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Everything posted by Deridin

  1. Good to see more people that will do well in command actually apply Cnaym is a wonderful person to see online because you can always expect a good baseline for RP and they're fun to interact with both ICly and OOCly. And since they're almost on all of the time it would be great to finally get reliable command staff on station, especially for skeleton shifts where there is almost no one and there is no command structure to usually look to incase of emergencies or just to sort out paperwork. Big ol' +1 Extra note: Cnaym! ❤️
  2. No one is physically preventing anyone else from adding him things to the loadout just because they look similar to a custom item, I’m sure if it came around to a discussion regarding adding some items that were similar and that someone decided to take the time to sprite and work on themselves there would be no problem or conflict between the two because the uniform would still hold its uniqueness to the character by way of item description and what not. And the loadout item could be used by anyone if they wanted it. And if the feminine loadout is lacking why push things away that would help to give another option to a player rather than just shoving the idea away because it’s not something that everyone could have? Is that not the point of a custom item? Finally the CCIA announcement only says uniform iirc, not specifically jumpsuit, so anything that could be easily identified as a contractor uniform, just like security uniforms, should work, no?
  3. Having more diversity in contractors would be something interesting to have, especially some sort of command order between the contractors without affecting the actual command line-up we currently have. Looking at these sprites they look extremely well made, at least to me. Personally I think adding these items would be a great idea and would help flesh out contractors more than just the lore we have placed in front of us on the wiki. +1 (Also necropolis take over soon comrade)
  4. I would volunteer for vox dev right now if it became a thing. Even if a whitelist wasn't implemented a vox lore dev would still help to mold the species as a whole.
  5. This does not need to be the case, with a whitelist and a proper lore dev both canon and non-canon events could be held to actually push forward new avenues of RP instead of just forcing the race to be stuck within the "merchant and raider only" role.
  6. As to this part, I think it's actually a good set of guidelines from an RP stand-point considering their fallen empire-like nature and their inability to reproduce.
  7. Vox in a general sense on Aurora are simply seen as antags that just follow the common guidelines of "Be very annoying, shriek a lot, and spike anything that moves slightly more than it should". Considering we're an HRP server and Vox do actually have lore based standards that should be enforced on them I personally think it is a good idea overall to have them whitelisted even though they're limited to merchant and raider roles. Whitelisting the race itself and bringing an actual Vox lore dev into the picture would allow for them to be regulated by their appointed lore guidelines. Specifically actually punishing the Vox that decide to violate the inviolate and ruin their image. Another reason this could be good is that events could even be made out of a whitelisting for the Vox, ensuring that players that know what they're actually playing and understand the race itself could fit into a more HRP scenario aside from suddenly show up, kill people, and take stuff. Recently this came to my attention while I was actually playing as a Vox during a round of Heist where we were moving aboard the Aurora to steal things and the other Vox players started shooting and seriously injuring people unnecessarily, being a player that actually understand the inviolate, seeing that happen, and being worried about being immediately ahelped because I started wailing on my fellow antag for violating the inviolate was a worry that stopped me from actually acting on it. With guidelines in place and an actual staff member to ensure the quality of Vox I believe that they could be brought into a better light and used to positively usher forward better RP opportunities with vox for the community as a whole.
  8. Being still a relatively new addition to the work force universe wise and synths being discriminated against by multiple political factions the NT RnD division has decided to place Felix into a Baseline chassis in order to observe (as said above) material production, crew interaction, and overall operations. This shift from station-bound to IPC is largely an experiment to see if IPCs are any more or less functional than station-bounds aboard the Aurora. Pending any failures in efficiency or issues regarding the nature of synthetic discrimination the IPC would be decommissioned, placed back into a station-bound chassis, and the Baseline chassis would be redistributed for use elsewhere.
  9. During it's transfer from Station-bound to IPC, Felix will be reprogrammed to fulfill a specific task and to preform that task efficiently. That task being mining, nothing else.
  10. BYOND Key: Deridin Character Names: Lukas Chapman [Security Officer] - Xavier Alekzander [Medical Doctor] - Felix [Stationbound] Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Applying for IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: After playing as a station-bound on and off namely "Felix", my interest to finally stray away from playing only station-bounds and human characters has lead me to the point where I'd like to try something completely new. Being a long time player on Aurora and only holding a command whitelist which I no longer use due to IC reasons has left me wanting for more out of my ability to RP in different scenarios. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Playing an IPC, specifically an IPC fabricated from an existing station-bound, would lead to many different interactions than you could get with a human character. A main point is the overarching difference in IPC's being a relatively new being to be introduced to galaxy as a whole, dealing with suspicions and concern of other species. Being restricted to certain mannerisms and living within a whole new realm of discrimination from the usually lax discrimination against humans would lead to a whole new scope of RP for myself. As well as dealing with completely different damage related issues, requiring a roboticist instead of a medical doctor and interacting with different departments. Character Name: Felix Please provide a short backstory for this character Unit Designation: Felix. Occupational Designation: Shaft Miner. Unit Felix was constructed and designed by Nanotrasen originally as a station-bound Unit to fill multiple roles aboard the Aurora if required. Following crew evaluation reports of uneasiness near station-bound Units Nanotrasen has decided to take it upon themselves to look into alternatives to standard synthetic usage and thus is moving towards a more IPC configured synthetic presence to leave organic crew more as ease in their workplace. Felix, previously a station-bound Unit aboard the Aurora, has been shifted into a Baseline IPC Frame to allow for continued operations in the mining division, increased outputs of materials, and ease of use regarding Mining Yield Reports. During it's operation as a station-bound, crew have reported Felix to be a welcome sight in both the mining division and research division during deliveries due to it's efficiency and ability to do a job as instructed. Due to these reports, Nanotrasen's Research and Development division has decided to move Felix to an IPC chassis in order to observe material production, crew interactions, and overall operations of a newly constructed IPC being placed into the workplace. This decision will continue to be monitored and the Unit pulled from work pending any issues regarding it's operations. What do you like about this character? For me personally I enjoy a change in how I get to RP, Felix for me is a huge change going from spending literal years of playing nothing but human characters and the occasional station-bound to being able to try something new and enjoy playing as a newly fabricated IPC in order to meet different people in different departments and see how I can further expand my ability to actually RP. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd say about 7 or 8 out of 10. Notes: This is my first whitelist attempt outside of a command whitelist so it's likely lacking in some fields and my command whitelist was ages ago. If anyone has recommendations or suggestions please feel free to contact me on discord and tell me (Swadow#5471) I look forward to feedback on my RP regardless of the outcome of this application, I'd like to see where I need improvement and where I am doing things right or wrong. (OOC: Duckeroo: just say "kyuwus pls say yes xd <3")
  11. They play their characters well and I think they would do well with access to more opportunities. But nerf miners though, definitely.
  12. >Arrive to shit being bad, get armor, get shotgun, shoot at Grue >Have to afk for like 15-20 min >Wake up to shit being even worse >Go to medical to check on Captain among other things >Shoot at grue and ?kill? (Pretty sure they were already dead) Captain >Become the will incarnate of some stupid crystal thing >Leave on pods after small fight with Amory-fuckboi
  13. You'll never be prepared >
  14. Never thought that one of the main topics would be "How to kill Lukas" ok_hand
  15. What do you personally think about Lukas as a character, I am interested to see how people feel about him and how I play him, any feedback is helpful feedback. (And yes Butter, I did steal your idea)
  16. Im all for criticisms of course, they're just ways for me to improve. And yes I admit that dancing with someone during code red is a bit absurd but I have only ever done that on one occasion. As to Lukas being "Too Memey", you might as well not allow anyone to play a character with any sense of humor, I understand your criticism but there are plenty of characters that do much more ridiculous things. And you dont have to say "Someone contacted me anonymously" if you are the one with the actual complaint, I am not going to take it personally.
  17. Coalf is a good RP'er overall and even a better robo-waifu. +1
  18. Recently I have actually regeared Lukas to applying to more of a security role than medical, his medical school would have been for medical treatment that a paramedic would be able to give, I have yet to change the employment records to fit this but I am planning on changing them to suit the needs of the role. I believe he would be considered for promotion based on his actions in his current posting as a security officer and (hopefully) recommendations that other crew would give regarding his service as an Officer. (Also you know you love the holographic catears)
  19. BYOND key: Deridin Character names: Lukas Chapman How long have you been playing on Aurora?: For about five to six months Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because I believe that I would be able to help progress RP and atleast maintain control in the Security department as a Head of Security Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora because I always have liked to RP in SS13 but I have never found a stable community or server to do so in Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: I think roleplay should be about building stories. Relationships, hardships, and great achievements are all parts of a good and well thought out character in any sort of roleplaying situation. Roleplaying is made to allow us to live through characters we have created and do things that we would not normally get to do, immersing yourself into a character and putting real thought into a character and playing out the resorting situations is always a very rewarding feeling. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I believe a head of staff is very crucial to the game. Ordering their respective departments, coordinating with other departments, and getting down to the long amount of time spent doing paperwork for the good of the crew. Heads of staff are vital in bringing a department together in order to achieve a wide scale effort such as intruders, biohazards, or diseases as well as things such as sorting out riots, mutineers, or cults. Heads of staff are also a figureheads and people that are needed to answer questions or concerns that their subordinates may have. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I believe that whitelisted players are obligated to help other players have a good and enjoyable environment to RP in. To help usher new players into wanting to join our community and bring new characters into the server bringing forward more and better opportunities for RP for all involved. The whitelists are made to keep certain roles closed, and for good reason. The whitelisted roles on the server can very easily make or break a good RP environment as a whole and it takes a certain degree of responsibility and dedication to fill those roles. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Lukas Chapman Character age: 29 (30 if read on or after September 3rd, 2016) Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Lukas was born on Mars and lived in an orphanage for the majority of his early life, Around the age of fifteen he broke away from the orphanage and worked moving cargo for merchants to earn his keep. After a few close encounters Lukas worked for a wealthy Merchant by the name of Xavier Koemel, Xavier offered Lukas the opportunity to go to a medical school for a few years. Lukas, during his time at the medical school, used his funds to secure an apartment and later worked at a private bar in order to help fund his life during school. After med-school Lukas decided to take up a Cadet-ship aboard the Brutus and worked forward to becoming an Officer. Lukas spent a large majority of his time honing his skills and working off the money that he wanted to pay Xavier in return for his kind offer. When it comes to working in the Security Department, Lukas likes to take a level-headed and non-biased approach to nearly all situations, trying to solve them without any unneeded violence and making an attempt to handle every situation at the lowest level possible. What do you like about this character?: Lukas, being my only character has always been a fun character for me to play. Making relationships, over coming hardships, and just generally interacting with other people. Lukas cares for every race equally and believes that synthetics should be given near, if not the same, amount of regard that organics would and is open about his feelings on the matter. Lukas is generally nice towards most of the crew unless he is given a reason to act otherwise. What do you dislike about this character?: The only thing that I really dislike about Lukas is that he is almost cookie-cutter when it comes to his personality, I try to make him an enjoyable character to be around but I am not so sure that I always achieve this goal with the people that I interact with. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: I believe that Lukas is fit to lead because if there is something he wants done, he will get it done. Lukas has always had a non-biased out-look on security work and often voices his opinions against others that carry bias into the workplace. I believe that he would be a good Head of Security and would be able to lead efficiently and effectively. Lukas is a dependable character that can get things that are asked of him done and can handle a situation without it leading directly to violence. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would like to think that I am pretty good at roleplaying my character in a believeable manner but I know that there is always room to improve on my roleplaying.
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