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Everything posted by Reyjakai

  1. Reyjakai


    Just make it so that you can't have a weapon equipped if you're crawling. That seems pretty reasonable to me. I don't see how you would anyway. Being able to crawl when you're badly messed up seems like it could do more good than harm in most situations, at least from an RP standpoint.
  2. Katelynn Mcmullen - Fluffy, purple haired sociopathic IPC who has an unhealthy obsession with guns, heads, and Tina. Sticks completely to science/mining and hates anybody who bothers her. Special snowflake. Sarah Milne - CMO. Long, blue hair. Originally a surgeon for ERT on the Odin, moved to Aurora for a break in the work. Stern and uncompromising in her duties. Twitches a lot due to her chemical habits. Reyjakai Friedman - A shitty security officer. Really likes EVA. Vebjorn Skoglund - Laid back engine tech who enjoys pointless banter and smoking cigars. Has long, black hair and a moderate build. Doesn't get along well with his brother, Alvar. Alvar Skoglund - Racist shaft miner who hates catbeasts more than anything else. Xenophobic. He's one of the guys who complains any time another species uses general comms to speak in their language. Similar in build and appearance to Vebjorn. Emery Priebe - Happy–go–lucky cargo tech who enjoys company and parties. Deeply afraid of security and distrusting of IPCs and synthetics due to IC events that happened.
  3. I've had encounters with you before for better and for worse, but I've always felt that you did your best to RP and get all of security to RP as well. With that in mind, I'm not one to give second chances after trust is broken, much less a third chance at it.
  4. This would be a handy feature to have, and might get people to actually use them. I was pretty amazed the first time I jumped into a transit tube, but they take so long to come and go that it almost seems pointless to use. If there were a button that were to be added, that would be great. Not sure how hard this would be to actually add, though. Just a thought.
  5. I'm not 100% sure whether this is a bug or not, so I'll list this as a suggestion instead. When trying to make single tank incendiary bombs, I noticed that you can't hook an igniter/infrared laser combo up to them. They physically attach, yes, but the laser part is no longer visible and does not trigger the bomb. I don't think this would be super overpowered, but it would be a nice option to try to do. You additionally should be able to make these work with anything that a signaler/igniter could hook up to. One example would be a fuel tank bomb. Right now, the same thing happens. The laser is activated, but no longer works when it's placed on the fuel tank. If, for balance reasons, the laser had to always be visible, I don't think anybody would complain terribly about that. It could force some interesting RP situations if it were implemented.
  6. Played with you a few times, haven't been disappointed at all. Definitely need more good heads of staff. I approve.
  7. You just blew my damn mind, meowykins.
  8. BYOND key:Reyjakai Character names:Reyjakai Friedman, Sarah Milne, Katelynn Mcmullen, Vebjorn and Alvar Skoglund, and a few others that I play from time to time. How long have you been playing on Aurora?:Not sure, probably around a year. Maybe less. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:Well, I enjoy playing the game and the various roles that are available, and heads of staff are different characters to try to RP. More responsibility and power can lead to more interesting decision to make in the game. Additionally, I think I wouldn't be too horrible at it. Why did you come to Aurora?:I was looking for a heavy RP server, and was used to playing on heavy RP servers on different games. Enjoyed the staff and the people, so I stayed. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:Yep. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:Roleplay is all about determining what the most rational thing that your character would do in any given situation, as well as making that situation inclusive and fun for other players on the server. This can be anything from the way you carry yourself, the way you handle stressful situations, or even the way that you die. Depending on your mindset, everything can be roleplayed so that everybody has fun. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:Helping out new players, answering questions, friendly banter, spamming, "Oh god, why!" when someone does something stupid. Heads of staff are there to coordinate the flow of their department, as well as being knowledgeable about everything (or at least most things) related to their department. OOCly, you also should have a good working knowledge of how every department works, even if your character ICly does not. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:Similar to the post above, the purpose of a whitelisted character is to serve a role model for the other players on the server. If they see good roleplay, they'll want to participate in that. I don't think this is something unique to whitelisted players. Everybody is here to have fun. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Sarah Milne Character age:41 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):Sarah Milne grew up in a military family. She joined the Sol Military at age 18 and ended up being a field medic. There, she discovered a love for fixing people up wherever she could. After she was honorably discharged from the military due to a medical injury, she decided to enroll in a university on Earth to become a surgeon. Several years later, she signed up to work for NanoTrasen. She was distinguished as a surgeon in her medical career, and thus was assigned to work on the Odin as an ERT Surgeon. There, she saw and participated (from the backlines, generally) in dozens of operations, seeing friends and foes alike die brutally on the battlefield. She developed PTSD as well as a nasty addiction to Hyperzine due to all of the mission that she participated in, and became unable to function normally without heavy medication. At age 40, she requested to be transferred to the Aurora, and stopped performing active surgical work. She began to study Chemistry and instantly took a liking to it, and has stuck with that as her primary profession aboard the Aurora. She occasionally still takes up surgical jobs on the Aurora so that she doesn't get rusty, but has a hard time concentrating during surgery. What do you like about this character?:She's really a gamble. If she has her medication, she's quick, effective, works hard, and does her job properly. If she doesn't have her medication, however, she shuts down if she's put into an incredibly stressful situation. Additionally, if things get too stressful, she might snap even if she has her medication. She's got a tough outer shell, but isn't too horrible of a person if she ends up taking a liking to you. What do you dislike about this character?:She wears glasses, so she can't wear a health HUD. I had no idea how annoying this would be ICly. Also, she's very snobbish and elitist a lot of the time. She's also very racist against Tajara, as she sees them all as drug addicted felons. She tries to keep that one secret. She's very pessimistic, assuming that everybody but her is incredibly incompetent and will kill anybody that they treat unless she supervises them while doing their duty. One thing that I'm not 100% sure whether I like or dislike about her is that if someone dies under her care, it's in her head that they only died because she wasn't good enough to save them. This can really mess with her head for a while after it happens. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:She's authoritative, quick to act, and tends to make good decisions when it comes to the well-being of patients and NanoTrasen property. She manages her addiction well, not allowing it to intentionally affect her work ethic. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?:I'd say that I've definitely improved in the last 6 months since I made my original application. I've made a few mistakes here and there, but overall I understand what's expected of me as a player, as well as the responsibilities of a Head of Staff. It no longer seems like the daunting task that it originally seemed like being. I think I've gotten pretty good at roleplaying situations that I would have gone straight to guns in earlier. I used to play to win, thinking it would be cool. It's really not. Being captured or shot can be every bit as rewarding as robusting the entire nuke op team as a janitor with a cleaning grenade. Extra notes:
  9. Another major problem that I've discovered is his constant meddling in peoples' affairs. If he sees a group of people, he'll immediately get into the group and say, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you doing your jobs?" Internal Affairs is supposed to be an unbiased observer. They conduct interviews when they are doing investigations, /no other times/. I think we need to readdress what IA is and is not supposed to do. Clearly the baystation wiki doesn't answer the questions clearly enough. Another major problem that I've found with them is them levying fines on people for breaking CR, or at least as they see it broken. It's happened several times, two of which I've seen and one that I've heard about. This would be taking bribes and he'd be outed immediately if he were a security officer. It'd be like saying, "Pay 500 credits to my officer or your Head of Staff will get a report from my office." If you're loyalty implanted, you /cannot/ intentionally break CR, as that would be against NanoTrasen's interests, right?
  10. Hold on, so this means I can have Kate stop talking to people again? Man, that would be glorious.
  11. Hold on, how is carrying a grenade outside of chemistry without a very good reason a good idea at all? And how is Impedrezene any better than Chloral hydrate? From a gameplay perspective, it's worse. But if it's worth anything from me, second chances are always a good thing. Third chances are not.
  12. I distinctly remember seeing the text stating that my face had been melted off, but I think it's been resolved by now. I'll definitely take my actions more seriously and try not to blow up my teammates, regardless of the situation.
  13. I'll manage regardless. I decided to undo any of the changes I made to the character and have removed the flavor text entirely to avoid offending any parties involved. I also removed all records on all of my characters in an attempt to not offend anybody. In addition to this, It'd be nice to have my custom item applications removed, as they are pointless now that I have removed the changes, and as many people have pointed out, completely unnecessary and stupid.
  14. Apparently humor isn't my strong point.
  15. Am I seriously getting shit over my flavor text now?
  16. I wonder if it can have a function that says, "Katelynn zooms in on DAT ASS with her ocular implant."
  17. BYOND Key: Reyjakai Character name: Katelynn Mcmullen Item name: Katelynn's Ocular Implant Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's part of her face. Item function(s): None, but 2x zoom would be pretty sweet. Item description: A large, metallic ocular implant with a red light in the center. Item appearance: http://imgur.com/RWuoarc - That thing on the left side of her face. Additional comments: Spriting may be needed, or I can figure it out with a template.
  18. BYOND Key: Reyjakai Character name: Katelynn Mcmullen Item name: Katelynn's Metal Gauntlet Why is your character carrying said item to work? It's part of her right arm. Item function(s): None, but the other hand should have a standard black glove on. If it's possible to have this as an addition to gloves (Like ties to jumpsuits) that would be awesome. Item description: An overly large metallic black glove that occasionally pulses with red light. Item appearance: The arm in the picture. http://imgur.com/RWuoarc Additional comments: I might be able to harass my brother into spriting it if I have something to go off of.
  19. It's natural for to report things from your point of view while completely ignoring mine, and that's fine. Teamkilling is bad, we both agree on that. I don't quite understand what "murderboning" is supposed to be, and ganking has its merits and uses if it's prepared beforehand. We had two officers on the ground, two of us had been tasered into paincrit, and two officers with laser rifles and security hardsuits were coming at us from behind. I warned them before the fight started that they needed to back off and that I had a bomb. I also used the threaten to blow the bomb command near them. This /should/ have resolved the conflict with the security and forced them to back off, since they would have valued their lives, and terrorists aren't known to be the most reasonable people. I don't know what my "screaming and kicking and shouting about blowing shit up through the entire round" is, but I had suggested several times that I set up bombs in places that would cripple the outposts and draw security as a diversion while the more dangerous objectives be handled by the three man crew on station. This was shot down every chance I proposed it. You can say that it's not facilitating roleplay, but there isn't one objective definition for /roleplay/. We have differing opinions on this, and it's pointless to argue. On to the actual fight. Two of us had been taken into paincrit, and all 3 of the nuke ops were inside of the mining dock area, with the two flanking sec officers coming in from the outside. We were exposed, they were protected. You can claim that you can CQC robust them all you want, but from what I was seeing, I was sitting in crit, barely able to walk, with the officers ignoring my demands to back off because I had a bomb. They ignored it and started shooting us with laser rifles. We have SMGs and a few carbines, laser rifles hurt. My character's face has just melted off, I was hit with another laser rifle round and was almost dead. Another one of our guys was on the ground, getting shot at as well, and the third person wasn't anywhere near the sec guys without going into crossfire, so I lived up to my threats and blew the bomb. I don't know where you expected me to say, "Hey, I've got a bomb big enough to kill everybody here, stand back 15 spaces in a 7x5 room that we're trapped in". In deadchat, I called it how I saw it. Better to take some of them out with me than to all die for nothing. Also, if you think that getting gunned down by security would have been "more interesting" than suicide bombing several people, this report would have never been fabricated. We got into a really bad situation that I didn't see a way of getting out of, so I pulled the plug. Additionally, if surviving for my character is the most important thing, why do nuke ops spawn with suicide pills? You aren't supposed to be taken alive.
  20. Ideally, this crate would function like the ExoSuit Fabricator, being able to hold a set amount of every kind of minable item, but without the necessity of having to build one. It would be nice to have one in R&D, as their Protolathe has a set amount. Also, it would be nice to make it upgradeable as well, just like the other machines.
  21. If I can just chime in on this, I feel like I have a fair bit to say on this as a person who does a /lot/ of stupid shit a lot of the time. I've been working on trying to be better at it, but it takes time. Everybody does stupid stuff when they get tired, and I had the same expectation as Seven Ghost had when they were on dead hour; that nobody would care because nobody was on. Clearly that is not the case, which is something that I, and hopefully Seven Ghost, understand. I will say, however, that if not for admin intervention, I very likely would still be doing incredibly stupid stuff and have been banned by now. Your intervention helps more than you think it does. Talking through an issue makes me a better player and makes me think more about my issues before doing them. With that said, I very much enjoy playing with Seven Ghost as the RD. It's one of the main reasons that I stuck with science instead of medical. Everybody makes mistakes, it's just up to you to decide how much you want that to overshadow how much you enjoy having them in the game with you. I've got no intention of telling you how to do your job, but some people who make an effort should definitely get a shot. Think about who you're willing to invest your time into and stick with it.
  22. To counter that, I try not to carry weaponry on me as a scientist anymore. I have certainly been a lot better about that as of recent. I have an advanced protopistol on me at present because I was charging it in the conference room, since R&D doesn't have one. Should I have returned it to R&D? Certainly. Should I have removed the charger? Probaby. I appreciate your rebuke, however. I couldn't care less about the 'cool' factor of being whitelisted. If you're trying to judge how I play on a rather lax day during dead hour on an extended round, perhaps that's not the best judge of character for a whitelist application. I'm not trying to say that down time extended isn't meant for a place to RP, but it's certainly a place to be less stringent than normal.
  23. I came up with that part on the spot, and it seemed a bit odd to me as well. I reworded it to fit more with what my original story was (When she was mute, I blame it on a chemical fire, same with the robotic limbs). Edit: Edited again for cohesiveness.
  24. I've seen this posted in every game, so all those little .05's add up to a +1.
  25. BYOND key:Reyjakai Character names:Katelynn McMullen, Vebjorn Skoglund, Reyjakai Friedman. How long have you been playing on Aurora?:A few months. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:To serve glorious NanoTrasen and its interests. Also because in general, I feel that I could better help out the station and all greenies they keep sending us. Why did you come to Aurora?:I joined a random server one day, liked the people and the staff and decided to stay. I never anticipated that I would end up spending this much time here, but I do. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:Of course. Who doesn't read all of the details of what they're supposed to do as their role. Oh wait... Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:Roleplay is all about immersing yourself in your surroundings through the interactions with other players and through your own actions. Trying to imagine what the person you have created is going to do, as well as what their expectations are from other players in various scenarios is what makes or breaks the experience for everyone. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:Trying to guide other players to accept the glory of NanoTrasen in a productive way. That, and to help other people to have a more fulfilling experience, as well as explain procedures, explain why things are done (from the wiki, etc), and to help make the server more fun to play on. Accidentally stabbing robots is only fun for so long. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:In general, I suppose you stand as a person who is expected to know how the server runs, and how to help people have issues. I wouldn't want to say that it's to keep things professional, but at the very least, all staff members should strive to help out all members of the server. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name:Katelynn McMullen Character age:31 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):Katelynn was born in the Sol system. Her father, Gregory McMullen was the head researcher on one of Earth's NanoTrasen research bases, which is where Katelynn gained a respect for science and scientific research at an early age. Throughout Katelynn's Teenage years, she excelled at all things science based, and was quickly hired to work at her father's research base at the age of 17. When Katelynn was 19, the outpost she and her father worked suffered a bad leak when a plasma experiment went wrong, causing the station to explode, severely injuring Katelynn and killing many of the employees, her father included. When the Emergency Response Team arrived to help salvage what they could, they found Katelynn barely clinging to life, with severe plasma burns all throughout her body. They managed to rescue Katelynn and several other employees. Katelynn was then transported to a medical research center where she was ultimately deemed an asset that was worth saving. After patching up her body, replacing much of her burnt skin with synthskin, she was set back to work. A year after that, Katelynn was transferred to another NanoTrasen facility to perform scientific experiments. Katelynn excelled at testing practical applications of bluespace technology, explosive ordinance application, and the generation of Mechatronic fabrication that she was transferred to the NSS Aurora after a short period of time to further test NanoTrasen's more dangerous endeavors. What do you like about this character?:She may seem a bit childlike at first, but she's deeply loyal to her friends and NanoTrasen. Katelynn has evolved a lot since I first imagined her, and she's more an extension of myself than anything else. What do you dislike about this character?:That goddamn pink hair. At least I made it purple. Also, her general lack of regard for standard protocol for the earlier parts of her career. She was allowed to get away with quite a lot because she was a valuable asset to NanoTrasen, but she's got to be more responsible in the future. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):If you asked me a month ago, I would have said the answer to that is never. However, I've been getting more amd more comfortable with the idea of Katelynn being a head of staff. I've been getting better at acting based on what my character would do, and thus have been turning Katelynn into a talented and responsible character that would fit well into a command role. Why?:I listed why in the area above, mostly. I think Katelynn is experienced and knowledgeable enough to be a good Research Director. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?:I am definitely better than I was when I first came to this server. I think the admins would all agree on that, and in general, their conversations have helped me learn to roleplay better and actually decide the direction that I wanted to take Katelynn in. Extra notes:Keep doing what you do, admins. It helps more than you think it does.
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