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About Carver

  • Birthday 01/01/1996

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  • Byond CKey

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (36/37)

  1. Those proposed changes to CCIA would utterly ruin the point of CCIA. The value of CCIA is that, as it were, they are without bias and every matter is seen to. Even the smallest IR is at least read no matter who reports it, and the investigations are carried out by an ostensibly neutral party who can’t be bribed and is held to a significantly higher standard than any command member due to being a member of server staff. Without that guarantee of equal and fair investigation, of what value is CCIA? Nothing at all. Those proposed changes effectively delete it.
  2. The people you want should perhaps be subtle then. IRs generally arise from overt misbehaviour, the sort of thing where corporate has to step in because Sec/Command aren’t doing enough to curtail the issue. This is an SCC vessel after all, if you want to break corporate rules you can’t be blatant about it. Otherwise, it would be incredibly difficult to maintain the immersive atmosphere of an ostensibly professional working environment if people were freely crass and criminal.
  3. It would also be nice if there was a way to keep them out of observer logs for someone who wants to observe the round without being forced into local ghost hearing/vision only. As well as keeping them off of any communications since the centcomm z-level is used by actual round antags and staff/event character roles.
  4. I’ll add to the above that on several occasions I’ve seen people dodge meaningful punishment by avoiding it until round-end where they may dodge a security charge entirely. Even whilst playing HoS I’ve had that issue occur, furthered by officers who simply didn’t care to act. As it stands, there also isn’t really any significant punishment in regard to being charged by security. It’s a little note on your record that won’t mean much until someone review requests you (the close sibling of IRs), and to many people doesn’t matter because they don’t see it through a real corporate lens of how much that effects your character’s future in regard to employment opportunities. Only staff, whether administrative or CCIA (or rarely, lore) depending on the specific matter, can truly affect one’s character in any significant and lasting manner.
  5. If they were handled in-round, then they wouldn’t be IR’d. IRs typically cover matters that couldn’t, or more rarely, wouldn’t be handled by Command and Security. If it’s a situation where you could have solved it in-round, then refer to the excerpt from IR rules below: Then refer to the following section of the IR format: To put it simply, that which could have been solved in-round wasn’t due to any number of circumstances.
  6. As opacity goes, can’t you read the punishments on the web interface? Is that just a Command WL thing that I can read them there? I assume it’s something wholly OOC either way, but I’ve had no issues reading the outcomes more or less transparently there. Generally, I like IRs. I remember when they were added, I remember why they were added (handling characters who act unreasonable for corporate personnel but who aren’t breaking server rules), and I’ve yet to really see any reason to change them. From my experience with a prior interview, I hadn’t assumed that discord interviews weren’t favoured, as the individual handling it told me that discord was entirely acceptable and without issue as a medium for it. I personally prefer said medium since it keeps observers out of the matter (I would not want to use the relay for that reason). If discord is discouraged then I agree that it shouldn’t be. I also agree that, to an extent, things should be transparent - the web interface seems to handle this rather perfectly as-is, but perhaps it can be directed to a little more visibly. Otherwise, IRs are a very well-functioning system that I wouldn’t want to see changed. They serve an extremely important purpose in helping to keep characters behaving reasonably, at least canonically, and if more were subjectively thrown out as ‘inconsequential’ then I fear that the alternative would be character/player complaints.
  7. The sec main in me tells me that Attempted Murder applies given the extent of the physical harm, as that amount of brain damage sounds as though it would have been fatal without intervention. I don’t really see a need for another charge in the book, as this isn’t one of those cases where it’s cumbersome to find an appropriate charge (compared to others like bribery where there isn’t really a charge for it).
  8. I'd argue that this can only be a good thing, as it means we can finally get rid of that hideous immersion-breaking Canary-wall since the aux hangar is no longer 'visitor access'.
  9. Wouldn’t this absolutely shit on any kind of antagonism or otherwise stealthy departure with the Spark, though? If simplification is needed just add a device that ‘clocks in’ swiped IDs into the airlock so someone who boards can clock in when they leave, clock out when they return.
  10. In a sense, aren't most ghost roles effectively the best BC learner roles? You're almost always given a ship that no one particularly cares if you fly like an idiot, and there's no risk to it really impacting the Horizon unless you perform an escalating series of mistakes with your ship's weaponry. It's all-around low-stress good practice. The only thing really close would be learning to fly in the Canary (with Command's permission, which probably wouldn't be hard at all to get) as a full BC, which is similarly low-risk tho Command will likely worry if you mess up enough to damage it in the process - but not nearly as much as if you did the same w/ the Horizon itself.
  11. Intriguing, in this case I suppose that I’d hope it’d get updated/buffed for better usability. When I asked a few engineer mains they had no idea of anything fixing windows which is what prompted the thread (as I remembered this decade+ old chemical that was useless and mildly lightened window sprites).
  12. Per the title, it's an old chem that rarely sees use on its own. This would help solve that and give a (better) means to repair partially-damaged windows. A(n effective) means to repair windows is the primary goal of this thread. For the unaware, this is Silicate, it's a truly ancient chem that could be sprayed to strengthen windows. It was never very useful back in the day.
  13. I would perhaps argue that Earth not being a monoculture is what makes it the most grounded part of the setting still, as any culture you can imagine IRL can be applicable to an Earther and will have hundreds to thousands of years of lore (history) to work with. I quite like that this application doesn't try to change that, and instead focuses more on the political aspects/history of Earth/Sol.
  14. Reporting Personnel: Reed Calom Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Corporate Representative, PMCG Game ID: cwb-dGAW Personnel Involved: Ashi Firetalon, Tech Support, Orion - Primary Offender Rakka Kuhwinla, Security Officer, PMCG - Secondary Offender Reed Calom, Corporate Representative, PMCG - Reporting Witness Camille Lancaster, Operations Manager - Witness Lodovica Pirro, Consular, Empire of Dominia - Victim/Witness Secondary Witnesses: Za'Akaix'Telap Zo'ra, Assistant, PMCG - Witnessed the 'Toy' that verbalized a false bomb threat and countdown, overheard all radio comments. Samantha Gallagher, Investigator, PMCG - Personally informed me that Officer Kuhwinla had both refused to act upon the report and had failed to inform their department. Time of Incident: Around 01:00 Ship Time, for the lattermost offense witnessed in person. Radio comments were throughout the shift. Real Time: (00:00-01:00~ish GMT, throughout the round) Location of Incident: Primarily via Common Radio, and outside of the Bridge near the end of the shift Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [X] - Neglect of Duty [X] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: The primary offender, Ashi Firetalon, verbally stated over the common radio a thinly veiled desire to commit murder and arson. They attempted to veil these remarks under claims that it was to be in a video game, but given their criminal history (Security Record - Record: 13-04-2436) one can assume that this is not merely a grossly inappropriate attempt at humour. Furthermore, they harassed a Consular of the Empire of Dominia over the common radio prior and seemingly created or at least used an electronic device that verbally stated a bomb threat after which it would count down to a faux explosion. The lattermost was witnessed by myself and my assistant Telap near the end of the shift, outside of the bridge, and it is possible that the Consular may have seen this device used earlier based upon their remarks. The radio harassment, then the comments expressing fantasy of criminal action, were fully overheard by myself and Operations Manager Lancaster - who herself had attempted to calm down the initial harassment over radio. After the remarks over the radio regarding murder and arson, I messaged Officer Kuhwinla via PDA, the only Security Officer on-shift, to file a request to investigate Firetalon's comments. After some time without response - despite the Officer's PDA having power as they had replied to a query but a moment before the request - and witnessing Firetalon playing haphazardly with the markedly concerning 'toy' whilst hauling a keg, I queried Detective Gallagher regarding the status of my request - and whether it had even been shared with the rest of the Security Department. I soon learned that Officer Kuhwinla had not only neither shared or acted upon it, but had refused to do anything about it according to the Detective's own statement, flagrantly neglecting their duties. Submitted Evidence: Refer to the SCCV Horizon's Common Radio logs for the early morning of the 15th of October for the primary offense, Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: -Camille Lancaster, Operations Manager -Sylvia Ewart, Chief Engineer I had informed them both that I requested Security to open an investigation into the matter of the comments over the radio. Actions taken: Reported the incident to Security, specifically Officer Kuhwinla initially, then Detective Gallagher after a period of noticeable inaction. Kuhwinla had not shared my request with the rest of the department. Command Staff had, after my initial report, assumed Security to be investigating the matter. By the time that Detective Gallagher was involved, the shift was coming to an end and there was no time for her to look into the matter fully - though I reported the 'toy' to her and Command at this point nevertheless. Operations Manager Lancaster had personally attempted to stop the radio harassment of the Consular. Chief Engineer Ewart was a late arrival and pre-occupied with maintaining the vessel's new equipment, furthermore I am uncertain if they were present to overhear any of the radio misconduct or witness the 'toy'. Additional Notes: I have many words to offer after reading the individual's record, but it more than speaks for itself.
  15. You could easily cut a lot of useless channels like meme channels and art channels (and some of the unused polling channels) tbf but yeah it’d still take up a lot of room.
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