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[Accepted] Calion'z Vaurca application

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BYOND Key: Calion12

Character Names: Seraph, Vieniamin Zokolov, Vhideal Al'Majoree, (occazionally) Grey, Captain Kli (vox merchant), Wendigo, Iriz Vhrozt

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): R: 61, G: 0, B: 0

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yez

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

The tranzhumanizt ideaz that they reprezent iz very interezting to me. I have alwayz had a vhazination with the conzept of at what point zomeone goez vhrom being an organic with zythetic partz to a zythetic with organic partz and I wish to get a clozer, more in-depth vheel ovh what it would be like to live az zomething that iz already toeing the line. While thiz iz the main reazon I want to vhlay the termitez, the unique clazz zyztem alzo haz me interezted, the moral queztionability of zomething like labotomizing an entire clazz of people iz conzidered normal, for exzample.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

To ztart with, az I mentioned earlier, their clazz zyztem haz me intrigued az other razez have labelled zimilar eventz az horrivhic in the pazt but toeing the line ovh morality iz what thiz raze doez better than any ovher that I have come acrozz. Not to mention the impoverizhed ztate that mozt live in could drive an interezting narrative of ztruggle and ztrife that many ovher razez do not need to deal with at leazt not to the zame exztent. When combined with the diztruzt zhown to them and limitz in what they are permitted to do, it makez it zeem like everything they own and accomplizhed, they have worked vhor and earned themzelves. The conzept ovh having your purpoze dictated vhrom the ztart to the end iz compelling and will lead to zome interezting talkz with razez and people that morally object to it.


Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Lir Zo'ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Account ovh Ka'Akaix'Lir Zo'ra zhared to officialz az per hiring agreement:

Account taken from Lir personally, made more comprehensive and thus, easier for human officials to comprehend.

As a larva, my function was decided for me, I was left to mature for 6 months, implanted and 'schooled' for the rest of the year from information fed through the neural socket. My assignment was to be a healer, a protector. Time is strange in VR, we run through every scenario for every race from light bumps on a tajara to a human with a bloodied stump in place of a leg. Time is taken to master stabilising them all, ensuring they do not succumb to the light of death as a result of my own inefficiency. I am unbound, I am able to think for myself, act on my own. Through this gift I am able to make do with whatever I can, on the fly, whatever I must to ensure my duty is not failed. A tajara, arm gone, a burning torch sitting besides it. Bleeding fast, my duty lies in stopping this. The torch is put to the stump, the tajara screaming in agony but I remove the torch and the bleeding is stopped. A skrell, lying on an operating table, burst lung. Already under anaesthetics so I can begin work. The scalpel deftly cuts into the chest, bones moved out of the way, ensuring no fragments cause yet more damage. The rupture is patched and fixed, sealed over. It wakes up again and can breath without spewing blue liquid onto the floor. Each day, a new situation. Every now and then I would be sent to another island across the glassy sea, operating under different conditions. All the while, the glowing golden residence of Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra maintained an omnipresence much like the gas giant of sedanris above. After years in virtual space, I master my duty. I now command it, no the other way round. The CB was not incorrect in determining my destiny.

I am jacked out, the endless scenarios come to a halt, I am ready for my true task. I am to operate on my own to serve the interests of Nano Transen and ensure that it's workers do not succumb like the hundreds did at the start of my training. I am sent here, information on this language of yours already transmitted although, I am not that practised yet. I take my seat, inform you of my duty and re-tell this story as per my duty requires.

What do you like about this character?

They are zimpliztic and dedicated. Having lived in the virtual vhor zo long to vhulvhil a zingle purpose, the culture zhock will make for zome dezent interaction with the inhabitantz of the ztation az they are vhorzed to enter zituatinz not covered in the virtual.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7/10 ish. If I get into a character, I like to think I become that character, an extension of them. That said, I am not infallible, obviously and occasionally do slip up or make mistakes here or there.

Notes: None.

DECODED VERSION (normal words)

Q1: The trans-humanist ideas that they represent is very interesting to me. I have always had a fascination with the concept of at what point someone goes from being an organic with synthetic parts to a synthetic with organic parts and I wish to get a closer, more in-depth feel of what it would be like to live as something that is already toeing the line. While this is the main reason I want to play the termites, the unique class system also has me interested, the moral ambiguity of something like lobotomising an entire class of people is considered normal, for example.

Q2: To start with, as I mentioned earlier, their class system has me intrigued as other races have labelled similar events as horrific in the past but toeing the line of morality is what this raze does better than any other that I have come across. Not to mention the impoverished state that most live in could drive an interesting narrative of struggle and strife that many other races do not need to deal with at least not to the same extent. When combined with the disrupt shown to them and limits in what they are permitted to do, it makes it seem like everything they own and accomplished, they have worked for and earned themselves. The concept of having your purpose dictated from the start to the end is compelling and will lead to some interesting talks with races and people that morally object to it.


I like that its framed as an interview and your character is pretty solid. If you could, please advertise your application in the game a bit for some feedback to seal the deal!


Rarely do I see an application where I just go:

"Hey wow. Nice application."

So, hey wow. Nice application.

+1, fully understanding lore is always good to me in whitelists.

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