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Everything posted by Reyjakai
Well that depends on the individual backstory. A way to fix this would be to have two languages allowed for IPCs, based on their origin. Posibrain synthetics would have a synthetic language and one of their choice, human MMIs would have common and another language, etc. for the rest of the races. With this, you could actually have a whitelist for IPCs and the specific races. That way, even if an IPC re-skins themselves as another species, a true IPC from that species would be able to speak the language. You'd need to add different MMIs based on the species they came from, however. Just a thought.
As the Research Director in question here, I did announce that I was going to sleep (cryo) a minute or two before I did, and I gave verbal permission for Safiya to be outside of science with modifications. I also PDA'd the Warden about it, asking them to notify all of security to let them know that my permission was given. I normally sign/stamp the paperwork, but /SOMEONE/ told me that verbal permission was acceptable. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Also the issue of throwing lockers at people /ever/ should probably be brought up with respect to genetics. The approval generally goes as far as having the powers active outside of the science department, with minor testing, not that you can use these to irritate crew members. Edit: I also gave permission for Nia to have powers for testing, as long as they signed a personal liability waiver. Another note: I wouldn't keep giving out permission to leave genetics with powers allowed to a player that's been a consistent problem. This hasn't been my experience, and most of the time where they're blamed, it's another person with powers. In this case, that was Nia.
IPCs already sort of have a language. They're given Tradeband, which has sort of been adopted by synthetics anyway on the station. It is pretty handy being able to speak both tradeband and sign, too.
It's a great way to take down lone antags, that's why. It is, but I always imagined the purpose of the weapon, the real reason that you order it is to take out enemies that are too dangerous to get into conventional weapon range. Not because of the ridiculous amount of knockdown power it has.
Why not just remove the knockdown effect from it?
Mechs have always been a bit of a problem, as 2/5 of the mechs we have can't be built without permission from the HoS/Captain, the firefighter can't be built at round start and is never used by Engineering/Atmos, especially since it's useless without an RCD, Ripleys have become irrelevant with the large mining drills, and nobody used the odysseus to begin with. These mechs are all very useful, but they aren't efficient /enough/ to be worth making. If mechs were buffed, the might become overpowered, but they also might actually be built again. With that in mind, buffing cyborgs in this manner would be huge thing that you could do to make robotics relevant again, and, in general, make one part of research better. There's no reason to complain about one element of the game being improved for the better simply because it would take some rebalancing to get everything to mesh well together again. Also, I agree that the list could be shortened, but maybe more customization options would be ideal for robotics and cyborgs in general. Another point is the balancing of these kits. In an ideal world, all kits would be equally useful, and therefore equally picked. I don't see a problem making a large number of kits, and revisiting the ones that aren't picked as often or not at all. Just my opinions on the matter, and I don't even play cyborg.
It seems to me that this is just some people making an issue out of nothing because they don't agree with what someone did. Contemplating a ban because somebody was smoking and talking with people in welder fuel when welder fuel doesn't do anything on the ground? Are you serious? This is something that doesn't affect anybody but them, and nobody was hurt by it. Sure, it breaks immersion. Truly tragic. Plenty of things do that, and very rarely are they ban worthy, or even report worthy. Am I going to get banned for naming my mech "BOOTYSLAPPER" because it breaks immersion? It's a stupid little situation that everybody made a fuss out of.
I'm a huge fan of this especially because it will make robotics more interesting and useful throughout the round. Once you've made a few mechs (which you can do really quickly) and a few androids, there's not really /that/ much that you can do. Occasionally people come in with damaged robotic limbs, but most of the time that's a lesser issue. Other than that, I think customization like this would be ideal. No kit seems overpowered, and they seem like they can be designed to do a specific kit. Additionally, we could cater cyborgs to more specific jobs. This also could differentiate the good roboticists from the bad ones.
More importantly, what about IPC heads? Is it assault on a Head of Staff or a vandalism/sabotage charge? And what about IPCs with MMIs instead of posibrains? These distinctions really should be made. MMIs /technically/ are still human, even though it's not considered as such as far as game mechanics go.
We need to add a science module that can hold canisters of plasma inside of its chassis. Also on topic, why not just give it more options? Give standard a full toolbelt and a syringe of tricord or inap.
The main problem is that it's not a major horrible thing he did that can be picked out, for example, venting the station, killing people, etc. It's just a large number of little things that aren't enough to call someone out on by themselves, but made the round insufferable due to it all mounting up. All I can say is to check the chat logs for the round and tell me what you think on the matter. The major problems were the icky in ocky, I guess massive all caps spam in character, and general chucklefuckery. It was a hell of a round.
BYOND Key: Reyjakai Player Byond Key: Xxxretroxgears3 Staff involved: N/A. Reason for complaint: Where to begin. There are many things wrong with this player, especially during this round. Self antagging, spamming both IC and OOC (Teamspeak was a major problem). Where to start. The round was changeling, and we had no idea what at all was happening. People were abusing the holodeck, so Kix and I decided that it needed to be closed. We shut it down, and apparently Shaun Heardham decided to break in, get arrested, cause many issues with security all round, while saying, "HAHA, LOOK AT WHAT I'M DOING" in teamspeak, repeatedly. This behavior needs to be curbed, especially with his Head of Staff whitelist. Kix brought me his ID to have him demoted in the middle of the round, and he kept up his antics the entire round. The lings weren't noticed because of all the chucklefuckery in the rest of the round. Approximate Date/Time: 07/24, 8:00-10:00PM Mountain Time (Utah time)
Xxxretroxgears3's Head of Staff App
Reyjakai replied to xxxretroxgears3's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
After playing a changeling round with you, I have one thing to say. Not in a million goddamn years. Player complaint will be here shortly. -
Also, please make it record whispers within one tile.
If you did say that you were dying, the detective and I had blocked it out mentally by this point, after the numerous other bullshit things you had said. As for food, there was plenty of it in perma, and as for medbay, that department was a mess that round anyway. It was a bloody nightmare, so you likely died of internal bleeding/infection, not sure which. It was a brutal round, regardless. As for the ahelp, I think Incognito mentioned that he was going to to take it, but he was personally involved so he didn't. No guarantees on that, though.
This could be fun. I'm assuming most people have opinions on my characters, because I meddle in everything. Katelynn Mcmullen Sarah Milne Reyjakai Friedman
Alrighty, let's go down the list of complaints left until this is fully done. Permabrigging minor offenders because 'they could be hostile cultists, but they didn't do anything hostile besides run.' The cadet is excluded from this. - The main reason that this happened was because before their time was up, you guys went on your killing spree. They didn't do anything hostile except for running, true, but it was also code blue at the time and then it turned to code red. They would have been released after their time was up if the situation had not been so shitty. I was a heavily injured officer, the /only/ officer that could do anything, and it was me, injured, vs. 5 prisoners, three of which were known to have no qualms trying to kill me if given the chance. We had no medical staff that could perform surgery, and medical was more fucked at the time than security was. At this point, I have two options. Get painkillers and hyperzine and keep doing my job, or leave 5 prisoners wholly unguarded while the HoS and Captain run off and get killed or go SSD to try to get surgery. I actually /did/ try to go get surgery, but that was after the three dangerous guys got out and when I got shot by the cadet. Additionally, my character has a background in medicine, not a huge one, but he can do basic medicine, work some of the machines, and knows a bit about the chemicals available, even though he cannot synthesize any of them. He knows the names of them, sure, but just as easily could have called for "stims and painkillers". Unfortunately, the doctors that round didn't even know what those were, and it took me 20~ minutes to even get some hyperzine so I could function. Applying more charges than what was necessary to punish a suspect of a crime. - This didn't actually happen. I may have misspoken on this, but they weren't overcharged for their crimes, nor were their crimes doubled up, and the cadet's total sentence only ended up being ~30 minutes if I recall correctly. The other two were between 15-20. Tasing a runaway suspect without any indication or warning you're going to use force to stop them if they don't cut it out. - This is where I just have to completely disagree with you. It's code blue, and you are permitted to search people. I'm not going to chase somebody down who ran away, because innocent people don't run away. If you run from security, it's because you have something to hide. Shoving 'affiliates' into permanent holding without any solid proof they assisted in any homicides, in which they had no part in to begin with. This is also faulty judgment of the captain. - Again, I consider this to be more a fault of the lack of security personnel and my personal injury rather than anything else. I had no way to guarantee that they weren't associated, and I didn't know what they were going to do if I had released them. They both had run, indicating that they were somehow involved in all of this, and I wasn't about to let people go who very likely were involved. This was a decision that was made at the time. It was code red, I was the only working officer apart from the detective, and I was badly injured. I couldn't manage the three dangerous prisoners as well as trying to deal with the two who hadn't been shown to be dangerous yet. I feel it was the best decision to make at the time. From an IC perspective, it's code red, half of the head of staff were dead or useless, ERT hadn't shown up yet, and it would be infinitely easier to have a few people sit in a cell who were innocent for a few hours, rather than have guilty people roaming the station where you physically could not respond. The detective repeatedly unwelding an airlock without welding protection. - This is just stupid, that much I agree with you. The captain running into a room with cultists that clearly have sords. big sords, o god. With an energy pistol. In CQC circumstances. - Also really stupid. I was the only one there with a melee weapon, and I was the only one who could have been useful there, which I ended up being at the end of the altercation. The security team failing to recognize there were hostages in that room and that the room is not to be entered under penalty of their own death or the death of the hostage. - I did see that there were hostages in there, two to be specific. When I showed up, the chemist was /being murdered in front of me/, the CMO was very clearly already dead, and this caused me to toss in a flashbang, then go in with the baton. It's one of those things where it's my job to do it, I had to stop the chemist from dying, and there was no way around it. If you had said something prior to the incident, requested demands, etc, that would have gone very differently. I'm not about to risk the life of the chemist for nothing, but I sure as hell will charge in there if it looks like he's going to die without my help. That's what security do, for better or for worse. The security team also failing to recognize that their batons are not the equivalent of big-ass swords, and that they should not abuse their stun batons in an effort to one-up any melee combatant, or rush in one-by-one to be shredded to pieces by cultists with big sords. - This is a bit of a problem, as you're implying that if cultists have swords out, there are only two possible outcomes. The first one is to surrender, since clearly his stick is bigger than mine, and the second is to kill the cultists from a distance with rifles/laser weapons. I think dealing close quarters is better than both of those, which we clearly disagree on. The captain having 'knowledge' of how to reset station synthetics. - Not an issue for me, nor did I ever bring it up. I don't know the Captain's background, nor do I pretend to. I'm assuming the Captain would have the basic information of how the AI works, as well as what to do in a worse case scenario on the matter. Not 100% sure about this, and the admins can make a better decision on what the captain is required to know. A security officer demanding for hyperzine so they can move at a greater speed and ignore the fact they have a broken leg. Also, ignoring pain RP. Not ignoring pain RP, but clearly you've never heard of a thing called "adrenaline". It's a hell of a thing. My character would definitely have been under huge stress, and likely drugged up hard on it. After the situation was handled completely, however, he would have crashed hard. Which he did, on the shuttle after everything was dealt with. Understanding that you have two options, to be out of the fight where you are needed, or to injure yourself further, but not mortally, to defend the station, seems like the more reasonable thing to do. We may disagree on this as well, but treatment wasn't really an option with how fucked medbay was, and hyperzine seemed like the best option at the time. With that also in mind, defense of the station would have fallen back on me, not the dead HoS or the SSD Captain if the prisoners had been released. It would all fall on the person with the duty to protect the station, the lone security officer. Allowing another prisoner to die via your neglect/beating or not watching them whilst they commit suicide, while screaming for hyperzine over common comms. - Another issue that was out of my hands. I had secured the prisoner in the brig and didn't expect them to kill themselves. I doubt they succumbed to their wounds, and it was likely a suicide. I'd need to hear from this on the matter, though. Also, as for the hyperzine, I'd already had to deal with one useless chemist who made pills labeled "Hyperzine pill", that didn't have any hyperzine in them. I tried for a long while to actually get some. It's a chemical in the game that my character would know about, I don't see a problem shouting about it in code red while ERT is off doing whatever ERT does.
I think it was VikingPingvin, but don't quote me on that 100%.
Alright, time to argue my case. I would like to see a full list of dialogue of the round, so that you can see that I did RP the situations out, even if you didn't see it. I'll start at the beginning of the round. The round started off without much at all happening. I was just sitting on the cameras, looking around when I saw the RD, cadet, two dionaea engineers, the barman (I believe), and the roboticist all in the room watching the encounter. I mentioned that they were doing some "weird science shit" in misc research, and them proceeded to chat about how hot Varick was, etc. We kept a watch on the area because nothing else interesting was going on. I brought the detective over to get his take on it, and decided it was just some stupid science stuff, and they had the consent forms, so who cared? Anyway, Del Prado and I went over to watch the situation, and Del Prado ended up participating, becoming culted while I watched from the outside. I did /not/ metagame this, and instead saw him writing in pain as evidence of a sweet new ab workout that the RD was working on, which the rest of the security staff can attest to me saying. Everybody keeps doing what they do, and I go about my business after asking to join and getting rejected. After that, nothing happened for a good hour, until we saw on the cameras that the Captain's office had been broken into, and their laser pistol was gone. This was right about the same time that the Captain, Elena, had joined the round. We were code green at this time, and the detective had been working off of swab data from one of the runes. We discovered that the rune had been made by the cadet, as it matched his DNA at this time, and I recommended to the Captain that we go into code blue, as her office had been broken into, the ID may have been compromised, and the detective went over to check fingerprints in the Cap's office. After it was code blue, the Captain told me to go with them to search people for the laser pistol. I brought it up that the person may have altered the permission on their ID with the Cap's spare, since that is possible and we hadn't been around to see if anybody had had enough time to tamper with anything. The Captain reported later that the encryption keys from their headset had been removed, so comms were likely breached. The Captain and I went off and started searching people (Since it was code blue) for anything suspicious while we were waiting for the detective's results to come in. This is when we met the barman. I saw the barman, and noticed that his security level was a ?. We decided to search him, since it's code blue and random searches are allowed. As a note, we searched and released several other people throughout the round, all of which were released without incident. Why did the barman get cuffed, then? Because they ran after I tried to search them. Innocent people don't run. We chased him down, tased him in the back, and cuffed him. He was complaining about how it was useless, so we decided to get him on suspicious conduct and later, sparking a manhunt. After this happened, the Captain went off to do something else, and the cadet came around. I should mention now that earlier in the round, I went SSD for 30 seconds in the hallway, and woke up to the cadet trying to drag me down a maintenance hallway away from security. I woke up, pushed him off me and told him to not drag me through weird hallways. Anyway, that was before we arrested the barman, and gave me a bit of reason to distrust him. So, with the cadet. I was talking with the detective about the fingerprints from the Cap's office, and I think (Not 100% sure) he was telling me how everything matched the cadet's prints. At this point, in full view of the Detective, the cadet cult stun cards me and drags me off through security, up to where there's a recruit rune and, without saying a single thing, tries to cult me. Of course I resist it, RP that he's just tried to forcibly enter my mind, screamed in pain, and yelled at the detective to take the bastard down. The detective had already pulled me out of the room, I gave him my stun baton, and he went in there and cuffed the cadet. We tossed him into a cell for assault and kidnapping. I should mention that the cadet was shit talking my character the entire round after this, and I ignored him for 99% of it, except where I beat him his cell, which I will explain later. Anyway, he's in a cell, we tell the Captain that we got the Cadet for kidnapping, and the Captain has me come with her into research. This is where she checks the RD's office, and I see the roboticist come out, who also has a ? in their security tag. I also remember that I had seem him with the cadet, as well as the barman. This is when my character puts two and two together, and I decide to search him on the spot. It's still code blue right now, so this is permitted. I tell him he's going to be searched, and guess what? He runs as well. Grabs his bag right back up and runs. Of course, we tase him and cuff him. Same punishment as the barman. This is where things get bad. As we're going to put him into a holding cell and search him, we find the same cult book that the cadet had, which we mostly ignored at the time. This is when the CMO screamed for help. The Captain was in such a hurry to get to the CMO that they locked the cuffed roboticist in the locker before I had even had time to do anything, and told me to go with them. I complied, and we went over to the place where the CMO was. In there, the door was unwelded by the cyborg and the Captain tried to go in. She got cut up pretty bad by the two cultists, and they were trying to kill the Chemist as well in that room. After the Captain got messed up, I went in there and baton'd both of them, as they were just trying to get out. They had swords and armor, I wasn't about to try to negotiate with them after they'd almost killed the Captain. The Captain said they needed to get to medbay, and I ordered the cyborg to make sure she made it there safely. I had the detective cuff one cultist, and I cuffed the other. These two were Varick and Del Prado. My foot was broken in the fighting, and my character was limping the entire way in pain. This, you may imagine, can cause people to become pretty unreasonable. We ended up tossing them into permanent holding for murder and kidnapping. This is when the HoS showed up on station, as we were tossing them into the cells. Del Prado and Varick had been tossed into main containment, the timers were almost up on the other three inmates, and this is when I told the Captain that I had seem all five of them earlier in misc research together. This is when the decision to permabrig them all until we get to the Odin was made, as they were guilty by association, and this is why I punched the cadet twice in the face. He'd nearly gotten out of captivity earlier, was the one who had kidnapped me and tried to forcibly cult me without RP, and my character was having a pretty shit day. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I ended up punching him twice in the face and tossing him into perma with the rest of them. This is when things get more hectic. After that happened, the subverted cyborg bolts open the lower prison door and the lower medbay door. Del Prado, Varick, and the cadet all book it. I can't follow them with my leg broken, so my character stands guard while we try to get an Engineer over to fix the doors in the prison. Now, these people were bitching IC about how they were innocent, shit talking security the entire time, which is fine if they're antags, sure. Hardly a matter. Of course my character is going to be pissy and not want to make small talk with the prisoners. I told them ICly that I didn't give a shit about their rights right now, and that they could complain about this in court once we're planet side. I told them numerous times and they were guilty by association, based on the circumstances. Being in league with someone who had murdered a head of staff, tried to kill the Captain, and tried to kill me are certainly dangerous enough to keep in holding until the round ends. A bit before the prisoners escaped is when the HoS joined the round, and I handed off my carbine to him. ERT had been called, then the prisoners escaped. After that, we managed to get the doors secured to the brig (Which them failed later due to a power failure, letting the two remaining prisoners escape) and I went back to medbay for hyperzine, since no surgeons were around, and my character wasn't about to go under for surgery after what had happened to him this shift. Other crazy shit was happening in the medbay, but I eventually managed to get some hyperzine, but not before running into our old friend in medbay, the cadet. I chased him down and tased him, but not after getting shot by him with a syringe gun, and harm batoning him a few times for good measure. The Captain and HoS had issued an OK on lethal measures for the escaped prisoners if the situation merited it. Before I passed out, I managed to call for backup at medbay. ERT went in and cuffed him, while I passed out on the floor. I managed to get back up to check on the prisoners again, and then the power went out, and the other two escaped. I set everybody to arrest in the computers when the lights came back on, had enough hyperzine in me to move properly, and threw the cadet into the permanent holding cell. This is where he somehow managed to kill himself, or died due to neglect of my character, not sure which. The prisoner I beat is someone who had kidnapped me and tried to forcibly cult me during the round without RP, escaped from captivity, shot me with a syringe gun, and had never stopped throwing insults about how my character was a shitty officer. Of course my character didn't care what happened to him. Also, as far as I am aware, the round ended in code red with the escape shuttle being called. I got the prisoner, who was deceased at this point, to the shuttle in cuffs. He wasn't cuffed in holding, but people kept going on about how I murdered him, etc. So this, hopefully, is an explanation to my reasoning as to why I perma'd those people that round. It was a clusterfuck of a round to begin with, were were understaffed, and my character had been through a lot of tramatic shit. Oh, and as for the ahelp, the admin asked me to explain, and I said that we tried to search them in code blue and they ran, so we cuffed them. That's when the stuff with the CMO happened, thus exacerbating the situation further. Anyway, this is what happened from my perspective. I am aware that the ERT had some interesting situations with Varick and Del Prado, but that level of freedom wasn't available to me when I saw them beating the chemist to death. Not much RP can be done there.
Reyjakai's IPC Whitelist Application
Reyjakai replied to Reyjakai's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yeahhh, I've only played Spike Edwards a few times and I'm still trying to figure out how to play the quirky Captain character without causing a huge security risk for the station, or causing a bunch of trouble for the other heads. I'll probably play him a bit more to see if I like the way he flows and/or can make him a better RP character. -
BYOND Key:Reyjakai Character Names:Reyjakai Friedman, Sarah Milne, Katelynn Mcmullen, Alvar & Vebjorn Skoglund, Emery Priebe, and more recently Spike Edwards. Species you are applying to play:IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt):N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yep, especially that pertaining to the newer stuff suggested by jackfractal. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race:I've always liked IPCs. I had an idea about Katelynn Mcmullen when I started making her, that she would be some sort of synthetic/human hybrid, which she sort of is already. I've been looking for an easier way to do this ICly, but haven't found a way to do so until jackfractal did his IPC changes that essentially do everything I want done with this specific character. Additionally, I've had a few good ideas for IPCs that aren't your typical hardass security IPCs or quirky science IPCs (Not that I dislike those IPCs at all, quite the contrary). I feel that I could make a decent IPC that could create some fun situations, as well as the added benefit of having Katelynn ICly what she's meant to be. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:IPCs are similar to humans in function, but their reasoning and loyalty seem quite different. Most IPCs tend to be a lot more cold to the sympathies of others, and tend to think in the long term rather than the short term. Additionally, they seem to have no qualms about sacrificing their bodies in order to do something that could save the station, unlike what would be possible for humans. In short, they're colder, more ruthless, and more objective than humans, from what I have seen. Also, they're made of metal. Character Name:Undecided. Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphsThis IPC was created as a companion model IPC before being sold to NanoTrasen by her owner's wife after her husband's death. This would be an IPC that is still slaved and bound by laws to serve NanoTrasen. She was designed to have the look and feel of an IPC, not of a human, so her body is that of a normal IPC chassis. Before being sold, she not only was a companion to her master, but also served as his confidant. She learned many skills from him that were not part of her original programming and has becoming quite good at manipulating people to do things for her, for better or for worse. This side of her is normally hidden, as she was hired as a cheaper alternative to simple labor on board the station. With her background of communication, she can be quite skilled as either a counselor or a therapist. ((I still haven't figured out entirely what I want this character to be like, or what her complete backstory is, but I've been thinking it out for a bit. I'll have to flush out the details, hence why the background is so short)) What do you like about this character?I've been thinking about a specific kind of IPC that would differ from Kate, yet would still be fun to play and provide some very interesting RP situations. I feel that this character could accomplish that, being specifically designed as an IPC that has no feasible skills other than communications. How would you rate your role-playing ability?Ideally it'd quite good now, and I work on improving it every day. Notes:
Me love you long time when this gets put into the game.
Oh god, please let this be added in. I can finally dump my bullshit explanations and snowflake stuff for Katelynn if this is added. I've pretty much been playing her as this since I made her. Edit: Also, this gives me a good reason to make an IPC application once it's implemented.