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[Denied] AIMMO´s IPC Application

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Character Names: Tim Johanson, Armston Kelly, A.I.M.M.O.

Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis (Zeng-Hu Mobility Frame)

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): -

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

First of all, I am always a fan of the idea of AI and robots, so the idea of playing an IPC comes naturally to me. It is a very different approach to react and handle situations and i think playing an IPC will be easier for me than trying other alien races first. What makes IPC´s interesting in Aurorian Lore is that many people have other opinions on them and that AI exists on many nuances which cause IPC´s to be different from each other and other AI while still beeing one group of people in the larger meaning.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

First of all, AI of all kind has, in my opinion, a very alien way of thinking, maybe the most alien as they were not made by evolution like the other races. IPC´s are in varying states of Intelligence and that in many fields that can cause a broad option of personalities, they can or can not understand organic social behavior, or merely pretend they do. IPC´s are the freest of the most oppressed faction, AI, which gives them an awkward spot of being lucky but also some of them wanting even more rights. Their lack of culture forces them to choose between an individual culture or adapting to their surroundings, given they are concerned about social matters.

All in all IPC´s give many options and varieties for non-Human roleplay, leaving room for quirks as long as the overall AI personality is done well.


Character Name: A.I.S.U.

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

The "Analytical Investigation, and Simulation Unit", short A.I.S.U. is designed for CSI work and is still in development, learning from its deployments on different NT stations and improving its algorithms, while programmers are more interrested in fine-tuning its values for different goals and standards. ( EDIT) It was made 12.16.2459 by NT to test the effectiveness of Synthetic CSI´s compared to the specialists already employed, A.I.S.U. is being used on a handful of NT stations since test runs were completed. (EDIT ends)

A.I.S.U.´s personality, values and skills are deeply tied together by its job. It is in general curious about illogical situations and scenes, trying to bring a logical path in all actions of life, to make this curiosity not a problem of distraction it was fine adjusted to not affect things it might not understand naturally as heavily, like complex sciences or organic behavior. A.I.S.U. will attempt to gather as much evidence and data if it found an illogical situation or was assigned a case and return to its lab to process the data and simulate possible ways the event took place with the given data. It understands multiple nuances of organic language but interrogation is one of its weakpoints either way. It has a relatively low value to enact corporation laws as it is not made for enforcement itself but will follow corporation laws and orders of higher staff as a high loyalty and low independence should prevent the still-developing IPC to stray off in everyday duty. This might change when its judgemental abilities are confirmed fit.

What do you like about this character?

I prefer very logical IPC ´s which reflect their design in their behavior, but still, gave this one some wiggle room to improve overall roleplay experience. I haven't seen a robotic CSI and I think it will be good to have one, especially one laid out like this. I also look forward to calmer shifts in which A.I.S.U. self-assigns cases like "the disappeared cheese" or it has to interact with other of security to grasp the more organic thinking that would appear in impulsive, unplanned murder.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I think depending on the situation I can deliver solid 7/10 RP, while my weaknesses are long writing times and the resulting missing of details in more common actions.


Edited by Guest

Absolute +1,Playing with AIMMO,being the PAI or Tim Johanson has always been fun and entertaining,I think they are a good player and i have full confidence that they will be an excelent IPC.


A couple of things, but do feel free to take it with a grain of salt as I'm a fairly new IPC player myself, and had my first app denied due to questionable RP.

First off, I can appreciate the 'curious robot committing a lot of taboos and acting really socially awkward trying to learn' gimmicks. What I don't, however, appreciate is when your character becomes naught but awkward moments and annoyance.

And I'm sorry, but you do tend to do this a lot.




This picture above pretty much sums up the way you're trying to portray a synthetic, and I think you're just trying too hard. I understand that synthetics, no matter how emotionless are objective they are in lore, should have some personality, but what's important is that you do not stray too far from the concept of being an emotionless synthetic with a programmed ego.

If you're looking for examples, there are a handful of people who nail the concept, like CRASA the surgeon, who behaves feminine, and is generally adorable, or the silly GETT the scientist, who's missing a few robotic chromosomes, or Cheshire, the stern CMO with an Australian vocabulary and an even more Australian accent.

These are all memorable characters, and they are pleasant to RP with. They are unique, they portray synthetics nigh perfectly. After my first application got denied, I learnt from them, and then tried myself out by playing Android. I openly invite you to do the same before you apply- even though you already have.

Another problem I see you've is grammar. You tend to misspell things, and you've a tendency to not use punctuation in your sentences. This is also rather clearly noticeable from your application. I'm not meaning to make fun of you anything, so I'm going to include a single example of this to support my claim, and then move on.


A.I.S.U.´s personality, values and skills are deeply tied together by its job. It is in general curious about illogical situations and scenes, trying to bring a logical path in all actions of life, to make this curiosity not a problem of distraction it was fine adjusted to not affect things it might not understand naturally as heavily, like complex sciences or organic behavior.


Third point, your character biography makes little to no sense to me. Take this with a pinch of salt, though- as it might as well just be my fault, but allow me to go deeper into it.

The name, A.I.S.U stands for Analytical Investigation and Simulation Unit, and they're meant to be working as a Forensic Technician. I can understand Analytical, sure, Investigation, makes sense- But 'Simulation'? What is it simulating? Is it simulating the crime-scene within its processors? Why not just A.I.U?


It has a relatively low value to enact corporation laws as it is not made for enforcement itself but will follow corporation laws and orders of higher staff as a high loyalty and low independence should prevent the still-developing IPC to stray off in everyday duty. This might change when its judgemental abilities are confirmed fit.


Either I'm misunderstanding, which is likely, as I cannot seem to comprehend the meaning here, or this sentence means that your synthetic is programmed to follow the orders of Corporate Law (I'm supposing you've meant 'follow' instead of 'enact') and higher staff- But it's also programmed to... not follow them sometimes? I am honestly confused. The biography is lacking its construction, how it'd end up on NSS Aurora, and it's pretty much but a description of the unit itself.

In conclusion, I don't think I can honestly support this. The application is lacking and your RP has room to improve. My suggestion is to take the characters I've listed as examples, and play Androids, as they are fairly well designed to create an understanding on how to RP as synthetics.



A couple of things, but do feel free to take it with a grain of salt as I'm a fairly new IPC player myself, and had my first app denied due to questionable RP.

First off, I can appreciate the 'curious robot committing a lot of taboos and acting really socially awkward trying to learn' gimmicks. What I don't, however, appreciate is when your character becomes naught but awkward moments and annoyance.

And I'm sorry, but you do tend to do this a lot.




This picture above pretty much sums up the way you're trying to portray a synthetic, and I think you're just trying too hard. I understand that synthetics, no matter how emotionless are objective they are in lore, should have some personality, but what's important is that you do not stray too far from the concept of being an emotionless synthetic with a programmed ego.


That's the Point of you that I can mostly understand. AIMMO the pAI is indeed lacking a personality, it hasn't been programmed with a proper one, nor with common knowledge of organics. But I try to take in what it experiences. The query it stated in the relay for example (the one you take as an example) got negative feedback, so it wouldn't state it like that again. I try to make its character out of whom he interacts with and how, although very slowly. It may have no interest in a personality itself, but pretending to have one for the organics around, which will cause it to have a personality in a sense. These more irritating question of it also only occur if it fits the subject of this or prior conversations, and as everyone on the relay is a bit more free on their words, so it is.

I do not need to answer about my writing skills as I am aware that they are lacking, thanks.


Third point, your character biography makes little to no sense to me. Take this with a pinch of salt, though- as it might as well just be my fault, but allow me to go deeper into it.

The name, A.I.S.U stands for Analytical Investigation and Simulation Unit, and they're meant to be working as a Forensic Technician. I can understand Analytical, sure, Investigation, makes sense- But 'Simulation'? What is it simulating? Is it simulating the crime-scene within its processors? Why not just A.I.U?


That one is relatively simple to explain and I apologize if it did not come through correctly. Every good investigation team is not just taking samples, finds the blood of someone else than the victim and calls it a day (and not all crimes are solved that easily). Data is gathered from the crime scene, the victim, the surroundings, that's investigation and analyzing the tiniest simplest and details. Another important step is to know how the crime happened. From where did the attacker come? Did they talk before that? Why couldn't he call for help? After enough relevant data is gathered A.I.S.U. will try to solve that, it is not much different from how a human would do it, you reconstruct the crime scene with your data, in the way it would look like before the crime. Then you ponder which course of action would lead to the crime scene that was found. A.I.S.U. tries to simulate the way the crime happened, even if the criminal is already identified. Reconstructing the crime is a common technique,


Either I'm misunderstanding, which is likely, as I cannot seem to comprehend the meaning here, or this sentence means that your synthetic is programmed to follow the orders of Corporate Law (I'm supposing you've meant 'follow' instead of 'enact') and higher staff- But it's also programmed to... not follow them sometimes? I am honestly confused. The biography is lacking its construction, how it'd end up on NSS Aurora, and it's pretty much but a description of the unit itself.

You are absolutely right, I forgot somewhere to add that it was made by NT and after some tests are deployed on NT stations. I will have to edit that in.

In regards to its relationship with the corporate law: I meant to point out that A.I.S.U. has a low priority to enact corporation regulations on others. Itself will follow the regulations like every NT owned IPC should do. I just wanted to make clear that enacting corporation law on others (making sure that they are following them and accordingly punishing them when they are not) is not part of its design. It's a Sec IPC, but other than officers or by occasion the detective it will not chase after criminals or stop criminals from their criminal activity. It will only report them to the actual security forces.


This might change when its judgemental abilities are confirmed fit.


Was referring to its low independence. Basically: If it learns to do the "right" decisions for its job without higher authority, it will be allowed more independence in doing its job, something you would do with everyone who is "relatively" new in their job, just usually in a more natural given way.


I've RP'd and played with AIMMO's player a lot and I have no doubt they'll be a worthy whitelistee. Aimmo is a rather robotic but Interactive PAI and I think they are a interesting character.

Tim has a lot if depth and I feel like their player does a good job at protraying an believable character with plenty of knowledge about Synthetics and technical stuff.

Grammar or spelling should not be a deciding factor in a Whitelist.

I like the idea of a synthetic CSI. Mainly because they can approach on a raw logical level rather than what their "gut" dictates.

Tldr; +1


AIMMO, you've bugged me about this for so long that I finally came over and had a look.

That being said, I really second Eva's points. I particularly have to agree with the background points as it feels like what you're saying goes around in circles (an easy trap to fall into, I know) and doesn't really describe a "backstory". What you've done is describe your character's personality, where a backstory is defined as "a history or background created for a fictional character in a film or television programme.". When writing it you shouldn't focus on "what" your character is but rather "why". For example, my character, Annabelle, is a shy, quiet girl but her militaristic upbringing and hard past has made her quite loud and assertive.

I hope this helps, and I'll definitely support this when it's tweaked.

(Overall, -1 for now)

  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately, I do not really have much faith in your ability to uphold the standards of an IPC whitelistee, so I must deny your application. My opinion can change, if proven to me that you really do put forth the effort to be a creative and serious roleplayer with synthetics,. You can contact me at #Cake4863 on discord if you would like assistance or more information. When you feel you are ready, you may reapply.

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