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  1. I completely agree. While I do say "find out icly" in a joking manner, IT has a drop of truth as in yes, you should actually find out ICLY.. Telling someone how to do essential tasks like how to unbuckle or run or whatever, basic things, Are things I don't tell anyone "find out icly", but anyone looking for very specific knowledge that can be acquired ICly through trial and error and mechanics and RP, instead of getting a straight answer, Then yes, I think it is by far better to find out icly. An example of something I often do with people who want to learn telescience or circuits: they usually ask me OOC or LOOC how it works. I refuse to handhold and ruin the entire fun which is the discovery and the challenge, but Ill tell them to look for Sukhoi IC and ask him about it, then give them a lesson and tips, pointers, etcetera. Knowledge isn't the problem, but the way it is provided is. I refuse to handhold and give a full guide on anything lest end up with powergaming without the least amount of RP effort or character growth and player growth too. As a side note, anyone asking powergaming or minmaxing tips will also get a find out icly response. ("What is better for melee X or Y" or "what's the best upgrade for Z", etc) Genuine basic questions shouldn't be dismissed, but in both cases outlined in my complaint, they weren't. They were specific knowledge of things they could figure out in character by speaking to roboticists or scientists or miners or other cyborgs and as such, I found warranted the FIND OUT ICLY response Never mind the existence of wiki and ahelp. I feel dumb that I have to even explain this
  2. BYOND Key: LanceLynxx Staff BYOND Key: ParadoxSpace Game ID: bZI-aGyF Reason for complaint: Receiving a warning for questioning a decision to stop answering "find out icly" after doing so twice. 1) Someone asked about Kinetic Accelerators: Does it have any practical application for mining or is it just a weapon?" To which I replied Find out icly 2) Someone said "I don't think borgs can get (KA) upgrades", to which I replied "I could tell you but it's better if you find out icly". I was then told by Paradox to stop saying "find out icly" , so I didn't reply any other questions with "find out icly". I did, however, question the decision and reasoning. After being questioned, Paradox PM'd: "I'm going to make this a ticket. When people, new or old, ask legitimate, answerable questions, do not blow them off and tell them to find out ICly. It's not handholding, it's basic courtesy. While OOC is not mentorhelp, people might not be comfortable making a whole ticket just to ask stuff." After that, I received the following note added to my otherwise squeaky clean warning window: paradoxspace 2019-04-11 07:31:52 "When people ask legitimate, answerable questions in OOC, you do not tell them to find out ICly and make them feel unwelcome. It's not 'handholding' to answer questions." Evidence/logs/etc: See attached file at the bottom of the page for logs for the entire round. I suggest CTRL+F "Reziffy:How does the kinetic accelerator work?" because that's the line of when it began. Additional remarks: I can't believe I'm having to actually type all this. It doesn't make sense to make an issue out of something that was never an issue, that is a running joke, and not only joked with by players, but also staff, from trials to headmins. Making a fuss out of a running gag is so moronic and cretinous that I can't fathom how bored one must have been to go after a non issue instead of, you know, actually answering the newbies and helping them like trial mods should. I had absolutely zero interactions or complaints from any other staff regarding any of this "issue". At any time, Paradox could still use their OOC to answer questions. Not once did Paradox attempt to help anyone asking questions at the time of the incident, instruct them to use ahelp for game questions, or answer any OOC questions. All the attention, effort and energy went to to pinning a warning to me over innocent joke replies commonly used and known by anyone that comes on to the server for more than a single round. I do note that after being told to stop answering "find out icly", I complied. I was warned after questioning the decision of Paradox in the PMs. So the entire ordeal doesn't make a drop of sense. I'd like to ask this inane warning to be removed. Being penalized for questioning a decision (of prohibiting the use of a harmless running joke) is flabbergasting. Maybe double check if this is really the mod material you want ss13 log.htm
  3. I think you should punished for forgetting food in the oven while you go do something else, it is entirely the cook's fault. if you're good, you can multitask the oven. if you aren't, stick to one at a time. so big oof no from me.
  4. I mean yeah duh you got things like bluespace crystals which aren't throwables, but those are exceptions. In any case, sure, you could have a verb to reset position, that'd be the least of the issues tbh. Just being able to precisely place objects would be fantastic.
  5. you have to throw it to another tile IIRC. I tried this as a chef. Made 5 buns. threw them at another tile. they all stacked.
  6. you can just throw it
  7. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE +11111 on this I LOVE THIS It makes making a workplace much more efficient and easy to manage! Never mind how pretty it looks and how you can RP someone with OCD or messy personalities. It's the one thing I absolutely LOVE from /tg/ codebases. Please make this a thing!
  8. Hydrogen combustion engines aren't really made for generating power, since you need to first of all separate hydrogen from other molecules, which takes more energy to do than it generates by burning. Example: Water hydrolisis. For vehicles, this is attractive due to 100% clean burn and no pollution, but you still waste more energy than you generate in the grand scheme of things. So the energy has to come from somewhere else, usually from solar, hydro, or coal powerplants that generate electricity to power watever device separates molecules into pure substances. A caveat to this would be if you found pockets of pure hydrogen gas in the asteroid. Then all you would need to do is burn it like a normal thermoelectric power station does with liquified natural gas.
  9. I'd say, if IPCs wear clothes, make them overheat.
  10. I don't quite understand what do you want with this. You want this ENFORCED as policy? If that's the case, I'm strongly against.
  11. you may want to take a look at this too https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=11320&p=100955
  12. I love little RP tidbits like this, so +1 from me
  13. We don't want the engine to be HARD. We want the phoron set up to be balanced, because as of know, it cranks max output with no real risk to it. Nitrogen is base one, but also the safest. CO2 is intermediate and requires some more attention Phoron is minmax with NO drawbacks. Sure someone will say "oh but if oxygen gets in the mix" well, it never does. It's not a real hazard unless you're there to grief or, rarely, get admin permission to fucc the engine. I've never seen a phoron setup go wrong when set up correctly. It needs to have drawbacks. Custom mixes aren't part of this at all, thus irrelevant.
  14. I thought it was because of Resilyn
  15. That's the entire point Everyone goes for phoron with no drawbacks at all. The phoron set up should provide more power, but with more risks associated with it to balance it out. I said to make it so superheated phoron above a certain temperature could have a chemical reaction by means of pyrolisis. This reaction would turn it into oxygen and nitrogen. I never said to gimp filters. I simply said that engine performance should degrade over time to a point in which the gasses are produced faster than the filters can filter them. This wouldn't be all of a sudden, but linear or exponential over time. Filters aren't changed. And you could bring the atmos tech to sort that out, for instance. Creating oxygen would increase risk of a fire, and nitrogen would be there to increase the clogging to pipes. Unless you bring in an atmos tech to substitute the flow pumps for hi-capacity ones. Which actually increases things an atmos tech could contribute to. Furthermore, this would require replacement of the decomposed phoron if the engine tech didn't cool the loop in time. Which would bring in the atmos tech again. The phoron set up is like if medical had rezadone at round start. Why use anything else? It's gotten to the point that security and CEs doesn't even care about engineers breaking into atmospherics. It just needs balancing. More power, more risks.
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