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[ACCEPTED] Imperial Navy of Dominia

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Type: Military Organization

Region of Space:X'yr Vharn'p

Controlled by: Empire of Dominia

Other Snapshot information: This is a proposed organization of the Imperial Navy for Dominia. While it doesn't go necessary into the actual numbers and ships, it provides a basis for future lore on this topic.

Long Description:


The Empire, while a relatively young state on the galactic stage, is not a new-comer when it comes to space travel. Founded by a mixture of colonists and pirate clans, they are experienced seafarers and pirates. It became obvious to the Emperor shortly after its founding 2439 that the Empire would require a professional navy to defend itself, not just a rag-tag mixture of pirate ships and small ships possessed by the government until that point. Thus, in 2444, the Imperial Navy was created by the Emperor's decree. Founded alongside them was the Imperial Naval Academy, located on Dominia, meant to provide a professional officer corps for the navy.

At its formation, the Imperial Navy was a strange mix of ships taken from pirate clans, derelicts, and those suitable purchased privately - lacking any large craft, as the facilities in the Empire were not up to the task of creating cruiser-sized ships. In 2448 the Imperial Navy Yards were established on Alterum Magnum after a rapid construction program, mostly built on the backs of serfs and forced labour overseen by House Zhao. The Imperial Navy thus was able to rely purely on itself for the construction of its navy, with contracts being awarded with private shipbuilders to use the Imperial shipyards to build the ships that would form a new, professional navy. It was in this state of relative flux that it participated in the campaign against the Corsairs of the Eternal Raid in 2449, by which time only one ship had been built - a small destroyer. The Imperial Navy managed to fight the pirate lord into a stalemate - despite infighting between various captains; some former pirates, some of the first graduates from the Academy, and some those who purchased commission in the Navy by virtue of providing a ship. The war taught many lessons - influencing ship design, tactics, and organization up until the current date. It was after the war that the command hierarchy solidified into its modern form.




Following is an explanation of the organizations outlined in this image.

High Lord Admiral of the Imperial Navy: The High Lord Admiral is the highest position in the Navy. He answers only to the Emperor, and is appointed by him to the position in terms of 6 years. His authority encompasses every part of the naval hierarchy, as well as powerful influence in the rewarding of naval contracts and contracts for armaments and supply. Under the auspices of his office are five main areas:

the Cabinet of the Navy: The Cabinet is an integral part of the administration of the Imperial Navy alongside the Commissariate-General, handling appointments to administrative positions, finances, as well as promotion and appointment of officers. Included in this organization which are organized under the Chief Secretary are the secretaries of: Finance, Research and Development, Personnel, Naval Affairs, and Naval Acquisitions.

the Admiralty Staff: The Lords of the Admiralty are responsible for actual creation and issuance of orders to the combat arm of the Imperial Navy. Under their perview is the Naval Officer Corps, now drawing its ranks from the newly founded Imperial Naval Academy. While the officers are under the control of the Admiralty, their promotion and appointment is handled by the Cabinet. The Imperial fleet is under their authority, consisting of the First Cruiser Squadron, the Interdiction Squadron, and the Reserve Fleet. The First Cruiser Squadron is the professional core of the Navy, composed purely of new ships constructed in the Imperial shipyards, including new ships of a battlecruiser design. The Interdiction Squadron calls back to the pirate roots of the Navy - it is the quasi-legal privateering arm of the Navy, commanded by an Admiral of the Kazkhz house. The Reserve Fleet is the training branch of the Imperial Fleet, and is composed mainly of older ships now outmoded, and is responsible for the training of naval personnel and crewmen.

the Commissariate-General: Appointed by the Emperor, advised by the High Lord Admiral. He oversees the Commissariate, which is broken into two main areas. These organizations are responsible for maintaining a level of professionalism and efficiency among the Navy, auditing expenditures and personnel to ensure that regulations are observed and followed. Under the Commissarriate-General's perview is the Commissariate of Ships, responsible for the inspection of the ships of the Navy, and the Commissariate of Supply, responsible for the logistical areas of all parts of the Naval structure as well as the Legions Marinus. The inspectors, or Commissars, are known for their distinct peaked caps.

the Primus Marinus: Appointed by the Emperor, advised by the High Lord Admiral and High Lord General. The Primus Marinus is the leader of the Legions Marinus, the naval Legions responsible for providing marine detachments on every ship in the Imperial Fleet. Currently, there are nine Legions Marinus, all under his command. Despite being placed upon naval vessels, they are only nominally under command of the ships' captains, maintaining their own power structure. This has caused friction between the two branches of the Imperial Navy. Their organization is a mirror of the Army's legions, with slightly different ranks to mirror their different role. The smallest form they operate in is the Cohort Marinus, a group of one-hundred marines led by a commander. These men are not only responsible for on-ship duties, as they also guard all Imperial naval facilities. The officer ranks of these units are drawn from both the Imperial Naval Academy and the Army, at the discretion of the Primus Marinus - something that has caused more friction between the two branches.

the Imperial Naval Academy: Chaired by an Admiral appointed by the High Lord Admiral in terms of eight years, this newly founded academy is responsible for the training of naval cadets, and from their ranks does the Navy take officer candidates. It teaches tactics, seamanship, and all parts of an officer candidate's education as mandated by the Cabinet of the Navy's Secretary of Personnel.

I have done my best to give a realistic outline for a navy for Dominia, and any critique on this suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


It's short and sweet which I like. As per the Elyra military page I won't be taking it all as written but will use a large portion of this. I may trim down on the L A T I N somewhat since, though the rome memes are strong with dominia, it isn't rome and they do not speak latin. Overall, good job.


Inkeeping with Zundy using this, I'll archive it for now. If you have questions concerning how we use the lore or the progress in it's addition please PM myself or Zundy.

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