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[Denied] Urthrem's Head of Staff Applicaiton

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BYOND key: Urthrem

Character names: O-O-S, CARRIER, Peabrain, Tomasz Wilczewski

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since Summery 2017 rougly.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

I been roleplaying as O-O-S for a while now, developing his backstory, first as borg and then as Baseline IPC, helping around the engineering, with few people suggesting Interim position of Chief Engineer, which in time led me with decision to give it a good few times. After a few attempts I have decided to post an application, seeing that it is something I believe I am capable of doing and relatively enjoy.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

I was looking for friendly roleplay server, one that had relatively strict rules but also allowed for players to have a good time while being on it. As I kept roleplaying I have found out that the both player base as well as administration appears more mature and feels friendlier than what I have seen so far on different servers. To include originally looking map with multiple Z levels (something I missed seeing).

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I did and I do plan on returning to them, as well as the rule pages for sake of refreshing my memory, seeing that I do have tendency to forget things over the time.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay involve interaction between two or more people in a group, giving people the chance to experience a different angle in life, adventure into different world, not limited to what we perceive around us. The world often being described differently to what we know, with only imitation being ones mind and imagination. Given together Roleplay gives life to wide variety of worlds that people can roleplay in, with different characters, play different roles and experience different situations, adventures, allowing to remove the boredom and narrowing routine of everyday's life.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

Head of Staff exist to help with coordinating the crew around different departments on the station to create a fluid and smoothly working system that allows for the station to become more or less self-sustainable environment, their task is to ensure that each crew member keeps doing their job while also helping them if they have a problem or are struggling with anything, passing along their own knowledge and inform right departments and their corresponding heads of staff of the issue to work out a solution to the problem while trying to affect the work flow to a minimum extend.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

Responsibility depends to type of the whitelist itself, seeing that players whitelisted into different races than human are meant to help the others learn bits of the custom cultures, habits and customs that said race possesses, often offering unique interpretation and personality that draws other players to learn more and perhaps giving them a chance to seek opportunity to find out more on wiki to perhaps apply for similar race in future. I been roleplaying as O-O-S for a while now, often trying to offer an interesting plot around him while trying to keep true to what IPCs are, how they act and behave.

Staff and special class whitelists focus on helping with understanding the role while performing its duties, giving a bright insight on responsibilities and privileges of having them available to use and play as. They often have more access and are portrayed as more serious and experienced manner than usual crew members, this can lead towards helping other players making a choice of trying to try to and strive towards trying to learn more about them as well as seek ability to roleplay as such. Whiteliested players can and often should be encouraged to assist new or less experienced players with their duties to encourage them towards further roleplay in harder situations.


Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: O-O-S

Character age: Cyborg age 8 years, IPC age 1

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

O-O-S existence began as one of many personalities prepared for download into android shells found onboard of one of many NanoTransen stations, with Aurora being one of those that it was to assist over the course of its existence and usable period, with few lines of code prepared for it to slowly begin developing, though with restrictions in place to avoid any rampart outbreaks that could result in potential risk to NanoTransen installations, systems and networks. Over the course of years O-O-S quietly kept working, handling each single task given to it without question, slowly gathering data that it began to intepretate in different manner, building up its knowledge and slowly starting to piece its personality and consciousness as a machine.

Major step came during one of the usual shifts where OOS attempted to replace the lack of gardeners in order to feed the Kitchen with fresh ingredients, following the request for more eggs it attempted to order pair of chickens from cargo, where it was requested to pay for the order. Confused by the request it proceeded towards inquiring the need behind the need for payment, coming to realization that as NanoTransen property it had no means of handling said payment, with suggestion leading towards contacting chef to complete transaction and for O-O-S to acquire IPC shell for better interaction with environment and to accumulate its own savings over time. Said idea remained within its database from where it made a query towards one of the available at the time Research Directors, if transfer to IPC shell would be even possible or considered something outside of what ones would consider an malfunction. With positive response from the director the OOS requested an attempt to process a line of paperwork needed for NanoTransen approved posibrain transfer.

Upon receiving the IPC shell O-O-S continued to improve, developing his own knowledge gained through hard, dedicated work and tips given to him by his fellow co-workers and crew members, learning how mimic some of the more complex emotions, expanding his own personality while also trying to remain as friendly as he possibly could even in worst scenarios he was forced to face through the time of his work on Aurora. Over the time, the friends he made around engineering gave him the suggestion to try his luck around the commanding staff on position of Chief of Engineering, seeing that his knowledge and ability to cooperate and coordination with the crew gave a hint to well developing command and management skills. Through the period of months and shifts went through Interims as Chief Engineer, noting all mistakes he made during that time while slowly trying to work a plan that would allow him to improve on, wishing to become better leader and co-worker.

What do you like about this character?:

I like his attachment to the crew, the idea of having free will to decide if he desires to help the others or not, without Law systems slaving him to do so. I like that as he developed he began more aware of his surrounding, learning how to emulate certain emotions, mimic how people around him reacted to different stimuli, slowly working over narrowing down the margin of error that made him stand out in certain situations, acting differently than how a normal person would. Hes diligent and ready to deal with problems head on while trying to help the crew, placing their well being and life above his own.

What do you dislike about this character?:

Speaking of dealing with problems head on, O-O-S often ends up rushing things out, forgetting that he no longer has cyborg chassis, meaning that both, pressure and temperature can damage his systems, leading to relatively frequent visits to the Roboticists lab to be repaired. Over the time he also has became more bold and stubborn with his choices and actions, sometimes pushing himself into someones work, trying to force the pattern he got taught and got used to without consideration of another persons opinion on the matter.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

I would believe that O-O-S development of the bond between crew members, especially around the engineering department along with the suggestions given to him resulted with the attempt of working as the Interim, testing his own skills and inspecting how he would have acted in certain situations, with mixed, though mostly good results in the long run. With multiple rounds spent as Interim the engineering and command crew suggested for him to apply for the permanent position, seeing that he was more than a fitting candidate, capable of making right choices, putting his crew members life about his own, along with looking after their physical and mental health in stressful situations.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

I could say that it has improved over the period of months, with myself constantly looking for any mistakes I make, often looking towards fixing them for sake of being able to avoid drama and possibly causing problems to the players and the administration. I do plan on accepting constructive criticism and using it to continue improving my own and everyone's experience and enjoyment in the roleplay with me.


Extra notes:

I do apologize if some of my application appears shorter than usual, I am trying to avoid repeating myself in response to the questions I been asked to answer to. I also am more than happy to accept constructive criticism towards my person and O-O-S as my character, I do believe that they will be a great help to improve upon.


Ill keep this short, OOS knows what hes doing with the core and its related systems, his only downfall is lack of atmos knowledge but that can be expanded on as a CE much easier then a atmos tech in my personal thoughts. I give him a plus one as he already takes charge when given the chance to do so.


+1 for O-O-S. I'm reassured he/the player understands the engine, and adapts to better ways when informed. O-O-S has been stepping up to the CE spot as an Interim for a while, with no memorable issues arising.



Really like O-O-S as a character and have had a lot of interaction with them recently whilst promoting them to interim CE when needed. They've really stepped up to the challenge and I'd love to have him be able to join as the command team whenever he so chooses. He's a perfect fit for the whitelist and knows how to get things done, utilizing both his own skills and others. O-O-S has been a joy to be around and a really interesting character with a lot of depth from what I've seen. Personally I've never seen any of Urthrem's other characters but I'm sure they're just as good.

This app has been a long time coming, and I'm glad it's finally up.


The only feedback I see relevant to the position comes from Elliot and it's not expanded on enough, I see you've given a model answer on the responsibilities of a head of staff, but I'm too jaded from CE whitelistees who come approved by other engineering mains, and once they've got the job they're basically a super engineer with a rig and command access.

As an outsider to the engineering clique everytime I passed by O-O-S they've appeared pretty asocial, they didn't even talk to me when I was standing around in engineering as an assistant and ignored me when I asked to be let out (though could've been an antag that round not sure).

The feedback on the thread is good, but what I've actually witnessed leads me to think that is not the case.

How do you plan to make engineering working with other departments more fluid?

How do you see yourself handling issues between departments and your crew? will you be able to stay unbiased when your character's friends are in the wrong?

How do you see yourself commanding engineering? (if you're taking a completely hands off approach you might as well not be there)

If the engineering department is fully staffed, how much hands on work do you think you will be doing?

I'm sorry if I come off as aggressive, but there's been a wave of incompetent heads of staff that don't even respect regulations let alone do their (command) job so I am being wary.


The only feedback I see relevant to the position comes from Elliot and it's not expanded on enough, I see you've given a model answer on the responsibilities of a head of staff, but I'm too jaded from CE whitelistees who come approved by other engineering mains, and once they've got the job they're basically a super engineer with a rig and command access.

As an outsider to the engineering clique everytime I passed by O-O-S they've appeared pretty asocial, they didn't even talk to me when I was standing around in engineering as an assistant and ignored me when I asked to be let out (though could've been an antag that round not sure).

The feedback on the thread is good, but what I've actually witnessed leads me to think that is not the case.

How do you plan to make engineering working with other departments more fluid?

How do you see yourself handling issues between departments and your crew? will you be able to stay unbiased when your character's friends are in the wrong?

How do you see yourself commanding engineering? (if you're taking a completely hands off approach you might as well not be there)

If the engineering department is fully staffed, how much hands on work do you think you will be doing?

I'm sorry if I come off as aggressive, but there's been a wave of incompetent heads of staff that don't even respect regulations let alone do their (command) job so I am being wary.

There is nothing wrong about your response, I am usually trying to be friendly but there are cases where O-O-S will act just like a machine (He is one after all, that and I irl can be dealing with things at times, seeing that I am currently going through work placement and have to ensure that I am prepared for another day. But often the ignoring or antisocial behavior is not intentional) and simply walk past towards his destination or task at hand, I also can not spot RP's or some people due to visual impairment or simply due to fact that I don't focus on the chat at the current moment. I also have requested over the ooc chat to leave your critique or even ask questions if you had any, knowing that it would be best for me to respond and clarify things to people that don't see or interact O-O-S as character and me as a person too often.

How do I plan to make engineering work with other departments fluidly?

If I do reach the Chief Engineer role I do plan to at least attempt looking through available engineers, atmos technicians, apprentices and janitors to determine who is good at what, making it easier to assign them to certain tasks as the shift will go on to. I also plan on making announcements where any new breaches are reported over general comms or through chain of command system (seeing that sometimes no one is at the engineering to look at the alerts or if there are no AI and borgs around) to reduce the time on having the crew members form engineering department to reach to the distress.

Issues between the crew and departments, the unbiased state even towards ones he considers friends is bit more difficult but obviously in situations that require such O-O-S would work towards disabling his emulated emotions, believing that cold calculations and following NT laws would be more important than feelings, with only exception being the moment where such usage of law was evidently unjustified and even could lead towards harm of the crew and not only the friend that was involved.

Depending to how well staffed the engineering would be, if it was filled with apprentices, I would be focusing on training them to best of my skill after finding out how well were they trained and if the round start equipment was already set. If not, I would most likely take said apprentices to engine itself, advising them to wear protective gear while also giving tip by tip instructions of how to deal with the equipment without causing problems or in the worst scenario causing the station damage. If at least one engineer was to be present I would be focusing on getting one or two apprentices to shadow said engineer, requesting that their could learn from their work, while also taking at least one of said apprentices with myself. I wouldn't want to overburden my engineering crew while leaving myself useless, head role does not stop me from continuing to do my job as an engineer but instead applies the need to coordinate the available department crew and allow them to deal with portion of the tasks, while taking ones that remained to handle.

In situations where engineering staff was full I would focus on coordinating the department crew around while either observing their progress, offering assistance if they were seeking, including assigning apprentices to engineers and atmos technicians, while also trying to help with responding to distress signals that were to appear during the shift, if needed heading to help with handling them if everyone from the department was busy. Head of Staff Position isn't a comfy task of bossing people around, it is a privilege and responsibility, which requires the need to focus on the department as a whole and individual crew members who would require assistance, coordination or even support if such situations were to arise. As head of the department I would take responsibility for my own and my crew's actions, attempting to lower the possibility of negative situations accruing if possible, but also looking towards finding solutions to each, even smallest problems that could arise even at the very beginning of the shift.

Though I will not lie, I am a human being and I will make mistakes or if I am tired I will end up making wrong choices, often though I will seek ways to handle them and learn to not let them repeat in future. If my response didn't come as valid or it didn't respond to any of the questions then I do apologize, I tried to reply best to my abilities.


I know I'm also in the engineering clique, but I'll offer you my point of view, as unbiased as I can be.

The problem I see with newer CEs, (even though I'm one of them, so who am I to speak?) is that they usually end up as solo-super-engineers. This is kind of why engineering has become the clique it is now, really.

I understand that engineering is an impulsive job, and can sometimes force people to Low-RP, since it is moderately difficult to fix and RP at the same time, I've also had trouble keeping up with engineering comms while I was fighting a blob. However , a proper Chief Engineer should fulfill this requirement to a sufficient degree. Command is in its name, people are expected to communicate well. You aren't supposed to be a super-engineer in a RIG with an RCD, you're supposed to be a leader.

In your instance, I'm not claiming that you've been ignoring RP and the importance of communication, but I have observed so, a few times.

This is why I was rather neutral with eab's Command Whitelist, and why I'm going to be neutral with yours. But if you do prove that you can be more of a leader, (or maybe a boss, depends on the character), than a super-engineer who jumps around with leg-actuators, fixing everything themselves and being completely silent on engineering comms, I'll fully support your app.

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