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    FBI agent
  • Location
    935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C.

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  • Byond CKey

Retro's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. BYOND Key: Xxxretroxgears3 Total Ban Length: Forever until the universe ends Banning staff member's Key: Skull132? Reason of Ban: Throwing a Max Yield Bomb during a rev round. Reason for Appeal: I would like to be unbanned from Antag roles because I want to start anew. For me, I think I have matured and improved my role play enough to play a antag role. Although what I did was very stupid. I will make sure not do something on the same level, or something this stupid again.
  2. Sean is a good person, he makes sure that his job is done and I always see him doing a good job as a sec officer +1
  3. +1 I have known Noah for a Long time, he is a very great RPer and should be on the whitelist. He always makes around fun, and at the same makes roleplay very interesting.
  4. My interactions with him have always been nice and all. I have never seen him as an interim before but I think from what others are saying, and from the bits and pieces of what I have seen it is a +1 for me.
  5. Ok, thanks for your opinion, I see how I have "bad rp" then again I have not RP'd in about 4 months, sorry, I had issues, and I could not play 24/7. Borderline metagaming? I see my self slip up once in LOOC then I have never (intentionally) done it again. also valid-hunting, come on, usually when I play sec officer, I sit down, patrol, wait, respond. If your going to claim this, at least prove it, and as a secondary adminastratior, if I am doing all these bad things, should I have not received a warning, ban, or anything of the sorts? You kinda just proved you are not competent. ((No offense)) I understand that, yeah I am not the best of players, who is? I have seen shitty RP from everyone, most likely you to. I just created John Rickets, we really has not done anything bad in my eyes.
  6. Slazar wants to join NT and SOL, he is not on a Moghean, he is Ouerean, due to the Hedgmoney taking back, the planet is unbalanced, they alligned them selves with Humand and Skrell cultures, they do agree with some of these things, but to extent they do not like the Hedgmoney. Slazar, really just does not want to be involved, and to better himself as a warrior, but to better his future, and mind. TO answer question two, please re read the backstory (paragraph one) near the end, the Youthos were contacted by them when Slazar's father was a child, they were cautious, seeing how they might try to buy their land, or hurt them, but soon became friends, many of the other clan mates decided to work for NT, SOl, and other companies out there. EDIT: Fixed my grammar, thanks for pointing it out.
  7. I am going to +1 this, Chen seems to have a grasp on the lore which is needed, not only that but the back story is not that bad, most IPC's are in a warehouse, being sold, what ever. I personally do not know this person, but I assume he will do a good job RPing, if he doesn't he will obviously get it taken away. Good luck, I hope you get accepted.
  8. BYOND Key: Xxxretroxgears3 Character Names: Hudson Greenwood, Hudson Grabberman, John Cox, John Mitch, John Rickets Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to be this race because everyone takes Tajara and IPC no on ever wants to pick Skrell or even Vaurca anyone more. I also find Unathi one of the most interesting races on Aurora because they are quiet but usually deadly and everyone who plays as them RP'S pretty good. Next, in real life I just like lizards so I relate to this race fairly well. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: When role-playing as human your a human and theirs no buffs/debuffs and there are no voice changes.((unless you want to use an accent.)) no "third person" or any crazy speech patterns such as the Vaurca. Finally, when being an alien you need to act and talk like one ((it may get 2-3 rounds to get used to)) Character Name: Slazar Appendiss Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Slazar Appendis is an Oureaeann Unathi of the Youthnosheneeis clan located 50 kilometers from the city of Isoz . The clan has been around for a very long time but the name has changed before and has gone through radical changes during the years. Since then they have calmed down has gone under smaller changes. Since the new hegemony, the clan has tried to avoid them, keeping in contact with the Sol Republic looking for a chance to leave. The Appendis family rules because the family has been around the longest and is the fairest, honorable, and strong. Usually, the strongest clan members are black dark red or crimson but once in a while, there is slight variation and the rare Blue, Albino Unathi is the strongest the clan has known. The 10 strongest Males and Females grant the most power to the family in the clan the higher up and more powerful the more influence and if multiple kids are the strongest it's, even more, influence the clan has. NT knows this clan very very well and has been keeping tabs on them wishing to recruit these clan members. Most people of the Youthosheneeis clan are hunters of a sort, fishing, hunting, or bounty hunting, but that is rare. During Slazar's father's time as a child, NT, and the Sol government came to their tribe, they were careful but opened up, and many tribesmen went to work for these people, rather than stay where the Hegemony is taking over, and everything around is going through chaos. Slazar Appendis was born in the clan Youthnosheneeis. When he was born his father Shizku Appendis was the leader of the clan or at the top in the election. His mother was a fighter who taught Slazar at the age of 7 how to be a warrior and hunter teaching him proper manners. His farther the strongest of the clan, his scales were pure black and showed how he could be deadly and blended with the shadows. when Slazar was born he was the 4th child of Shizuku but he was in the top 3 strongest male children by the time he was 13 also it was round . Slazar wished to be a Sol government navy trooper one day and trained very hard because he generally opposing his ages training sneaking into the elders. Around the age of 15 Slazar was the 5th strongest male in the entire clan along with his loving sister who ranked 8th in the strongest females in the clan. At 18 Slazar left his clan to join the Navy along with 6 others, his father very proud, he wished his son . On their travels, they told stories, traveling to the nearest city. The following month he found an NT navy officer landing in Isoz and was accepted into the Sol military academy for the gifted and graduated when he was 23 years old. 10 years later he left the military after his service time was up. After he became a security officer on the NSS SanQuan. Currently, he is looking at a job on the NSS Exodus and may plan to move here. What do you like about this character? I like who even among his clan, he wanted to do what he wanted, his ambition made him where he is, overcoming his challenges and made his own tracks on the ground. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Decent, I work on it, and I am not always the best, I just need to get into the groove, and make a personality for everyone. Notes: Unathi can be dark blue, check the wiki. Also, if you have a question or concern just PM me on the forms or discord, my discord is my forum user name. Retro.
  9. Retro

    ERT Revamp

    Hi how are you, I would like to suggest a new idea that can change ERT ((NO shit)) most people join ERT when something goes down, usually pick roles, well problem is when its a medical issue or engineering no one picks that. Also ERT is not well organized, really. What I am going to suggest is that we have something like CCIA, we have a leader of ERT, then we have squad leaders, fire team leaders, and security, engineering, and medical. This will make it so there are strict rules to follow, and proper procedures. I am open to any suggestions and am working on a ROE and a guide line to ERT as well. if you have anything u want to talk about this, PM on discord, I am retro on auroras, and FTL13 or just PM on byond at Xxxretroxgears3.
  10. Hi, Dr. John Cox here i wish to Join Sample as a standard member under the Science wing as Research and Development and Robotics Division
  11. Name: Johnny Watts Type of Donation:[x]Monetary []Property []Clothing and Misc []Equipment Repair/Tools []Other: (Please Specify) Is the donation monetary? [x]Yes []No If yes, please list amount: 100 Credits If no, please list current market value of donation: Contact Information: Johnny Watts@mell.pol Name: Johnny Watts Type of Donation:[]Monetary []Property []Clothing and Misc [x]Equipment Repair/Tools []Other: (Please Specify) Is the donation monetary? []Yes [x]No If yes, please list amount: N/A If no, please list current market value of donation: 50 Credits Contact Information: Johnny Watts@mell.pol Name: Johnny Watts Type of Donation:[]Monetary [X]Property []Clothing and Misc []Equipment Repair/Tools []Other: (Please Specify) Is the donation monetary? []Yes [X]No If yes, please list amount: N/A If no, please list current market value of donation: N/A Location and what it is I own a small building in district 3, 3 story's I have no use for it so i would like to give it to you. It is located on 1787 Ronner Ave. Next to the Bakery Contact Information: Johnny Watts@mell.pol
  12. I am just going to make a quick thing here, Yes, a HoS is allowed to arrest other loyal members if they go violent or to extreme 100% It is stated even in the rules and is punishable, also i forgot who said it about the "flawed train though" or whatever, I'll clarify, If you do not wish to start as a loyalist right away that round do not go these roles,((Captain HoS, IAA) If you want to have more RP and want to join you can pick a different role, if you have a head whitelist you have access to every role, Knocking 3 off a list is not that bad. Also to clarify, All other heads do not require implants so they may be converted. Another thing to prove the point if a CCIA officers and ERT members automatically have loyalty implants. Some how becoming against Nanotrason is impossible you will not see it happen ((unless they are greifing)) It makes 100% these roles cannot betray the company
  13. Hi, I would like to make a slight tweek to REV, first off certain roles such as Captain, Head of Security, and IAA have loyalty implants https://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=NanoTrasen_Occupation_Qualifications ((look at tier 9 and 10)) During this game mode i believe it is 2 head loyalist of both sides recruit members on to their side, as we know a loyalty implant and the game is to make someone loyal to Nanotrason, but according to this shouldn't these roles automatically be loyal? That is what i see when i see loyalty implant. WHAT DO TO: : Make it so these roles are automatically loyal. : If doing that remove rev from hidden if not already : Give a warning to players when rev is confirmed - Joining this will automatically make you a loyalist antag do you wish to proceed? PLAYERS WHO DON'T SUPPORT THIS BECAUSE THEY PLAY THESE ROLES If you don't want to be a antag that round don't play as that role that round simple.
  14. I have seen him around to be honest I thought he had head of staff, I would +1 this for sure
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