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Barman (3/37)

  1. Saw them playing when I was goofing off on my IPC, always a great RPer! Used to have adventures with Sydney Grace as Annika +1
  2. I've played with Aaron Conway and seen Alicia Forest as Annika Petrovka. Really nice individual, seem like they care about their RP +1
  3. Though I've never interacted with them personally, I've seen them in action as Annika as well as Ghosting. Really decent Captain. . I'm more than sure they can pull off an IPC. +1 <3
  4. DatBerry seems like a nice Moderator I'm relatively new to Aurora and I asked help for my Shell Frame IPC App, they responded with some questions that helped me clarify some things in the RP Story Hopefully it's much better now. +1 for their endeavors.
  5. As Annika Petrovka, I really enjoy seeing Pocketbuddy and find their RP to be fantastically hilarious. +1 to your endeavors.
  6. Thanks for the questions! I realize that my story may be a bit undefined, and I thought that may be okay to fill in with details within RP - But since you asked! About the Phoron in the asteroid field outside of Mars, the words I used were 'contractual promise', which can in business, amount to a lie! (However, I knew I took a long shot in making this a part of it) -- Also, the Synth, herself, did not escape from her Owner as much as he was displeased with it and gave it away. Being a precious and valuable product of Hephaestus, they would be gladdened at the prospect of having their 'gift' given back to them. However, even as special as she was, they were the ones who designed her - She would carry no further technological benefits to them as her Design Code, Positronic matrix, and subroutines would have likely already been upgraded in their RnD, leaving her a slightly older model. As for the being sent to NT to work in a Counselor position, the only program she has installed in her memory core, she's far from a Mary Sue character that will suddenly make NT blast passed Hephaestus Industries in technology, more closely designed to their own IPC Units on board. I can do some correction, if it will improve upon my app! Thank you <3
  7. I think I've more ghosted and watched Vieniamin Sokolov than I have actually played with them, but I really enjoy Calion's perspective of a Security Officer. Very professional and reasonable - Which I love. If they want to reign over Security in some shifts, I would be very cool with watching that! Annika gives a +1
  8. I had a really fun experience with this guy's kitty character! I thought for sure they had a locker full of bombs to kill me with, but they just wanted to see if we'd sell our backpacks to them for moneys. A cute RP Would play again! +1
  9. Great RPer to be around They seem like a good influence on other players around them and don't shrink from danger! Played Annika Petrovka around Masuno as we both accompanied Sydney Grace! Hope to see them get the RD position!! +1
  10. As a relatively new face to Aurora Station, I can honestly say that every experience I've had involving Miranda Steele has been super good RP. They're very competent in Medical knowledge and already command a sense of CMO. My first day as Annika Petrovka, I accidentally mistook her as the CMO and have sense still given them the same respect as I would that rank. +1
  11. BYOND Key: MyNameIsLo Character Names: Annika Petrovka Species you are applying to play: Shell IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, absolutely. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I would like to play as a Shell IPC as I believe I'm capable of bringing an organic experience to a synthetic character, hopefully giving other players more interaction with an odd personality amongst their crew. Inspirations obviously come from titles such as Star Trek with Data and Lore, as well Battlestar Galactica. In the unique atmosphere that the Aurora Station brings, I think it'd be crazy fun to act out such a Borg-like character such as Seven of Nine! The interesting flow of RP would differ from a living Being also - as her interpersonal relationships would develop in a totally estranged manner~ Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Playing as an IPC means that the characters' thinking processes are different, that morality is skewed in a different perspective. It also means that limits that races such as humans or other organics can be surpassed in some manner - Being impervious to certain damages and mental stresses, albeit being a machine-like personality capable of malfunctioning software. Truly, in my opinion, the IPC are some of the most interesting designs of characters and would count myself lucky to be able to play as one. Character Name: Nine Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs In the late months of 2458, construction of a particular design of IPC had begun trial. A massive donation had been granted to Hephaestus Industries by a private Sol Investor for the One-Time creation of a unique bodied Shell Frame, built in the image of the elusive companies' daughter who had recently passed from a ship malfunction. The body breached into space and was declared lost to the void, so cloning efforts could not be made, prompting the depressed and morbid CEO of the private Sol mining company to elect upon a highly controversial action. Requesting the Shell be given the exact specifications of his daughter, from her gestural movements to the soft voice that he longed to hear once more, the mechanical host implanted was to be a living, immortal incarnation of her that he didn’t have to give up. Although a sad and bitter sight, the Industry would comply for the contractual promises of Phoron deposits that the company had already collected from various operations aligned with their rival, NanoTrasen. Seeing this as both a resource benefit and a way of posturing against NT in company pride, they accepted. After precise designing with the advanced prolathe, the gorgeous sheen of the mimetic polyalloy of the Synthflesh would piece-by-piece create the young females' body into her true visage. Installing her personality matrix and subroutines would be altogether a complex design as well, pulling from images and video record that the Investor had granted them, the Scientists involved would pour through them with the help of their imaging centre. Thousands of images from bodily gestures and quirks, to smiles and fearful gazes, and so much more would have to be replicated, and then granted improvisation to fill out the cracks of personality. Months of work would go into this practice until they believed she were a true representation of the Lost Daughter, the final pieces loaded into her Positronic Brain of palladium-iridium alloy. Finally, the day of reunion had come! Designation Nine, or Nina as the lost daughter, would be presented to the pained Father who had given them so many resources for just this personal moment. Emerging from the plasteel autodoors to meet her in the lobby of their home, a wrinkled and decrepit man sat in a wheel-chair. Rolling himself forward, their lovelorn eyes seemed stricken with pain at the sight of the petite form of his daughter smiling back at him with a gaze that recognized him as her father. The two would unite for a time, seemingly catching up as if her death had never happened - And the IPC complied with this notion, programmed to enjoy time with him and seek to serve him as a daughter would. However, the rosy-tinted dream did not last long as the mechanical nature of the IPC would reveal itself from time to time. This drew the ire of the old man who had desired his daughter and not a robotic device to make himself happy. A tension began to eat away at their relationship, despite the IPC’s nature of ‘needing to love’ the man – it was perhaps exactly this that he could not stand, the artificial desire to -only- be his daughter when the True Person was so much more. All of this stress accumulated after months of waiting for her to be built, to the months of actually living with Nina, would eventually wear out the old man. His health began to fade in his old age and eventually was upon his deathbed. While he had turned to hate for the Mechanical Lie he had created, he recognized there was another ‘soul’ within the Being. Altering her contract to allow her to leave his company after his death, Designation Nine would be granted a conditional freedom. The sad passing of her ‘Father’ finally came and she was granted her Full Rights as an Independent IPC Consciousness. However, the event was not programmed for and the IPC felt a change occur in their routine set, leading to an error overload. The directives of the IPC were no longer viable as the Investor had perished, and yet the ‘life’ of the confused entity was yet to be decided. Their internal struggle with who they were would continually persist – The program of the lost daughter, Nina, battling against the mechanical nature of their existence until she would finally integrate a new design – The desire for personal improvement, for mechanical perfection. Searching among the stars for a time, Designation Nine would find herself on different colonies helping in most civilian jobs where she passed as a Human often. Always moving on, her presence was never missed and the analytical nature of the IPC had begun to surface more and more. The variety of cultures and religions that ruled over the species seemed to be the paramount rosetta stone for learning how ‘To-be a Living Person.’ Studying these topics deeply, the programmed girl would take upon the tasks mostly with her physical eyes and hands, enjoying this action thoroughly. But the IPC-driven Consciousness would not forget itself, either – consistently downloading relevant information as she recharged. Finally, Nina felt as if she were capable of presenting herself to one of the larger companies, with the electronic hopes of being given assignment on the luxurious Science Station, Aurora. Her personal perspectives aligned against Hephaestus for making, what she believed to be a mechanical mistake, her – Hoping that the technology that she had present in her data banks and form would enrich her appeal. But this desire to help did not altogether originate from a place of altruism – But of a knowledge that she could potentially tap into the NanoTrasen Data Banks and learn of multitudes of designs to assisting in perfecting her form. Putting in her assignment request to be a Full-Time Counselor receptive to all Religions and Cultures, with an extensive memory bank of records that spanned the Spatial Quadrant, Designation Nine would hope for the best. Knowing that Chaplain work would benefit the Crew by having an impartial judge, as was her mechanical perspective, and also an Entity that would thoroughly enjoy learning further. Records had stated that much of NT’s Work Crew are atheist or follow some Scientific doctrine, a belief acceptable to Nina – and yet, the mysticism of philosophical debate seemed like an interesting venture. What do you like about this character? This character will be great fun to play as she's going to be a Synthetic and robotic personality that is attempting to level and understand how a human would think and feel, measuring up their faith and raising spirits when morale is low. Also, she's modeled after a young girl means that she's not built-mentally to be the aggressor in a fight - Despite her enhanced capabilities. If given responsibility, however, she will take her stand! Shell Frame IPC Counselor (Chaplain) -- There is also the concept of playing as Synthetic Character that has a hard time distinguishing HERSELF as not Human. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Around 8.5 out of 10 - I still learn things in game, so my responses can be slow at times, but I've roleplayed for over 15 years and lovvvvve doing robotic personalities Notes: I hope this app is considered! I am really enjoying this server and would love to bring life to another awesome and unique individual, giving some flair to a Borg-like Life.
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