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[Denied] Simfantic- Dionaea Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Simfantic

Character Names: Lucy Nero, Spencer Hendricks, Carrie Ringer and M.A.I [i.S.A.I when AI]

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): n/a

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have seen many Dionaea, It looks to be a pleasant species to roleplay as. I have read the wikipage extensively and every moment I read I wanted to become one more and more. The species lore is quite interesting and I hope I can partake in it.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionaea are very intelligent creatures, far different to that of a human, but they do have to learn in order to gain the intelligence. Mentally fast, their bodies arnt as caught up as the rest, they walk extremely slow and sometimes require help in order move to other places in order to get their quickly. Dionaea do not really feel pain, or none at all, this is an advantage in the scientific field/medical field when they need to engage with something. Dionaea are very different and have a culture which spands universally.

Dionaea can speak a vast amount of languages when presented it and have learnt it, but there any languages which they can never be able to produce due to their slowness. Dionaea also do not repoduce like humans, and resort to a more asexual approach, like more plants on earth.


Character Name: Memoirs of Starsong

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Roughly 83 years prior to 2460, Memoirs of Starsong was 'born' on "DSS Ophion" Colossus/Shell. Along with many other pods that would have been left by the Dionaea which had produced them. They gathered biomass, it took time but eventually Startsong had gained enough to form a gestalt. They then gained knowledge, scientific knowledge. He had been 'raised' with highly methodical gestalts, eventually rubbing off on them.

At the age of 82, They had gained enough knowledge in order for NanoTrasen to accept them. They were screened in their abilities and they were allocated to the Science Department, specialising in Research and Development. They are eager to join the Research Station to help them learn, as well as learn themselves. They wonder what they can accomplish.

What do you like about this character?

I like this character as it has hints of my personality in it as well as my physical and mental abilities. I do like to be organised, which I will show in my character [them being methodical] as well as Im not really a runner, I prefer the water. I hope I can grow and flourish with this character, as well I hope others enjoy me playing as this character.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

5/10, but as a Dionaea, they are still learning, I hope I can do the same.

Notes:I really hope this is an improvement from my last whitelist.

Edited by Guest

Honestly; From the experiences I've had with your characters I don't really think you'd be a good whitelistee for /any/ race. You're very egotistical ICly with all of your characters, you've shown blatant disregard for superiors orders in the Science Department already if you actually plan on playing this character. You've gone so far as to have CCIA launch formal investigations twice and have a Bureau Admin come to the Aurora during an extended round, whom you didn't even bother being respectful to.

I'm going to have to give a -1, I personally don't think you'd make a good Dionae Whitelistee. History has a habit of repeating itself. Especially with you.


Honestly; From the experiences I've had with your characters I don't really think you'd be a good whitelistee for /any/ race. You're very egotistical ICly with all of your characters, you've shown blatant disregard for superiors orders in the Science Department already if you actually plan on playing this character. You've gone so far as to have CCIA launch formal investigations twice and have a Bureau Admin come to the Aurora during an extended round, whom you didn't even bother being respectful to.

I'm going to have to give a -1, I personally don't think you'd make a good Dionae Whitelistee. History has a habit of repeating itself. Especially with you.


I understand, but most of my characters do revolve around having a high ego, I am going to admit I have one as well so I wont particulary play with a character with a low ego. but Im not sure what trouble Ive had with superiors in Science. I had a problem with a medical superior who then assualted me in that round twice, so my character obviously will not listen to them but theBureau? I was only called once and it was sorted out fairly quickly, in that same round if I remember as well.


If I recall correctly, as I was the RD you failed to listen to the entire time while /kidnapping the captain during an extended round with telescience/, and severely disrespected the bureau head when he came, to the point you dodged questions and claimed to be the 'forefront of the field'. But this isn't a player complaint, so I'll leave it at that.

I'm simply voicing my grievances with you, as I don't think you'd make a whitelist, or give credit to any race you could pick. But this is my opinion, and I'm sure others have differing ones.


If I recall correctly, as I was the RD you failed to listen to the entire time while /kidnapping the captain during an extended round with telescience/, and severely disrespected the bureau head when he came, to the point you dodged questions and claimed to be the 'forefront of the field'. But this isn't a player complaint, so I'll leave it at that.

I'm simply voicing my grievances with you, as I don't think you'd make a whitelist, or give credit to any race you could pick. But this is my opinion, and I'm sure others have differing ones.


Wait what? Ive never kidnapped the Captain? I think you are getting confused, I used telescience once and that was an experiment and it went horribly. I honestly honestly think you are getting confused with someone else. I would most likely have a warning atleast for that, I dont see any. I do think you are confusing me with someone else.


I'm most certainly not. Kidnapping is taking someone against their will, which you did. It doesn't mean binding someone and forcing them into a maint tunnel or something.

Iirc [mention]Synnono[/mention] was the person playing the CCIABA that round so he can chime in if he wants. But as I said, this isn't a player complaint. Only me expressing my grievances, as I don't think you'd do well with a whitelist.


There is currently no CCIABS character that I have played or created. The last was Daniel Bay, played by ForgottenTraveler. I believe that case was shortly before he retired from the team.

I'll be making a new Bureau Supervisor soon, but I don't think that was me.

Edit: Got my wires crossed. I think catmom meant to indicate an agent, not a bureau head, and I'm also thinking of another extended round in which there was a scientist kidnapping the captain with telescience, as it was done by another player. What are the odds. I don't think I personally recall these events.


I'm most certainly not. Kidnapping is taking someone against their will, which you did. It doesn't mean binding someone and forcing them into a maint tunnel or something.

Iirc @Synnono was the person playing the CCIABA that round so he can chime in if he wants. But as I said, this isn't a player complaint. Only me expressing my grievances, as I don't think you'd do well with a whitelist.

Ive gone to the warning page, I have no warning, Im sure an admin would have given me one if I had infact done this. I have no memory of doing such thing, maybe an admin could clear this up? I honestly think that wasnt me.


Hello, there. I'm glad to see that you've taken some of the last loredev's advice and have since improved your ability to apply. I also appreciate how eager you are to apply for the species and show interest- however, there are still quite a few things that have to be discussed.

The first one is small and simple- some of your answers are a bit short for a paragraph, being three sentences long instead of the minimum five. The second one is that you didn't quite describe to as of how the lore is interesting to you- what makes it so special? The third is about the character themselves. There's more here about the character than in your last application for their backstory, but it's lacking some important details. No matter how much knowledge you have, you still have to go to college to earn a degree to prove that you do in fact know what you're doing. This isn't the old days where you can just say "yeah, I know how to do this" and then do it for a living. This is a far more complex future where far more complex machines and instuments are used; an advanced megacorp such as NanoTrasen doesn't want just anyone on board. Such equipment can really cause massive problems, even mass death, and they want to make certain you're trained to avoid catastrophe. Additionally, don't be afraid to put down more than two paragraphs- I love to read, and it says "minimum" for those who really want to splurge on the details.

And lastly. You probably knew this was coming, but you have quite a number of notes, warnings, and bans from the short time that you've been with the community. I understand that being new to the game as a whole is very difficult, especially on a high RP server, and even just changing servers when you already know the game is difficult. I rememeber the amount bwoinks from when I first started. But with the frequency that you recieve these, I am incredibly wary of this application. As it has been said several times before to you, you are on incredibly thin ice.

A whitelist is a privilege to have, and you can't have one if you keep causing difficulties because it shows that you might more or less not care about the server and it's community. Not only do we have to know the lore well, but we also have to play well and be a good sport. To grow and flourish with the character, you have to first grow and flourish with the community as a player. I would like to see a couple months' worth of gameplay that are stable- no warnings or bans. This is to see if you are capable of being a good, dedicated player- not just to the lore, but to the community as well.

To help you out a little with this task, I'm going to drop this link here. Make sure to read the quick-start guide and follow the other links to the rules and regulations. Additionally, read the job guide for a better outline for what your duties entail. All of them helped me out immensely in my early days, and eventually I became good enough of a player that I no longer heard the dreaded bwoink. Above all, don't be afraid to ask help from others and use the ahelp function if you're uncertain! The general rule is to follow common sense as well- as a high roleplay server, applying real life logic to the game is highly encouraged. "If I was my character and in this situation, what would I of have done? What if I did it at my work in real life?"

In conclusion, I'm going to have to decline this application and let you grow a bit more for a while longer. But don't be discouraged- I have seen an improvement since your last application, but your gameplay is a little neglected. And you've given yourself a more humble rating to show that you know this- honesty is appreciated. After couple of months of learning and growing more, feel free to try and re-apply again. I know of a few people that had to re-apply a handful of times before they were finally accepted, so work hard and we might see some positive results! Hope to hear from you again, in due time.


Application denied.

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