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[Denied] bag of telecrystals


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BYOND Key: xXTheFurryXx

Character name: Travis davis

Item name: bag of telecrystals (crystals themselves is whats important)

Why is your character carrying said item to work? Travis has worked in blue space research for years now. He has dedicated his life to it. While on aurora he has taken the time to map the entire station and discovered multiple things in space. It would make since that he would bring blue space crystals from centcom to power the telepad to continue his work.

Item function(s): telecrystals have multiple functions including powering the telepad in telescience.

Item description: a small blue crystal, 5 to 8 of them would be within the bag.

Item appearance: it’s a telecrystal….

Additional comments: So heres where I want to put my primary reasoning for why I think I should get this. I already stated travis (and I) have dedicated a good month to mastering telescience in game. But there are other reasons as well. I think I am the only one with the feat(skills) that allows me to teleport objects without the use of a gps. I can only do this because of the time I have taken in perfecting this part of the game (ic I literally walked around the station for almost two weeks marking coordinates and built a map). I don’t know anyone else that is as dedicated to telescience as I am or anyone that even comes close for that matter. So I think I have earned the merits for it. The biggest downside I have right now is in game the telepad itself only has 3 crystals. This is useless as it doesn’t allow you to teleport things past science. The quickest way to obtain telecrystals is to spend approximately 30-50mins in mutating slimes. Once finally obtained it takes another 15-20 to actually set up telescience to be useful. This makes it’s department setup time one of the longest on the station (1hr 10mins). This majorly detracts its usefulness because by the time I’ve actually set up the lab the antags have already acted/blown up the station and the round is almost over. Granting travis with telecrystals would cut this time majorly. That is a major benefit not just to travis but the entire station. It would allow me as a character to rp and interact with others more often (rather than be isolated in xenobio half the shift) it would also open xenobiology up to other players that want to use it (as it stands now when I’m in there I only build blue space slimes then leave but my character is still taking up the slot). It will also allow me to make telescience more useful to the crew. Last night I got lucky and managed to get telesceince running within 40 mins (yes that’s lucky) and because of it I teleported eva suits and supplies directly to engineers that were fixing a breach. I want to make telescience more useful to the entire crew this way but the time it takes to actually set up everything because I do not start with extra crystals makes it damn near infeasible and useless to most of the crew most of the time. This change would cut setup time down to approximately 20 mins which is reasonable and what most of the departments take. ic it would make since for travis to have brought extra telecrystals from centcom considering his dedication to his work. It would also become a unique item because of its rarity and improve his story and make him recognized as truly a highly functional and useful telescientist.

I have the desire to make telescience something useful to the crew rather than always looked upon as an antags tool and annoyance (as many people view it) the lack of crystals and time it takes to get them has been the biggest hurtle to cross and I feel my dedication to the lab should warrant this.

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No. Just no. Here's why:


  • Custom items are not supposed to give you an edge in-game.

    Having a map of the entire station's everything is sort of meta/powergaming? You can use telesci to rob the vault, armory, etc. Tell me, does your average worker have an entire map and knowledge of their corporate's building? No because that's sensitive information. That's captain/head of staff/possibly engineering knowledge only.

    There's literally a reason as to /why/ telescience is restricted to the department. NT doesn't want you making off with sensitive things like, you know, the vault????

    Custom items are not supposed to give you an edge in-game.

    You're really talking about how you "deserve it", but there's literally a reason as to why telescience takes almost an hour to set up completely.

    What's that reason? You have free access to all items on the entire station if you know what you are doing (which you just clearly showed that you know what you're doing).

    Lets not forget to mention that this sort of takes conflict out? You can use this to save hostages for example or capture an antagonist. This being a really shitty thing to do which has been done before.

    Custom items are not supposed to give you an edge in-game.

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Hmm I guess that makes sense. I thought it would be worth asking and provide a decent reason. The worse you can say is no. Thanks for explaining as to why it's a jo. The only thing I do want to say is I make sure to avoid meta. It's cannon that my character walked around to all the heads asking for permission to map their department. That was cannon interactions I took in game and thus far it's been ok. I also don't have the entire station there are parts that I have not been granted permission to access and thus cannot map. Planing to ask a head at some point

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Yeah, I'm not really one to say "no", and then not give a reason. Going back on my wording, I feel like I came off a bit harsh, but that's because I'm really blunt with my reasons, and I'm sorry about that. Now, though, I really think the only reason heads say that is because, y'know, we're just normal people playing a corporate RP game. In real life, the heads of staff would probably tell you to quite literally "fuck off", but our players are more likely to just go "Yeah, sure" with the OOC knowledge that telesci is extremely helpful. Get me?

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I think at the very most this would better serve as suggestion; stating that Telescience should have more crystals at the start of the game. As Tishina said, the primary issue with this application is that the custom item gives you an edge. If you really want telescience to be expanded in this manner, I would create a suggestion.

However, I think you'll need to expand on the point a bit more, because Tishina's other point, telescience being restricted to the science department by design, makes a lot of sense.

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I teleported eva suits and supplies directly to engineers that were fixing a breach. I want to make telescience more useful to the entire crew this way but the time it takes to actually set up everything because I do not start with extra crystals makes it damn near infeasible and useless to most of the crew most of the time.


I'm going to be Sue, and say No.

You are a Scientist.

You are paid to do Research, and Produce Data.

You are not paid to be everyone's personal teleporter.

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I think at the very most this would better serve as suggestion; stating that Telescience should have more crystals at the start of the game. As Tishina said, the primary issue with this application is that the custom item gives you an edge. If you really want telescience to be expanded in this manner, I would create a suggestion.


I'm sorry, but lemme just state this here and now. You guys are never going to get more telecrystals for telescience at game start. Tenenza over here is right. You are being paid to do research, not be somebody's personal teleporter. The only reason you could possibly want this to be implemented is for the OOC knowledge that you know shit goes down every round because of antags. I don't care if you have a character that would want to commit suicide if they feel unable to help someone (which has happened before in both Medical and Telescience). As a matter of fact, the teleporter shouldn't even be outfitted with additional telecrystals without the RD knowing. Why? Because it'll give you access to the whole station. Most scientists and RDs are aware of what can be done with certain amount of telecrystals, which means you can't just spin off "But they don't know what more crystals would do!" Being emergency evacuation/item delivery service is not your job, and you shouldn't be trying to make it your job.

TL;DR: Not a rant or any anger. Just stating why this is never going to happen. The fact that it takes 50 or 60 minutes to set up is because you shouldn't be making this your job in the first place.

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