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[Denied] Application for Dionaea by EiceHasNoIQ2

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BYOND Key: EiceHasNoIQ2

Character Names: Aileen Lee (Human)

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to try out roleplay as a Dionaea because I believe that they seem really cool. That's about it.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Everything the lore page says about them. They are slower, heal differently, eat differently, and live differently. They also have different personalities from what I know and can be lazy.


Character Name: Reesh

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Reesh is a character who was born in a botanist's garden on a shift. The botanist was murdered brutally by a Syndicate member, but Reesh was fine. As time passed they grew and grew, before becoming a Dionaea. Nothing fun or different has ever happened to them, and ever since being born in hydrophonics, they are loyal to NanoTrasen.

What do you like about this character? Their simple backstory and their race's abilities.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8-9/10



As usual, -1 from me. Formatting is off, the backstory shows that you don't understand, or don't care about, the lore, the answers to the other questions barely qualify as real answers, this needs a *big* rework before I'd be willing to support it.


BYOND Key: EiceHasNoIQ2

Character Names: Aileen Lee (Human)

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to try out roleplay as a Dionaea because I believe that they seem really cool. That's about it.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Everything the lore page says about them. They are slower, heal differently, eat differently, and live differently. They also have different personalities from what I know and can be lazy.


Character Name: Reesh

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Reesh is a character who was born in a botanist's garden on a shift. The botanist was murdered brutally by a Syndicate member, but Reesh was fine. As time passed they grew and grew, before becoming a Dionaea. Nothing fun or different has ever happened to them, and ever since being born in hydrophonics, they are loyal to NanoTrasen.

What do you like about this character? Their simple backstory and their race's abilities.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8-9/10



Diona loredev here. I'd like for you to read what I have to say to maybe learn about what was done wrong in your application, and possibly improve your application through my critique.

Okay. So. My biggest problem here is that you didn't seem to care to read anything. After the app asked you if you read the lore, it told you to give at least a paragraph each in reply. As a minimum. You did not do so. Either that, or you did read it, and you didn't care to put any effort into it. That tells me that you probably don't care that much and aren't very serious about the application. It also makes me suspect that if you actually didn't read what the application asked you, you also probably didn't read the lore. Which it appears, you didn't.

My first hint is possibly the lack of detail here overall... It almost looks as if you're reluctant to put down more because you don't really know much about them, and leaving things up to chance of people nodding along and going, "yeah, that's true." Sure, it might be true, but every race heals, eats, lives differently, and can have different personalities: what you fail to describe is exactly how the Diona differ from the others. Second hint, the backstory itself- it displays a lack of overall knowledge of the Aurora's own lore rules. Syndicate elements are incredibly secritive to the point where in the lore, the public knows them as just an urban legend with a few whispers here and there (and if there were any contact, it's incredibly vague). What reason would a lone operative have to reveal themselves, go out of their way to attack and kill a lowly botanist, on some random station? Even in in-game rounds, all antag-related rounds are considered non-canon, aka "never actually happened", like a dream. Third hint was the character name; Diona names are supposed to be like a long book title, describing an experience that can be rather abstract. An example would be "Captor of the Outward Breath", this name possibly hinting that the Dionae listens to every word and makes for a good listener... Or even suggests that the Dionae could have heard someone's last breath, the sound forever haunting them in memory. Spooky.

So far, I'm frankly disappointed. But this can be improved upon if you're actually serious about the application. I'd like for you to impress me and overhauling your application by editing the original post, and letting us know that you've updated it once done. I'd like to see full paragraphs with detailed explinations, in every response where required. I want you to display your knowledge in the species' lore, and that you are committed to upholding the privilege of having a whitelist and playing the species as

Last item on the list is the backstory. I know this part might be difficult because the character seems to be intentionally simple in nature and design. A station born-and-raised Dionae is fine, but what is their daily life like? How did they grow up? How were they raised? What is their behavior like? Do they have any interests or drives? You're also going to have to completely forego their surrogate's murder- it's a pointless killing from what I can tell overall, and has no actual place in being there besides it being lore-breaking. Find an alternative, please.

Hope to hear from you soon with some progress!

P.S.- Make your replies after the /b brackets. The formatting makes for better reading to tell where the question stops and your answer begins.


Seeing to as of how no other replies or edits were made within the past couple of days and the grace period is over, I will make my decision.

This overall feels like a half-hearted effort, so I'm going to have to decline the request.


Application Denied

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