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Everything posted by Brightdawn
I'm sorry I'm going to call something into question here. Did you read the first post at all? I know that's a big accusation to be making on this but if you did you'd see that the mistake I made was as I keep saying not that important to the majority of the post I made. The fact you're not even taking that into consideration and going "Oh Dawn made one mistake clearly this isn't right" Is really poor admining. On top of that I can provide examples of the very same thing I was complaining about in that post. Hell I did in this thread. Garn Please re-read the first post. Re-read all of this before you lock it. The fact you're putting undue importance on something that was not only not very important to the argument but I then immediately apologized for and moved on back to the issue at hand really makes me feel as though you haven't read what I wrote.
That's not really the point of this at all though? The main issue is both how Delta acts in an official capacity as staff, how he treats people within that and the fact he doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. There are huge issues with how he acts being rude to multiple people and treating them badly I at no point called him a horrible person or insulted him in anyway the only things I ever questioned or commented on where his actions and how he acted as a moderator. The fact this comment keeps coming up is something that worries me. I'd like to please just stress for you to read the entire post. The only person actually insulting the other persons character in it is Delta. He's a member of staff he Should be held to a higher standard I'm not calling for his rank or anything like that what I'd really like though is for him to start considering his actions and how they effect people. Considering how he makes the server look because of the position he's in and for him to learn how to accept and apply criticism he gets. I know people have been commenting "You're just as bad" And for them I ask them to create a player report. This is about Delta's actions.
I feel like you're doing something I pointed out Delta was doing in that very post though. I pointed out how that was only one small part of the complaint I had and yes I made a mistake but it wasn't the whole thing. Concentrating only on that one small thing doesn't serve anyone any good and only really exacerbates the problem as people won't want to complain about the other things on here as they were dismissed because of one mistake that was immediately corrected. This isn't an isolated incident with Delta this isn't something that's only happened one time Look how he treats people in other threads: Delta didn't just act rude and argumentative to me in that complaint he has a long running history of it. Those three things I got you are only from the forums and from a 1/2 week period. He doesn't act like a moderator should at all constantly acting rude or dismissive of other people and refusing to take what they say on board. I'd be very disappointed if you ignored his history of doing similar things to the logs provided in the complaint because of one small mistake I made and admitted too. The mistake I used was an example it wasn't a sliver bullet or some smoking gun. And as I just displayed not only in the complaint but just now There are plenty of examples out there that show my point anyway.
You seem upset Hive. It's okay. But if I may? Maybe you should sit down and look at the hateboner you have for me and constantly try and shove in my face. It's a little pathetic don't you think <3 - Lots of Love Brightdawn I don't hate you in the slightest, dear. I have better fish to fry than weebs who cry from words. And yet here you are. If you truly didn't care surely you would of left. Oh well I'm going to practice what I preach and block you on here too. Toodles <3
BYOND Key: Brightdawn Staff BYOND Key: OneOneThreeEight/Scheveningen Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Rude/Poor/Aggressive Behavior as a member of staff to me and other members of the community Evidence/logs/etc: The majority of my complaints came from a previous thread which I posted in incorrectly. I'll be posting the logs of which here: Additional remarks: Sorry if I've left anything out or put in anything twice I'll provide a link to the thread where it happened: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=79967 Big thank you for Nursie for providing the screenshots!
what's it going to take you, half a week? I don't agree with the guy coming on, saying he's changed, and then immediately leaving like we owe it to him to impress him after his absence due to reasons but it doesn't give you guys the right to come in and be meme arrow green-texting weeb cunts to him Sorry things didn't work out Prospekt, see you around the ss13 community or somewhere else if I run into you. Not so hard is it? You seem upset Hive. It's okay. But if I may? Maybe you should sit down and look at the hateboner you have for me and constantly try and shove in my face. It's a little pathetic don't you think <3 - Lots of Love Brightdawn
Well that took about an hour.
Then yeah. I really don't think Jesus did anything wrong. Jamie Oliver might also be a fairly common name but if you had him as a chef then it's pretty clear you're making a reference and that's against the rules.
Was the character a detective? Or just any other random job?
I mean I'd argue that the AI is probably the most balanced thing on the station. Yes it has access to a lot of things but it's biggest weakness is it's lack of any real flexibility. In most situations an AI can do maybe 3 things? without breaking it's laws any good antag can plan past that IC and basically cut them out the equation. Non AI things can adapt and shift and change. an AI while yes it starts off strong can't really do much if you play around it. Hell even if you're not going loud would destroying camera's secretly be OOC for any of the antag roles?
Actual Punishment Ranks and rules on the main Discord.
Brightdawn replied to Brightdawn's topic in Completed Projects
But I deleted this post because it was a bad idea who brought it back : -
As it stands there is only really one punishment rank on the main discord which is “Meme” and why it’s given is very broad I’ve heard of some people getting it for simply saying democracies are better. Given that this /IS/ the official discord of the server I think there should be some rules put in place and punishments less of a joke. I’m aware that the current rules of the In game server apply there But I’d argue that there should be some specific rules drafted up for the Discord itself as it’s a separate entity from the game. One suggestion I do have for this however is that there continues to be a dedicated “Shitposting” room where the rules are much looser. The ones about porn, meta and Ic in OOC etc should remain perhaps some of the more nebulous ones like “Don’t be a dick” shouldn’t apply as much in there. After all if you join a dedicated shitposting channel you should be aware of what’ll happen.
Thank you As you can see Skull should be super omega perma banned. But that puts forward one question. Why aren't I leader. Now I know you all want me why wouldn't you. But where would I take the server? Good question. I have a strong vision to this server. Paradise gets flak for being furry. I say they don't go furry enough. Hairballs for every taj. Unathi have to shed their skins 400000 new races based on the flying insect population. We'll be better than kings GODS
BYOND Key: BrightDawn Staff BYOND Key: Skull132 Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Posted Anime in the gen chat of discord Evidence/logs/etc: https://kama.skullnet.me/index.php/s/Ei5xvOC8ijdHu79 Additional remarks: He should clearly be permabanned from the server and all host privileges should be handed to me and also I should get whitelist for all races and jobs.
BYOND Key: Brightdawn Total Ban Length: Permanent (Manual Ban) Banning staff member's Key: Skull132 Reason of Ban: . Reason for Appeal: I'm aware it's something I asked for over a year ago. I've been playing some of the more... colorful servers recently and I remembered I used to play here I decided that I'd give it another look. I'm fully okay if you don't want to lift it. That's fine but I'd like to be able to come back to the community at some point under a different name and try to put the past behind me. I was going through a very rough time in my life I was confused about a lot of things with myself and I was overly sensitive because of it. I'm sorry about the drama I caused with this and again I understand that you guys might not want me back because of it and that's completely fine! Approved or Denied I hope you all the best of luck with the server. Hopefully I can come back but if not thank you for your time!
You said and I quote "AM I RAPING YOUR MIND" as well as something else containing the word rape it all, after threatening me, I don't know how that could be taken any other way. If this was something said in the heat of the moment I would be hurt yes but this wouldn't be something I care so much about. but this was a deliberate chosen attack on me, you knew exactly what you where saying, you knew exactly what you could say to hurt and attack me and thats what makes this so horrible in my eyes. You went out of your way to repeatedly attack someone you don't even know with Rape and Harassment threats no less, I don't know you I've never had a conversation that isn't you insulting me or my friends. I speak without Hyperbole when I say I think you're genuinely toxic, you don't care who you hurt you just do it.
BYOND Key: Brightdawn Accused Players Byond Key: Rusty Shacklef4rd Time of Act: 15:00-15:30 Reason for Ban: Making rape threats and harassment threats against me in OOC, while he was given a warning he apparently has many notes against him for "shitposting" I don't feel that with his history a warning of "You'll be perma'd if you shitpost again" is acceptable. I was also told that he was doing it just to "Rile me up" and I should ignore him, I feel this is worse because what he said wasn't even heat of the moment it was something he said intentionally just to spite me, I feel if it was heat of the moment I'd be something I could say "We all make mistakes" and move on but it wasn't. Given his history, everything leading up to this where he's been warned multiple times on the forums for being toxic, I don't think a simple warning will cut it anymore, I don't really know if a permaban would sort out the situation but something like a 2 week ban might be acceptable. Evidence: I will edit this post to provide the logs when I receive them, an admin is gathering them for me but is AFK for a few hours, I will ask that people online when it happened post here.
Just to be clear, I have received PM's on byond asking why would I waste time on this, at the time of writting my Forum Rank hasn't been set to player, but I have resigned from the staff team. This allows me to follow my own projects and do what I like without fear of deadlines or reprisal for not doing whats asked, It allows me to help the server at a pace I feel suits me better! Sorry for not making that clear -Brightdawn <3
I understand but the feedback from a non-curved tail was just admins screaming about dildo's. I'd rather it looked a little off than that.
Hello there Ladys and Gentlefolks! I'm here to talk to you all about Mobs, big ones small ones, ones that slither around! Well just the slither around and medium sized ones, I propose adding in two or three new mob types, Now I'll do all the coding and spriting for these and If you all like them I should have them done in a week maximum! Introducing the R.O.U.S (Rodent of Unusual Size): A mainstay in fantasy from Dungeons and Dragons to the Elderscrolls Series we know them, we love them the giant rodent, "But Bright you crazed maniac" I hear you all say, "What would make then unique, stand out" Ah well, permitting I have two plans, I'd like to pick one of these two but I could choose another if a good suggestion is made! One: I'd like for them to have a chance be able to spread a set list of weak illnesses on attack, these wouldn't be any of the more deadly illnesses like Gibbingtons or Snowflakeitus, more a weak illness like the common cold or Perriots throat to show their status as an unwashed beast this form would most likely only be able to be spawned by admins or gold slime. Two: As with the Spiderling event I'd like for there to be an event where geneticly modified rats have been breeding in the vents and if not killed in enough time turn into these bad boys, it would be a event on the same time frame as the Spiderling one for the RDM, so It wouldn'tbe too common Now our good friend the giant rats out of the way, lets introduce his Sneaky cousin Introducing the Snake: This new mob I only have one idea for but I feel its a good one! I'd like for this mob to be able to poison you, I know the whole toxin's system isn't great for poisons and all but I really feel like it could be used to great effect, maybe on attack it injects reagents in you, the deadlier the snake the worse it injects. Snakes in real life have a wide array of effects ranging from clotting blood to nercrotizing flesh so I feel like it wouldn't be a stretch for sneaky spess sneks to have some even cooler effects! Tell me what you all think I feast on your feedback -Brightdawn <3
"Security Commander" Thats still the silliest name you could come up with for the HoS it makes it seem like he outranks the captain.
You could always place hidden tape recorders around the station. Hide them in lockers and stuff.