Kaed Posted April 2, 2018 Posted April 2, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. A Shaman Surprise The mountainside city of Bahard received an unusual surprise yesterday morning when a th’akh Shaman arrived in their gates. The shaman was immediately recognized from his garb as member of the Akhanzi Order, the local tha’kh organization that has several temples within the heights of the Sarnazi mountain range that Bahard was founded in. “I was surprised to see him at the gate! You hardly see them out in the open, unless there’s some kind of ceremony that brings them out of the temple up there. But there he was, all alone, in this weather. Did he walk all the way down the mountain, at his age?” ---Ruhora Ukalar, local guard posted at city gates After being welcomed into the city and given a place to rest and refresh himself, the shaman identified himself as Elder Vuthix Akhandi. Once a member of the Zsrekuih clan, Vuthix renounced his ties to his clan over thirty years ago to join the Akhanzi Order, and has only left the temple two times in the past since then. When asked what had brought him down to the city without any attendants to assist him, he divulged that he had made the decision himself independent of his peers, because wished to address the public about something he felt strongly about and could not do this by remaining cloistered in the Akhanzi temple. After some questioning about the nature of his address, he gained the interest of the Lord of Bahard, and the shaman was given freedom to make a public address to the people of the city outside the city hall. The unusual nature of the event caused part of the city to slow down as hundreds of curious onlookers gathered in anticipation of the speech by Elder Vuthix Akhandi. The crowd grew larger as the speech went on, and it gained media attention. “I have watched the path of our people for the decades, and in recent years I have become increasingly concerned with the choices that have been made by us, and on behalf of us. The legacy of our ancestors and our people speak in many voices, and it is this diversity that defines the Sinta people.” “It is a grave disservice to our many peoples and beliefs to unite under the guise of a single banner, and to allow a single clan to speak for us in the growing universe we live in. The Hegemony claims the most fertile lands of our ruined world, and the support of many of our people, but many others languish in poverty and obscurity within the wastelands and within the Hegemony’s own cities. Theirs is the face that presents itself to the many outsiders looking down upon us, and makes choices for our home and our people on our behalf.” “It is this perhaps growing trend of unification mindset that has lead to the increasing popularity of the Sk’akh sect within the borders of the Hegemony. But it is as great an insult to our ancestors as it is to our living generation to imply that they could all unify into a single voice.” “Unzi and the entire Sk’akh sect have lost the way of their ancestors, misguided by the beliefs and environment that has nurtured their errant growth. I have heard the voice of the people myself and what he has been doing, and I urge him to curtail the excesses he had begun in the persecution of the sinta people, and to disband the Maraziite Order. I have no confidence in the ability of Unzi to guide our people away from the existential threat he claims to fight. His zeal and disregard for the lives of the wayward unathi, their families, and those around them has caused immeasurable harm to our people. I urge him to release the prisoners that he has taken to the custody of those with more spiritual wisdom, and take some time to search his soul and commune with his ancestors, that he might find the right path again.” “No one individual can decide the fate of our souls, or one clan the destination of our people.” ---Notable Excerpts from Elder Vuthix Akandi’s speech. The impassioned speech about Hegemony and Sk’akh church gained the attention was filmed by several different journalists, and the recordings have begun to be distributed widely, creating powerful division within the public mindset. Scattered rumors suggest that Elder Vuthix Akhandi has been issued an invitation by a nearby major clan lord, both for support and protection. Whatever the future holds for him, we can definitively say that his words have caught the attention of the sinta people. The Wasteland Window will be keeping an eye out for further news on this shaman!
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted April 3, 2018 Posted April 3, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. Maraziites Targeting Akhanzi Enclaves The once secluded Akhanzi Order have emerged from their self-imposed isolation in recent days. For thousands of years the Order has been content to remain in quiet contemplation within the sacred mountain temples. But the growing concern from the Akhandi within the Order have caused many temples to begin looking outward. The Contact War spared nearly all the Akhanzi temples due to their remote locations in the mountains, and because of this they have received many refugees seeking refuge from the Wasteland. In recent years this influx has also included a growing size of Guwan and religious minorities escaping persecution from the marauding Maraziite Order. Venerable Elder Vuthix Akandi spoke about this issue in Baandr, urging restraint from the Maraziites on their crusade. Unfortunately for the Arkhandi, this seems to have backfired spectacularly. Helicopters and convoys of vehicles have been surrounding Arkhanzi temples and villages surrounding them in the mountains north of Baandr and all down the mountain range that shields the Untouched Lands, where most of the Arkhanzi are located. Villagers present are claiming that the Maraziites are armed with clubs, spears, and rifles and committing many crimes. "The Sinta in the Iron masks went door to door, loudly knocking and breaking in if they were refused entry. They are demanding that we hand over Guwan that we've given shelter. We've petitioned the Temple to help us, but when several shamans came down to protest the mistreatment the Iron Masks started swatting at them with clubs and making them flee. The Iron Masks are kidnapping Guwan and claiming they are all hiding from justice and heresy. We are just trying to live in peace. We don't understand." -Jaizu'ku Aizuan, villager north of Baandr The same situation is unfolding in Akhanzi villages all over the mountains. In one instance the Iron Masks tried to break into the Kuizu Temple, an ancient monastery north-west of Baandr. A witness says that several Guwan fled into the temple, chased by Maraziites. The shamans slammed the door shut and had a pushing match with the Maraziites outside. It looked like the Maraziites were about to force their way inside but the shamans were able to barricade the door, sealing themselves inside. We tried to ask for justifications from the Maraziites and were repeatedly rebuffed and one of our journalists was even detained when asking questions. The only statement we have for this gross outbreak of sacrilidge is from a public statement from Baandr's Maraziite Chapter Master Iziko'ak Kui'zaiu. "We are finding Guwan that were involved in the matricide and uprising in Baandr that took place last year. We believe they are the last followers of the Heretic Iakeiz Thazii. If you have nothing to fear then you have nothing to hide and no reason to stand in our way. We act only to bring vileness and evil under the searing light of Sk'akh's justice." -Baandr's Maraziite Chapter Master Iziko'ak Kui'zaiu. Over a dozen Guwan have been forcefully kidnapped and two temples have been violated, with at least three shamans being wounded by excessive force. Elder Vuthix Akandi has sent an urgent petition for redress to the Izweski Hegemony for help, but there is no reported response as of yet.
Kaed Posted April 4, 2018 Author Posted April 4, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. Protest and Unrest in Baandr Unrest began in the city of Baandr early today as a number of civilians in the city began to lodge a protest in front of the city’s Maraziite chapter house where a number of recently taken Unathi are being held in the dungeon. Many of the protesters are residents of the city, and gathered to object to the arrest and detainment of their neighbors and family members by the Maraziite Order earlier this week. It is rumored to have been spearheaded by the recently politically vocal Vuthix Akhandi, who was last seen in Bahard The protest began peaceful but quickly turned violent. The crowd of protesters and their demands to release the forcibly - and by their words, illegally - obtained prisoners, was initially ignored by the Maraziite Order, but as the day continued the protest grew larger, the Maraziite chapter master Iziko'ak Kui'zaiu came out of the chapter house with a group of subordinates around noon and ordered the protest gathering to disperse. After several increasingly threatening attempts to demand their dispersal were refused, the chapter master turned his Maraziites on the protest group to disperse them by force. A violent battle between the two groups began, and Kui’zaiu called out more Maraziite members to support him in the conflict. “I was a little surprised how many of them were hiding weapons in their clothing. I guess they remembered how those Maraziites acted when they took everyone away. Not that it mattered.. tools and farming implements probably would have worked better if the Maraziites hadn’t been better armed. They had these buzzing clubs and every time they hit someone with them, they screamed and fell over. They also knew how to fight better than a group of farmers and craftsmen. It was awful..” ---Ssilla Ziukiek, onlooker and resident of Baandr After the protest group was suppressed by the Maraziites, many of the unconscious or incapacitated protesters were also taken prisoner and dragged into the chapter house. Several members of the protest group fled the fight, but little effort was made to pursue them. Several attempts were made by one onlooking reporter who recorded the conflict to request access to the chapter house. The Maraziites seemed unusually agitated about the situation, and refused to answer questions, and upon being pressed, the reporter’s recording equipment was seized by the Maraziites and the reporter was detained. Lord Mizaruz Gri'zan, ruler of the city and surrounding lands, was repeatedly confronted by the feuding sides in his Grand Hall where they petitioned him to do something. Lord Gri’zan is reported to have thrown out all the protesters and Maraziite representatives and ordered his guards to bar entry from anyone who has not received a personal invitation. So far, no one has managed to meet with Gri’zan. Attempts were made by several press groups to locate Vuthix Akhandi for interview, but they have been unable to locate him, as he appears to have left Bahard.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted April 12, 2018 Posted April 12, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. Akhandi Stage Prison Break: Unzi Vows Retaliation After it became clear that the Izweski would offer no safety from the militant Maraziite Order, the local communities of the Untouched Mountains have taken matters into their own hands. Lord Mizaruz Gri'zan has acknowledged that during the night the city's dungeon was broken into and hundreds of prisoners freed, and he implicated the Azkhandi Order in the attack. According to Lord Gri'zan, a group of shamans and villagers from the northern mountain temple attacked the dungeon just before 3am during a change of the guards. The shamans knocked several guards unconscious and briefly captured the warden in his office, seizing the keys to many cells. Two Iron Masks guarding the dungeons were also disabled by the shamans. “I was standing sentry at the gate and suddenly someone came up behind me and punched me really hard in like, my pressure points or something? I just remember watching the street and then I felt a thwump on my neck then I blacked out." -Kiua'zco Aizu, prison guard attacked by the Akhandi All of the prisoners are known Guwan or clanned Unathi awaiting trial by the Maraziite Order for accusations of heresy, using black magic, or other occultism. Originally the Order denied involvement in the attack, but video footage from the incident clearly show several Sinta obviously dressed as members of the Order sneaking through the prison and disabling guards. It is not clear why the Order did not disable cameras but Lord Gri'zan implied in his statement that the shamans were not familiar with the technology. After freeing the prisoners the group escorted the convicts out of the city where they are believed to have entered the protection of the various mountain temples. "The boy that seems to reluctantly hold the title of Lord-Regent of the Hegemony has made it very clear that we will receive no protections from the rule of law. The Izweski made promises of mediation and peace and then allowed us to be harassed and our communities violated by armed thugs. We decided that we will not sit idle while our friends and families are locked into cells for not marching in lockstep with radical fundamentalists. I do not regret the tactics. I have been rebuffed at every single step in my quest for peace." -Elder Akandi, on the incident Worryingly, the Sk'akh High Priest Unzi has targeted Akandi in his response shortly after the video footage came out. "Elder Akandi no doubt has considerable time to meditate and study in his secluded temple, constantly providing self-assurance for his actions. It is my hope he spends these last days of peace reflecting on his sins." - High Priest Unzi, leader of the Sk'akh Church Lord-Regent Not'zar Izweski released a response asking for a peaceful resolution to the crisis, encouraging both sides to enter into a dialogue. Unzi's intentions of retribution were made clear in his concise response to the young nobleman, "There will be peace when I am finished." - High Priest Unzi, leader of the Sk'akh Church, in his final public statement It is not clear what methods Unzi will use to attempt to punish the Akhanzi, but many temples and villages are reported to be boarding up their doors.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted April 23, 2018 Posted April 23, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. The Iron Crusade: The Akhanzi Have Been Destroyed The Maraziite Order has finished a lightning-fast campaign of brutal proportions with the expressed goal of wiping out the Akhanzi Order. The dozens of scattered temple communities were simultaneously attacked in the night. Witnesses from one specific battle at the temple community Yu'zo north of Res'karum was the first to be attacked, and a surviving witness describes the depths of the violence: "The Maraziite forces surrounded the temple village before the sunrise. They had armored cars and a flying machine that hovered over the temple itself. Villagers tried to flee but many were captured and put in chains. The leader of them announced by a megaphone that the temple would be destroyed for promoting occultism and heresy and the shamans had to surrender. When there was no response the Maraziites began their campaign of destruction. The Iron Masks surrounded the temple and began to squeeze the life out of the barricaded shaman defenders. They fired rubber bullets and tear gas through open windows to harass the defenders. After they failed to break the door open using makeshift battering rams, one of the Maraziite armored cars pulled up and rammed into the door at full speed. It broke down the door and crashed into the inner hall. Following it, over a dozen Maraziites burst inside. They began a systematic ransacking of the temple. Iron masks hunted down the shamans and attacked them with stun sticks, mace, and clubs. At the end of the siege the dozens of shamans were carried out in chains. The Maraziites then began looting the temple of all of its contents. The temple library was emptied and all of its contents were dumped into a large pile in the central hall inside the temple. After several hours of this, the Maraziites began pouring gas in many of the rooms and dumping it on the books. Seeing this and realizing what was coming, many shamans in cuffs began struggling and trying to attack the guards. But they were unable to stop the Maraziites, who threw in lit torches which started a fire that within minutes had consumed the temple and all contents within. The shamans let out a shout of dismay that matched the tragedy." - Ku'kazi Amunzi, exiled villager of Yuzo This scene played out across all the other Akhanzi communities, including the ancient and revered Durahi Monastery, believed to have been the oldest standing structure on Moghes at over 10,000 years old. Located within the most secluded mountain village west of Tzonia, this site saw a much more fierce battle. The remote settlement is only accessible via a winding dirt road up the mountains. The temple sits in a small valley and a mile further up the mountain, the small isolated town of Derhai with its 122,000 inhabitants stood. The defenders were given warning of the Maraziite approach and several shamans and villagers attempted to set up makeshift defenses. The Maraziites came up the mountain in a convoy of trucks and even three Hegranzi. They were attacked as they approached the Akhandi roadblock by the shamans who threw javelins at them. These defenses were quickly smashed by the armored vehicles and the defenders retreated. The Maraziites quickly reached the monastery and attacked it ferociously. While the defenders fought to defend the structure, other shamans, students, or visitors fled up the northern road carrying what they could on their backs. When they neared Derhai they came upon Elder Akandi who was coming from the village. Elder Akandi had seen smoke rising from the temple a mile down the mountain and had been rushing back to investigate. When told the news, Elder Akandi expressed alarm and said that all survivors should flee to the town and prepare. At the monastery, the clash between the defenders and attacking Iron Masks took a horrible turn. The Maraziites breached the walls and entered the sanctuary. They fought their way through the ground floor, throwing incendiary grenades to demoralize and choke out the defenders. Here the Maraziite Chapter Master Nu'ghai was leading the Maraziite forces and was encouraging his men to throw themselves into the fray. One of the surviving shamans of the encounter gave his account of the terrible bloodlust the Maraziites showed. "The Maraziites threw flaming torches through the windows and started a blaze on the second floor. The shamans struggled to fight the growing fire inside the sanctuary. The Maraziites showed no dread about what they were doing. It was like they were urged on by some demonic force. They began hurling even more flaming torches through the windows and even these evil little devices that exploded into flames. One of these little devices was thrown down a hallway into the library where the shamans were trying to save as many books as they could. Once the device exploded several bookshelves were consumed in flames which began to spread to the wooden foundations. When the flames spread through the library the defenders let out dismayed cries. All through the temple the defenders rushed to the library with no thought of self-preservation. The sacred structure they had maintained for so long was now vanishing before their very eyes. While the Temple was ablaze the Maraziites scoured it killed anyone they could find, ordered by Nu'ghai to cleanse the entire building. There was no mercy offered to the inhabitants and the ancestors themselves must have joined the pleas for mercy." - Ss'aldrii Aretri, survivor of the Durahi Massacre After burning the temple to the ground, the Maraziite horde began to move up the road to exact their violence upon the defenseless city of Durhai. On the way Nu'ghai vanquished village after village leading to the city, creating a steady stream of refugees that moved north and swelled the walls of the isolated city. Elder Akandi and a small retinue were the only Unathi moving south, determined to meet with the Maraziite Chapter Master. The old man, with nothing but his green robes, moved with determination to give himself in the defense of his followers. He met with Nu'ghai, who was marching at the head of his small army of fanatics. He met with Nu'ghai outside the ransacked village of Laizi. There he spoke with the Chapter Master at length. While we do not have any sources on what they spoke of, in the end Nu'ghai agreed to turn back from the city and spare it in exchange for Akandi surrendering himself to Maraziite authority. With that, the entire shamanistic order has been snuffed out. Any books or relics that the shamans managed to save from the fires of the temples were confiscated by the Maraziites. Any survivors hiding on Moghes are being ruthlessly hunted down. High Priest Unzi has given a victorious statement of victory after the success of his campaign. In his speech the tyrant said, "The amputation of a limb, no matter how vital we believe it to be to our lives, is often necessary to save the whole of the body from a spreading infection." - High Priest Unzi, on his crime It is rumored that he will be personally meeting later this week with Elder Akandi to offer him surrender terms. High Priest Unzi has suggested he will give the group a choice between conversion to Sk’akh or exile off of Moghes.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted May 4, 2018 Posted May 4, 2018 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. Si'akh Reavers Rescues Elder Akandi From Maraziites A band of Si'akh have rescued over 150 Akhanzi shamans from a Maraziite prison camp located in the Wasteland west of Kutah. The lighting fast raid has left three Maraziites dead and the entire prison camp deserted. The Akhanzi were herded into the prison camp in armored trucks several days ago as High Priest Unzi of the Sk’akh Church deliberates on what to do with the ancient religious order. He personally came to this prison camp to meet with Elder Akandi repeatedly to demand conversion by the shamans, but Elder Akandi repeatedly rebuffed him. Early this morning, before the sunrise, the camp was attacked by the band of Reavers of about 25. Wearing robes and with steel armor plating they fired on the camp guards with ballistic rifles while others charged the gates. After engaging in a melee at the camp entrance they subdued the Maraziite retinue and secured the camp. The Prophet Si'akh himself entered the camp to meet with Elder Akandi, where he held a lengthy and animated discussion. A witness at the time describes the exchange. ”Si'akh began telling Akandi of the great sins committed against them, and that he was here to liberate the from the daemonic forces that are seizing Moghes from the righteous. Elder Akandi looked bemused and said he was not interested in being converted. Si'akh became agitated and began throwing out his arms in animated gestures, shouting that there was no need to convert, that the sins of the false church washed the ancient Order in the fires of damnation in order to eliminate the last bastion of purity from Moghes. In the end Si'akh said he was just there to rescue them, and he took us all out of the camp quickly.”-Kiziu Hiua, liberated Akhanzi Shaman Despite hours of searching which included a search helicopter, the Maraziites were unable to capture them. Presumably Si'akh then provided Elder Akandi and his entourage with a shuttle, because only hours ago Elder Akandi returned to the public eye. They are currently in orbit in the embassy of the human Republic of Biesel, where they gave a speech broadcasted to the public and streamed on the extranet. “The Akhanzi Temples were gutted and destroyed by the Sk’akh Maraziites in a violent and merciless inquisition. The Akhanzi Order is the oldest standing religious on our homelands, and our people and ancestors stretch back to time barely remembered. The loss of our people’s collective culture and knowledge is incalculable, as even our references and indexes were destroyed. When I originally left my temple to meet with Not’zar Izweski concerned for the future of my people and my beloved homeland of Moghes, I discovered very quickly that my wishes and hopes were misguided. The Contact War may have blasted our world, but it’s soul has been crushed more thoroughly than any bomb or fire could have have ever accomplished. Perhaps the prophet Si’akh is more right than even he realized. For I see in the spirit of our people a cancer that has grown and metastasized. The Maraziite Order and their misguided leader have lashed out violently at everything they fear and do not understand, and in doing so, have destroyed a legacy of our people more priceless than they can possibly comprehend, and they cannot ever understand the true depth of the sins they have committed. But the blame cannot be placed entirely at their feet. The fact that they were allowed to grow so powerful and unchecked is also a failure of the one trying to lead our people. I risked myself and my people to seek aid against the persecution of my Order, and swore a pledge of fealty to bind our people together honorably. When the Maraziites took my comrades, Not’zar said nothing, and escorted me away in shame. When our temples burned and the Akhanzi were arrested, he did nothing. Perhaps it is easier to stand up to the Maraziites when he is behind his walls, protecting his own mother. But it is clear that he has much growing to do before he becomes the leader his father was. Moghes is lost. To remain here among the maddened creatures that tear each other apart or hide timidly behind walls is to invite the same cancer into those of us who still have sanity and honor. Perhaps one day it will recover and grow into something wholesome again, but there is nothing for us to gain by remaining here and dying with it. I call upon everyone who still has sense in their minds to join the Akhanzi as we leave the wreckage of what was once our home behind. There is a whole universe waiting for us out among the stars, where no Maraziite will invade our homes, no one will take away our friends and loved ones, and no one will be left to die despair while those empowered to protect us turn a blind eye. I know it is almost an unfathomably difficult decision to leave everything you knew for an uncertain future, but the Akhanzi will turn no Sinta away. Even after we have left, this invitation will remain open to all in the future, should you grow tired of living under the oppression of the Maraziites. The Tau Ceti Embassy has agreed to help us establish a temporary home while we seek a more permanent solution. May our ancestors watch over you all, and I hope that one day we can earn their forgiveness for what has been done today.” -Elder Akandi Si'akh gave his own statement, doubling down on the sweeping criticism Elder Akandi provided. ”Unzi is the prodigy child of Sin. He is of his Father and acts on behalf of Sin. His mistreatment of the noble and righteous heathen Akhandii is no surprise. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with justice and truth, for there is no truth within him or the corrupted Church of Falsehood. When he speaks, he speaks lies. He has created something appalling within the land of our people. The Church preach Sin, the priests rule at their own direction like petty Lords, and now our souls are marked for Damnation. The fruit of Sin is an eternity within the hellfire our Daemons have sown, but the gift given by Sk’akh is eternal salvation. Unzi may lie to himself and his cronies, but what will he do when the End comes? Only the Righteous will be spared. Unzi may salt the sacred soil of the Righteous Akhandi, but it is his own immortal soul that will be cast down to hellfire for his Sin.”-Juzida Si'akh Jose Ramos, ambassador from Tau Ceti, gave a statement of his own in which he acknowledged that he was negotiating with his government to offer asylum to all members of the Akhanzi Order within Tau Ceti. Si'akh is not member of this agreement; he was last seen bidding farewell to Akhandi on the station before returning to his shuttle back to Moghes.
SleepyWolf Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Spirits Guide Clan Aizagi Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'Unathi linguist. It is the 18th of the 4th month of Travakh (July 27th GST), and it is a day to remember the ancestors of the Clan Aizagi. A historically upstanding clan, the Aizagi have held their ancestral lands in the southwestern hemisphere for 600 years, and have finally lost it to the Wastes and to the Izweski. The Aizagi clan history has all but ended. Today, Lord Sanz Izweski forced the Aizagi from their final land holdings. Lord Izweski walked into their keep in the town of Greysands with ten men and announced their eviction, including that this land was now owned by the Izweski for the construction of new terraforming equipment. Ozia Aizagi, one of the last remaining men of the Aizagi, did not have enough healthy levymen available to defend his birthright and stand against the Izweski command. He was forced to walk from his clan's ancient home with his wife and two daughters, with nothing but the robes they wear. With no male heir, the middle-aged Ozia Aizagi may be the last of his clan to see their ancestral keep. Their keep is already being renovated by the Izweski, for the arrival of a new clan leader of the town. Sanz Izweski is said to be taking the local area under his own name, and says he will continue to be the hand in the Southern Habitable Zone to his far cousin Not’zar, going on further about how terraforming equipment is going to be set up in the area to preserve the now-Izweski land. Take a moment in your prayers today to wish for the safe journey of the Aizagi clan, and may their ancestors help them on their path, wherever it may lead.
Bygonehero Posted January 31, 2019 Posted January 31, 2019 Editors note: Translated to Basic by human Sinta'unathi linguist. K'lax to Darken Pid! Pid, the Hatchling star, or Wandering Shellcase may soon go dark. Pid has captured the imagination of ancient Unathi since time immemorial. Visible to the unaided eye from the night surface of Moghes, Trets only moon was instrumental in developing the heliocentric model of the solar system, a system developed before the first hegemony. All of this may soon change according to Tret's newest occupants, the K'laxan Vaurca. Yesterday, Overlord Ta'Akaix'Zkaii'xay'yil K'lax's representatives announced plans to ferry tons of non-reflective powder into strategic positions around Pid, to reduce its apparent brightness to zero, removing it from the night sky for decades to come. The reason, according to K'laxan astronomers, is Pid's bleak and empty atmosphere. It reflects significant amounts of light that throws off long-range spectrographs in search of phoron-rich systems. The proposal is scheduled to be heard by a special clan council later in the week. The Window was not invited to attend, and so instead took this opportunity to canvass nearby villages and to ask the often forgotten humans of Tret what they think of these recent developments. Tasz Eskani, a local businessman, on Moghes responds, "I don't think aliens should change anything let alone the night sky. I remember the stories told to me in my youth about the burning mother and her children. Pid was the name of the tricky child. Pid always followed his brother unless he was hiding somewhere for his brother to find him. I do not think its worth losing that for any advancements, phoron or no. They don't even know if there is anything else out there, for all we know this could be a big waste." As for the effects on humans, we were able to interview Mining Site 3 warren boss Amanda Caldine, who had this to say, " This affects our bottom line, and makes living on Tret that much harder. It gets dark earlier than Moghes on Tret, and what day-light we do get is used working. I don't know how we will make up the difference with fewer hours of production. Nanotrasen was already pushing for automation for these operations, and I can only see them pressuring further and firing our hard workers sooner if this deal goes through."
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