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Incident Report 13/01/60


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Reporting Personnel: Faysal Bel'arab Abd Al-Rahman Taimur Hawsawi Erakat Ghazzawi Karbalaei Hadrami Al-Shennawi

Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of personnel

Game ID: bSp-cvUw

Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey))

- Erick Silva, Cook, Offender

- Fa'iq Al-Mansur, Head of security, witness

Time of Incident: 13/01/2460, 11:20 GST

Real time: 13/01/2018, 17:20 Zulu time

Location of Incident: Kitchen

Nature of Incident:

  • [X]Workplace Hazard


    []Destruction of Property

    [X]Neglect of Duty




    []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.)

Overview of the Incident:

Faysal was walking towards cargo for an inspection when he noticied a deep fried dead rodent on the kitchen's table, he tried to get in contact with the cook Silva, but he did not receive any reply since it seems they were day-dreaming. The head of security also reported that another deep fried mouse has been found in the station. Faysal returned later only to find the mouse still upon the kitchen's table, at this time he did prepare papers for a suspension of the chef due to this, however, when Faysal managed to contact them using the radio they replied they were leaving and entered cryo storage, evading the possible suspension.

This one had to dispose all of the deep fryer oil and discard all of the kitchen's food due to the presence of the deep fried mouse, causing a large loss. He would also like to point out that the chef did not dispose immediately of the dead rodent, neither he did try to be in contact with command staff or security about such.

Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Faysal has requested for security to arrest the chef as well, so the head of security mister Al-Mansur.

Actions taken: Faysal himself would handle the situation, but as he said, the chef managed to evade him.


TO: Faysal Bel'arab Abd Al-Rahman Taimur Hawsawi Erakat Ghazzawi Karbalaei Hadrami Al-Shennawi, Head of Personnel, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the CCIA Office to review.

You will be contacted, if necessary, by a CCIA Agent when and if an investigation begins.


DTG: 13-13:58-TAU CETI STANDARD-1-2460


  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Faysal Bel'arab Abd Al-Rahman Taimur Hawsawi Erakat Ghazzawi Karbalaei Hadrami Al-Shennawi, Head of Personnel, NSS Aurora


SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Jeremy Dawson (allybearsley).

You may be contacted by the CCIAA for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions.


DTG: 22-10:03-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2460



TO: Faysal Bel'arab Abd Al-Rahman Taimur Hawsawi Erakat Ghazzawi Karbalaei Hadrami Al-Shennawi, Head of Personnel, NSS Aurora

FROM: Jeremy Dawson, Central Command Internal Affairs Agent, NTCC Odin

SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report



The investigation of this incident has concluded.

Erick Silva will receive a fine and formal reprimand for neglect of duty.

This matter will now be considered resolved.


DTG: 29-12:55-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2460

SIGN: CCIAA Jeremy Dawson

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