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Warbidon's Achievements

Medical Doctor (12/37)
This event was almost as good as the bag of Ruffles Cheddar & sour cream flavored Potato chips. Ruffles have RRRidges!
Ublicto - Command Application 2
Warbidon replied to Ublicto's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
WOW, I LOVE THE CAPTAIN YOU PLAY. Athena is actually fantastic too. I support your endeavor to become something finer, and leave this quote from my book with how much I love all that you do. Just the way your captain quotes great iconic stuff is amazing to me. "Yes, I could be something finer, but what we are is less important than what we do. The world is where we live, and I will defend it till I die. You can keep your visions." -
Warbidon changed their profile photo
accepted NM (Comrade Batman) - Command Whitelist Application
Warbidon replied to NM_'s topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
It was a joy teaching you on the steps of how to be a surgeon and watching you take the rest of the journey out, and I have watched you learn and spread that joy to dozens of other people. I think there is no finer example of an excellent engager of the medical department and its intricaces, especially someone that should be a CMO, then the player of Ren Hartfort. +1 -
[ACCEPTED] Commendation Report: 3/4/64
Warbidon replied to Pedantic's topic in Archived Commendations
Fun fact, I only had to do a brain reconstruction surgery once. All of the bones short of the persons head and lower body had fractures, and there was 7 Arterial bleeds. With all the drugs in the person, it was just barely stabilized at a roughly stable amount of blood in versus blood out. I am very surprised at how the CMO(off-duty) survived in the end. (I missed the right foot on my first pass of bone surgery) -
[Accepted]RyverStyx - Skrell Deputy App Pt. 2
Warbidon replied to RyverStyx's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I had always been thinking about becoming a part of the lore developer team for the Skrell department, but I never felt like I had compelling enough ideas to offer up for the team. Hence, my reluctulance on putting don a app for this open slot since forever. I think I don't have to worry about putting that application in. +1 -
head of staff Warbidons Head of Staff Whitelist
Warbidon replied to Warbidon's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I am sorry that my actions had detrimentally affected your round, @Limette. Part of the reason I had alt tabbed from those rounds is that I have felt a little bit burnt out of the surgical part of medical, as well as a relative comfort in the position as a whole. I think by making a new character to explore the new position I will side step the issue entirely, as I have demonstrated that I can play a round without alt tabbing with the rounds I have played as Officer/Cadet Koh. I will not put anyone in this situation while I am onboard as the Chief Medical Officer, or any other head of staff I play as. Edit: This is because when I tabbed back, I wanted to signal that I was "back" in, and would do a onomonopia of someone who is surprised would say, it wasn't just random gibberish. (And then do the job and actually talk to people, I guess?) -
BYOND key: Warbidon Discord Username: Warbidon#1495 Character names: Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena - Surgoen Cerriq Koh - Security Cadet / Officer Joe Bennett - Passenger Arielle Auriel-Qerk - Ship Engineer Kduish Qiu - First Responder Sil Zurix-Orleans - How long have you been playing on Aurora?: at least 4 or 5 years, probably more. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have been permabanned and head of staff whitelisted stripped before. If needed I can edit into this post links to the appeals for some of the bans. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, in game?: A Head of Staffs purpose in the game is to run the department, decisively make the decisions in commanding said department, and sometimes step up for the whole ship. If the Horizon is a group of pre-historic tribes, they are the wielder of the leader stick for their tribe. In a more dialectical sense, a head of staffs actions should always carry the idea of protecting their departments interests. It's also their job to keep the workplace a workplace, ICly and OOCly, in the sense that new employees are trained into the job, competent decisions are made and everyday functions are fulfilled, one way or another (even if it means getting your hands dirty yourself.) A head of staff also has responsibility for the greater ship. They should try and keep track of the rest of the ships goings on, especially if there is no head of staff on for a specific department. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I think the responsibility is displayed in a couple of ways. The first one is the most obvious. They are the boss of the department, they take all the failings of the department and should be a legitimately good player in that department, or at least not get in the way of the actual running of things in a spectacular way. It is to be acknowledged that they are the thing that antagonists look at, and should be excellent in Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti is the proverbial three match survivor of the Orion Spur, lifted up by Corporate Influences and held to fight against the monolithic Sol Alliance. Now the jumping point for corporate ambition on neighboring states of the Solarian warlords of the Spur. Corporate Elements along with everyone else are twisting the screws down on everything, everywhere, and all at once. Phoron is the name of this game, and the Horizon has been out and about looking for Phoron to relieve this pressure, amidst a deteriorating galactic situation. Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena has had a odd journey through the Tau Ceti Area and later the Horizon. Losing housing in the Odin after the First Solarian engagement after her apartment had in one of the blocks struck by the Solarian expression of firepower, as well as a whole slew of issues with regards to the Nrallak Federation and Fros'Qerr's relationship with the rebellion against her motherlands government. Ultimately, she will become a head of staff in about ten to twenty years if at all due to her compromised state of affairs with her government, the Stellar Conglomerate and her new found ties with the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion to prevent herself from being deported to the Federation due to her crimes and associations. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I plan on playing a Chief Medical Officer with a new character whose name is Sil Zurix-Orleans, that being a Skrell whose lived a century or more in the Eridani Federation. They live and breath the corporate dogma. Having worked through the State Enterprise, followed by an exchange Program with Zeng Hu Pharmaceuticals which finally transitioned into a contract with the Stellar Conglomerate. Thinking that she is furiously unbidden from Skrellian physiology, she has proudly stated that in her century long tenure she has not taken a single vacation in her time with Zeng Hu Pharmaceuticals, and does not plan too for another century at the least. To describe her as dedicated to the corporate ideal is a understatement, and Sil will prefer to uphold corporate values above all others, even ultimately to the federations deficit, if it had to occur, Unaware of the probability of being unprotected from a deportation event should such a choice come to par. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I think I have done enough research to be familiar with the command roles. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Sil Zurix-Orleans - Chief Medical Officer. Any additional characters, though unlikely, will be edited in during the trial. I do plan on eventually making other head of staff roles, but I don't feel comfortable to play any of those roles yet. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Have you linked your byond account to the forums? Yes Extra notes: RP is fun.
Command Whitelist #2- ArmaliteRifle
Warbidon replied to ArmaliteRifle's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I like the guy, as far as I can tell every time he runs security head, things dont go horrible. His roleplay is good the three or four times I played with him and he handled weird guy in suit character very well. +1 -
Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Medium Species: Skrell Short Description: The Pinnacle of cybernetic advancement of their time, the Sixty points Clade was a faction in the Glorsh-Omega Autocracy, a group which consisted of singularity seeking Skrell who were augmented to reach incredible intellectual capacities through the usage of computational hardware outside of their own brain, networked through the Nlom. They are extinct now, and their legacy as both the elitist supporters of Glorsh Omega has demonized them and their ways in the perceptions of the common nlomsphere. How will this be reflected on-station?: Skrell can put references to this into their background, look down upon neural augmentations due to a perceived likelihood of being mere sheep of a greater system, as well as a weakness and point of failure. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: This lore canonization gives Skrell a reason to dislike neural augmentation, allow a faction to comes in which may not necessarily be liked by either rebels or higher authorities. Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes Long Description:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HXe9VfbnmVR9dC5QrXuGUJoULIeZ0-cN_29KAgbrivw/edit?usp=sharing
Wabidons Head of Staff Whitelist
Warbidon replied to Warbidon's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Alright. I don't plan on playing as a head of staff at any time I an liable to go AFK. My job requires me to be on call late in the day on a couple days of the week in addition to my propensity to lose interest in SS13 mid round, so I already plan on not taking up the high position when I know I wont be able to confirm my reliability, and if not, I'll just head to cryogenics instead of letting people down. upon self reflection, I will follow your advice on taking time to familiarizing myself with the other roles, however I don't think you need to worry about me for the chemistry aspect as I have played quite a bit of chemistry on adjacent code servers and have memorized most recipes and know how to quickly look up the rest. (I just find the repetitive aspect of making chems every shift a seething event and don't envy a chemist.) -
Wabidons Head of Staff Whitelist
Warbidon replied to Warbidon's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I appreciate the critique that you have given me, @Faye <3 However, I wanted to give to you context of the round that you were frustrated in. I was giving out orders, I was trying to give the department a objective, and I felt that I was doing my best in being active and engaged during that round. However, I felt that almost every order I gave was either ignored or one of the two paramedics took the initiative away from me seconds before I finished typing it out and coming to the same conclusion that I had. The one successful example of an order I gave was moving the temporary zone of operations that would act as a replacement medical bay from the holodeck to robotics, which was empty and ready to receive while being farther away from the supposed bomb threat in medical. I had coordinated with security in finding out when the bomb threat was over and had given the greenlight to return to medical as well. Regardless, I don't think I shined very well on that round, largely due to the initiative I had seen work on other servers. Either I expressed my intent incorrectly or it was truly a not very good fit, and I did backtrack and allowed what was going on as naturally. From that point on, I had no real chance of changing anyone's mind because I made that blunder. I never had been given a chance to actually express a command because the current situation was that the paramedics assumed I was a non-entity and delegated the responsibility of giving orders to themselves and actually ignoring me. I would've had to say to the paramedics "hey man, let me do the orders." and I felt that wasn't conducive to to the situation and would've painted me as an incompetent and maligned boss figure which I did not want. So, I had decided to just give orders and hope that the medical staff would listen. There was no real chance of me organizing any specific role and interaction between paramedic --> Physician --> Surgeon because I was the only surgeon and there were no physicians. Secondly, although I was in the holodeck, I did not taste any of the taffy flavors or sodas in the holodeck, that is complete nonsense. I was listening and engaging with the medical department in parallel to the conversation with the consular during the incident with the bomb threat, and I have no idea why you are saying I quote " gave no orders or instructions to the department." The radio-logs of the round would prove otherwise (I did not save them.) I even tried to get in contact with your character to ask for feedback and to clarify and get in-character feedback about the first-second responder thing but you didn't give me a chance. -
BYOND key: Warbidon Discord Username: Warbidon #1495 Character names: Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena, Joe Bennett, Arielle Auriel-Qerk How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I have no idea how long have I been n the Aurora server. I would guess around 2014-2017 under the wer6 pseudonym. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have been previously permabanned from both the server as well as the head of staff position. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The purpose of the head of staff is to have responsibility for the department. This takes place on both a narrative and emblematic level. to expound on the first part of my previous statement, The head of staff is responsible for making sure that new players are taught, the department is being run acceptably, and that the personnel both inside and outside the department are categorically immersed into the roleplay environment that the head of staff will cultivate in the department. In addition, the player's character acts as a role model for how a member of the department should act. Though this second facet is less important, as the dichotomy between boss and subject can come into play, it still matters to an extent due to how few people there are in comparison to leader staff. The head of staff's duty is to make sure that both the crew and the antagonists get a figure to point their ire, duty, and questions at, in addition to the ideals and culture of the department as a whole. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: The OOC responsibilities of whitelisted players is multifaceted. in essence, they are held to a higher standard in comparison to other players due to their expanded capabilities in taking positions. Its the players role to enable the roleplaying game to have first and foremost a good and fun scene for other people, a vehicle for both the player themselves and other people to have fun while playing the game. to that end, a whitelisted player has the important role of playing their head of staff correctly in order to keep the role. in addition to acting as a vehicle for the previously mentioned ingame purpose of the command staff, I will try and keep to this responsibility by doing my best in playing immersive, real characters that follow these guidelines. I wont play head of staff when unable to deliver this responsibility to people. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti has recently survived the shattering to the Solarian "Empire" as spurred on the the Violet dawn, also known as the burning of mars. Tau Ceti has weathered this instability by hardening its military forces under the assistance of the conglomerate of corporations. Biesel is a melting pot of various species and peoples, being a end point for immigration due to its incredible phoron-deprived wealth that is coming to an end due to the exhaustion of mining resources. In this tumultuous era, A Skrell named Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena immigrated a decade and a half earlier as a wet-behind the ears tadpole with a dream of getting a second degree and becoming a surgeon. Under the baby-baptism of a almost comparable-to-skrellian university and residency at the greatest Odin station that NT could over, Fros'Qerr became a upcoming talent of a surgeon that has experienced both Sol Invasions, having lost a apartment on the Odin by the first Frost derived invasion. Fros'Qerr also secretly participated resistance operations against Federation after the events of the last archive decryption contest, which ultimately resulted in her arrest by the federation, and after a brief week, her return to the Aurora. A intervention by her associates in the resistance had resulted in her being deprogrammed and the event largely smoothed over by other factors resulting it eventually becoming a non-issue for her promotion to head of staff. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I plan on playing as a Chief Medical Officer with Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena, as well as probably resurrecting my old HOP whose name was Hanira Yishu, with a different name that fits the lore. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I have looked at the wiki pages for the command roles. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena -- Chief Medical Officer A head of Staff Skrell whose name I have not decided yet. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes Have you linked your byond account to the forums? Yes Extra notes: My favorite song is Superhuman by Superhuman by Jonathan vd Wijngaarden I plan on changing the records of Fros'Qerr Vel-Rena to be more sensible with regards to her eligible to being a head of staff.