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Serveris6's Coder Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username:Serveris6

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter):Coder

Past Experiences/Knowledge:

  • Basic-intermediate knowledge of javascript
  • Basic understanding of css
  • Very basic understanding of binary and hex editing. (Which, let's be honest, hex editing is the only conventional thing you would use binary for on dream maker.)
  • Intermediate knowledge of NTSL
  • Familiar with the dreammaker interface. All of it. I can confidently say that I have the knowledge to act as any developer using the dreammaker software. The mapping interface, the spriting tools, and the foundations of the NTSL(JavaScript, PHP, the barest lines of C++) system. I'm applying for a coding position because I believe this is what Aurora is lacking the most, and it is also the skill which I want to apply myself towards.


Examples of Past Work:Former mapper for D2K5, but after roughly two months of that, I also began working on contributing snippets of code to larger projects, and roughly two months before its collapse, did a fair bit of item implementation for new features, with very minor roles in configuring atmospherics, and a major role in new medical features. Unfortunately, as anyone that's played on D2K5 can tell you, the server's administration imploded a little over a year ago, and the head developer scrapped the repository out of spite to the server owner, therefore nulling any examples/projects that I could present.

Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.):Steam, forum PMs, interaction whilst on the server.

Additional Comments:

My primary reason for wanting to join the developer team is because I'm constantly looking for new ways to contribute to the community, and this seems to be the most effective means of doing that.

Over the forums and in OOC, I've seen lots of popular ideas, and interesting suggestions, either shot down or completely ignored simply because developers, "Didn't want to waste energy on it," or, "Have other priorities," that they're pre-occupied with.

Which is totally fine, I understand; there are more important things going on. What I'm saying is, I would be willing to shoulder processing custom item code, and working on binned project ideas, and hopefully lessen the load on what seems to be an overburdened code team.

Let it be known that I consider myself a novice coder, I'm fully capable of reading and understanding SS13's inner-workings, as well as manipulating most elements of it with little difficulty(there are a select few files that I consider partially outside of my field of knowledge.) .

Part of my reasoning to pursue this, alongside contributing to the community, is I wish to take this up as a learning experience. It would be splendid to be able to honestly say I am capable of crunching through any project thrown at me. I don't often get to apply what I've learned in computer software courses (I am taking several at this moment) into useful applications, such as this, and would relish the opportunity to practice what I've learned.

Thank you for your review. Critique, support, and questions are, of course, welcome.

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