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Everything posted by Thundy

  2. As poor shadow and I have very different timezones, I have taken the initiative to steal the generic questions from the other moderator applications and reply to them. Situation one. You are a trial mod. Somebody joins with name Obama, bald assistant, 30 years. What would you do? I would PM the player, asking if they had read our rules and especially that part that says not to join with IRL names and junk. After making sure they understand why it wasn't appropriate, I would ask them to cryo and join as another character, or if an admin was online, I'd ask them to change the name to something more appropriate. Second situation. Nuke round. You see a QM equipped with weapons rushing to the nuke ops and killing 3 of them. A nuke op ahelps about the QM. What would you do? I would message the QM (and wind him or her, depending on the situation) and ask them why they had behaved in such a way. The QM says they did it because he got tired of the nuke ops and wanted to end the round. After this response, I would refer them to the rules and warn them, creating a player note. If the player apologizes and says they didn't know better, I would stop there. If they tried to antagonize the situation, I would, after msaying and telling anyone else online of the situation, probably ban the player for a period of time that necessitated the situation. A player ahelps that he was permabrigged for no reason. What would you do? I would ask for a run down of the situation, then, after finding out the names of the other people involved, ask them what the situation involved. After understanding both sides, I would make a decision to either intervene and have the player released or I would step back, reminding the players keeping the permabrigged character that they need to make roleplay fun for that person also. If you were a staff member. Would you change something? Would you make something different? Suggestion one:I would index the rules to be referred to by number or letter, example: "Hello Mr DooDad, have you read rule 4 anexure 7 which references not ERPing on our server? Because you are about to get spooders all up in this grill..." Why? It would make reference to the rules much more simple, for both the person trying to point them out and the player who needs to go into the rules and quickly find what the moderator is talking about. Suggestion two:I would also have a manual for people wanting to moderate outlining how to moderate. It is silly to ask people to answer the above questions on assumed knowledge. A simple manual saying "Here is how you answer Ahelps, here is the person you message in case of a dev question, heres how you read player notes, make sure not to read them out loud in team speak...etc" Why? When I was a trial moderator, I felt a lot of frustration that this information was assumed of me. Not only did I not know it, but because I played at dead hour when it was luckly that there was someone to teach me, I was not given the opportunity to learn and grow. Which buttons are you referring to?
  3. Thundy


    We'd need a way to teleport and set actual way points that we could teleport to.
  4. It wasnt you dearest. Techno made a decision not to take the staff seriously and he was banned for it. He knew what he was doing and here we are. I loved roleplaying with you Techno, I thought Victor was great, but honestly, I'm glad that people finally took the initiative to ban you. You would powergame then complain that they had got mad at you for it, as if you had done nothing wrong. No one here wanted to see you leave (hence why it took so long for you to be banned) so I honestly can say you did this to yourself. Many many chances were extended to you. Even so, if, later when you discover that perhaps you weren't completely right, you could make an unban appeal. If that is the case, if the winds have not taken me elsewhere, I'd back you. See ya mate.
  5. http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Lamarr From half life, not alien.
  6. Just the normal pleb ones. Played my first game yesterday with Tao to learn. Got tabled turn two.
  7. Ahem, excuse me everyone, I have an announcement to make: I just bought my first Necron models $55 AUS I am going to be so poor soon.
  8. First things first, context is everything. I believe if someone deserves a ban, they should get it. If someone becomes more argumentative, there are numerous avenues for them to appeal the decision. If the person is able to reason themselves, I believe that should be taken into account when decision making. The ruling against one person may be different then another person, not because their actions as a whole were different but because there are many things to consider when making a judgement call. I work for my dad in accounting, but I also have an administrative part to play in his law firm (he's an accountant and a lawyer) and this is the case everywhere. Finding the most fair and just outcome isn't easy and its almost never black and white. Second things second, I believe the server rules are good. I think they cover a lot of bases and, although there is a lot to read, the main idea and vision of the server is carried on through its rules. Last things last, again, context. I will be transparent right now in saying that I did not agree with the thoughts and decision making of a lot of staff recently. I am not afraid to stand for something if I feel strongly enough about it. I have yet to encounter something that made me think "Yeah, that's worth fighting for, I'm going to argue that." but I know that, in real life, I fight for things and topics all the time. That said, it does not make me weak to relent a point that I think I can compromise. It takes a stupid person to be pig-headed and a wise person to know when to submit.
  9. Basic Information Byond Account: Thundy Character Name(s): Charlie Dove, Fel’siti Rumkai’nen, Khaw Elsani etc AI Name(s): Preferred means of contact: Skype, TS, Kik, whatever you need. Age:23 Timezone: Daylight savings means GMT +11, otherwise its GMT +10 When are you on Aurora?: Usually on or around deadhour or on weekends, I play more during regular server times Experience How long have you played SS13?:Since September 2014, so over a year. How long have you played on Aurora: see above How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I understand the concepts behind everything, though I don’t know everything backwards and forwards. My forte is Medical. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I was admitted as Mentor on three smaller servers (Mentor is like a step below Moderator, where you are expected to handle things IC, like a duty officer) and was admitted to the lore team on two of those. I was also Admin of a hightraffic minecraft server for a long time. Was also trial mod here. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: One day, Baystation when I was still a bald. Don’t know if that counts. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I enjoy the simplicity of the roleplay while still being a step above a text based game. I have a long history of playing games like DnD, Star Wars and most table top games so I guess SS13 is just one more avenue for me to roleplay. Why do you play on Aurora?: I enjoy the heavy role play aspect, the amount of players it gets, even at dead-hour, and the players that play. Even though I don’t always agree, I like the staff too. What do moderators do?: Answer Ahelps, check and add player notes, have a certain degree of banning privileges and usually have a forum management position. They are expected to uphold the rules of the server, being good examples to players and execute good judgement. I’d also expect for there to be a certain amount of mistakes made that forces them to be required to ask for help and not try and make decisions on their own. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I am on during deadhour where there is currently a gap in mods that can staff that time, I am calm and collected at my best and withdraw until I calm down at my worst. Although I am not completely versed in the rules or bugs, I can pick things up reasonably quickly with little guidance. I am also an avid player and strongly involved in the community and with the player base. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Specifically, all of the above and a sound idea of the vision of the server and your place in it. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I’ve wanted to be a moderator for a long time (this is my, what, third attempt?) and I believe it’s because I feel like I have something to offer. I also want to contribute to this server somehow and since I cannot code and this server has well-establised lore, I think this is the way to go. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Depending on the situation, I believe I handle stress and anger quite well, though I can be a bit sensitive to comments at times. Anything Else You Want to Add: please note: I will be traveling to Cambodia from the 21st of December to the 11th of January. Since I'll be away, I won't be online at all during that time and it may affect whether you want me to moderate for you.
  10. First up, don't insult my character just because you disagree. You can say anything you want to say without insulting anyone. When you insult people and their characters, all you're doing is putting on edge that may just want to get this resolved and it honestly doesn't help anyone. Secondly, I have already stated that the round was not a "fuckfest." The only one who thought that was you. What you did was cut off potential roleplay for others because of your own selfish reasoning. If you werent having fun, find fun to have. We did. Everyone was getting to know each other and figuring their characters out. At that point, it didn't matter that the station was in darkness because this game is about having fun and roleplaying together. We gave you numerous chances to be involved and you didn't want to be. Bad luck. What you did was childish in that, because you thought it was all about you, went and called the shuttle and made it impossible for us to recall it. It was frustrating and everyone that was on the station at the time thought so too. Umm. What? Are you serious? Your escallation of that situation when you call the shuttle as a security officer and the CMO tries to recall it would be to gun them down? Techno, please please please consider how ridiculous this is. You do not own the station and you do not grab the tasers every time someone crosses your will. Perhaps you should ask someone to walk you through your jobs and the particulars of a security officer and a workplace.
  11. This is cool, but if we do do this, could we have damage done to self reduced? I'm sick of trying to unscrew a window and accidentally stabbing myself in the chest, blood going everywhere.
  12. Although he has been criticised in the past, I believe Delta to be a sound role player and very deserving of this whitelist and I was confused as to how he had not aquired it already. I look forward to seeing another well played Tajara aboard, one that respects people and follows the lore correctly.
  13. So my boy friend just sold his Kara for a profit of $40, so we got$250 stream credit for the Christmas sales. Anyway, yeah, CS?
  14. http://imgur.com/yBrJ1fw Like this only green eyes?
  15. Okidokie, good to know. Also good to know. We'd established that the the wizard was okay, even by centrals standards, and that he was allowed to be on the station, even after his accidental shenanigans. We'd had Quntion Sh--something, cant remember, who had JUST finished setting up the Solars and power was being restored to the station slowly, that that wasnt an issue either. You called the shuttle while not being a command member and having the only command member tell you not to. You messaged Command about the intruder but not about calling the shuttle? There is a discrepancy here. I don't believe that it was your call to end the round because "it was useless to stay in this awful place." There are more people in the round then just you and no one else thought it was terrible. I understand that you may want to have complete immersion in that "I am an officer of the station and I always have to do whats right" but come on, it was dead hour, there was less then ten people and we had all come together in medbay to roleplay with each other in a fun and not necessarily "WE IS WERKING ON A STATION BE SRS" way. By calling the shuttle, you disregarded what my character had commanded of you, ruined other peoples RP and, not only that, went EVA as to not even allow us to have RP with you.
  16. BYOND Key: Thundy Player Byond Key: TechnoKat Staff involved: SenpaiShadow_ and Callum though they were playing in the round. Reason for complaint: I'm not sure if this should be an incident report or not so y'all let me know and i'll change it, but the reason i put it into a player complaint and not an incident report is because I believe it was a self-antag issue and not an IC issue. Basically, while playing CMO, we had a (mostly) peaceful wizard come on station at dead hour. Everyone was chill, having fun. Victor Kaipov (Techno) was the only security officer on. From cannon issues in the previous round, our characters had had tension. Even so, we eventually caught the wizard when he had a popped lung and I did surgery on him. While that is happening, techno somehow faxes Central, though he is an officer and not a head, through what i can only guess was the HOS office. Okay, I'm thinking, I can still work with this. Central replies after I had brought the Wizard into interrogation, saying that since the WIZ-DIZ doesnt seem dangerous, just to give him a guest pass. COOL! Back to the deadhour round. I start up a game in the medical lobby of "never have I ever" which brings basically the whole station (all 9 of us) in to a nice round roleplay. Everyone but Victor is there just about. As we are playing, we hear over the comms that he is ordering us all to go to the escape wing because he is calling the escape shuttle, to which my character promply tells him to "fuck off" and the then Ez (Callum), the Head of Security which had arrived after all this also tells him that he has no authority to call the shuttle. There was exchanges over the security channel to which i was not privy and, would you know it, a few minutes later the emergency shuttle is called. The Head of Security and I run to the bridge where the steal shutters are down and so we can't get in. I learned later that Victor had got an EVA suit and gone out into space to avoid being caught by us. Approximate Date/Time: 29/10/15, Approx 10-something-PM GMT +11 Extra Notes I have nothing against Techno at all, he's actually a sweetheart. Like I said, I'm not sure if this should be an incident so dont hesitate to tell me im a silly and to make one. Also I dont have logs for the round but Shadow knows which round it was if you'd like to pull them up.
  17. I don't go here, but as a slightly related party, I'd like to see the end of this.
  18. I've put this off for far too long. A little while ago I realised I was only staying because I had no where else to go. Now that I do, thank you all for the amazing time.
  19. I've put this off for far too long. A little while ago I realised I was only staying because I had no where else to go. Now that I do, thank you all for the amazing time.
  20. No problem, take your time. Should be good if we get it going though.
  21. Isn't this the point of secret? It prevents a lot of the initial metagame you get from picking a singular mode which has rather self-explanatory antags. I'm against the idea of removing extended from secret, though, because dead hour secret would only get autotraitor. I understand what you mean about dead hour, however there must be a balance between these two ideas. Extended being removed is a good idea in my opinion as I have felt the annoyance of voting secret and getting extended. "Secretly extended." If people are meta gaming because they know the game type, that is a problem with the people playing and should be addressed separately. Don't punish everyone because some people tell "ermergud captain ish Ling" over comms at the beginning of round. Could there be a compromise? Some sort of thing to vote where the result is EITHER a random antag OR extended, with it being split down the middle? Even have rounds where we turn off random encounters, like carp, drones and radiation?
  22. And as the cast took a bow, Charlie looked around at the faces around her, at the faces of Aurora. "So this is what having a family is like" she thought.
  23. No. Read it again. Long term players know the rules, see other people get punished for them and know exactly what to expect from a punishment. If this was a complaint about someone who joined yesterday, we would punish then differently because they may not have known the rules.
  24. Do you have logs or anything? Rusty is a long time player, thus this accusation being seemingly more serous.
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