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Everything posted by Reyjakai
This actually managed to get resolved yesterday after some discussion with everybody about a variety of things. And for the record, IC I did everything because I thought it was the most reasonable thing for my character to do. All the contact the IA made was initiated by them and suggested by them, not by me, either IC or OOC. Additionally, I never read the faxes and the response from the duty officers was to immediately order the IA brigged. My problem at the time was that the action was done without talking to me, and I felt it stemmed from something that was OOC (which ultimately it did, but that part should also be resolved as well). And again, for the record, I stated that it was effectively a lobotomy once in LOOC, because that seemed like an OK explanation at the time. I qualified it and changed it later as I managed to get ahold of people. ANYWAY.
Strangely, I think the DO's actions have been overall OK, with the glaring exception to my personal issue with them. As Tainavaa said earlier (especially being they're the only person I talk to outside of playing the game) is that I feel you guys massively overstepped your authority, as well as exacerbating my IC issue way, way far into OOC to the point of trying to change my character to the way that you guys wanted her to be played. I didn't see or notice people complaining about the DO corps prior to my action taking place, (This may be me just being more aware of it because it pertains to me specifically) and talking it out with several of you guys for hours has done exactly nothing. I agree with what you guys are doing in theory, and perhaps have more hope for the system in general than a lot of other people here. Clearly trying to keep it off the forums hasn't done me a lot of good, and it may be reflecting badly on the duty officers as a whole. This also relates to a lot of the sentiment that players are dissatisfied with the lack of transparency. I thought it was just me that was feeling this, but clearly I'm not the only one that thinks things are getting a bit out of hand overall.
Reporting Personnel:Katelynn Mcmullen Rank of Reporting Personnel:Geneticist Personnel Involved: Jack Thomas, Chief Medical Officer; Alisa Keener, Medical Doctor; Doctor Beach, Medical Doctor. Time of Incident: Between 12:20 and 13:10, GST. Location of Incident:Medbay, Genetics lab, Cryo. Nature of Incident: [x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: This is spanning three separate incidents, each of which I will list below, as they all occurred in the same shift... Incident 1: I heard around 12:20 in the shift that the CMO, Jack Thomas, was assaulted by Doctor Beach with a surgical saw. When I came into medical general, I found the CMO bloodied, but unharmed, and Doctor Beach severely injured and bloodied. I began treating Doctor Beach (whose injuries extended to a severe laceration on their chest, several fractured ribs, damage to their internal organs, as well as sepsis setting in) when the CMO ordered me to stop treating them, and that their injuries were to be treated /after/ security dealt with them. I ignored his unreasonable request, but sedated Doctor Beach as a safety precaution after treating his laceration and infection. I placed him on a roller bed outside of surgery, expecting the CMO to treat him. He didn't until nearly 40 minutes after that. Incident 2: This happened at roughly 12:35. An engineer came into medbay in a stasis bag. The CMO moves the bag near cryo and immediately puts them into cryo. The engine had only been setup roughly ten minutes ago, so cryo was not cold enough to be used effectively yet... So they place them into cryo /without/ treating any of their injuries. Their injuries amounted to: radiation damage, removal of both legs (they were robotic and were destroyed by an EMP), severe damage to their groin, and the near entire destruction of their robotic eyes. This also caused their groin to be fractured. I saw that they had robotic limbs that had been damaged, so I went to grab a welder to repair them and when I came back, I noticed that their damage was slowly healing. This means their damage was not to their robotic limbs.. So, I take them out and scan them, only to find out that their limbs were removed, and their groin had still not been bandaged... I treated the extremely severe damage to their groin, commissioned two new legs from robotics, and asked the CMO for anti-radiation medication. The damage was not severe at this point, so a minor medication would have been fine. The CMO goes off to make arithrazine, which is significantly more powerful than hyronalin and should only be used in the most extreme cases... ultimately, he never even ended up administering the medication to them. Incident 3: This occurred after we obtained a surgical android. In surgery, I noticed that the patient did not have internals on, and were instead sedated.. I decided not to speak up, since they appeared to be unconscious regardless. After their groin was repaired, I took them into the genetics lab to replace their legs. I placed them on internals and began replace their limbs with robotic limbs, and the CMO comes in, tears of their internals, and shouts that they were allergic to the sleeping agent we use and that they have seen someone die in seconds before on that stuff. This was ridiculous to me, as I have never seen a single documented case of someone being allergic to sleeping agent.. Regardless, I attempted to look up their medical records, only to find them non-existent. They had been removed from the system somehow. It was at this point that the CMO stabbed them in the hand with a syringe. It was intentional and malicious. I ordered the android to remove him from my lab so that I could finish up the replacement of the limbs. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I did. I reported it to Walter Crane, Internal Affairs Agent. Unfortunately, an incident occurred that prevented the discussion between us from continuing, so I opted to file the complaint at a later time. Additional notes: The patient will still require additional treatment after this incident, which will ultimately cost NanoTrasen a fair amount of money, as this is a workplace accident. This is unprofessional, and bordering on criminal. Additionally, Doctor Keener also reported a separate incident with the CMO to which I was not present. You may wish to speak with her for more information.
What would you do if you woke up as your aurora character?
Reyjakai replied to NoahGoldFox's topic in General
Stick my fingers into an APC and get fat. -
Yeah, but I don't think it's been functional in a long while. I've never been able to get anything from them ever.
Huh. I was pretty sure that they didn't exist.
Damn. I just tried getting it to work, and it totally doesn't. I thought I saw one picture of a few dionaea with drills that were hooked up to pacman generators and were powering their drills. Anyway, that's totally a feature that should be implemented. Anyway, yeah. Recharging the cells would be nice.
Look at it this way. If you position the large mining drills well, you can normally harvest ~80 of every kind of resource minus plasma and diamonds. This also has the benefit of giving you metallic hydrogen, which is ridiculously good for research. Normally I work R&D when I play and have the levels mostly maxed, but I've been absent as of recent for a variety of reasons. That said, mining drills are pretty simple to research.. They take ~3 minutes to get researched if you know what you're doing. WITH THAT SAID. I have no problem mining with the drills and a pickaxe when I play a miner and I can fully supply the entire station for the entire round in less than 30 minutes. Be more creative with how you work mining and you won't need a drill. One thing that would make it infinitely easier to mine is by getting rid of the shitty second rock that sometimes generates when you break through one piece. Nobody needs that, and it doesn't even serve a purpose anymore.
Quick question. Can't you technically power the mining drills with the pacman generators with some creative wiring? If so, that pretty much negates the necessity of this and wouldn't be a drain on resources/power on the outpost or station.
Character Complaint - Meowness
Reyjakai replied to Demonofthefall's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
A lot of people here seem to have a massive problem separating IC and OOC, and this complaint is evidence of it. The issue is wholly IC and should probably be dealt with as an incident report, not a character/player complaint. As was stated earlier, there's already a system in place for you to file a complaint IC with Internal Affairs and have it dealt with by duty officers. -
Most of my round culminated in sitting in R&D for 3 hours and having various non-crew members requesting radios for various reasons, people asking me to shut down the synthetics (something I can't do), and then having to deal with BestERT2457 at the end. Overall, the round was fine, though. One thing I would recommend doing, however, is if the AI/command start getting murderous to the point where they're trying to gas/murder the crew, just send in a death squad instead of ERT. Deathsquad don't exist in universe, sure, but that doesn't really matter. I think the crew would have preferred a deathsquad coming in with very strict orders (You can also have deathsquad target non-crew, or scan for infected before killing people, etc., but just have them notify the station beforehand) to deal with the infected crew, or to deal with all crew, if they are infected. Something like that seemed like it would be a lot more reasonable IMO. All I knew IC was "AI's fucked, androids are fucked, random people are showing up, Heads of Staff are immune to repercussions for the shift for some reason, and we've been in code red for 3 hours with zero information". I had to tell the RD that they had immunity, since they didn't know, and it seemed like a few heads of staff kinda just went SSD after having to deal with stuff for a while. As far as constructive criticism goes, I'll shorten it. I'd recommend having more contact with central, at least with respect to the general crew. The flow of information shouldn't be so ridiculous, since I was going off the assumption that we were on quarantine for something, then ERT randomly showed up after ages in code red. But eh.
Alberyk's Head of Staff Application
Reyjakai replied to Alberyk's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Can't say anything that anybody else hasn't already said. Hurry up and get burned out being a head of staff. -
Jaden Kent's Head Application [Revised]
Reyjakai replied to Code2200's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I've had plenty of run-ins with Jaden on my main character, most of which ended up in some sort of fight or severe disagreement, all of which have led to more interesting situations and ultimately been pretty hilarious. Don't see a reason why you shouldn't be approved for a head whitelist. You've handled my bullshit pretty well so far. Edit: I totally almost left this reading white headlist instead of head whitelist. I gotta sleep. -
Who's the one poor sap who voted for Kate? She's not winning any popularity contests any time soon.
Speaking of which, I found out that if you fill your chassis with 1000 units of liquid, you can spam drink bottled water and it'll never empty. It's great for annoying people.
As far as destruction of the AI, why wouldn't it just be charged under "Terrorist Acts"? It's considered severe damage to the station, and can have a huge impact on the crew. Of course, this wouldn't apply for things like rogue AI, etc.
Clearly someone hasn't filled their chassis with flash powder, yet.
I knew it existed, but I never knew it did that when you were shot. Oops.
Look, the fact of the matter right now is that the vast majority of players on the server think that things have gone on too far with Tajaran. This isn't the case with the other races, and if it comes to that, it will be dealt with when it happens. Having cats follow their lore isn't some big bad overlord that wants to ruin your RP, you're already ruining your own RP by opting into playing a race that is intentionally designed in the lore to be lesser than the other races, and you're complaining about it and willfully ignoring that fact. As such, the beatstick is coming out, long overdue.
If IPC limbs are changed, shouldn't human robotic limbs be as well? That way an engineer with a robotic limb could just as easily have it blown off by being stupid (Or a human with robotic parts) just as easily?
Skull, I think I should have prefaced that with "I have no idea how coding works in general, much less how SS13 code works." Oops. Also, I thought I heard somewhere that robotic limbs take half brute damage on humans. Was that wrong? And another idea to your idea. What if we gave a massive movement and accuracy penalty to IPCs that are in crit? That way IPCs that are in crit can't run or chase you, and ones that are shooting at you (If their arms are somehow still working) likely won't be able to hit you.
Dicklizards have always sorta been a thing, and the Unathi are intentionally designed to revel in combat and bloodshed. It's how they're made, and it's how their culture is played out. The problem here isn't that Unathi aren't being dicks; they are, and that's what they're supposed to do. The problem is that the catbeasts aren't following the same lore. If a cat comes up and scratches a human, the reaction to that by all other people would be to beat that filthy cat down. The sense of entitlement is pretty high up there as well as being a problem. Cats feel like the world, or at least NanoTrasen, owes them something. This isn't the case. The cats owe NanoTrasen everything, since they're the only company shady enough to employ a bunch of filthy cats. WHAT THAT ALL IN MIND. I'm a big fan of the players who play cats in command. Jawdat especially is a fun character to bullshit with, but the thing that makes him unique is (what it seems like, at least) his attempt to rid himself of the constraints of their race. Most cats on the station should be timid, afraid cats that would be too afraid of getting beaten or fired to speak out. What we have instead is a large number of cats actively speaking out against NanoTrasen, command, and security. As such, I'd rather vote to scrub all the cats in command than the alternative.
If the brute damage modifier is going to be removed from IPCs, wouldn't this also remove the damage modifier from all robotic limbs as well, even those on humans and other races? Additionally, wouldn't this make robotic limbs ridiculously fragile? As far as I was aware, the purpose of robotic limbs is that they'll fly off if they take too much damage, unlike organic limbs which have a much higher threshold for dismemberment. If the limb damage is going to be the same as for humans, (Since steel is as strong as bone, it would seem) then the damage that robotic limbs could take before blowing up would also be higher. Why not go about it another way? EMPs are lethal, why not make IPCs have brute resistance, but a weakness to burn damage? Or why not apply this to the limbs specifically, as the torso would generally have more protection? You could even tone down the IPC's brute damage to .25 reduction and increase their weakness to burn damage by .25. It's all how it's decided to be worked. With that in mind, IPCs not being able to be flashed has never made sense to me. Anything that works on the station cyborgs (Especially with the construction change where they're structurally identical in manufacture to an IPC) should also work on IPCs. Just my thoughts. Another option that may be possible (I'm not sure how hard it would be to code) is to make IPCs that have skin able to be tased, whereas the TV heads can't be. It's a thought.
If the brute damage modifier is going to be removed from IPCs, wouldn't this also remove the damage modifier from all robotic limbs as well, even those on humans and other races? Additionally, wouldn't this make robotic limbs ridiculously fragile? As far as I was aware, the purpose of robotic limbs is that they'll fly off if they take too much damage, unlike organic limbs which have a much higher threshold for dismemberment. If the limb damage is going to be the same as for humans, (Since steel is as strong as bone, it would seem) then the damage that robotic limbs could take before blowing up would also be higher. Why not go about it another way? EMPs are lethal, why not make IPCs have brute resistance, but a weakness to burn damage? Or why not apply this to the limbs specifically, as the torso would generally have more protection? You could even tone down the IPC's brute damage to .25 reduction and increase their weakness to burn damage by .25. It's all how it's decided to be worked. With that in mind, IPCs not being able to be flashed has never made sense to me. Anything that works on the station cyborgs (Especially with the construction change where they're structurally identical in manufacture to an IPC) should also work on IPCs. Just my thoughts. Another option that may be possible (I'm not sure how hard it would be to code) is to make IPCs that have skin able to be tased, whereas the TV heads can't be. It's a thought.
As I play Research Director a lot, I punish genetics as often for breaking directive 4 as I do R&D and xenobiology for taking things out of their departments. If I see slimes in the station, you bet your ass I'm getting someone fired. Same goes for a random person with force gloves or a stun revolver in the halls. They're breaking corporate regulations, and as such should be penalized. Same goes for genetics. If someone wants to have powers outside of genetics? There's a form for that. Someone wants to give mining a mech? There's a form for that. Want to do weapons testing outside of R&D? There's a form for that. Same with giving weapons or materials to other departments. What we really need is more IAA checking paperwork and dishing out punishments if their advice isn't heeded.