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  • Byond CKey

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  1. For what it is, this server is pretty good. Even with my issues with the way the AI was effectively ruined for me, the staff here do a good job of maintaining things generally. Nice to meet you.
  2. So, was the lawset ever actually changed here? Doing my bi-yearly check in to see if the AI has been un-neutered to be playable.
  3. If people don't want to learn the systems as an engineer, what makes you think they'll want to learn the systems as a drone? This is just deflecting the issue with a thinly veiled 'git gud scrub' feel to it. People will roleplay what they want to RP. Trying to force them to RP your way is what drives people off server, and hearing that staff seem to have written off lowpop is just another reason for me to continue to stay away.
  4. Ah, I thought I hit multiqoute. I agree with the sentiment and stand by what I said though.
  5. Someone called you out on minimizing me, so now you're backpedaling? Yeah, I don't miss this bullshit. I might not like the way the 'main' servers are a joke in general, but this servers general ridiculous aversion to a bit of blood is just as bad. At least you can have fun with the mechanics on those 'joke' servers. Meanwhile, if you send a murder golem out into the main hallways to grab people for cult conversion, more than likely you're getting ahelped here.
  6. What's your point? It's still a relevant topic, and I had something to say. Maybe this will help change things for the better and get me to try the server again.
  7. I have a variety of reasons I stopped playing here regularly, but this was chief among them. After trying my hand at antag a few times, I eventually realized that staff were trying to force me to Edgar Allan Poe at people before I did any violence or did actions, and then when I came back to check on changes months later, I found out that yet more tools for antag were removed and the AI was being shoehorned with lawsets to protect everything on the station. People who want to play just another day on a space station can vote for extended, and I had no problem with that. I drew the line at making me dialogue at people in secret when you never know of security is gonna validhunt you. RP should come naturally for your gimmick, not at the whims of another (staff, in this case). There is nothing wrong with a round turning into a chaotic bloodbath if that's what happens, but there was way too much pushback from staff and players, and treading on eggshells is not my idea of a fun roleplay experience, especially when a couple of the mode mechanics literally need you to grind towards your big guns, as it were.
  8. I can be standoffish when it comes to opinions OOC, but that doesn't affect me IC. Everyone here can be accused of being guilty of being opinionated at one point. Lack of feedback for the last few days is due to RL getting my time. I've been playing again.
  9. I've been around a couple rounds each day, but given no one is willing to vouch for me yet again (I can't say I blame anyone, this community seems to be fairly established and few willing to talk outside their cliches), you're going to be waiting a while for that.
  10. So, to be clear. Is this removing the round start exosuit, or the ability for an AI player to pilot an exosuit in general? Can we still ask robotics to create one for us?
  11. It isn't going to work. The spare is low risk high reward, and there's very little reason not to go for it ASAP. Put obstacles in front of it, and the antag player will just work around them.
  12. You're laser focused on one potentially abusable aspect so much you're ignoring all the rest, and using that as an excuse to neuter the AI even more. Do we remove the Captain next for having the authority to borg criminals?
  13. Completely disagree, and have no idea where this mindset comes from. Just because you like to shoehorn the role into such, doesn't make it the correct approach. Making the AI a glorified observer is the height of hilarity, especially since you just gave a potent argument for keeping the round start exosuit; support. Keeping it allows the AI player to directly support a round.
  14. This mindset is bullshit and wrong. Cult members are protected by Laws, as they are crew members. If you are attacking crew with mechs, you are violating your Laws.
  15. As an AI player, I'm getting completely sick of the mechanical nerfs just because some AI players are ignorant or validhunting. If you want to punish a mindset, do it to the offenders. I use the mech for support as it was intended. If you want to make the mech combat incapable, then strip it down to the frame or something, but don't remove it. We are already a joke in a round in most respects after the bolting removal. This is just making it worse.
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