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Everything posted by Thundy

  1. I love Pomeroy and Talbot. I love everything about them. I do not think you give yourself enough credit for your role playing ability. That and this idea is great. I hope you are accepted and accepted soon, because I can't wait to see this in aaction.
  2. Byond key: Thundy Character names: Charlie Dove, Fel'siti Rummka'nen, Khaw Elsani, Mel Hanford etc What times are you available? In GMT: GMT +10 so I'm generally on during dead hour, though I browse the forums at work. Why do you want to be a Duty Officer? I think it would be fun and add a secondary element to this game. It would also be good to work in a team and able to give back to this server positively. How well can you handle stress? I believe I handle stress quite well and am only improving in this. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer? I believe it means that you handle people who are screwing up in an in-character way. This gives opportunity for people to develop their characters and for NT to actually "respond" which is exciting. Anything else to add? did this on my phone, so please excuse the terrible amounts of mistakes
  3. Keep them coming, I haven't disagreed with you yet!
  4. I am not sure whether this goes in Off topic, Other games, suggestions or wherever, but feel free to move it when y'all figure out where it goes. Basically, we already have a minecraft server. I have been to it and the builds that some people have come up with are beautiful. What I am suggesting is the following: Make the minecraft server like the apartment server was. Make it a place for people to come home after work and hang out with each other. We could have different "planets" that can be got to by different teleports. But thundy! that requires I do work! you'll hear scopes moan. Well scopes, all that would really be required would be: 1) have the plugin to have the words you say in chat hover over your head 2) have some sort of teleport plugin (your choice) 3) Allocate some people (namely me and whomever else you choose) to have creative in order to design and build the outlines for the different planets and villages. We would also need to enforce rules like no griefing, no ERPing, no dick behavior and all that lovely stuff. I'm hoping for feedback and ideas so go ahead with them. I think this is pretty cool.
  5. If someone could remove this, that would be great, thanks.
  6. I think you know what I'm thinking...
  7. I have some questions regarding plasma. 1. What are all of its qualities? As a solid, does it have any lasting effect on bare skin, like, to cause irritation or poisoning? 2. How much would a single sheet of plasma cost off station? What would its retail price be? Could anyone in the universe purchase it? 3. What would a single sheet sell for off station on the black market? 4. What are all of its uses? 5. Are you searched on the Odin? What do you have to declare? Do you go through a metal detector? Would plasma show up on a metal detector? Thanks guys.
  8. Can you make a forum post that you update when you're going to have them? I always miss it cause I'm in silly Australia
  9. I know how to play this game. From what I've seen, people think that I'll either try and blow the station up while laughing hysterically or that I will sit around smoking a cigar saying "if only you knew about my life back on moghes..." Neither of these things are what I want for this character. Mafia bosses don't go around murdering nameless people, they kill to gain power, for a political move or to keep their family and extended family in line. If Khaw does kill people, my plan would be for it to be off station (barring being antag) not when he suddenly decides he doesn't like someone. I want him to be realistic and realised. I have many ideas for him which, as I said, I don't want to reveal, less I change my mind. Tldr, he's not a senseless killing machine.
  10. I understand your concerns. If I am accepted, I hope I can prove you wrong. I appreciate the criticism.
  11. Okidokie. I am going to bring everything to light that has been spoken about me. I would really like people to talk about this as it seems that at present no one is being completely transparent and open with issues. Here goes. After not hearing anything from anyone concerning this, I took it upon myself to message Viking on beyond and ask what was up. His response (and I'm paraphrasing) was the following: 1. The teamspeak. I had that issue concerning me reading out peoples notes on Team Speak during a training session with Viking on my first trail moderator run. He was teaching me how to look up peoples notes and how to add to them. It was assumed that I wouldn't read them out, as others that were not part of staff were in the call. I, however, forgot. Those non-staff people then presumptively told the other members of staff. 2. That I am too sweet. There is a general agreement that I am too sweet, which they (staff) all agree on. "You seem like you can't boop people hard enough." After talking to Doom on skype, I got the idea that it wasnt my lack of sweetness (people can attest that I have my moments of un-sweetness) but my lack of assertion. Addressing point one. There was no malicious intent at all, it was a simple mistake. It will not happen again. Anyone with a brain can see that. Addressing point two. I handle things very differently to how I think others do. As of late, I have been trying to gather a more rounded view of a situation and remain absolutely calm when dishing out what I believe to be "justice." I know justice as finding the most absolutely "right" way and going as close to it as possible. If that means punishing both or all parties, then so be it. I dislike taking sides when I haven't heard every view. From my own observations, this isn't how everyone deals with things. That's fine. You do you and I'll do me. BUT Don't call me sweet when you haven't seen me in action. When I was on trial, I was almost always alone during deadhour or with Viking trying to train on how to do macros or whatever. I have been told that people never observed me answering ahelps and I therefore never did. I resent this. You didn't see me and I live in Australia so my times might not be the same as yours. Lastly, I need an answer. You need to either give me a trail or deny me. Leaving me without an answer is both rude and cowardly. Someone take responsibility already. Cheers
  12. I think there is a difference between what you're saying and what I'm hoping to portray in this character. You're assuming that this character will have the respect and fear from people that he has never met, which isn't true at all. Khaw will be outside his clan and will have to work his way up in the systems of Aurora in the same way he worked his way up to second in command back home. If I were to have others RP his family, I would expect them to fear and respect him, due to him being the head of the clan. Not so on Aurora. You are right about Tony Soprano, however, he does a lot of things that are incredibly "anti-social" (beating someone to death because they killed a racehorse he had a connection with) and that is more what I mean by "mean." I have many ideas about this character, but I didn't want to put them all in my application less I change my mind about the details later. Am I making sense at all?
  13. Can I get feedback other then "You're doing what everyone else does" and "I haven't seen you role play so I can't judge you" please?
  14. That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me...
  15. BYOND Key: Thundy Character Names: Charlie Dove, Fel'siti Rummka'nen, Mel Hanford, etc... Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Darker, perhaps a dark brown or even black, not sure yet. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I have been wanting to play Unathi for a while but didn't think I had a very good idea up until now. I love the lore surrounding Unathi and wanted a whitelist to further my RP on station. I have usually stuck to peace keeping roles and I hope that I can change that with this character. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi have a completely different history to humans as well as being physically different and having a culture focused on honor and respect. There is a community of Unathi aboard this station that seem to have a good time of it without me and I, personally, want in. Character Name: Khaw Elsani Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Khaw was Gah'ren's number two man. He was counted on for everything and had earned the trust of the clan for many years, fighting for their turf and keeping the peace. When a neighboring clan had a hit out on one of Gar'ren's cousins, Khaw went with him to settle the matter and helped him clean up the bodies after the fight. He had killed the daughter of his friend when she had run off with someone without Gah'ren's permission and had wrapped her body in chains and tossed him out of a spacecraft at his request. So when Gah'ren stepped down from his position after the third hospital visit, it was only right that Khaw step up and become the new boss of the clan, even above Gah'ren's own son. Khaw took a wife, had three children and began ruling over his family and clan with an iron fist. Any show of disloyalty was met with his wrath. His clan dealt mostly in illegal buy and sell of weapons and resources and occasionally slaves, but Khaw knew that in order to expand his reach and better his family, he would have to find a way to exploit the mega corporations and with Nano Transen in control of the main deposits of Plasma, Khaw decided what must be done. Establishing himself as a miner and quickly coming up to speed with the newer technologies, he arranged to have himself employed by Nano Transen aboard the NSS Aurora, hoping to establish himself and eventually have his family come aboard. What do you like about this character? He is an Unathi mob-boss and I love it. He should be really fun to RP. Like I said, I haven't got any mean characters yet and am anxious to see what comes of him. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I have definately improved from playing here. 7/10? I have a lot to learn but I'm not a bald anymore. I'm just not! Notes: My sister was trying to get me to watch the Soprano's and I was inspired.
  16. I've had enough, I'm staying here. I like it. You won't have to miss me because I'm not leaving. AND DON'T THINK that I'll give you the satisfaction of leaving later. I'm definitely staying. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND THAT'S WHY IT HAS TO BE THIS WAY!!
  17. Hey guys, not sure how all this works, but I haven't been contacted or anything and I don't know who to contact. Don't rush, just don't know what to expect is all.
  18. I'm gonna write one for medical. I'll draw pictures and everything.
  19. Is this still going? Didn't see it until now.
  20. I would love to see this in action. I have loved jboys previous characters and would love to see this character on station. To RP a blind character will really push him and I love seeing people pushed to their limits. It's exciting and stretches and helps people grow. +1
  21. I thought Lamar was in reference to half life two?
  22. It's my time on imgur all over again
  23. The owls are very pretty. I like the idea of having a slim chance to spawn. Or, alternatively, have them as a player only spawn, like the mouse
  24. Okay, I did not initially want to speak and wanted my application to speak for itself but I think my response is now required. I am sorry in advance if I hurt or offend anyone, it is not my intention. The minecraft server. I put that forward because I thought it was a good thing to have as previous experience and show that I could handle myself in stress situations. I was a mod for a few months and an admin for a few more. The staff consisted of the guy that ran the youtube channel, his brother, the three or four admins and the moderators. When Nick joined the scene, the youtube guy had taken his focus from our server and put it onto the other mod pack that centered around Lord of the Rings so as to cash in in time for the hobbit movies. I was a moderator at the time of Nano's joining. I had, at the time, been building a faction home and we had a faction stash, which is where I brought the armor for him. I did not spawn it in for him. As a moderator and later as an admin, it was our job to answer Ahelps, visit the player in need and help them however we could. If it was deemed that the player that lost their armor or weapons had suffered an injustice, it was our job also to retrieve that armor from the inventory of the offending player or spawn entirely new armor. The adventure map? That was a map originally designed for Nano but half way through I realised that if I made it good enough, the youtuber may want to play it and have it as a video on his channel (bringing the spotlight back on us) and so put more and more time into it. I did not disregard my job to work on it as Nano says. I did not do random unscheduled drop parties. Like most of the staff here, we had a skype group that operated to serve as a way of informing the other staff of what was happening. Nano was not a part of this group and therefore cannot know what was scheduled and what was not. Putting people in creative mode to build was also a thing discussed in the group and was used widely by the other staff to help build things faster. Numerous times it was talked about that I should be made community manager since I was so good at welcoming new players and helping them out. I was and still am very welcoming and, if you should fault me, it would be for the fact that I would be too open with new players, having to move our faction home over 20 times since I would bring new people to the faction who would grief it and leave the server. I have learned a lot from that. I have learned how to give the attention needed to solve a problem. I have learned how to maintain an even (if not perfect) demeanor when handling cases between two arguing parties. I feel like I have advanced these skills to a point that I am a viable option for a moderator on this server. I am going to take back what I have said previously. After careful consideration and help from a friend, I realise that I am not expecting conflict. Rather I fear it. I would be happy to work on the same team as Nano and can, if need be, put my own feelings aside. Everyone on this team is very capable of making up their own minds and discerning whether Nano and I are Moderator-worthy. Lastly, I do genuinely care for this server. I want to see it succeed and prevail. If we are both chosen, so be it, if neither of us are, then fair enough. If one is chosen over the other, then that is fine, I will continue to play here.
  25. To put it bluntly, nano and I used to be engaged. I do not believe that I will share that with anyone else on this server. I don't know how far you are willing to go in terms of getting along with people that you may have had run ins with in the past, but I for one am not going to work with my ex fiancee. Period. I apologise if that seems extreme, but, for me, it really isn't.
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