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Chemist (13/37)

  1. You are wrong. I said that to stay was suicide well before I tried to poison him. When you challenged me on why I would go for the poison if I didn't know what it did, I said that I assumed I could know what it (dextrotoxin) was, at least insofar as it would be dangerous to ingest, and that other people brought up chemistry knowledge IC while playig non-chemists before. I did not claim that an engineer would know every chemical.
  2. I think you're assuming a lot. I didn't see any typing indicator. I had the poison because I found it, just like I found a bunch of other weapon-type things I turned in. I held onto it when I heard things were going wrong on the off chance that I might have to use it.
  3. It said "This vial contains dextrotoxin!" I assume it's labeled dextrotoxin, which has toxin in the name.
  4. Well, I assumed that having some knowledge of that kind of thing was common enough for me to at least have some idea that it was dangerous and that he would, at the very least, be distracted enough for me to do what I had to do before he rallied himself. For instance, in real life, most of us could probably guess that a container marked cyanide or sarin is probably really bad, so ingame a container marked with a powerful poison would probably be obviously bad as well. But as for not letting people subdue their superiors, like... that would mean that a security officer turning on the head of security for ordering them to shoot unarmed people, for instance, should also be banned. With the interpretation of the situation several of us were running with there, if we stayed that was definitely going to kill us, where going back to the station would only maybe kill us, and the decision had to be made quickly because the escape shuttle was already on the way. We ended up missing it anyway, though.
  5. There were artifacts back there that we'd been forbidden to go near, and it was heavily implied that one of them had already eaten one of our away mission teammates. Also, there isn't enough food and water for weeks back there.
  6. The situation was that the station was, the RD told us, going to blow up and we were going to be stranded on an airless derelict. My and some others' argument was that we still had a chance to make it to the escape shuttle before it left if we went back to the station, where we'd just be marooned in space otherwise.
  7. BYOND Key: Uglyxeno Staff BYOND Key: Sonicgotnuked(?) Game ID: I don't have the game ID, but I do have the time in which it took place. Reason for complaint: They seem to have gotten a lot of details about the situation wrong. I was pretty OK with the ban until I read the ban reason, which is pretty inconsistent with what I experienced. Basically, it all started when the away mission I was on heard about a code delta on the station and we all returned to the shuttle and held a vote on whether or not we should go back. Three people voted to stay on the away mission past the end of the round (which was pointed out by several of the away crew to be a suicidal prospect) and one voted to return (me). One other person then commented that it was cowardly, illegal, and so on that the research director would have us stay on the away mission. I voiced my disagreement with staying as well, openly calling it suicidal. The other person who voiced his disagreement seemed willing to follow orders, however. The research director stated that, indeed, the vote didn't matter, that it was not in fact a democracy, and that he had made his decision that we were going to stay. Then he started talking about some of the missing away mission crew, and he walked by me. That's when I saw my chance. Since I was only an engineer, and wasn't skilled at fighting, I decided to use a poison that I'd found on the station to attempt to disable the RD assuming, of course, that to stay would be suicide and that he was going to force us to stay; he was also armed and fitted with a hardsuit and was more than capable of beating me alone in a fight. I may have made a mistake on whether or not it was OK to know what the poison did, but that was not part of the thought process. I didn't have any other way to easily subdue him and I could not count on anyone else to help. Evidence/logs/etc: I did not log this round. Additional remarks: I disagree completely with the point that this is improper escalation as the situation was framed as a life or death struggle, and the research director had already told us that our vote was pointless and that he was making the decisions. Additionally, someone who is not a fighter would logically prefer to take the easy way and feed their opponent some unknown possibly-deadly poison rather than physically confront them; it is a matter of life and death after all.
  8. The one and only time I've seen a kataphract ERT they turned into an impromptu lynch mob and tried to hang half the station for treason after holding a mock trial. I greatly dislike them. They also engaged in some tired crusader memes. I dunno what we expected to happen when we added medieval space knights as an ERT option.
  9. This idea is super good for giving some flavor and, theoretically, some sort of gameplay to chaplains, who don't currently have a lot to do. Some more properly mechanical items for chaplain would be a plus though.
  10. I dunno, I have some reservations about it because medical barely functions as it is but it could be cool, it'd be nice to try at the very least.
  11. Honestly, it seems like overkill to just nuke the whole feature. At least echoes let you keep playing in the unlikely event that you end up teleported into a wall.
  12. Local Religious Commune Throws Party; Invites Everyone The frozen plains of New Gibson might seem like a strange place for a hayride, but the Aut'akh religious commune, celebrating this human holiday for the first time, didn't seem to mind. For the last two weeks, the Unathi refugees have been retooling the inside of their extensive bunker complex in preparation for one wild halloween party. One of the party's organizers, Veetek Lessik, said The entrance hall, created from a converted freighter hull, was buzzing with activity. Stalls were being set up, grills hauled out, and trays of traditional unathi dishes and sweets laid out. One smell in particular caught my attention, and my guide, Lessik, led me over to one of the stands. It was a barbecue grill, manned by the truly massive Mahashik Uchie. He offered me a serving of traditional S'thian spiced fish (free, like everything else at the event), and explained, I thoroughly enjoyed my fish, which had a flavor halfway between barbecue sauce and smoked salmon, and moved on into the main event. The lion's share of the Gibson Commune (as they call it) had been decorated as a single large, twisting haunted house and hayride. My guide warned me, That was good to know. At last, we entered. The main route seemed to follow a large, spiral-shaped hallway, about the width of a city street. There was a helpful, glow-in-the-dark red line to follow the whole way through. As we moved through the street, the fog began to roll in. We could see ghostly apparitions moving from window to window (Siansi holograms, said Lessik), and scuttling, half-visible shapes darting from hall to hall just out of sight. As we made our way deeper into the commune, which had been decorated partly like an abandoned bunker and partly like a ruined city street, Lessik assured me that everything was perfectly harmless. I was in the middle of asking why when I heard a roar. An animatronic dinosaur, something out of a nightmare, came running at us out of the dark, gnashing its metal teeth, gears grinding and claws scraping against the floor... until it stopped about a meter away. A miniature mechanical plains tyrant. He was great. We moved on deeper. Apparently, the Siansi section (the one towards the beginning of my tour) was still under construction, but it would involve swarms of spiders and demonic holograms bargaining for your soul. The Ansiba have apparently prepared a soundsystem for the event, which they've programmed to respond to the guests' stress levels, although that wasn't ready yet either. We continued through the seemingly-abandoned streets, which did have a remarkably creepy atmosphere even on their own, and somehow came out right where we began. It was something. On my way out, one of the Kethresh stands had opened, and they were offering a selection of candies. I took a bar of some kind (it was marked 'KOKO'. It tasted like something between sugarcane, coconut, and chocolate. When I explained that I had to leave, Lessik had this to say, I'm going for sure. If even half of the events they've prepared end up working by the time of the party (the 30th and 31st), it will have been well worth the price of admission, which is free.
  13. I very much like the Ta consulars, because having a Ta on the station provides something for the vaurca to rally around, even vaurca of a different hive. After all, a Ta is basically someone's mom, and it's wrong to be rude to or hurt someone's mom. A non-Ta consular would basically defang that whole scenario; workers of different hives can be as brutal as they like to each other. It's also not really common enough to constitute a problem. Additionally, having cool creatures on the station is not a bad thing. Having a ta on board has never to my knowledge made someone shrug upon seeing other monstrous creatures.
  14. I like that someone wants to focus on the Frontier Alliance, but I have to ask (since I care about it for some reason) What would you do with the techno-conglomerate? Would they remain robot-friendly? Would they have more of a role, or less?
  15. If we ever needed an illustration as to why security needs to be split and reduced, here it is. This is basically the rule rather than the exception; security is absolutely full and every other department has like, two or three people max in it. Additionally, the way security is currently designed encourages the bad behavior we so often see among security mains (shoot first, ask questions later; lack of RP through utter silence during processing; secret club mentality; performing executions). All security players eventually develop the behaviors of bad security, without exception. The only true, permanent solution is to recontextualize security as people mostly concerned with internal issues (rename them to security guards, take away their lethal weapons) and to take half their slots and turn it into a new organization that deals with external issues (carp, cave dwellers, mercenaries, and so on), that does have lethal weapons, and does not have non-lethal weapons. The solution is to remove the capability of the people who are playing security to perform those bad behaviors. The scouts accomplish this by being entirely unrelated to the law enforcement part, and the security guards accomplish this by being entirely unrelated to the combat part. Scouts are expected to participate when code red rolls around. I dunno what to say other than, yes, you're correct, but they don't have the authority to take control. Security, as it stands, does (on account of they're required to enforce law, so when code red rolls around and the guns come out, even though they have shifted gears to a pure combat role, they are still required to enforce law).
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