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    1. BurgerBB


      someone linked me furry porn where it's a bat in a sauna drinking Corona Beer and it took me a bit to realise the connection considering I don't get send furry porn on a regular basis

  2. Video game players, move upwards

  3. BYOND Key: Ryfer Total Ban Length: It's a long one Banning staff member's Key: sonicgotnuked Reason of Ban: Strong suspicion of metacommunication plus emoting bathroom details no one needs to know. You have notes about this stuff already and you're clearly not here to play seriously. You can appeal this decision on the fourms in the form of a staff complaint or unban request when you feel like improving the LRP behavior.. Reason for Appeal: I have literally been a model citizen all year, and this is what I get when I poop my pants ONE time. An incredibly drunk and high character pooped his pants while under the influence of two things, and I was told this was reason enough alone to permanently ban me. It wasn't something lingered on, it wasn't done more than once, it was done in one short emote as a throwaway joke and then forgotten about. You could call it a throwaway shit. Metacomms straight up didn't happen, and it was clear sonic was unsure. The most solid evidence was two characters moving to one place with IC communication before hand, and then when told to leave, went back to the same place they came from and had spent the majority of the round without establishing with eachother that they were going there. It seems pretty obvious to me that it's not a weird thing, but it was still part of me getting the boot. I was told the point was moot, while I begged sonic not to shoot. But alas, I committed the gravest sin: I emitted a single 'poot'.
  4. pretty...good...?
  5. The main reason I wasn't giving hints and wasn't trying hard to help you out, because the fuss you put up is much greater than the average person and on top of other things it was making it hard to help you or want to help you. I could maybe just see it as an isolated incident with an antagonist, but accompanied with the OOC complaints it didn't paint a good picture. It was clear with them that you escalated situations and made them more difficult for yourself due to the frustration that leaked through, and in turn didn't accept the consequences and got angrier. This was my main point, I don't deny that there was plenty of IC drive for your actions, but when you get upset it begins effecting things and the people you're playing with. I could bring up more specific points from that game, but I feel like it'll deviate from the point to break it down so much and drag out a back-and-forth. Overall you were unpleasant to interact with, and not in a way that an antagonist would be - I enjoy an antagonist ruining my day in an antaggy way. I did not enjoy someone endlessly causing trouble in minute and annoying ways on top of complaining at me OOCly. I'm not convinced you have a large boundary between IC and OOC, and I'm not convinced you have the patience to play a head of staff in remotely stressful situations. It'd be different if your remarks hadn't persisted throughout the entirety of the round. This is just my piece on it, and as I said I haven't been around long - but you really rubbed me the wrong way at every opportunity and whenever I see your characters as antags or otherwise central to what's going on in the round, it makes me feel like the round's going to be lacking.
  6. Going to be a -1 from me dog. I haven't been back for very long and few people have left much of an impression, but you have and it's nothing but negative. The few times I've interacted with you, one of which was a full round of interaction basically from start to finish, your character made unrealistic choices on top of being unrealistic (I think the character name was Cecilia Star, but I doubt a blind woman would find her way around on the station well and be able to defend herself to the capacity yours did). You made remarks in AOOC after a fight we had while constantly added 'owo' after each in some matter that was either meant to be annoying or brush off your words, but it was definitely irritating. On top of that condensed bout of remarks, you used AOOC and LOOC as a way to constantly make angry remarks towards what was happening IC. Your character reflects all of this, screaming and complaining, never easing up on the same irrationally you shared OOC. It was because of that you turned a fellow antagonist against yourself, because you were being impatient and irrational to the point of making them hate you. It was the longest of the encounters I've had with you, and It left quite an impression after I started playing the long game to help you escape your situation that round; but eventually you gave my character so much trouble through actions nobody else would have taken that you wound up getting killed and getting angry over that as well. The main thing I think you need to do is force yourself to separate IC from OOC more, I feel your characters are snowflakey and have some degree of self-insertion that makes you take things personally. It's a common problem, but when it shows so much it's kind of unbearable to deal with.
  7. Fair enough, sounds good. The grudge was mentioned since I was just portraying the full thing as I remembered it, and definitely could have been left out. I mainly want to play occasionally just to play actual serious characters, so that last bit's easy enough. As for recognizing what I did wrong, I did intentionally try to get a rise out of people and stir up some shit, and I see that isn't acceptable here to any capacity. I'll avoid it going forward and follow the rest of the rules as they're set.
  8. Nope, I made a new account for a new name and moved coincidentally, and tried connecting on it, but it wasn't an intentional attempt to evade. I switched back to Ryfer when I was able to connect with my new one and saw I was actually still banned, and decided to make an unban appeal. edit: I believe I was forum banned on Ryfer as well, but there really isn't another way to make an appeal other than making a new account for that.
  9. BYOND Key: RyferTotal Ban Length: Until the heat death of the universeBanning staff member's Key: rickymadensonReason of Ban: Harassing a player over discord channel, no intention to roleplay, and basically saying I violated the don't be a dick rule because I participated in group cyberbullying. I can't copy paste and the window changes to 'your game is starting' almost instantly so I'm not going to get it all down, but I encourage any member of staff to edit in the full thing if they want to.Reason for Appeal: Alright so a bit of backstory on the reason of ban, since this was like over two years ago and there's probably completely new staff by now: I was a big memester in my time of playing aurora, and honestly I still am but I'm a considerably more mature meme boy. Back when this ban was made I had a friend named Bokaza that I'd been in a seperate skype group for a long time with, where he and a bunch of people had a WC3 roleplay group that I constantly hung out in and joked around in with everyone in there. Sometime later I made a post on the aurora boards that was meant purely as a joke titled 'looking 4 ERP partner', which included the demands for said partner to include 'zoinks scoob' in every single one of their posts. Eventually one of the friends from the group I mentioned earlier gave Bokaza's discord information as an interested partner, which led me to message him asking for some ERP. He responded INCREDIBLY hostilely, and the scale of hostility made me think he was just going along with it and being aggressive as a joke. So I pressed, until he blocked me. Now, I honestly found this funny, no need to lie 'bout it. I was unsure if he was serious or not, but I wanted to press the joke because I thought he would get a laugh out of it eventually when he realized it was me that was asking. SO! Two other people from that group under the guise of other names and profile pictures messaged him with joking requests for ERP, one of them even sending him tajaran furry porn that was manually censored in ms paint with lots of scribbles over anything nasty; making it much less offensive to the eyes although upholding a lot of the humor that was intended with it - but it ended up being one of the main points in originally banning me although in my opinion entirely harmless and not even being done with any involvement from myself. It was marked cyberbullying, though altogether it was meant as a light joke and in the end was nothing more than that. The reaction to it was strong, and I honestly feel it was unwarranted because calling three people asking 'hey want 2 ERP?' and stopping or being cut off via a simple block is not cyberbullying, especially since no attempts were made after a block and one just stopped after making one joke. It wasn't serious, it was blown WAY out or proportion because this man is incredibly mature and overall I'm sure we made zero impact on his life. He didn't even make it a big deal, he just complained to the staff that someone in the group was bothering him and he wanted the staff to stop us; which honestly just turned our attention to skull. I don't know if skull is around still or not, but he has a bone to pick with me and generally just dislikes me due to me occasionally playing meme characters that were only intended as a joke that stops when people get tired of it. I know aurora is heavy roleplay, I know it's serious 99% of the time, which is why these joke rounds were so occasional. I played the server for about three years with one or two characters that were completely serious. Acel Delrico was the chief engineer for a LONG time and recieved high praise from people on the server, with Axton Florent later being my research director and infamous cultist antagonist. I contributed many rounds of completely serious, engaging, and enjoyable roleplay throughout my time and even became a moderator for around a year - which only ended because I stopped playing when I realized my views didn't line up with the majority of the staff's, and I didn't want to push my less serious ideals which gave more leeway to players to crack the occasional immersion-breaking joke or fuck someone up as antag when it furthered their cause without roleplaying out a novel with their target. I'm not sure if staff is still the same, so know this isn't targeted at anyone in current time. Anyhow, I did once in a blue moon use joke characters, and the only thing that encouraged me to keep doing them was the overwhelmingly postive and open response from players I interacted with and the fact that I didn't get any complaints until it dragged on; at which point it'd stop completely. I never even was contacted by an admin to be punished for this, and as far as I know I never recieved notes about it - but it was used by skull as one of my reasons for being banned and it caused Garnascus to close my first unban. To be fair however, my first unban was a joke in and of itself until Garnascus proved to be all too patient with me and I wanted to give him a serious response - I didn't want to give skull one though, as he simply had a vendetta which had origins I'm unfamiliar with. Perhaps he really disliked those joke characters THAT much, but he never expressed his distaste to me prior to that and he absolutely could have. I had a pretty much perfectly clean record up until this dumb incident that really had no effect on the person involved, it was silly and immature and I wouldn't do it again if only because it was received by the staff so seriously. I may mess around occasionally, but I've roleplayed for a long time and for the majority of the time I'm serious about what I'm doing and want to create an interesting round and do my job because I find it genuinely enjoyable to do. The reason I'm making this unban appeal is to occasionally come on and play a round when I feel like it, because it can be fun.
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