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About Banditoz

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Byond CKey

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Security Officer

Security Officer (6/37)

  1. This is a good idea. I like this.
  2. Looks good, people who review PRs are good. +1. Also, no one has an obligation to code anything for anyone. Be the change you want to see in the game. Coding isn't too difficult. All you need is the right mindset.
  3. Apologies if this comes off as off-topic, but what's the point of the system if you're just going to bypass it entirely?
  4. Can a forum moderator add a poll to this post instead (if so desired?) Strawpoll is garbage and polls via forums are much less abused.
  5. Alternatively, bad AI players can be jobbanned by you guys.
  6. Elaborate on snowflakey for me. What constitutes a snowflakey character?
  7. No matter how easy it is to revert changes, it is always possible a change will be missed when using a public contribution system. Not to mention, even if they are reverted, any changes made ontop of them will be reverted as well, even if they were good. The only way to prevent losing changes that were placed ontop is to go onto the page and manually delete what that edit added which is a lot of effort. As I said, it's a lot to keep track of when done through a fully public format. And most importantly, I would rather not put Lore pages at risk of vandalization at all, I am fully willing to read through a ginormous list of suggestions and approve them one by one if I have to, but I don't want a fully public contribution system, not so long as the Lore Devs and Wiki Maintainers share the wiki. If the Lore team post in support of a fully public system then I might change my mind on that. Until then, I'm sure that I would want a suggest and approval system. And if not a suggest and approval system, then at minimum a manual account creation system. A solution to this would be to move every lore page to its own Lore namespace. Then create a usergroup, say `lore` that can only edit that namespace. See $wgNamespaceProtection and user rights. Alternatively, lock every lore page.
  8. The moderation extension is the closest that you can get to pull requests. Although I did find this review and merge extension, it is unmaintained and probably would not work too well with the moderation extension. If we were to get the moderation extension, it would be best to allow users to create an account in their own, and give trusted, long term users the ability to bypass the review process. If anyone griefs at all, simply revert the edit and block their account. This can also be done with the moderation extension. With Baystation's wiki, there were no issues with griefers, the only issues were with spambots, which caused them to remove the ability for users to make their own accounts, rather have an admin make them. Note Bay does not have the moderation extension installed. Do remember changes to the wiki are very easily reverted.
  9. There's a Mediawiki extension that has functionality close to what you want, where users must have their edits approved by people with a certain role before their edits appear on live.
  10. I was hoping to casually contribute to Aurora's wiki every now and then, until I found out I need to apply for wiki maintainer to even be able to edit the wiki in the first place. We should have this changed to allow everyone a wiki account. A closed wiki like this is very strange to me, and I don't think any other Space Station 13 server has this. We could simply allow people to create an account, but this could create problems with wiki spambots (they exist, and are bad on some smaller wikis!) so instead, we could; Allow people to PM a wiki maintainer to create them an account. This gives the wiki maintainers a lot more responsibility, especially when dealing with users, because they will have to grant accounts, patrol recent changes that aren't by their own team, (or from Aurora staff, which I believe have a wiki account) resolve editor wars, revert grief and ban bad users, among other things. What do you think? Apologies if this is the wrong subforum. This seemed like the right place.
  11. What does this even mean? You know you shouldn't be reinventing the wheel.
  12. Okay. Say we add an antag whitelist. What questions would we even put in it?
  13. The one actually opening the PR is not required to listen to feedback.
  14. I don't see why you're cherrypicking out certain descriptions because they don't fit the setting. So what if there's a clown reference?
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