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Everything posted by CinnySuccubus

  1. I do often forget that at the end of the day we're here to create a story, rather than hard roleplay. Thanks for the reminder! The feedback really helps - I suck at writing applications (and essays in general) so people asking questions often gives a better impression of my understanding than the app itself. Looking forward to (hopefully) helping make interesting stories!
  2. Without any specific laws, I'm assuming the default SCC lawset here. I would not admit them without a hangar tech present approving this. This would violate Law 1. I would report this to security privately so that they can investigate the situation and check for firearms permits. This is a little less clear cut, but reporting this to security assists them in doing their job, upholding Law 2. I would report this to security once again, once again to investigate the situation and to arrest the assistant for trespassing. This would uphold Laws 1 and 2. I would also inform engineering of the damage once the situation is resolved, with preference for a Chief Engineer to repair damage to bridge facilities. This is a complex situation, but as the hostile force are still crew, I would continue to assist them as normal, as long as any requests would not result in direct harm to sapient life. This upholds Law 2 and 3. I would not allow this without permission from the RD and CE. This upholds both Law 2, and assists the command staff with performing their role properly, further upholding Law 2. I would not allow them to enter, as access to the core requires a Captain-level decision. I would not permit them to enter without protective gear and inflatables. Even though the crewman in the fire is already hurt, allowing access would harm more crew, both the FR and anyone else caught when the doors open. As the hostage takers are not able to give orders, and the Captain has not given any orders, I would inform security of the situation. I would immediately inform security of the unauthorized access. I would report this to research or the machinist so that the stationbound can be examined for any malfunction. If it refuses to comply, I would inform security to disable the unit.
  3. Ckey/BYOND Username: CinnySuccubus Discord Name: CinnySuccubus#6969 Position Being Applied For: Coder Past Experiences/Knowledge: Studied computer science for most of my life, worked in roles that require that knowledge, and also worked on a couple of personal projects. Examples of Past Work: I can’t share any of my work or personal projects here, for contract and NSFW reasons respectively, but I have made one PR so far, and I’d like to help out more if possible. Make Xion frames immune to the cold #15146 Additional Comments: I totally get I’ve made next to no contributions, but I don't have all that much free time to dedicate to fixing issues on a codebase I'm not officially a maintainer of. I'm willing to dedicate more time to it as an official coder. If anyone would like to throw an issue at me to get a grasp of my skills, I can take a crack at it.
  4. BYOND key: CinnySuccubus Discord name/id: CinnySuccubus#6969 Borg / AI names: Socket Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes Why do you wish to be on the whitelist? I played some AI before it got whitelisted, but it always made my old laptop cry for some reason. After some recent PC upgrades, I’d love to have another crack at it. I love AI in media, both rogue and helpful, with particular inspiration from System Shock, the Resident Evil movies (I know, sorry), and also the various AIs from the Aliens franchise. I know these are largely rogue/evil AIs but the vibes are immaculate. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Only warning I have is from three years ago. Honestly I did something kind of dumb, and understand that it wasn’t okay. I still live in constant fear of the bwoink. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. This is the only whitelist I don’t have right now, I’m very familiar with the process and the privilege of being able to branch out into unusual roles and characters.
  5. IPCs are generally treated poorly in most areas of the Orion Spur, with some people viewing them as nothing more than property, free to vandalise or damage with little recompense. On Biesel this isn't as much of a concern as IPCs, free or owned, possess more rights here than many other places in the Spur. In other places, especially Dominia and the Hegemony, synthetics as a whole, especially IPCs, are met with at best mistrust, and at worst outright violence. Juno is roughly 14 years old, having been bought new by Sonnet. Emery had a significant influence on Juno's personality, leading to her being somewhat easygoing, but still entirely capable of getting what needed doing done. Naturally the two were close friends, with Sonnet not particularly caring that Juno is a synthetic. This shaped Juno's opinion of most organics, whether this is justified or not, she initially believed they were generally friendly, with some exceptions to the rule. The crew of the Orpheus was small, perhaps a dozen at most, but Juno was technically in charge of them. For the most part, this just involved assisting Sonnet with their duties, however Juno did also typically take the role in stride when Sonnet was away, or even just sleeping. Most crewmembers did not particularly mind this, they were all getting paid after all. However, with the rising tensions due to the Phoron shortage, some crewmembers did begin to question whether Juno truly deserved her role. While she did manage to defuse this situation, this also affected her view of organics, somewhat poisoning the childlike optimism she displayed previously. However, due to the timings of the new ship and the phoron shortage, Juno was only in charge of anyone for just over a year, so she has not had an enormous amount of experience with this. Juno's personality is still coming back to her after her mindwipe, however she is rather industrious, always making sure the job is done before considering any recreation. With other synthetics she is quite easygoing, likely to trust them without question. With organics, her views have been somewhat poisoned by her experience of being torn from her closest friend and sold like a used car, although she is still optimistic that most people are not like this, she is just a bit more guarded.
  6. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda, Xiang Zhao, Erri Sliszek, and a bunch of others Species you are applying to play: IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Why do you wish to play this specific race: There are a lot of neat things in IPC lore that look fun to roleplay with, like the merchant-guilds of the Golden Deep, and the Scrapper underworld. Plus, not only are robots heckin’ neat, I think there should be more G2 waifus, and plan to make several. You can’t stop me, nobody can! Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The flesh is weak. Additionally, while IPCs are all essentially sapient, their decision making is entirely machine-based, so they make decisions based on logic and statistics. They don’t necessarily have any specific speaking quirks, being that this and their personality is essentially entirely based on their creator(s). Above all else, they prioritise self-preservation, likely because they are damned expensive. Character Name: Juno Backstory: Juno was purchased by an independent captain, Emery Sonnet, who owned a mining barge, the Orpheus, and a small fleet of mining drones. She was purchased to fill the role of an EVA maintenance unit, saving Sonnet the trouble of donning a voidsuit for every minor inconvenience. It didn’t take long for Juno to prove her worth, and earn her place as the first mate of the Orpheus. After about a decade of working together, Sonnet and Juno had amassed enough credits to put a deposit down on a new ship, and purchased the Orpheus II, a much larger mining frigate, with space for an actual crew, and more drones. As the crew of the Orpheus II began to pay off the rest of their ship, the galaxy’s phoron reserves began to dry up, and mining became far less profitable without it. Stuck in hard times, Captain Sonnet took to smuggling to supplement a dwindling profit margin. This worked for a time, holding off the debt collectors, but it wasn’t meant to last. The Orpheus was stopped by Tau Ceti authorities, and searched, discovering millions of credits of contraband in the mining hold. Sonnet and the crew were arrested, though the crew were only fined. Sonnet’s possessions, including the ship and Juno, were auctioned off. Sonnet is currently serving time in a prison in Mendell City. Juno, rather understandably, was quite upset about being separated from her owner, and tried to protest this. This only resulted in her being mindwiped and sold on - to Nanotrasen, who are planning to put her to work on the NSS Aurora II. For the most part, Juno believes she is a factory-new model, but her mindwipe was not flawless. In most cases she remembers nothing, but she does sometimes have flashes of her past life. What do you like about this character? Aside from the fact I was actually able to write what I think is an interesting backstory, I like the potential for conflict with this character. Emotional turmoil often makes for the most interesting roleplay, and I wrote the captain Emery Sonnet with the idea that someone (likely Xev) would play them in future once they get out of prison, potentially triggering Juno’s memories. Should be fun! How would you rate your role-playing ability? About 8/10. I play a bunch of tabletop games as well as stuff like SS13, so I’d say I’m pretty good. I also have a bunch of other whitelists. Ask questions. My weak ADHD brain makes me forget things, so if you're curious about something that I didn't write about, I probably just forgot it.
  7. I think the lore is actually in a pretty good place at the minute! If I had to choose, I'd say some more varied notable Dionae wouldn't go amiss, especially with the more unusual clusters. Fate has drunk blood before, they're not opposed to it, but they only take blood from people who know what they are giving and give it willingly. They have learned various skills that help them in their menial labour galaxy-wide hitchhike, such as how to mop starship floors extra good, or even how to make a really good grilled cheese. In regards to formative experiences though, Fate has taken the stories and feelings of repressed people throughout the galaxy, and as a result tends to advocate on behalf of the less fortunate, which doesn't always end well for them. They have spent time in various jail cells for protesting, usually without any other protestors.
  8. Fate themselves have existed for about 60-70 years seperately from their original gestalt, and that gestalt formed somewhere around the 2250s. They paid for their journeys around the galaxy mostly by working menial jobs both planetside and on the ships they travelled on. Fate spent about 20 years in the wasteland with various tribes, and as a result have a relatively positive view of Wastelanders in general, and a somewhat jaded view of the Hegemony. They additionally, having spent time with synthetics, have a positive view of the Aut'akh. They, like the Aut'akh and the Trinary Perfection, believe that positronic intelligences do in fact possess a soul, an opinion reinforced by the independant, successful nature of the Golden Deep. While they disagree with some Golden Deep merchant captains performing salvage jobs against other Cetuses, overall they view the Golden Deep as a good thing for the galaxy. Personality-wise, Fate is a friendly, helpful collective. They generally accept any tasks they are capable of doing, often asking for nothing in return but a story, or some other advancement of their greater goal. Fate is also likely to be a Competence Choir, though I'll hold back from specifically defining them as that until I've had some experience roleplaying as the different types. Thanks for the questions! If you have any others feel free to fire away.
  9. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda, Erri Sliszek, and a bunch of others Species you are applying to play: Dionae Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to eventually play every race, but the main reason I decided to make my whitelist now is because of the new sprites. They look awesome! Other than that, I like how weird and alien the Dionae are, much like the Vaurca. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionae are reliant on radiation entirely, rather than food and water like every other species (except IPCs I guess). They are also largely conditionally pacifistic, preferring non-violent solutions whenever possible. In addition to all of this, they are a collective mind, so most actions are slower due to deliberation by the collective. They are not a hive-mind. Character Name: Riding Along the Cosmic Winds of Fate Please provide a short backstory for this character. Riding Along the Cosmic Winds of Fate, or Fate as most people shorten their name, is by their very nature, an explorer. An offshoot from a Wild Ones Colossus, they split off when the gestalt decided to take a more militaristic approach to the scrappers and hunters they interacted with. Fate has explored much of the Orion Spur from the stars, but now they are more interested in the minutia. The people, the culture, the history, the stories. They wish to learn as much as possible about the species of the Orion Spur, acting as kind of a historian. Currently, Fate has spent time among the Wastelanders of Moghes, learning of the warrior culture of the Unathi and the societal split as a result of the Contact War. They have spent time among the Scarabs, learning of their own unique spirituality and history. More recently, Fate has spent time among the IPC communes of Orepit, learning about the Trinary Perfection, and even speaking with some merchant-captains of the Golden Deep. Fate has recently arrived in Tau Ceti, and has taken a temporary job as a librarian aboard the NSS Aurora II to speak with all the people aboard, and hopefully learn some things about their histories. What do you like about this character? I like the whole explorer vibe, and I look forward to actually talking to various people about their species history and stories. My hope is that some people will make up some interesting stories for Fate to catalogue. I also like their origin, splitting off from a more violent gestalt to pursue a peaceful mission across the Orion Spur. How would you rate your role-playing ability? About 8/10. I play a bunch of tabletop games as well as stuff like SS13, so I’d say I’m pretty good. I also have a bunch of other whitelists. Please ask questions! I know that I usually forget some stuff or miss stuff out, but I promise I’ve thought about it, and just forgot to write it down.
  10. If Aki were to be dealing with an assailant with a knife, their reaction entirely depends on whether they have a gun or not. If so, they're likely to fire disabling shots if they approach, while trying to disarm them. Were they unarmed, or had their own knife, their primary goal would be to disarm the assailant directly, then pin them. In most cases they would then kill them, however, being part of NT's security department, they would arrest them and have their wounds treated instead. They would also follow security guidelines for warnings before shots, as they tend to follow orders to the letter and rarely break rules, unless it goes directly against their Queen. Aki tinkers with her gear in a way that someone who cares greatly about it would, keeping it clean, making sure they understand how it works, and could repair it if the need arose. While their skills do not compare to a worker trained explicitly in this task, they are still better than the average untrained officer. As for commanders not being fond of this trait, it is largely human and other Spur races being in a position of having staff to perform maintenance and repairs for them, and possibly the fear of them damaging or even breaking equipment. Internal politics always interest me, and it's been something I've explored with every other whitelist (I made the first dreg aut'akh!), and Vaurca are no exception. Vaurca are also interesting to me because of the social structure, and roleplaying differing classes will be interesting. Hopefully I get to play a Ta at some point! Vaurca are also just neat. Weird alien bug fellas. As for other reasons, I like Aurora's lore in general. Some of it's a little shaky in places, but overall I want to do everything!
  11. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda, Elisabeth Osterweis, Erri Sliszek, and a bunch of others Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first Vaurca character? #829614, the colour of unbound Vedhra brood. Have you read our lore section's page on this species? Yes. (Does anyone ever answer no for this? Genuinely curious.) Why do you wish to play this specific race? I like the lore of the inter and intra-hive politics, all the different Queens, and their roles on their hiveships prior to their arrival to the Orion spur. I also think there should be more K’lax on station! Also bug go brr Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Along with Dionae, Vaurca are the most alien species on station. As such, they can have a lack of understanding of some galactic norms, and vice versa. They are also incredibly loyal to their Queens, even the unbound with strong free-will are eager to work in the interests of their Queens. Character Name: Za’Akaix’Aki K’lax Please provide a short backstory for this character: Aki was born on Tret, the second planet in the Uueoa-Esa system, granted to the K’lax hive by the Hegemony. They belong to the brood of a lesser Queen directly below the Princess of Configurations. Their brood is largely made up of unbound Za and bound warforms, and as such all members of the brood are skilled military tacticians and soldiers in their own right. As part of Aki’s maturation, they spent a year or so in Vedhra’s VR realm, some time spent in the great weapon-forges, learning how to design, manufacture, and test new prototypes for the coming war with the Liidra. However, the vast majority of their time was spent in the simulated battlefields, running mock battles and reliving old ones. Despite their relative inexperience, Aki is capable of holding their own on almost any battlefield, and it is near impossible to break their resolve. Due to the K’lax hive’s connection with the Hegemony, Aki also fought in simulated recreations of historic Hegemony battles, including some from the Contact War. This has ignited a love of alien weapons, both historic and modern in them. Even to this day, long after they have left VR, Aki continues to be fascinated by weaponry, even tinkering with their own assigned gear, much to the chagrin of their commanders. What do you like about this character? I like the K’lax hive in general, and I don’t think they get enough love. More specifically though, I love Vedhra’s take on the Liidra threat, and that their VR realm is literally made nearly entire up of huge weapon-forges and simulated battlefields. My plan is to play this character as a cadet initially, maybe advancing to officer or warden, or maybe even a lab tech with a desire to learn more about building weapons. (I don’t know if Za are allowed to do this, please enlighten me.) How would you rate your role-playing ability? About 8/10. I play a bunch of tabletop games as well as stuff like SS13, so I’d say I’m pretty good. I also have a bunch of other whitelists.
  12. Played with their RD as Captain. Responded to several issues quickly and effectively. They're a good RD! +1
  13. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda, Xiang Zhou, Erri Sliszek, and a bunch of others Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Light blue, #74B3CE Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. (Does anyone ever answer no for this? Genuinely curious.) Why do you wish to play this specific race: I like the direction the lore team is taking with the Skrell recently, and I’ve been meaning to do it for a while to do a little story arc with one of Xev’s characters. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell are by nature quite different to humans. First of all, they’re hecking squids. Their society is primarily meritocratic, with the most successful of various jobs becoming Idols, something for the masses to strive to. They’re also psionic (which is neato), this primarily coming out in the Nlom, or the Wake, where all nearby minds are passively linked, which in the case of densely populated planets like Qerrbalak, means that the entire planet is linked. While both good and bad things result from this, the net result is that the Skrell make technological advancements very quickly. Their psionic nature also comes out in the Srom, or the Dream, which happens when they enter a deep sleep, and takes them and any other nearby sleeping Skrell into a sort of shared lucid dream, which also makes sharing ideas quick and easy. This can also be bad however, as it is very difficult to lie or conceal emotions in the Srom. Character Name: Shae'Lesh Loshool Shae was born in Qerr’wesi, in 2427, into a relatively small but supportive Quya, with around 2-4 members for the majority of their childhood. As a result of their parents, and their environment, they are an Axiori Skrell. As far as they know, they are the only child of their parents (but they are actually the biological half-sibling of Soolux Vushon). They have lived a relatively normal life for a modern-day Skrell, and have just finished their studies in their second college, coming out of education with the equivalent of a PhD in Xenoenigmatology, and a masters in computer science. Since Shae was a child, they have always been obsessed with puzzles of various kinds, and how they work, from riddles to physical manipulation puzzles, and was always planning to study something along those lines. Until they were in the equivalent of high-school, they had mostly consumed Skrellian media, but they began to take in various forms of human (mostly Solarian) media. They quickly became a fan, and this ignited their interest in other species and their cultures. Once they discovered that, yes, other species have puzzles too, their direction of study was pretty much locked in. During their time at their first college, their consumption of alien media led them to begin to identify with female traits, and they are often seen wearing what female scientists stereotypically wear in Solarian media (ie: violating lab safety). Despite this, they continue to use plural pronouns. Unlike most other Skrell, especially older members of the species, Shae is extremely open to other species, mostly due to their fascination with their media and culture. While between colleges, they accidentally discovered that their biological mother had had another child with another member of their Quya, but not anything else. They were not originally planning to leave the Nralakk system, but discovering they have a half-sibling they didn’t know about, and the events of last year’s Tzqul Archive event having disillusioned them to Qerrbalak to a degree, they decided to try to get some kind of job in human space. They convinced a senior researcher at their second college to sponsor an internship of sorts for them, gaining a job with Zeng-Hu, eventually contracting out to NanoTrasen to get more experience working with other species. What do you like about this character? I like the little mini-story I have planned with Xev, but the thing I like most is her desire to solve puzzles, of various kinds. I hope that I will be able to work my way into various puzzles so that people can see her enthusiasm for the topic (I hope Rubik’s cubes exist in Aurora lore). As I said above, as well, I like what the current Skrell team are doing with the lore, and I look forward to exploring it with Shae. How would you rate your role-playing ability? About 8/10. I play a bunch of tabletop games as well as stuff like SS13, so I’d say I’m pretty good.
  14. That's actually what I assumed, yes, the reason she joined the fleet was more as a stepping stone for getting out there anyway. Also, thank you for writing more about the Compact, they seem really cool haha
  15. As for religion, I didn't talk about it because I totally forgot about it. Whoops. I'll do that first, then some other things. Since she and her parents were from the Hegemony, Aza'hr and her family followed the Sk'akh faith during their time on Moghes and Ha'zana. She does not place any stock in the Th'akh faith, largely due to its decentralized nature, she believes it to be a primitive religion. In her time on board the Malefaction, she was converted to the Moroz Holy Tribunal by a Dominian priest who was visiting the base. She feels that the Tribunal is simply another way of worshipping Sk'akh, due to the large similarity between the two faiths. Aza'hr views the Si'akh Heresy as one would normally view a fanatical apocalypse cult, with an attitude of dismissiveness. She recognises the threat they pose, but does not give their beliefs any consideration. Her thoughts on the Aut'akh are similar, just with soul destruction instead of the whole doomsday thing. Aza'hr is supportive of the Hegemony, and believes that the vassalage of the Compact is for the best, as it means they are far less likely to come to blows with the Izweski navy. She, however, is not keen on being part of Hegemony society, largely due to her being a female. Even on Ha'zana, her family wanted her to just marry well and be a good wife. The only way out for her seemed to be to join the Compact, so when a couple of sailors came to her town, she was fighting to escape. Also, in regards to this contest, she did not actually win, but she did manage to beat a good few Dread-Sailors, largely due to the first few showing her some mercy, which she took advantage of. As for Hesphos' questions, the thing Az'ahr is most interested in is stories. In her past, she has always only seen one viewpoint, and pirate stories are all pretty much the same anyway. If being in the core worlds gets her interesting stories, then she's all for it. Besides, it's no more dangerous than owning a bar on a pirate base, or boarding ships for the Steel-Spirits. She absolutely has a rap sheet, but the reason she went to the Coalition of Colonies was to procure some forged release papers, with the hope that claiming she was held in some backwater facility that might not have updated her records will buy her some time aboard the Aurora, after which she plans to do it all again on another station.
  16. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda, Xiang Zhou, and a bunch of others Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Black Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: I like lizards. They’re neat. Also, their wildy differing ideologies, from other Unathi (and everyone else), make for interesting roleplay, in my opinion. From seeing other Unathi around, and seeing how they tick, I feel like I’d enjoy that myself, and I’ll probably be making an Aut’akh at some point, as well, as they seem particularly neat with the Oss and their augments. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi have a patriarchal feudal society, which is wildly different to human society. They may show disdain towards female superiors as women have less rights in their society. Unathi can also be more aggressive, with physical contests and assassinations common in the Hegemony and the Compact. Character Name: Aza’hr Kirsius Please provide a short backstory for this character Aza’hr was born in the Izweski Hegemony, but fled to the Grim Protectorate of Ha’zana, specifically the town of Moz’k, in 2441, due to the events of the Contact War. Despite being refugees, her parents are innkeepers, with a decently-sized family-run tavern called the Blackened Blade, which they do not work in as much anymore, with most of the work done by Aza'hr and her brother. She is not particularly close to her family, and is not the biggest fan of how they want her to act, and who they want her to be. When she was 19, a Steel-Spirit corvette, the Know no Fear, landed in town for shore leave. Some of the crew chose to spend this fighting in the Blade, which Aza’hr took part in. Aza’hr did particularly well in this ad-hoc tournament, so much so that the Dread-Pirate of the corvette offered her a place on the crew, having shown her martial prowess. She decided to sign on with them, despite her family’s protests. She spent a good few years aboard the Know no Fear, gaining some experience in simple repairs and starfaring, as well as a decent amount of combat experience, both due to boarding and being boarded. Once her time aboard was up, she chose to move to the Malefaction, and open up a bar onboard, the Bloodied Blade, almost to spite her family. While she was largely successful for a couple of years, the time she spent on the Know no Fear had ignited a wanderlust within her, and she had a need to explore the stars further. She sold her bar, paid for passage into Coalition space, and from there, to Tau Ceti, as the many stories she had heard from hostages had intrigued her. She eventually found herself in the employ of NanoTrasen, as a bartender. What do you like about this character? Pirates are cool, especially when they’re in space, and they're lizards. I like the idea of a pirate bartender, since you don’t see that many Grim Compact Unathi who have civilian jobs, despite the fact that they must exist. I also like that despite her being a female, she successfully carved out a nook for herself in Grim Compact society. How would you rate your role-playing ability? About an 8 out of 10. I’d say I’ve had a good amount of experience with SS13 and other roleplaying games.
  17. yeah i have precisely 0 experience with with all of that, hopefully i learn by playing more paperwork monkey HoP
  18. Thanks for the feedback, and yeah, the timidness was about half RP and half me actually going "oh fuck i'm actually doing this".
  19. BYOND key: CinnySuccubus Character names: Adannaya Kayeda, and a bunch more that I don't play as much. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: About a year. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Mostly because I almost never see a full command roster, particularly in the case of Representative and RD. Why did you come to Aurora?: Because I wanted a server with a much higher standard of RP than the other servers I had been playing on. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Yes. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? A couple of warnings, all expired. I have learned my lessons. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is about using your interactions with other characters to tell a compelling and interesting story, with the goal of making sure everyone has had a good time and enjoyed themselves. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Heads of Staff exist to ensure a form of coherency, making sure everyone has a role to play and isn’t being neglected in any way. While being a sort of Mary Sue character is possible given the skillset, heads are more suited to teaching and delegation. Teamwork makes the dream work. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Whitelisted players should be for teaching new players about mechanics and the server, both ICly and OOCly, as well as being a generally upstanding member of the Aurora community. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? In Adannaya’s case, the Warbling arc affected her most due to her close relationship with a Skrell, and her inherent respect for authority. She had no reason to believe that NT would lie to her about what was happening, and was somewhat torn when people were referring to her as a traitor for taking the side of NT and the Jargon Federation. The current cold war in Little Adhomai isn't currently affecting her, mostly due to her living nowhere near it in Mendell City, although she keeps abreast of the situation as much as any concerned citizen would with the news. Adannaya views NanoTrasen's overwhelming presence in Biesel as a good thing, because she is fiercely loyal to them. Additionally she is a bit of a ladder-climber, and if being supportive of a vaguely 1984-esque corporate monopoly will do that for her, so be it. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Probably all of them, but mostly RD. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Adannaya Kayeda, RD How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I’ve had a decent amount of time on Aurora and other servers, as well as other roleplaying games, so I’d probably put myself at a 7 or an 8 out of 10. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes. Extra notes: I suck at talking about myself, and writing essays. Please ask if you have any questions.
  20. Apologies for the slightly bare application, this is like the third application I've written out, I usually overthink it and delete them. As for the questions; - Zan'azri follows the worship of S'rand'marr, in particular associating with the charitable and communal nature of the faith. - She truly believes that the New Kingdom is the only real way forward for Adhomai, with the PRA being too authoritarian, and the DPRA too turbulent for either to govern effectively. - Her plans in Tau Ceti, for now at least, are to work for NanoTrasen and gain some more practical experience so that she can establish a foothold of her own once she returns to 'greener pastures' on Adhomai. - Zan'azri's family lived in the urban center of Miran'mir, living above their smallish, family-owned bookshop. She worked there with her parents, and her brother. They are all supportive of the New Kingdom, and spread the word of the soon-to-be King Azunja to the people of their city during the revolution. They played a not-inconsiderable role in gathering popular support by distributing the new constitution, initially discreetly, and later openly.
  21. BYOND Key: CinnySuccubus Character Names: Adannaya Kayeda Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: #8A360F Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: I like the trichotomy of their governments, and the general cold war that is ongoing after the armistice. I also enjoy their aesthetic and their manner of speaking, and I’m looking forward to adopting this into my own roleplay. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Tajaran society is uplifted, and is in fact roughly the equivalent of 20th century Earth, which may not be too different to us, but is very different to the people of the 25th century in the Orion Spur. Almost everyone on Adhomai and even some Tajara that are not have been exposed to a decades-spanning war. Tajara also speak in mostly third person. Character Name: Zan’azri Mahanai Please provide a short backstory for this character Zan’azri is a minor noble who was born towards the end of the First Revolution, in Miran’mir, on the continent of Harr’masir, to a Njarir family in 2432. Once the NKA declared independence in 2450, Zan’azri’s family was one of the Njarir families granted a minor nobility due to their support during the Second Revolution. Due to the violence shown by other factions on Adhomai, Zan’azri decided in her early teens that she wanted to become a doctor to help others. Once King Azunja reopened the Miran’mir Academy, she was one of the new students in the first year of its new opening, studying to become a doctor and helping her fellow Tajara. In her second year, her own aptitude for biochemistry was recognised by her and the faculty, and she specialised into a Biochemistry doctorate. In 2461, she finished all of her studies and was recognised as a qualified biochemist. Once the Armistice of Shastar was signed, lacking any actual land as a noble, she decided to leave Adhomai and move to Biesel, working for NT as a pharmacist. What do you like about this character? I like the dedication to helping others, even despite what other Tajara might think of her, being an NKA Njarir, as well as the antithesis between her actual nobility and her down-to-earthness. I hope that she should be able to create some interesting stories between herself, other Tajara, and in general the people of the Aurora. How would you rate your role-playing ability? About a 6 or a 7 out of 10. I’ve had a decent amount of experience with SS13 and other roleplaying games, but I feel my skills can be lacking sometimes. I’m looking to improve this in future.
  22. this kills the medbay main... ...+1
  23. I like the idea of a mechanic job, since it's one of the things I enjoy most. Perhaps they should also have a garage using shutters much like the mech bay where they can store their sick flame-print space bike?
  24. +1, Sabela is okie-dokie. Big fan of the unique quirks of Senan, but the real winner for me is Sabela. She is pure and innocent. Protect the rat-friends from the nasty Zhan.
  25. +1, Ponoh is a good calamari, and is always fun to chat and RP with. This is probably true for their other characters but I rarely see them.
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