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Byond CKey
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[Declined] LordBalkara's Antag Loredev App
LordBalkara replied to LordBalkara's topic in Developer Applications Archives
In the words of Jackboot, on another, rejected antag lore app: I agree with these points. Antag lore should be vague, and mysterious. Enough details to give you theories and ideas, but not so much that you know the entirety of an organization's origins, motives, and workings, as it is right now. That's what I mean by subtlety. Don't just tell people things about antags. Give them clues, enough to peak their interest, but not enough to be 100% sure of anything. It's not about whether or not players could be trusted to know all the intricate details of each and every antag, it's about whether that harms or benefits the lore. Not to mention, it could be considered a need-to-know thing. I doubt a member of a secret criminal organization is going to know everything about it. That's one of my biggest annoyances though. Most antag lore exists in a separate bubble from the rest of the lore. The only really exception is the Vox, and even they have very little effect or meaning in other species lore. It'd take some coordination with loredevs, but I had an idea that could alleviate it a little, which I will elaborate on further down. That's something I've been considering. Turn syndicate page from an idiotically detailed biography of a secret organization no one knows even exists, into a short explanation of the syndicate and plenty of other "bad guys". Bear in mind, none of these will be things people have to do. Just factions antags can look at and go "That's neat. I'll be one of them today." It could have the Lii'dra, the ALA, and the Synthetic Liberation Front. Organizations people could be easily expected to know about. And maybe hint at a few others that are less well-known. Such as Skrell synth killers, or Dominian synth killers. I like constructive criticism. -
[CLOSED] Dionaea: Less Secure
LordBalkara replied to Elohi Adanvdo's topic in Accepted/Implemented Policy
I mean, aren't industrials like the second slowest species, and yet are the standard sec officer IPC chassis? It seems like resilience and CQC abilities are things highly valued in the security field, something Dionae have plenty of. I mean, I'll give you the point about not being able to chase people down, but they aren't entirely 100% unsuited to the job of Officer. Just not for patrols, or any other role which requires fast feet. Checkpoint manning, guarding an area, and handling emergencies/antags/EVA issues are all reasonably within their grasp. -
Change the health display to show locational damage
LordBalkara replied to whiterabit's topic in Archive
This ought to be implemented. I've seen plenty of servers, most running some form of TG code, with this or a similar system. Most of the coding work that needs doing is just porting already existing code and sprites. -
It's a bit disconcerting, that as you take damage, there is no indicator of what part of you specifically is actually damaged. You only really know you're in pain, not where, and how severe it is in different parts. For example, were you to lose a limb, you're HUD wouldn't tell you that. Only that you were in intense pain. It's a bit awkward that someone can miss the fact that they've lost an entire limb, simply because other than a potentially easy to miss in combat attack log red indicator, and a minor change to your sprite, there's nothing really easily telling you when you've lost a limb. An indicator to the side telling you that you've lost a limb, or atleast feel very intense pain on said missing limb could work fairly well. The best part is that most coding and spriting probably doesn't even need to be done, as other servers have this feature.
I am going to necro this to make a similar, but slightly different suggestion that rather than vamp hulk just have a new overlay, instead it could change the fur/skin/hair/scale/exoskeleton color to white, and the eye color to red. As a theme, it fits better with vampires, and is still a very obvious indicator of a "hulked" vampire, with the bonus of working for basically any species that can be a vampire.
I'd be fine with this, as long as you smack anyone who takes it further. Like, leave the rules on actual sexual RP exactly the same, with the only difference being people can have sex, however they cannot describe it and can only "fade to black" and pick up after the act. No cringy ERP me says. Just a "AND THEN THEY ALL FUCKED" and they're done.
I do hope the whole ERP thing is a meme/April fool's joke. ERP in text form is generally pretty bad. It relies on the writing abilities of the average person, and even then they have only as long as it takes for the other person to get bored, which in a 2d spessmen game where you can go and do all sorts of kooky shit isn't too long. So you'll get all sorts of shittily written and pretty cringy me says. Seriously, if you think I'm exaggerating, go onto an ERP server, and and look at the ghost chat logs. It's not arousing, it's just kind of makes you groan and cringe in disgust/shame, until you look in your closet and find that gun you bought forever ago for "home defense", knowing full well what you planned on really doing with it. Your shaking hands cock it, a pointless gesture given its semi-automatic nature. You put it in your mouth, tasting the cold metal and faint taste of gunpowder from when you took it out to the range for a test. Hand shaking, lungs and heart working in overtime to keep you away from the death you seek, you look to your computer screen and see one big "OwO" in the chatbox. As your desperate hyperventilating turns into depressed and horrified sobs, your finger moves to the trigger and begins to squeeze. In addition, why are people fucking in the workplace? It's something that could get you in huge trouble, assuming you don't outright lose your job. Overall, I just feel like that would be a really bad idea. We would be trashing our reputation, allowing people to do more low quality RP, and kind of making the already unrealistic setting even more unrealistic.
Actually, I never made this thread to complain about using telescience for fun, just that, given it's supposed to be a highly experimental, dangerous, and barely understood field, the mechanics should reflect that. A good example would be K'ois. Even though in lore it was an alien and fairly dangerous plant, with horrible effects and risks, people still insisted on growing it anywhere, and looking at people for idiots for acting like it was dangerous, despite the fact that in lore, it very much so is. But, as soon as K'ois was made dangerous in game to reflect the danger it presents in lore, suddenly people understood, and treated it the way it should be treated. I'm not asking for a balance change or a nerf, really. Just that the ingame functions of the device reflect it's in lore functions. A highly experimental and hardly understood teleportation technology should have more risks associated with it. In lore, most teleportations or bluespace based transportation requires a GPS point to aim for, making telescience, which doesn't require this, quite unusual. Again, it's ingame functions should reflect this.
[Declined] LordBalkara's Antag Loredev App
LordBalkara replied to LordBalkara's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Now that I think about it, Syndicate lore could also use some TLC. The main syndicate page: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=The_Syndicate Is an obscenely in-depth look at a supposedly shadowy and mainly unknown organization. The history, goals, and functions are simply laid out for anyone to see after a simple search of "syndicate" on the wiki. It lacks subtlety, and even has a few glaring contradictions/errors, like (Spoilered because it's a long quote): The syndicate being expelled 3 years before they began to return. And lest you think that line about "their ultimate objective..." is subtlety, let me remind you that in the overview, it flatly states: "Their ultimate objective is to destroy Nanotrasen and any government that supports it." Really, antag lore could use some work. -
How would an MMI work? Would it essentially end up a cyborg, but with hands and no modules, or is it intended as another method of reviving deceased. For example, using as a body for a poor gibbed soul until either round end, or scientists use the wonders of genetics to make a replacement.
Would it check for where the brain came from? Or if the player being inserted has a whitelist? If not, I can see this being used as a way to bypass whitelists, or create IPCs through robotics. Which I would support, given that it might be more for robotics to do/goof around with.
Eh, I've seen it used almost casually a few times, as a way to do the EMTs job, or show off a bit. Especially by those who know how to use it well. Making it dangerous for people still allows people to experiment with it, while preventing casual or incautious use of it. And saying a way to instantly transport everything on a tile to another spot in a matter of seconds with no repercussions or limitations beyond your ability to do some math/find a decent calculator isn't OP seems odd.
Basically what the title says. Make Telescience do bad things to teleported people/things, so it will feel more like the highly dangerous and experimental technology it's supposed to be. Instead of a fancy taxi service. Suggestions of effects:
[Declined] LordBalkara's Antag Loredev App
LordBalkara replied to LordBalkara's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I don't intend on restricting anyone, nor making any set in stone requirements for playing an antag. I just want to improve fluff and make the antag lore marginally less annoying to read. Nobody's going to be told how to play their antags, and most of what I write would be just some minor backstory to some factions that antags could freely choose to be a part of or not. I might even edit some to be more open ended/free. For example, the Merc page: Outright tells you your back story and motivation. I'm inclined to edit it to be way more vague and open ended, simply stating that you're armed, and for one reason or another intent on boarding the Aurora.