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Everything posted by nbielinski

  2. Personally I think they're well played and fantastic characters.. But my bias could be based on me dating you but w/e.
  4. That's not true, though. I know when I got that jobban and 3-day ban and it was not today or recently. I think you're missing the point. Its not when the ban was. It was that a more senior staff member pointed out that you were INCHES from getting a perma-ban. I'm sorry but that just isn't even close to what a moderator should have tacked on their accomplishments.
  5. Can we actually leave the OP a chance to address/refute the criticism here, instead of going "oh, it's haters that don't like them so their opinions must be immediately discontinued"? I've got no personal issue with Sierra, lmao. I just saw that post, and felt it had the potential of being a problematic attitude as a mod, so I'd simply like to see what she has to say about it. Come to think of it, I've noticed a few hints of Sierra being confrontational, as if she was trying to pick a bone with certain users. I have another example here. As I said, it's fairly small things, but it's still demoralizing to encounter than from a mod. (And by the example I gave, I mean the sentence: "I'm a furry. There's other furries on this server too, but I'm not going to name them because you'll probably start throwing complaints at them too.") Do you have any examples asides from situations where folks, like yourself, start issues on the server and on the forums to deliberately provoke responses. I.E, playing on server and referencing Runescape and CoD while bleeding, and then enticing other people to do the same. Or is that the scope of your well of examples? None the less, I'd award this application a +1. Because its not that we need more hard-asses, but Sierra making sure that folks that have no right to put forth their opinions in situations that they have no stake in being apart of, should be reigned in. Tl:dr, +1
  6. Right, gonna slip in and just post this. -1 Why? Well because Frances has this little issue with pride and deception. As it stands they've constantly seemed to pop up on discussions where they have no right to be and deliberately sparked issues with folks already trying to get shit solved. Now, this wouldn't be a bad thing and hell even I like debate. But its gotten to the point where, "Making Aurora Great." Seems to involve alienating everyone she deems unworthy of RPing. None the less, I have a few finals to study for so I won't get too involved. It just seems silly to me to elect someone to a mod position who seems to keep up to date with the server via arguments on the forums.
  7. So the game didn't live up to the hype, slightly annoying but not surprising. Now I'm just waiting for the modding tools to come out so I can soothe my pain with a MIRV launcher that fires gold bars.
  9. What about that whole timer thing for CPR? You know, you attempt it then it pops up with: "Keep doing this stuff for like 7 seconds then RP crying your heart out that you failed." Or some such closeness. Copy paste into the attempt to resist? I mean, then we can at least tell when its totally failed. Saying, "It will take about 2 minutes." Is a bit hard to judge so.. just that.
  10. I'd uh...Assume this: If you have to write a disclaimer saying you're not actively trying to abuse someone verbally.. isn't that like saying, "I'm not racist but.." before what you're about to say? Still doesn't make it okay to harp on someone over several forum posts. And by people who, by all means, have been more active on the forums than on the server for a long while. None the less, TheFurry hasn't done anything majorly stupid, and all his actions have been justified. Really weird mind you, but justified or at least defended. And sure his "snowflakeyness" might be seen as annoying to some people that ghost and observe and do nothing but focus on those aspects of a person, but as it stands the characters he plays are enjoyable and can RP to a moderate level of understanding.
  11. Is no one reading this? This issue was solved? Honestly you can have problems with the character but if your problem was already solved, its not going to help anyone by screaming about it. A person should not have to defend himself this many times. Christing fuck its actually rather annoying to the level of bullying someone over an issue that has already been solved. Admins have dealt with this. Stop bickering to bicker. Its over. Its the Aurora Forums, not the US Senate.
  12. Hey ladies and gentlemen! Just realized my character was part of the conflict this round so I might want to chip in. And I just want to shed a bit more light on the situation. The REASON Nasir was arrested was because some newbie engineer couldn't take a joke about wanting to do some bad things to bad people. That idiot called sec and had Nasir arrested. Oliver.. well the TWO Olivers asked why the hell they were doing that, Roadman got arrested for STANDING TOO CLOSE TO THE OFFICER. Just let that sink in.... good? Now, they're carried off with Roy and they're all brought to the brig where its agreed they will do hard labor. The Chief and Stefan followed them to the outpost and WATCHED. Emphasis on WATCHED what sec was doing, the Captain stomping around in his mech, which I assumed only had non lethals on. We watch them putter about and stun the prisoners about five or six or twenty times before the Captain leaves the dock out an airlock. And the prisoners and put into the mining airlock. I start to feel where this is going and before I can even think the Captain is behind me in the durand and has fired a non lethal round. I'm in a hardsuit and this amounts to about throwing peas at a tank so I still stand. The then CHANGES from non lethals to lethals and proceeds to shoot me AT LEAST TEN COCK TICKLING TIMES. Near death if float away, seeing as how the Captain has now gone full Hitler on us. I come back after resting and coughing into the mic a bit to find the Captain trying to kill the prisoners in the mining airlock, "That the game you want to play eh? Two can do it.." and I start to unscrew the windows to the officers who are now WATCHING THE THREE PRISONERS CONVICTED OF NOTHING. BE EXECUTED. So yea. Mrimatool, somehow my cunning plan failed and only killed Paxton but no. I don't feel I should be punished because the officers were pushing for a rev round. This is the inherent problem, the rev round is made to push the revs or ANYONE to stand up to sec and no one wants to so its a Cold War where one side doesn't want to fight. None the less, I am sorry that Oliver Stefan killed Paxton. If I were to do it again I would have found a way to make sure that the other two officers died as well. The crew then ran back to the station as the Captain screamed terrorists and borgs descended on us. At this point Im laying in the mining shuttle under dead Paxton, infection has set in, and the people I saved have totally forgotten about me to run off. Borgs surround us and the Captain comes back to the station. He then says, "Take Paxton to medical to be cloned, leave Oliver to die. He's a terrorist." And the borgs start to move my body around, as I writhe around in pain and agony, and again the Captain says, "No, he's a terrorist, let him stay here." So, now we're running around telling borgs to disregard their laws about safe guarding crew, which Oliver was, so the Captain can have his way. Anyway that's my piece, or the way I saw it. Thank you for reading, not gonna be chatting much on this post again, just wanted to clear up what happened from my point of view. Oh and before I leave. This. A few posts ago you said something like, "I love being called a lair on my first day back" or some such. Well you are! You're lying right there! I was in engineering and that didn't happen at all, the officers came in, told Nasir that they wanted to "SEARCH HIM IN THE BRIG." We say, you can search him here. Then the officers tase Nasir and cuff him. Why? Oh I have no clue. Then they tase and arrest Roadman. Again, Roadman didn't do anything till you tased him. Sure he pulled stungloves but that was AFTER YOU TASED HIM. I hate to be the one here to say it but.. yea.. first day back in a while and you're not only being called a lair but you are LYING.
  13. Right, so, I can tell atmospherics is not a strong suit here as I should remind you that, while the code for atmospherics is well done and all.. NO PUMP WILL EVER SEND GAS BACK THE WAY IT IS POINTING. THIS IS NOT HOW PUMPS WORK. YOU ARE WRONG A pump is a one way street. It does not backlog and send gas back. That is the essence of a pump. And if you start your critic of a system by saying, "I don't understand nor have I ever touched the system." Maybe try and understand it before blatantly saying that I am wrong. So no. Your assumption is wrong. Please don't make assumptions in atmospherics. That is how issues are started. Now I am going to wash my hands of this, let come what may. All I am saying is. This character will not make a good CE. He might some day make a good CE. But that day is not today. And I do apologize, you understand dealing with idiocy in atmospherics is hard to keep my temper with. And a very small note Mr. Nikov. When Oliver came to see how Manfred was training the recruit. Manfred was explaining gas law to the new recruit. And I conferred with quite a few people.. now. If you'd like to know how much gas law correlates into actual in game mechanics.. well it doesn't. Yes I know someone will ask how the person I asked knows this, well they're an engineering student who had to study gas law. And they, myself, and others agree that teaching a new person gas law is about as useful as teaching them RnD at the same time trying to teach them atmospherics. But I give up, you've pulled me down to your level and trumped me with persistence. Let come what may, let time and admins decide what is going to occur. I bow out of this rat race. Good day ladies and gentlemen.
  14. We... agree on this.. so why take all the time to format it into some type of vivisection. I apologize Tainavaa but I'm having troubles finding your points no matter how hard I try and read. None the less, I do disagree. Why? Well because it has become a recent trend of heads, and engineers to adopt a god complex. And I know why its because the old engineers knew their stuff and had the habit of making note of it so the new ones are pulling forth with the statement they know everything. Now onto your first point you say that a head doesn't need to know everything. Agreed, its not hugely important that they know everything. But what you blatantly ignore is the fact that if a person is not all knowing, they should NOT have a god complex. Feel free to list, embolden, and highlight all the quotes in my posts to try and state otherwise but Manfred has shown time and again that he has the air of arrogance that make his methods the best ones. And when individuals who know better try and tell him otherwise. An example now, that this debate is growing tiresome. In atmospherics there is a pipe, that takes all the gasses from scrubbers and pulls them into the system. Normally it has a regular ol' pump when the round starts. Standard. Easy. Now the policy of Manfred and the CE he trained is to replace that with a pressure regulator. A pressure regulator has two numbers listed. The one that the pressure behind it should be, and the one that the pressure head of it should be. When I and others attempted to change Manfred and the CE he trained and say that no, such a device would cause a backlog of pressure and clog up the system to the rear. We were almost all shot down with, "No, I've never seen that happen." And no this is not an issue like, "Oh do we use large buckets attached to planes to fight the forest fire or fire trucks on the ground." It is saying, "Do we use firetrucks to fight the fire or do we just use a bucket chain from one side of the national forest to the other." But before we start debating atmospherics I need to say that this is just one example of poor choices and the refusal to change. If you refuse to adapt to ideas that are better optimized for the system. Then a bad Chief Engineer you will make. Because there will always be someone with a better way to do things. And if you approach each of them with a God complex, you will not learn anything and will always remain at that level of, "Oh I don't know EVERYTHING." That the other side of the argument seems to love.
  15. Again, Tain, you and almost every other individual who has given a +1 (Almost, again) has failed to grasp that knowledge of engineering and atmospherics is irrelevant, yes, some great CE's started knowing very little about atmospherics. Some simply popped up into engineering and by the grace of their head whitelist made a CE out of sheer want to be the CE. Now, I won't debate that maybe Manfred knows what he is doing (despite me, and others seeing otherwise IC) and say that he is competent in engineering practices. The problem is, the problem I and other have stated yet you have diligently ignored. Is that Manfred seems to have a God complex. Sure he may follow orders but when told that his efforts are incorrect he gets hostile, juvenile and defensive rather than try and understand the issue. And when someone states to know "Everything about atmospherics and engineering" that is a problem, because they don't. No one knows EVERYTHING about atmospherics or engineering and those who state they do are not going to change their minds because of that issue. The repeating topic seems to be, "Are they a good RP'er." And again you seem to ignore us and paint large posts when we say no. We do not like him. We who have spent long rounds interacting with him. Do not like him. He has shown myself and others time and again that he is hard to work with. No matter how many CE's like him. And on that topic I should really shoot that down now. We have dozens upon dozens of CE's. If the excuse for being "Qualified to be CE" is that you trained ONE CE that was so green they could lay next to the grass and blend in perfectly (Not that its a bad thing.) Then I'm fairly sure every competent engineering would be CE by now. Tl:dr Actually read the posts we make because our points are more than something for you to quote and dissect, Manfred has an attitude problem more than a competency problem, giving pointers to a CE is nothing to praise in engineering.
  16. Well no I'm not asking for judgement to be called... that's just not reading what I said at all. I'm asking can we get a count, an actual count to landmark the actual amount of points the app has.
  17. Very well, and as it stands I grow tired of debating the same point over and over to no avail. May I get an admin or moderator to take a proper count of the + and - of this application? Through all the bickering it has become hard to tell.
  18. Tain you are straining so far away from the point it almost reaches into the land of endless argument. No I don't think a Chief Engineer needs to know something and frankly they can know everything from either atmospherics or engineering (Which Manfred has failed to show any ability to be labeled as knowing "everything.") but that falls by the wayside when the character is just unlikable. Now a bad engineer or atmos tech can be taught the ways to be a good one, and a good engineer or atmos tech can make mistakes. But when your character is just overly confident in themselves, well there is no way to fix that without undue effort having to be taken. And if you truly mean you want RP to be enhanced by a head of staff then perhaps having them be someone crew can serve under would be the first step. Now your whole issue with me saying that I consulted some of the best engineers I know, first of all your understanding of knowledge seems to be foul already. Knowing game mechanics is one thing, putting them into practice is another. As engineering requires you to be able to do things with the game that involve (sometimes) complex constructions and workings, and sure, Manfred might know these things but his efforts to prove himself are more than lacking. Regardless, the "best engineers with the worst opinions" that you have fittingly appointed yourself in charge of judging, and myself, and many others who have hinted at the same feelings, who have not stated their feelings, have to agree that Manfred has not shown CE material actions. If you wish I can bust out the mental logs of what has occurred to prove otherwise, but as this is a whitelist application and not a location to blab on for pages at a time saying nothing, I will refrain. In sort, Manfred has shown a lack of ability to lead, arrogance in the face of taking orders (Might I add that even the CE will have higher ups) and a general attitude that would make several characters feel less than willing to work with him. And a short side note, these notes. From myself, Nightmare, Witt and others. Are people who have watched and interacted with Hayden quite a few times as I recall.. just food for thought before we go off judging the character as the person who plays them.
  19. You've failed to notice the focus of my post, it is not debating what you have done or your experience in the 10 years of roleplay, my statement is that your attitude is lacking for a Chief Engineer. The entirety of your post gives off to me, and at least one to two others, the vibe of those copy pastas that state, "I am a navy seal, etc. etc." I am honestly not sure if there is a word for it but flashing yourself as experienced is not as good as actually having someone vouch for your experience. Now I am not speaking as a singular here, I've taken a firm outlook on the opinions of several of the best engineers on the server, individuals who have said they can do what you say, and have actually done it. And they agree that this application shouldn't be passed as of yet. And to conclude, your statement about teaching a, "Current Chief Engineer" seems to reek of the same air, atmospherics can be played a thousand different ways by a thousand different people, telling an individual a few points in atmospherics is no large task. As it stands many of the current Chief engineers are less than valid in general, which I why I must put my foot down because one too many remarks that they know better simply by being a Chief engineer and seem to lead in the same way. "I have this job therefore I am allowed to boss you around." Sort of vibe, it is an air of arrogance and unwillingness to show progression due to having made their whitelist app and have it passed through. But, as of right now you've informed me that others will vouch for you and inform us that you are indeed worth being pushed up the ranks of engineering to CE, I, and indeed the rest of the community, will have to see them come forth in order to take that statement to heart.
  21. Good day ladies and gentlemen, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but off the bat I need to say I would like you to consider taking more time in engineering roles before going for Chief Engineer. I will tell you why, before you nail me to the forums with big blunt rusty nails. My main reason is the general lack of actual IC showing of his abilities. Now I will state firmly that I have conferred with other engineers and Chief Engineers who state that Mr. Hayden seems lacking in his abilities as an engineer, or atmos tech, whichever flavor you chose. Secondly as I recall I have seen your character in security roles that require at least a bit of training and practice in a law enforcement academy, meaning that he is both trained in security and engineering yet has the training to be a Head of Staff for one of those departments, which is to me, a bit suspect considering his age. Regardless we come to my last fears, firstly is your position on Chief Engineers, the quote, unquote, "Lack of them." That you stated seems to exist, now the problem with such a preposition is that a lack of Engineering heads is a problem, when indeed any engineer should be able to fill the roll of CE. And my final fear is the new map change, as we all know it will include not only a super matter engine but a reworked atmospheric system that relies on the atmosphere from the planet being formatted for station wide consumption. These are two rather complicated tasks that engineers and atmospheric techs even at the apprentice level will need to learn. So a show of skill and ability will be needed enough to where experienced engineering staff are able to state that you are worthy of Chief Engineer. As per your application, I find it might be best suited if you were applying for Head of Security but the Chief Engineer requires more than the promise of experience. In short, I oppose.
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