that 'motivational' poster gimmick you always find in the most crushing of work places.

Additional comments: None as of yet.

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