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Everything posted by A.I.M.M.O.

  1. BYOND Key: AIMMO Total Ban Length: Perma-Ban Banning staff member's Key: Aboshehab Reason of Ban: Reason for Appeal: Things to get out of the way beforehand : I am aware of the "No chance of appeal" in the message above, If all I get is an swift deletion of this post that is a fair response. However the one basis pushing me to consider this is that my permaban for the entire matter was immediate and lacking any warnings, timed bans or such, which by the server rules are supposed to occur beforehand (unless a permaban is done to force player-staff interaction). There was no chance for me to show change or improvements on my behavior before the permanent ban. I do understand there are times where Staff may decide to act outside of Rules however. Since this Ban has been cast a while ago, here is the link to a Staff complaint I wrote in response to ban. Today I can clearly see why the decision was made in the way it was made, from the info I have at least, the complaint does not reflect my current thoughts on the matter or Aboshehab, but might help with assessing the information as it has more details than I can get together anymore. I however cant access the post itself anymore, so I dont know what is exactly written in it. https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/14885-staff-complaint-aboshehab/#comment-140690 Reflecting on my actions and behavior: It has roughly been a year since I was banned from Aurora. A year since I started looking more carefully at the way I have played my characters on the Aurora. A year since I got disgusted with my lack of self reflection and how poorly I must have been reading others. A year of reminding myself in shame what behaviors of my characters i reasoned or tweaked towards what I wanted, not what would be the best in general. Ofcourse looking that far back one will always be clouded by lack of memory and what one wishes to remember. What I do clearly remember is that when I got the message I was shocked. I was on Aurora for many years and only had gotten into minor troubles, never having received a temporary, antag or job-ban. I considered myself a good player, with faults sure, but nothing I couldnt work on if it becomes a problem. Thats why the instant ban shocked me. I was initially in denial about it. What seemed impossible to me was that this had occured without me noticing how i come off to others. That there were no warnings of any kind, nobody approached me on the topic, that the issue was so great and sudden that immediate action was the only reasonable action by staff. So I handed in a complaint arguing just that case, that the judgement was too sever, something But after that complaint was handled and passed off, the staff agreeing on there being no misjudgment, the only other truth was more painful. I hoped I would be warned about unacceptable behaviour not so I can correct it before being banned, but more so because I genuinely wouldnt want to be such a negative influence on the server. I was hiding behind the assumption that others would criticize my actions rather than me critically thinking about my own in detail. As Abos judgement was agreed on being correct by other staff the matter was pressing enough, and by that I must have been very ignorant to the issue building up. I dont want to bring such behavior into environments like Aurora ever again, I cant change what I like but its my responsibility in any community to be as good of a person as I can be. And I would be gratefull to have a chance to prove that. Why back to Aurora? Aurora wasnt the first SS13 server I joined, but I flocked to it rather quickly once I got myself oriented in SS13 as a concept. I have played Aurora with different characters and over many years, there are alot of good memories and alot of things here that I enjoy and lack in other servers, such as the defined Lore and having HRP present together with the interesting situations that arise from Antagonistic involvement. My mind often wandered back to Aurora, also ofcourse because of my past mistakes here. After waiting a year and sorting my thoughts on the whole topics, I hope to be given one chance to show I can do better, but otherwise close this chapter for myself.
  2. I´m aware that staff has the power and right to act like they see fit if it is needed, This doesn't mean I cant use the rules as an argument if I find the situation is not outstanding enough. With the information I have been provided now, that is different. Most of the behaviour mentioned here, did stem out of the way the character developed, to be specific his overbearingness in social matters. I found the eccentricity at which i displayed that as acceptable within what kind of personalities other characters show. I was apologizing because to some people I was overstepping boundries, as said I only ever were aware of two people beeing oocly creeped out by me. I acknowledge that what I was doing can, from another perspective, one that probably is more grounded to the average person, my actions were concerning if not wrong. I apologized to the two people which told me of their discomfort and I show understanding in here, because through the ban and this discussion I was shown that there are more people feeling the same way, and those two people werent outliners that I either went to strong on or that they just were easily irritated on that for their own reasons. If there is so many though that I hindered the joy of playing , I dont need to know who they are, I dont have any reason or ground to call out the action as too swift. I wish those people would have reached out to me and told me, but that doesnt matter here and now. I hereby retract my complaint. I am genuinely sorry.
  3. BYOND Key: AIMMO Staff BYOND Key: Aboshehab Game ID: I did not think of writing it down/screencaping it at the time Reason for complaint: I was perma community banned without chance for appeal over an issue that I was not informed of that it existed or other warnings and which in my opinion is nowhere severe enough to warrant a permanent Ban without any previous warnings or other measures. Evidence/logs/etc: I played that round half-actively, doing something else on the side but keeping an eye on anyone approaching my character for interaction or requests (I was playing chef, which i like to do if I only feel like not focusing too hard on the game), when I was messaged by Aboshehab. As this was the first administrative action directed against me in quite a while, and given the load of the message I was somewhat confused, so i tried understand better. I was understanding that the decision was already made, but I wanted to know with whom the issue lies nonetheless, as at least then I could apologize to the person(s) who I made feel this way or properly ponder on where went too far. There was no reply until the awaited "you are either AFK or disconnected" message from my client to show me it has been enacted. I looked through the chat logs and eventually retrieved all of the conversation I could find for the reason of a staff complaint, appeal or whatever (I haven't been too active on the forums and especially never had to do a staff complaint or alike.) After that ban was enforced I noticed I was also getting kicked/banned from the aurora-verse Discord servers. My forum account was also fully locked, however after asking another staff member about the sitation (again me lacking knowledge in these processes) they told me I should normaly still be able to write staff complaints and Ban appeals, they had to re-activate that limited functionality for me. Supporting evidence : Lack of prior Warning The usual legacy of Permanent Bans as by the Aurora Rules : https://aurorastation.org/rules.html "Permanent Ban: Permanent bans are issued in two general cases. First, to force communication with staff regarding an issue which was left unresolved, usually due to the player logging out mid-discussion. Second, as a final attempt to curb a player's behaviour, following warnings and temporary bans." Additional remarks: The following points would be more fleshed out for an actual Ban appeal, however I find them still relevant to bring the ban into the right light, atleast from my perspective : 1. Yes I have a fetish. Yes, as it is part of my psyche, it is something that has and will impact my decision making to a certain degree, however I will contest the point that any of my characters on the Aurora were designed or changed through my char development in order to serve that fetish instead of creating an interesting character with depth. (for example the decision to expand A.I.M.M.O.s skills onto cooking was a result out of the ongoing development of him wanting to acquire more Friends as a means of security, while I wanted to bring an artisanal interest, the wish to make few things of greater value than their parts, into a character who so far has only strived to acquire exceptional masses of simple things (Mining operations). Chef seemed a good option for that, as it is the only job on the aurora that is focused on creating something, which by many can be recognized as art when done well enough, food. I have not forced any characters into certain type of actions or used antag powers to do something in that direction. I am also aware that obviously my viewpoint on whats acceptable and what not, can be out of norm. I understand the reason given by Abo, I can see that people who know about this would potentially feel uncomfortable, however dont agree on the severity given here. I was not made aware that I am overstepping boundaries. By definition I have not broken any rules and without someone telling me where their boundaries lie I can only orientate myself by my own perception of what is acceptable and not. 2. I was not aware of the discomfort I was apparently causing. The two cases of players approaching me feeling uncomfortable were due to a different aspect of my character, their dependence on affirmation of friendship. I made them overbearing on design, to how further while they know what to say and how to act to be socially acceptable, they get other aspects of it still very wrong, seeing friendship like a state that is only true as long as a certain quota of interactions is fullfilled. Since I received those two complaints I have been trying to reduce that behavior, especially for the characters of said players. I am aware that parts of my chars behavior were criticized IC but I filter that obviously as such. (what a character finds uncomfortable doesn't need to be the same for the player, especially given the cultural and species driven conflict Aurora encourages.) 3. I consistently try to be receptive for feedback on my chars. With my main IPC (the only one I had fun returning to so far, waiting to make new ones until the Next Big Thing is out) i always felt I could step onto peoples toes, although not specifically because of the reasons Abo brings up. Thats why when a new Synth Lore Dev I give them a rough explanation of the current state of the character, point out things I feel can be seen controversially depending on the Lore Dev and affirm that I would like to be informed about any misbehavior they notice. 4. Despite this being an issue that involves rather personal information of myself, which I have been trying to only mention towards as relevant for the issue, I beforehand decline the option of moving this towards a more discreet way of processing which I have been informed of to exist now. I rather wish this issue to be seen by whoever wishes so than hiding my own secrets.
  4. Note : I dont have a skrell whitelist, but often look into the wiki regarding them and try to stay up to date with what happens in the lore discord, take my comments on this as you wish. Also I read this on my lunchbreak, so details might be hazy by now. First the things I like : Change of contact, a bit of pre-federation history and the clear effort put in, also the attempts to make Glorshs aquesition of power beeing a failing of skrell science/culture in which scientific theories and minds are more idolised. Things I dislike : As often already said, too much density in information, especialy in the earlier historical parts, where details are less relevant, the knowledge that war basically was not a concept ammongsts skrell due to their psionics is interresting, so is that subterfuge was already common early on, the names of the first larger tribes/post-tribe .. "goverments"? not so much. Furthermore psionics is opened up to be shown as much more potentialy powerfull, which i dont really like as a prospect, telekinetic and electro-kinetic animals? Implying this is a different way of using psionics ? I dont like it, its too superpowery, even if toned to a realistic degree, skrell already have a massive unique thing going for them, we dont need to amp the concept of psionics up in my opinion, well knowing that skrell themselves dont have these exact powers and that you could use this to explain Wizards etc, but antags like that dont need explanation. Now to glorsh, I found the introductionary bit very promising, showing the failings of skrell society to consider the dangers of hyperintelligence, and some even willing to actively pursue it, the soft compliance of how the Glorsh instances are distributed and used everywhere. This is the foundation for something to go horribly wrong with an AI without one or a small group of people beeing incredibly stupid to make it work, I like it, however the fallout was serverely watered down, I see why it was done, I see that, for the way one set up Glorsh, it might be a reasonable route, and I would even agree on this beeing an interresting way to write a faction/species ... however, the important point is this is not adding lore, this is rewriting lore. Lore that alot of other lore is connected to. Lore that creates alot of social tensions for the rp, If the glorsh singularity acted in this way, which claimed not many lifes, probably only the most when it shut itself down (causing some chaos by doing so) then this isnt a reason for Skrell to see AI as an inherent security risk, but an reliance on it, an over-incorporation of technology perhaps ? With some STRONG pushing you might convince me thats enough to ban all sophisticated AI in their space, but that most certainly wouldnt be an event to spark hatred against machines like IPCs, it wouldnt be a pilar other anti-synth groups could rely on as much as they do these days, they can use it against a further incorparation of AI into daily life, but its not really an argument to destroy stationbound borgs and IPCs, the described singular AI units active during Glorsh reign werent mentioned to be actively subverted or hacked, but just coherced like many skrell were. And again this is fine for making a faction or species. Not every "bad" AI needs to be a genocidal maniac. But glorsh has such infamy in our Lore before this change, that alot of other Anti-synth and pro-synth groups had to specifically adapt their agenda because this happened to the skrell. Shifting the extremety of Glorsh back by so much can make many characters motiviations, or atleast motivations for certain acts feel unreasonable by now. And that is one of the biggest issues when re-writing lore. I understand that there is a dedication to create a better overall version of the Lore for the skrell, but similair to changes I have seen before, these changes, while maybe slightly increasing the whole to be a more coherent thing, or more fit to the current lore-masters design, should not have such servere backlash on existing characters and interactions. Rp is what we are here for, sure new lore means new ways of playing characters, but changing what existed makes character growth and interactions feel less secure, sometimes actively eroding the things a character went through in-game. Reworked Glorsh doesnt need to be robo-satan but it needs to be hurtfull enough to matter to a similair scale as it did before. TLDR: Some things are nice, some are too detailed, rewriting major aspects of Lore is hard to get right without invalidating months or years of character interactions, decisions and growth, which hollows the long term prospect of RP.
  5. I would have some more questions there (and more in general that came up recently) but as they all are more setting than mechanics related they probably should wait for now untill something more concrete is set up. But as long as the Loreteam is also integrated in the development process, my concerns are not as big.
  6. Only issue I might have with this is that characters and the map itself is too disconnected from Tau Ceti itself ?Or any system for that matter. It will give room to new cannon events and noncannon gimicks, But asks alot of questions. One for example, if this is an exploration ship, where do people live ? Does it do like daily/weekly/monthly trips out into deep space to then fly back to Tau ceti or alike to dock ? Tau Ceti as a setting was good because the small system was designed as a melting pot of cultures, having minorities arrive there and different ideologies clash. I am not saying this is a bad change, I am just saying it needs to work in more ways than mechanics, and I am looking forward to see how it will go!
  7. Ion "Laws" for IPCs should be more quirks than "ensure x happens" , it would still be in conflict with self preservation, and given that self preservation routines ARE a thing and ARE enforced in the IPCs systems to the strognest extend, similair less strong routines could exist and be altered.
  8. On the one hand I like the idea ... on the other it brings up alot of issues : How are traitors affected. What are the lore implications (of normal ion storms aswell really, is that a ramovich thing ? Or are station AIs vulnerable due to their large ammount of connected hardware?) How would it be fixed ? If it requires A roboticist that could just fuck up a round for IPC players quickly, depending on the the exact type of law. The one RP aspect I can see to be won by this is the ... tragic of IPCs (synthetics in generall) as they are bound by their programming and assigned values .
  9. -1 Cramping science for something totaly unneeded is a big nono to me, they can use the conference room for breaks in science, and I will fight against more Changes that make the kitchen even less desirable to visit.
  10. What is this Item ? The Anomaly Proximity Alert would be a small item (fits in pockets and webbings) that does nothing else than give off an message or sound cue once it or the player that carries it is in a 10 (maybe less) Tile radius of an yet unearthed anomaly. Cannonically it would be a simpler and easier to produce version of the devices xenarchs have, as it doesnt measure direction and distance, but simply "goes off" at a certain ammount of anomalous radiation. It should either be cheap in the vendor, or inside the Mining lockers. Why do I suggest this Item? As miner I always have the uneasy feeling that with any sesimick charge, KA shot or pickaxe swing I could destroy a potentially fun/exciting thing for xenarcheology, This Device does nummerous things. It prevents Miners who care, to accidentally destroy Anomalies. It allows Miners to call out locations for Xenarchs, if they find some by chance It allows for a greater incorporation between xenarchs and miners, as they can now use the same area, without the xenarch fearing all research material in the area might have been blown up. Why make this item, instead of giving Miners the Super Sonava counter (I think thats what its called?)? Giving them the SSC would be much more of a chore to utilise , it takes more space, incintivises miners to look for anomalies themselves perhaps (and then fail at actually excavating it) and would certainly be more expensive for NT to give miners instead of a dumbed down version.
  11. I personally would like to see this in some way or form, because it somewhat speaks to an issue I have with afformentioned involvement in Vampire (and somewhat in Ling). Those two modes have most of their interaction that isnt open combat focused on organic crew (which makes sense for the antag role) which can be quite upsetting at times, Seeing an Vampire thrall an entire department and yourself having to stay on the sideline because you basically have two big groups fighting (Thrallls+Vamp vs normal sec/command) can be upsetting. A vamp round as an IPC player is often basicaly dead wheight. The only mode that offered some deeper interaction for IPCs in return was Malf, and interrestingly enough due to how the hack was delivered (most) times the player had a choice wether or not they want to be hacked by the simple decision of "Am I going to have my IPC char decide that due to the announcements its unwise to charge from APCs?" I am not sure which antags should have access to it, I could see the appeal for ninjas, heisters and mercs to get eyes and ears on the inside, while for an Traitor it would be difficult to price or should be rolled into the EMAG (but with having a more difficult time to get the condition for hacking) My personal Opinion on hacking as a mechanic is that it can lead to many interristing stories during action (having your character struggle with the new directives and concepts), if the hack can be removed by Roboticists then the same is also true for after action (given the antag is defeated/pushed back) I would love to see all this done just by RP, as that offers the most freedom and possibility for flavour but I cant see this really happening, Imagene things like vampire thralling didnt exist, but you would suddenly try to make someone an obeying slave as a Vamp just with rp, people who are quite quick to dunk on antags will use it as a way to call sec, most would probably refuse it or just fail to pick it up. And that is already assuming that you have the idea to enthrall someone. Without the mechanic there is little incentive to try (due to the unlikely outcome) and it isnt necessarily considered. All in all a way to hack IPCs for certain antags is something worth looking into. +1
  12. Always pleasant to rp with, and as far as I have been able to notice, competent with what she is doing. Clear +1 from me !
  13. Personal a +1 From me, I have seen Sky RP a lot and think he is definitively able to play other races. I dont know enough about Dionae to rate the char concept Lore wise, but really like to see how his opinion on unique Rp behaviour of Dionae is reflected in his character, which choose his path based on experiences and curiosity.
  14. I cant speak for the receiving side of this as I only played IPCs lately and I dont end up in combat scenarios too often, but once I kidnapped an HoP as IPC and missed to find a backup gun of theirs, a firefight in which I emptied my deagle (not the strongest gun arround I know) dissarmed him and shot him a few times with his gun, gave him alot of punches straight to the head, then another antag noted our fight and joined me, I got myself an icelander to shoot at the HoP, while my antag pal helped, I died mostly due to melee damage to the head as the two humans kept fighting. In the end my antag pal primed a frag grenade in their little 3x3 room and BAM ... both get up ... ok another one will take out the much more damaged HoP yes ? Well .. it finaly got him to stay down, the only thing that killed him was sec assuming his heart stopped a while ago, not like 4 seconds before they arrived. As said I dont have much experience in combat and could have done stupid things that reduced my chances on winning the fight ... but the ammount of damage the HoP survived through was not normal.
  15. Cheshire and AIMMO where the last that saw Wrixi in space (officialy that is , clearly yahir saw them later) and talked about how he jumped into space over radios, though we appearently were not interviewed on the occurances. Sec atleast that shift didnt seem eager to investigate in Wrixi leaving. I agree that most evidence would take alot of time to be found and if found probably is inconclusive, even if the maint blood wouldn't be cleaned, before attention of it is caught it probably dried too much to be of good use for Forensics. The only evidence with a reliable chance to be noted and used is whatever Wrixi said before dying in hivenet and the "Bug squashed" message if the investigators are very thorough, but that is in no way enough to arrest them, house search ? Sure ? Given how little evidence this case has that actually make sense, and the fact that no one involved in the events before Wrixi vanishing was interrogated makes me agree with Bears stand on the legitimacy of this
  16. 1- I find the AI fits more often a beneficial role in rounds than a negative one, not even counting Malf. The ability to subvert the AI allows many interesting Ideas and the AI can be tricked in different ways, I generally have a backup plan against pesky door-bolsters, but arent more concerned about them than sec. A camera glitch idea like stated above would be more interesting than removing an entire role. Realistically i find it unlikely that a company like NT would have so many cameras if there wouldn't be an AI to handle them, or sec would have easier ways to cover a lot of feed. The AI can spot you doing bad things, but so can janitor Luis who wanted to scrub maintenance. As said i prefer options like the camera Jam over complete removal. 2- I dont care much personaly, if its powergamed in some way (which i wouldnt even know how) it can be removed, if the third borg rarely gets anything to do people wont choose to play stationbound with two already in and no clearly lacking departments
  17. With all that has been said I dont think I can add much more specific, but i will still give a rundown of why i think this deserves a +1! Moon dancer seems to take a lot of effort to properly think through Lore in larger cohesive pieces as shown by his example text, it not only cares about technological realism but also makes a point that AI technology and usage in the Aurora verse should differ depending on the faction/culture using it. AI and Robots are designed as tools and so fit the ideas and needs of their makers (at least initial). The explanation on how AIs and IPC can act irrational to others, while thinking of themselves as highly rational. It is hard for two humans to agree what is the most rational thing at times, and expecting every player to act perfectly rational can be hard, giving vantage points of which ones Characters rationality is set up is a huge boon. Moons comments about headcannon, out of line players and alike gives me hope as well. Lack in lore consistency and the general known theme of Synthetic beings allows for a lot of head-cannon, approaching this head-cannon issue as a way to find new interesting pieces for main Lore and seeking understanding with players instead of simply enforcing cannon without dialog will help not only help improving lore over time, but is probably more successfully in reducing unnecessary/plainly out of place head-cannon.
  18. +1 From me, good char. They always did great antag related rp and leave chances for interaction instead of a shootout.
  19. I Like the direction of this, but if it really would be needed depends on how easily Positronics die, i personaly read it as "If you want you can kill a posibrain in different ways now" so more an active than a pasive act to make sure they cant be recovered, like maybe if you shoot the head a few times more and a certain message comes up confirming that the posi is dead. If an posi can be destroyed like any other organ though and a good places sniper shot (or a few more) could kill an IPC, then the data retrievalk thing might be a good idea. ? But you couldnt do the scan really because the Posi would already be destroyed/damaged .. Using a backup could be too strong though. Yes robotics would need the materials for a whole new posi everytime you die, but your char could jump into the SM without the player having to worry that they cant be revived (other than robotics denying reconstruction after such a stupid action)
  20. To nanopaste : If its use is reduced maybe its cost should be too ? It would mean that a stressed roboticist still can get enough if he needs it, but a sec IPC would need to fill his entire backpack to do poper field maintenance either way. About cooling : I like it, as long as an IPC can still work normaly (Walk, EVA with cooler etc) without it its a nice way of hindering IPC´s in combat situations without making them die outright. Even the Lubrication is well thought out in the way that you need to move. So an IPC can still try to hold out for long if they arent actively hunted or found an hiding place.
  21. I probably can only really talk about the miner side here, I played roboticist a while ago, but recently I only play miner. My own intention for playing mining: The points, no really. I often just try to see how far I can go. Other than that actually to provide science I actually started mining because I knew how hard robotics sucks when there are no mats, so I could be the miner science needs. I personally barely ever encounter hostilities by science, and actually sometimes fear I am too demanding (my "standard" order is 1 KA, 2 cells, one RIG piece, and a whole industrial drill ...) But I am ticked off if science doesn't supply and will ask Command staff about it. I mostly try to keep a professional aspect about this: I do my job (2 of each mat at the 20-25 mark, and more after that) and you do yours (at least) provide the KA. I agree that there needs to be a clear designation on what which department has to do, but I wouldn't link it to a time-trap. If Miner A provided science fully by 00:50, I join at 00:51 and do a haul so long that I would be in neglect of duty, that would just stupid be stupid. Also, there needs to be more emphasis that engineering and Chemistry need to be supplied with their stuff. Though the duty to deliver the materials should first fall to Cargo Techs and QM´s, if none are around or acting in their duty then the Miners should be responsible.
  22. Ckey/BYOND Username: AIMMO Position Being Applied For: Synthetic Deputy Lore developer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I am part of a three-man admin team for a small sci-fi RP Project with 2 discord servers. Its a project with some of my friends but I already have some experience in discussing Lore, especially in connection with fair-play/balance. Other than that I would say I have a solid experience in Roleplaying as or with synthetic characters, also outside of Aurora or SS13 lore-sets. I also have thrown in my two cents into talks/debates about synthetics on the "Integrated Positronic Discord" Discord server, if that counts. Examples of Past Work: Don't have anything really worth showing other than Chars and concepts, but nothing that I would deem fit for this section. Additional Comments: I guess this is where I should put my thoughts on synthetic Lore. From Tincan to a real boy: A common point of discussion is what IPC´s, objectively, are. Not what characters might think of them or how certain groups see them, but often the question comes up: Should synthetics be like Organics in this Lore. I think that question has barely any value for roleplay purposes, as your roleplay should be dictated by what your char thinks, not what is the galactic truth. Your Unathi might think they don't have souls, or your human might not even care about the idea of a soul but still see robots as servants, etc., etc. The only relevance this piece of Lore would have is if it A: Is backed up by IC science that is generally accepted, or B: Is relevant for Mechanics ((For example cults, Bluespace echoes and alike.)) In my opinion, it is best if, in OOC knowledge, IPC´s are also not clearly designated as capable to be as much a person as an organic is. It should definitively stay unsure in general IC science. The value of a Synthetic mind is an ethical question for those concerned with it, it offers many different ways of IC discussion or conflict ((later one good for antags of course)) and offers leeway for different types of IPC characters. Bluespace Echoes This might be my most one-sided comment in this application, I personally don't like Bluespace Echoes, especially not how quickly science published their existence. It makes the relative open discussion for the capability of a Synthetic mind and boils it down even more on "Do they have souls or not"? The real issue, I find, is how easy the mind of, let´s say a human, can take control of a Mechanic body, or an IPC of an organic body. Same could be applied to all interspecies swaps, but probably most to those with Dionaea, Vaurcae and Synthetics involved, as their ways of thinking are clearly different. Of course, how one acts after waking up in a metal husk without any of one's prior senses is decided by the player, but I would like to see some flavor text for every major species swap, showcasing the difference in experience to the player. For us, OOC our sprite and our player's mechanics change, but for our character, their entire perception of the world might be upside down. Maybe give the more extreme swap possibilities minor retardations to reflect the incapability of the Mind and Matter working together. Chassis-Specialisation_vs_ Generalisation I think an automated workforce should have diversity .. kind of at least. It makes sense that different chassis are developed to tackle different areas of work. Sturdiness and speed are already taken and varied in the different chassis. But even before the Aut`Akh came along I was disappointed to see that for example the G2 and G1, described as Units mostly used for Industrial purposes, had no real advantage than their resistances and suit cooler ability. While the later might make sense as to lower costs (No space suit in need to be bought), Making a machine more sturdy but halving its speed and power efficiency isn't really what I expect when talking about a workforce more expendable than Humans (at least PR wise, probably not Money wise). And while work-specific Synthetic minds where pointed out by the low (starting) ammount of jobs, signaling a specilised mind, the body as such is not fit for its task in most ways imaginable. Of course, this is a case to case scenario. But I would imagine it might be easier to fit Asteroid mining teams of IPC´s with internal GPS signals. And have them build in a way that they can work their equipment easier (attached drills, arms modified to pump KA´s more efficiently, direct uplink to RIPLEY´s, etc, etc). An Officer might prefer an not very efficient Power-connector to charge his taser up with his own cell, instead of running back to the nearest charger (probably loosing more power by doing that). While those might be compelling and exciting ideas, which also empower players to make more physically memorable characters, Balance and Implementation are obvious roadblocks. I know basics in coding, but I haven't ever worked on personal projects or really touched SS13 spaghetti, so i will take an educated guess and say its probably resource intensive to change IPC´s buildup, add different interchangeable modules, possibly link them to job restrictions for very specialized pieces (Why should a Bot totally specialized for medical procedures also work in mining, just imagine all the fine manipulators that would break quickly) and maybe even had things that are more complex (like say the gun-recharger). Balance is also an issue in that situation, even within the examples I gave there is already a problem. The Gun recharger could, coupled with IPC´s capable to charge at APC´s very annoying, so either there would be a long delay on the weapon rechargeability, or maybe picking that part forbids charge at APC´s (It cant be built with so many different voltages in mind ?) or the module adds a long cooldown/cast-time for charging at APC´s. My suggestion here would first to see how both balance and code turns out in Aut`Akh and use the time to survey how much the player base would like such changes, in order to decide if the resources on it would even be worth it. Though I also have to point out that playing a not modified robot should still be a valid way of playing, certain models wouldn't get many MacGuffins depending on their producer and usage. Even in the same job, there are more experienced and less experienced organics, why not also differently specialized synthetics, and some that are normal, but don't have downsides because of it (and are relatively cheap for the employer). Immortal/One-shot, the EMP problem. I must admit my experiences in antaging as IPC are not high in amount, but I also gathered opinions and observed multiple occurrences which make me lay out following statements for this topic. IPC´s, especially G1´s and G2´s are more capable of holding out small arms fire then meatbag-organics. IPC´s don't have the pain-crit disadvantage. IPC´s are pretty much wrecked by Ion riffles and EMP´s in general. The issue seems clear, with an Ion riffle the enemy has a strong advantage, without the IPC, given other factors are relatively equal. The Ion overall also has an AOE. I think the lethality and long term damage of EMP´s should be somewhat exchanged for more short term incapacitation, a sort of system instability. System instability can be inflicted by EMP´s as well as tasers, though tasers only at a low rate. System instability is slowly reduced by an synthetics maintenance routines. System instability stacks on top of each other, the more inflicted the more likely a synthetic is to pass out, move in wrong directions or similar. EMP´s still damage the IPC´s chassis, but in a less extreme way. This would result in Ions not being the one and all weapon for fighting synthetics, but a good opener for a battle, but a barrage of tasers can eventually reach the same (so sec can still fight a synthetic even if they got rid of the Ion). These would be a handful of ideas and comments on different topics regarding synthetics.
  23. Hm .. so I am unsure about adding that much more melee options for mechs, I mean some actual melee weapon that's not a drill would be interesting .. but mechs speed would make melee only useful in mech vs mech ? I am just unsure about that . But one thing you note would be able for mechs to dual wield modules, which is an idea I thought about for a while. If its done it should be possible for all/most weapons (of course some mech weapons could be made so they are dual wielded and block the usage of two modules at the same time or such ) So how would you know which module you are using when you are about to click somewhere with your mouse ? Well either you could 'swap hands' of the mech, or make the secondary one be used by middle mouse or shift-click like hardsuit modules are used. So another thing would be that switching modules from inactive to one of your First or second tools/weapon would take way longer. It all makes sense if you think about, first of all, all mechs have 2 arms duh , and most of the tools/weapons only make sense at the end of an arm (maybe not stuff like wormhole generators necessarily ? But I guess is needs its targeting system to point correctly at where you want the wormhole or something ?) And currently when you switch modules it gives you this "*mechname* raises *module name*" wait what ? So .. how does that work ? are all my modules embedded in the arm and move out? or do I raise the arm with the module on just so I can use it? I think if we can have mechs wield two weapons at once but increase swapping time by a good amount its only a minor or reasonable buff , allowing combos of 2 weapons or tools to be used and takes some hassle from civilian mech-users as also allows the common 2 weapon mech loadout to use both its deathray and its taser how the pilot see fit without having to nervously click through a menu. The idea of drilling twice as fast (or at least faster) with two drills is an interesting addition I didn't consider till now. I also have some other ideas on mech overhauling but I doubt they would fit very well with this post so that's all from me for now.
  24. Fibonacci will not be able to be indistinguishable from a human in the way they act, although there are some IPC´s made to mimic humans in most ways Fibonacci's adaption is not that in-depth. Here are some examples of what Fibonacci could notice in their colleague's behavior and how it would adapt to keep a positive work atmosphere. - Almost all or a certain group of co-workers seems overworked/tired and/or drinks coffee occasionally. Fibonacci would start to approach all/the certain group of co-workers and offer them coffee at the begin of shifts, inquiring about their favorite ones and it will attempt to order these at the bar. Important to note here is that, although this addition changes the way Fibonacci interacts with overworked/tired or simply caffeine addict co-workers, this addition won't delete or forbid what the unit would normally do during interaction with overworked co-workers, which would recommend them to work fewer shifts or take more breaks as mistakes made by a tired engineer can be dangerous and counterproductive. -Almost all or a certain group of co-workers tend to use sarcasm or irony in times of no work, or while only minor problems are present. Example: Crewmember- "Engineering the power on surface seems a bit wonky" Engineer-"Probably some mice that bite cables, just what I needed!" While this one would definitely take longer for the IPC to identify and adapt to it would start to use similar lines and expressions of sarcasm or other sorts of comedy if the engineers generally like to joke around. Again this adaption is only used so far, just because it learned to use irony sarcasm or alike in most situations it won't say "Is it getting hot in here or is it this unit ?... No, it's certainly this phoron fire in engineering" because that situation requires communication and it wouldn't see the improvement of co-worker relationships more important than quick and clear communication. (Also such jokes aren't that good when there is a real problem, but that reasoning wouldn't occur to Fibbonaci) -Almost all or a certain group of co-workers tend to act "unprofessional" (the exact acting is interchangeable for this one, it could range from alcoholism during work and not wearing safety equipment up to unauthorized and dangerous modification to station systems.) Fibonacci´s adaptation to such behavior wouldn't to encourage, support or copy it. As it is contradictory to the goals it was made for, and to corporation laws, it would become more alert to look out for such misbehavior. It would first try to convince coworkers to stop such behavior. If that doesn't work, or the misbehavior is of extreme danger (unauthorized fiddling with the engine or atmospheric setups), Fibonacci would inform authorities immediately and try to intervene if needed. I intend to give Fibonacci a professional and robotic personality as the core, on which can be added through interaction and roleplay. But not in a way that would betray its core personality and purpose. It might become more approachable, more pleasant to work with. But not a personality so pleasant or human you would want to talk with it for the sake of it. I also noted that only a certain group of engineers need to express a behavior for Fibonacci to adapt to it. For example, if only 20% of the engineering team it works with regularly prefer irony and joking it wouldn't normally pick that up. However, it is possible if these 20% often work together, for example, this 20 % is the only engineers for the early shifts Fibonacci works every day, it would pick up the associated behavior, using it in the early work shift of the day, but not in the later shifts where the IPC works with the other 80%. I see why that reason seems a bit sketchy, the other Fibonacci´s were deployed more successfully though. I see it possible that whoever was assigning their positions assumed that the IPC would work well enough as one can see a section of the Odin as a small installation of its own while forgetting that the IPC might only work with the whole picture of all interacting parts of the station in order to improve it. Also, it wasn't very bad at its job ... just not at its full capacity. I wasn't unsure what timeframes I should use, how long it would take until it would request a reposition and how quickly that would be accepted, I have no problem with increasing that timespans. I just didn't know which what would be too much or not enough. Another thing to add: Why did I even add that section? I could have simply said Fibonacci is factory new and is being assigned to the Aurora. I have multiple reasons. First, i think a factory new IPC can be quite dry unless it's made to occupy a more complex personality (for example a bartender unit). An IPC develops its personality during service, (not saying it will end up very complex or human-like. Personality =/= acting like humans/organics) and so a Unit that already served just gives me a bit more to build on. Also I could use that piece of backstory to show more of the character in this application, for example, that they are aware enough of their purpose and function that they made the request to for a smaller station to work on, but apparently not enough that it questions or rejects its function (Or, what is more likely, it identifies with its purpose). I see the logic gaps but wasn't able to come up with a tool to construct this character that satisfies me as much as this one.
  25. I don't understand this. How does that cause and effect work? Even if this were the case, saying that your IPC lacks a defined personality does not make your character interesting, unique, or compelling in any way. Are you trying to say it has some kind of antisocial personality quirk? This would be highly-unusual for an IPC. I will add a bit of text into the bio itself to clear up now and also proofread the entire application when I actually got enough sleep. Though should my addition not be clear enough I will write it out a bit clearer here: Normally the IPC would work with an overseeable amount of coworkers in course of its first months of assignment, finding out how each individual behaves, and more importantly the group dynamic. Both this pieces of information would be used for the IPC to create certain behavior around coworkers or groups of coworkers to keep a positive social atmosphere, adding on the base personality of it, making it distinct from other IPC´s of its series. As the co-workers 2113 met changed quickly and there were many of them it couldn't really pick up any behavior that was tailored for this work environment other not trying to learn much about its co-workers as they might be assigned somewhere else again, it may be learned some quick tricks like always providing a coffee to coworkers at late shifts, but nothing "special". It technically has a quite similar personality as a factory new model, its core traits defined by its initial programming. While that keeps 2113´s personality quite blank and rough as it arrives on the Aurora, still being used to a fast-paced work with interchangeable coworkers, it can pick up patterns during its work on the Aurora and still adapt, becoming a more rounded personality as it attempts to act in harmony with the smaller engineering crew it has to work with . I preferred it this way because always like it to form my characters a bit according to their surroundings and co-workers/friends.
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