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Everything posted by Redoktober12

  1. In a department with a number of tajara characters connected to the nuclear energy and weapons programs that directly contributed to the nuclear attack, a custom item like this is a great way to muddle these otherwise quietly accepted story beats. The implications of the voidsuit to the character introduce an area of tajara lore that doesn't always get a lot of airtime, and (Provided it's accepted), I'm looking forwards to the sort of conflicts and narratives that unfold around it. The item invites comment, conversation, and roleplay, without conferring any advantage engineers wouldn't already have. Finally, Bear's bona fide, playing well realized and interesting characters, with a solid understanding of how to contribute to the drama of a round while leaving space for others.
  2. Tagada is already one of the best engineers on the station, and is otherwise a really agreeable, chill player with a pile of experience, and a great attitude to the game. Very enthusiastic plus one!
  3. Brotendo's a fab roleplayer. Not just because he embodies a fun character to be around (which he absolutely does), but because he works hard to engage the wider crew in his RP. He clearly has an understanding of the role command staff have in the narrative of a round, and in the numerous times I've seen him play as an interim, he does an excellent job of energising the department, and consistently moves RP in a positive direction. The content of this application highlights these qualities effectively. In addition to all that, Brotendo's put massive efforts with new players on the server, and I think it bears highlighted. I've noticed he spends a lot of his time working with people new to roles or to SS13 as a whole, and in a game with a steep learning curve, it's great to see a player so ready to help fresh players get a start on Aurora. Very enthusiastic +1 from me.
  4. Reporting Personnel: Svetlana Al-Khader Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Paramedic Game ID: bZL-cdmC Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other) Svetlana Al-Khader, Paramedic: Witness Oksana Al'Mhuzharri, Medical Resident: Witness Khalid Blackburn, Psychiatrist: Offender Billy Ethan, Janitor: Offender Time of Incident: 1215 - 1330 Real Time: 4/14/2019 1500 GMT +1 Approx Location of Incident: NSS Aurora, Medbay Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ X ] - Assault [ X ] - Misconduct [ X ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: The following account details a number of incidents of racist action carried out in the course of a single shift aboard the NSS Aurora. Although the incidents were not coordinated by the offenders, they are linked by an escalating pattern of hateful behavior towards non-human crew. In the first incident, Janitor Billy Ethan entered the medbay. He stood in the lobby for about a minute, staring at herself and her colleague, Ms. Al'Mhuzharri. For the record, both Ms. Al'Mhuzharri and herself, are Tajara. Another member of staff entered the medbay, and she entered the lobby to greet them. Mr. Ethan approached her, hefting a fire extinguisher. Before she could react, the offender yelled a racial slur and struck her in the chest with the extinguisher, before fleeing. She was knocked to the ground, and had to seek treatment for minor lacerations. The individual was eventually apprehended by the ISD, and his access was suspended prior to further investigation. However, approximately forty minutes later, as the shift ended, Mr. Ethan returned to medbay. She observed Ethan remove a fire extinguisher from an emergency locker, after which he immediately began to assault Ms. Al'Mhuzharri and herself. In the time it took for security personnel to detain Mr. Ethan, both Ms. Al'Mhuzharri and herself had sustained injuries, some of which required surgical intervention The second incident began with Doctor Blackburn entering the medbay. Upon being greeted by her, he asked about her speech patterns. She politely answered his queries, after which he left medbay. About five minutes later, he returned dragging a man wearing swimming shorts and an inflatable inner tube, carrying a cocktail, and wearing a gag. The gagged individual was clearly trying to speak, but for obvious reasons, could not do so. When asked about the situation, the psychiatrist, Doctor Blackburn, remarked that she should know what he was saying, because, and she quotes, "He's speaking Tajaran". He further claimed that he was treating the man, and that she was 'disassociated from her personality' because of her speech patterns. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: Gregory Cashman, Internal Affairs Agent Actions taken: Mr. Ethan was suspended. No action was taken regarding the conduct of Doctor Blackburn. Additional Notes: Although in one of the cases she has listed, action has been taken and the personnel disciplined, she believes it important to register her dismay at the rise in racially motivated incidents in the workplace. Although she trusts that the incidents will be/have been appropriately handled, the alarming frequency at which these incidents have increased is disturbing. Cases such as this leave her anxious, and suspicious of innocent gestures from her colleagues. If the Company wishes to retain non-human personnel, and maintain a civil, diverse, and open workspace, then incidents such as that which she has described should be taken seriously. She believes that ensuring a record of these incidents exists is the first step to guaranteeing that.
  5. Cool app. The basis of Flair's backstory is pretty novel; I'm interested to see how a synth, designed for theater and the dramatics, translates over into Security. The backstory shows us a clearly synthetic character with a unique outlook on its work from its past. It's a backstory you couldn't re-create with the fleshier races, illustrates an understanding of the factors that make IPCs neat to roleplay, and roleplay with. From what I've read, Worthy's come up with a character that'll make the round more lively and colorful, with plenty of potential to develop over rounds, and time as a whole. Honestly, from this player I'd expect nothing less. Their record speaks for itself. Hearty plus 1.
  6. My experience of James has always been positive in medbay. I can't speak for his specific competency in every area of medical knowledge, because I frankly haven't observed him at work. Regardless, I have no reason to believe he's anything other than completely solid. Where he shines, however, if the way he treats staff. He roleplays well, and actually plays a character that cares about the medbay at large. Small considerations like bringing coffee to the front desk and actually taking the lead on busy shifts make me think he'd be a stellar CMO. There's thought beyond his immediate situation, and he puts genuine thought into how to improve the organization as a whole. Confident +1.
  7. Always a staple of medbay, and a really competent interim CMO. This whitelist honestly couldn't come soon enough. The app's strong, clearly has care and attention put into it, and the player's fab. What's not to love? Hearty +1
  8. BYOND Key: RedOktober12 Character Names: Valerie Tedrow Species you are applying to play: M’sai Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Silver (RGB 192/192/192) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: All Tajara have been touched by turmoil, and must internalise the political, social and personal impacts of thirty years of total war. They represent a dichotomy between the traditional, entrenched nature of Tajaran society and culture with the alien encroachment embodied by human influence. I’d really like to explore how these factors shape and influence how a Tajaran thinks and acts. I feel that the M’sai bring another dimension to this, necessarily seeing more or the war and its politics from their typecast military role. Serverside, the Tajaran roleplayers are generally excellent and are a pleasure to chat to IC and OOC. It’s something I’d like to be a part of, and hopefully contribute to. Above all, it’s also a new and interesting way to play a character and experience the game for me, which I’m excited to get to grips with. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Three major differences are currently mechanised. Tajara have an increased tolerance for cold due to their think fur, and by the same token, a reduced tolerance for heat. As such, Tajara will usually prefer lighter clothing, or rolled down jumpsuits to work comfortably within the human built climate They speak two unique languages, with the M’sai gaining access to another. Aside from its ingame representation, an additional focus on emoted subtle body language should add a layer of inflection to Tajaran speech, especially when speaking Siik’tajr and Nal’rasan. Finally, Tajara use their claws in harm intent to deal increased damage. As such, I imagine Tajara would be less inclined to engage in fisticuffs as the prospect of dealing lasting, permanent harm are increased. I see Tajara as leaning more towards posturing and bluster, being careful to avoid potentially dangerous catfights. Non-mechanically, the use of the third person in casual speech remains a common habit and mark of difference from humans, as does the elongated sleep cycle. A Tajaran’s shift might consist of bursts of activity, followed by brief periods of rest. Character Name: Ruslana M’wari Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs What do you like about this character? I like the interplay between the naivety of what remains a fairly isolated, young and inexperienced M’sai with the realities of the setting. Though Ruslana loves the Company and the Party, neither have the capacity to love her back, and I’m interested in seeing how that colours the RP. Though it’s not a hugely original concept, and I daresay it bears similarities to a few other backstories, I’m keen to see where someone completely loyal to NT and the People’s Republic fits with the varied Tajaran characters across the server. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’ve been roleplaying, both within SS13 and outside of it, for a while, so I’d consider myself relatively experienced, if not on Aurora. My goal is to always create an interesting round for everyone around me, and not just myself. It’s just as important to see oneself as a character in someone else’s story of the round as it is to find your own. I hope this makes me fun to have around, and influences the round positively. Notes: I’m very conscious that my first post on the forum is a whitelist application, which is something I’d view as a bit of a red flag when reviewing an app myself. Hopefully I’ve thrown something together that can convince you to look past that. Sorry in advance for the errors that no doubt slipped by my proof read! EDIT: Tweaked a few clumsy phrases that were bugging me and fixed some spelling errors.
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