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[Accepted] Tomiix's Unathi Deputy App

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Ckey/BYOND Username:TomiixStarslasher

Position Being Applied For (Deputy Lore developer):

Past Experiences/Knowledge: I play Unathi almost exclusively on the server, and read most of the wikipedia on them and even the little side stories jackboot shoved down my throat suggested I take a peak at. I also 360 no scoped him and he told me to apply... so I am...

To not meme and give people not in the loop insight. I critiqued Jackboot heavily on the direction he sent Unathi and in ways that I felt like he either inadvertently favoured them or lost track of their theme. They are a race dealing with Post-Apocalypse on their home world... but that is rarely talked about or mentioned. It should affect their culture deeply, and even their colony worlds should feel the pressure from it but it currently isn't reflected. Also I feel like a lot of their progress is ill gained, like their sizeable fleet and the fact that they were able to completely remove the Federation and Alliance without any major issue is a stretch.

I would like to help Jackboot bring Unathi back down to earth, and focus more on practical internal conflicts that come from trying to maintain control over two colony worlds when your space capabilities aren't that strong and your home world is fractured from a nuclear war. Unathi that are from Moghes are either Unathi in a densely overpopulated part of moghes that is still survivable or wastelanders. Currently due to the way they are written it is only possible to be from Hegemony space reasonably, and I would like to assist in changing that.

Examples of Past Work: I submitted a wizard lore canonization app that was declined. Besides that I have two projects that are still WIPs... one revolving around a new Unathi religion, and another about a possible IPC AI run installation that I am keeping somewhat under the ropes.

Additional Comments:I'm just here so I don't get fined, and cause jackboot asked me to.


Tomiix is one of the people who has originally come to me with "Dude if you don't like it, say it" and has been one of the main people who hammed me into making the application.

I have EXTENSIVE roleplay with his unathi character and even got a peek, although extremely small, at why they were un-guwaned. And I must admit it was somewhat interesting to witness.

They've shared their ideas with me and what they pointed down I liked, I'm not afraid they'll "Go easy" on the species or "Too hard".

Tomiix is also my spy and puppet that will help me destroy jackboots from the inside.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Thank you for your application. I've got some questions I'd like to ask as our little interview here before any decisions are made.

How much time can you dedicate to lore development? Can you provide development or activity at least semi-regularly on a weekly basis?

What do you like most about the Unathi lore, and why?

What do you think is the weakest part(s) of Unathi lore, and how would you change it?

What are the primary themes or undertones that you get from the Unathi as a species?

What scope do you see Unathi taking in the galaxy as a whole?

What are some methods you can think of to have Unathi experiences impact the unathi playerbase on the station?


How much time can you dedicate to lore development? Can you provide development or activity at least semi-regularly on a weekly basis?

I can help contribute development on a weekly basis. I am starting school soon but I am trying to devote time to creative endeavours and trying to get myself developing healthy habits and hobbies besides just gaming, so creative writing seems just up that ally.

What do you like most about the Unathi lore, and why?

I secretly hate Unathi, and this has all been a long con to destroy them from within.

I enjoy the concept of a species that has been so negatively impacted by human contact. The story of the Unathi and the contact war is a good lesson about how raising these people up and then attempting to abuse them for their resources has terrible consequences. I am also a big fan of Asian and Native American culture, and Unathi has that sprinkled throughout their lore and story. Finally, although the theme has been mixed, and their ability sometimes inconsistent, I enjoy the idea of exploring a post-apocalyptic society right next door to a Hegemony that is doing it's best to hold on to the old world and its power. I already have a ton of ideas, some I haven't even shared yet.

What do you think is the weakest part(s) of Unathi lore, and how would you change it?

The weakest part of Unathi lore, I like to split into a few categories.

- A lack of diverse character opportunities.

Part of this is the playerbases problem, wherein they are actively choosing to have in the box thinking, and are making Unathi who all seem alike. However part of the blame can be shared with the developer and the way Unathi have been presented. A common grievance from non-unathi players (who are just as affected by unathi as the unathi players) is that they all seem alike. That creation and individuality is stifled because of their strict society. The main reason being that travel from Moghes is restricted to the Hegemony, making it difficult for Unathi players to find reasonable ways to play in the wasteland space. Ouerea also currently feels like Moghes 2.0, and your Unathi is from there if they are somewhat out of the status quo, but are still heavily restricted by feudal society and expectations. I hope that through clever writing, expansion of and better access to Moghe's wasteland and a better defined Ouerea will allow people the freedom to make more diverse Unathi. Edit: Also, because of the Hegemony being the focus, we get a lot more Sk'akh then we do Th'akh, and we lose out on the native american influences that are interesting.

- Unathi are too good

I know this seems ironic and misplaced in the 'Unathi weakest parts' section, but Unathi seem too good at what they do. I know you hate hearing about this event that is now two years old, but for a post-apocalyptic wasteland planet, the Unathi seem to have unreasonably adjusted well to space faring and modern technology. Having a relatively good sized fleet and having successfully fought off the Federation and Alliance. Also as a consequence of the species that you have the most control over, you experiment with the species more since you have the liberty to, causing some events, some of which have been retconned, to not sit well with people. Namely psionics. Also just stats wise Unathi until recently were too good. No other species can just break cuffs like they do, Unathi resistances are REALLY good, with no good weaknesses to balance it out. Cold weakness only applies on a handful of places on the station, and alcohol poisoning only comes up if the Sinta in question is too stupid to remember alcohol is toxic. While heat resistance applies in critical situations like fires and station heating, and brute resistance helps with the basic forms of combat. The best armor in the game, and something that is ONLY available in the vault is not only a Unathi invention, but is ONLY usable by Unathi. I hope to help provide perspective and scale Unathi back to a degree that is reasonable, and centralize their themes between the two planets. While still providing interspecies conflicts that takes inspiration from the Tajaran environment. Since they are ALSO an elevated species that still maintains interest and intrigue without having to be involved in the galactic theater.

What are the primary themes or undertones that you get from the Unathi as a species?

Currently Unathi are best known for their warrior culture, heavy respect for their ancestors, elders, and religion, and their honor codes. Currently Unathi feel like lizard Klingons, while interesting themes like the consequences of the contact war, namely the wasteland is largely ignored. For perspective this is what the planet looks like right now.



The only Unathi we seem to hear or see from are Unathi from the Hegemony or Ouerea. Because of the current story and access that is for good reason. We almost never hear about the issues with the Wasteland unless it is in small reference to something else. These Unathi have no access to the Hegemony, and therefore space. Making it unseen on the station, and therefore not thought about by the community.

We had a conversation I will keep private about ideas for where Ouerea could be going, and those themes are also interesting for me to expand upon.

What scope do you see Unathi taking in the galaxy as a whole?

A much smaller scope then they currently do. I can see Unathi economically being a great trading partner, and something that megacorporations continue to have a vested interest in attempting to influence. However navally I hope to cut them down much more than they currently are. Without outside help they should not be able to do as well as they have in the past. I don't mind however Unathi being great fighters, and leading in the galaxy in combat gear development. As we lean more towards our Science Fantasy side, perhaps we can play in the space of them developing new ways of practical combat the way they like it, hand to hand.

What are some methods you can think of to have Unathi experiences impact the unathi playerbase on the station?

Without spoiling plot points I have for the future, I can list the following.

-Find ways to involve Nanotrasen back into Unathi somehow. The Unathi offensive against them kinda alienated unathi on station.

-Start drawing lines in the sand, and create more interpersonal intrigue and varying points of view, using the wasteland as a big beautiful blank canvas to expand unathi character possibilities.

-Expanding Ouerea, and focusing more on the fact that they were established with a human/skrell values government, and make more apparent that the Sinta on Ouerea are different and more progressive than we lead on to them being.

I hope this satisfies you and others who were watching this app and was wondering my thoughts on these issues, without asking.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Application accepted.

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