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Everything posted by GreenLightbulb

  1. IIRC, this is exactly how security used to work (And possibly still does on some servers, who knows), and it worked out fine. Officers would be spawned in with a random assignment and an armband to signify where they would be hanging out, as well as access to the the basic common-room area and the channel of the department. So like, the engineering guard would have access to the engineering foyer and a little office with a camera and records thing. And you know what? Even though I would rarely even speak to anyone outside my department, I found that I would chat with the guard in the area when he/she wasn't running around responding to calls throughout the station. So basically what I'm saying is I support this idea, at least for a trial run.
  2. If you had one, everyone who piloted mechs and exos would need to have one, which is the issue here. The issue here is that giving you this license would necessitate either every single person with training in heavy machinery to apply for a license custom item, or the devs would have to code in an optional license that could be chosen for points to spawn with, which could bring up it's own issues of feeling the need to check for the license before allowing people to use mechs (Kinda makes sense, in a way), as well as use up the precious item points for an item that has never been needed before.
  3. I would one hundred percent love to help out with this, but I don't have any actual experience voice acting... But I am of wishing you luck!
  4. From a totally personal stand-point, I feel like blue uniforms makes the officers seem more approachable somehow. Red just feels so, I dunno, aggressive, I guess. Maybe it'll help with the negative stereotype about harmbatoning officers if they're dressed in a more neutral/calm colour. I dunno, I'm not a colour scientist, dammit. Looking back on what I wrote, it does make me think of the time my home-town police force gave officers baseball hats to "make them more approachable to the youth" or whatever. I dunno, I guess they're still just cops... Tangent aside, I really dig the new colour scheme for security, though I agree with the whole "tone down the gold" idea.
  5. Why tho. Mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I'm afraid I won't be able to RP as a Tajaran as well as I used.
  6. Nobody I know in real life knows that I play SS13 besides my younger brother. I imagine how the conversation would go trying explain this game in my head, and I really don't want to have to do that... Also, it's gotten to the point where I'm genuinely concerned about characters in movies if a light goes out because they don't have a crowbar and won't be able to open doors. Wooden doors. Like we have now.
  7. Game of Thrones Firefly Archer Brooklyn Nine-Nine The Musketeers Orange is the New Black (Just started)
  8. ~@FautEngineer~ Spent the entire shift so far spinning in a chair, staring at nothing #WhyAmIEvenHere Paul Fauteux
  9. I have no idea how they did it, but I remember one server that had records that saved over for the next round. So if you got arrested, that arrest would be on your permanent record, with only way to wipe it being, well... All you really had to do was play sec and clean it out, but that's besides the point. It was still pretty cool for RP and such. I might be able to get in contact with the coder to tell me how the hell they actually managed to do it, but I'm not sure.
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