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KattenIlluminatte - Alberyk - 2018-03-04 00:44:03

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BYOND Key: KattenIlluminatte

Staff BYOND Key: alberyk

Game ID: bTc-dsWv

Reason for complaint: Uses "for no reason" submission to the words used to write a warning record. Rephrases each record so it might be understood however you want. Being non-following his own persuasion beliefs. Does not explain shit, why ever he thought this way and why it can't be the way another. Ain't listening to the word said to him. Got a strange understanding on how the cyborgs should work. Being totally unconvincing, rephrases each situation on however he like and sees it only from his own perspective and tries to convince player that he's point of view is the only right one, without any desire to listen to point of view the another one. Being insured, that under code red and cyborg override status, combat cyborgs might do whatever they want and kill as much as they would want to, while if someone will turn out unavailable to apply combat module once more (and before assaulted like 3 people in a row), if the player applies security module while code red and cyborg crisis override mode being still active over station, seeing a baldie beating down camera with a crowbar and harmbatoning shit out of him and passing his body to medical crew while he's being still alive - that's the reason to immediately receive warning complaint which does not include nor situation when it was happened, nor under which curcumstances it was been complete, nor a code red, nor a cyborg override, NOTHING. Instead, writing some shit like "beating up some guy for little to no reason" . Banning admin-pm's in a middle of a conversation and not even trying to explain WHAT EXACTLY appeared to call such a responce and why the hell being a security cyborg instead of combat one shall under the same curcumstances and situations, should be acted totally differently, having a full right to kill in one case and being unable to prevent further damage and teaching the baldie a lesson to not bust down cameras during code red - in another.

Evidence/logs/etc: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8z4k8gn80vunyi/bandicam%202018-03-04%2006-11-31-707.png?dl=0


Additional remarks: the other one warning, I don't remember exactly what happened there, but I do remember that we're argued with him a lot too. #2 - Look for the attack log from Robert Lawbla on the camera yourself. The hits of a crowbar or whatever he did busted it down with, had been heard even from medical hallway


The fact it was code red and lethal force was being used against a certain group that was clearly trying to kill the crew does not excuse the fact you attacked someone with a stunbaton, as a cyborg that is clearly lawed to protect the crew, because they hit a camera once. It was far beyond resonable, even taking in consideration it was code red, when you could have just stunned them with all other tools you had. Also, I did spend several minutes explaining what was wrong with your behavior, and I just muted you when the departures shuttle landed because I was not going to repeat myself over and over.


All cyborg platforms did receive permission for lethal punishment for "hostile actions" from both security team and AI. How much would you count bashing a security camera a hostile action during a code red? I would personally do count a bit.


Robot Talk, ESRA states, "Select targets wisely. Hostile crew members will attempt to harm other crew members, destroy station equipment, and damage station bound units. They must be pacified at all costs." Robot Talk, Bit states, "Roger."

Robot Talk, ESRA states, "Not all criminals are hostiles. Do not engage all criminals with lethal intent. Only hostiles."

Robot Talk, ESRA states, "Note the physiology of certain hostiles. Some of them are not crew members and, in fact, some form of unknown intruder." You disable your integrated light. [15:10] IRD says, "Shame." [15:10][Common] Anwen Blossom asks, "You h-heard be, anybody?" Robot Talk, ESRA states, "Unknown intruders can be engaged on sight. Execute with extreme prejudice."


I am fairly sure there is a clear difference between assaulting a crewmember with a sword and hitting a camera with a crowbar, the fact you were allowed to kill someone does not imply you can kill or assault anyone else with with flimsy excuse, mostly when you had a flash, taser, stunbaton and cuffs as a security cyborg.


The fact it was code red and lethal force was being used against a certain group that was clearly trying to kill the crew does not excuse the fact you attacked someone with a stunbaton, as a cyborg that is clearly lawed to protect the crew, because they hit a camera once. It was far beyond resonable, even taking in consideration it was code red, when you could have just stunned them with all other tools you had. Also, I did spend several minutes explaining what was wrong with your behavior, and I just muted you when the departures shuttle landed because I was not going to repeat myself over and over.


I've attacked someone with stunbaton. Combat borgs are beating up someone to death with powered hammers and shooting them with laser weaponry. To death, even the station crew. And the fact that there was three of us (combat cyborgs) and you messaged the one which did switched to secborg, it took you 3 seconds to halt me over and take a little bit of conversation, after I did slain one and attacked at least 3 not much less of a crewmembers. Their only difference was a grey robe and a glowing sword.

I do personnally think there is difference how the security team should react, between green and red states of alarms. And this applies to a crew as well. What did managed to poor assistant to start beating up security cameras? Was it their free will? Did they do it on purpose? He did surely know about ERT arrival and all that crown scene going on among the station borders. He did seen the security staff running around with heavy equipment and geared up to their best. It was not just one sec guy, not two, not three. He did heared screams over the radio, he did heared screams over some dude yelling there's some guy hiding in cargo maintenance, and he definately was aware of the chucklehack going on right infront of robotics lab reception office.

Combat cyborgs are protected by law sets as well, and they have to obey them just as well as the other module packs do. I don't know why it's not being paid much attention, but it seems like security cyborgs are not supposed to respond accordingly the station threat level, while combat module have a full right to clean out half of a station crew just because they're wearing some weird robes and holding some shining glowsticks in their hands.

And yeah, he still did destroyed it. Sec camera was not moving at a glance look. Firstly I did heared this while being even in a medical hallway, It was like 3 or 4 hits and that guy did alredy tried to leave to the east side of hallway, with some crowbar in his hands or whatever he was holding. Of course it's not only me who's noticed a weird sounds, some medical dude did went to check things out with me as well. So, yes, i've harmbatoned him a couple times, cuffed him and let the medical team do their job in order. All because some baldie thought it would be a great idea to robust a couple of cameras with security unit being in a corridor right to the next door

I do not know exactly why you muted me, either it was me being on the nerves, either it was you being bad in explaining stuff, you could always pm something like "katten, let's let it slide, I got a lot of to do, we'll discuss that later". And it would be no problem, I would gladly accept that proposal, but instead you did had nothing to do other than just mute my further admin-pm appeals. It's not the way it supposed to go, you're a smart man, you know your things. How the hell it managed to get that way


I am fairly sure there is a clear difference between assaulting a crewmember with a sword and hitting a camera with a crowbar, the fact you were allowed to kill someone does not imply you can kill or assault anyone else with with flimsy excuse, mostly when you had a flash, taser, stunbaton and cuffs as a security cyborg.


Yes, I do agree, there is difference. Things got escalated at this point, and so it came to be. But there's no excuse to go confront security team in a middle of a full-scale cultist mutiny, even for an assistant, even if he did not got a role. Because on the other end, if he would appear to HAVE a role, it would not take too long for him to open a bag, look for a flash or emp paper or other corresponding device and beat a shit out of the security cyborg which did roll over to inspect, what the hell is happening there and why did the noise is the totally the same as some guy beating up someone with a glowing sword would be there.


Close the complaint thread. If I'm really appear to be so unable to control myself under the adrenaline, it will be better for me to not to play as an AI or borgs anymore. I will look for my errors, and yes, even if alberyk was right on this case. I don't want this to escalate even more.


A brief look does put Alberyk in the right here. Even when the context permits lethals on sight, it should only be done to those that deserve it.

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