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Everything posted by Damarik
Yep. Done with Xenobiology until it's fixed. Apparently, if you get glomped and have to wrestle a slime off of you, it resets their friendship value. That's the only thing I can think of. I fed the slimes in that top pen 4 times in a row while staying in constant view, but because I kept getting glommed on, they would not befriend me. It ended up getting me killed...AGAIN. This is total crap.
Actually that would be a great idea. Teleport a random rare creature in for us to poke and prod. I'd love to find a way to extract a brain from the gold slime mobs, but I'm fairly certain they don't have extractable brains. No, slimes don't have brains. I have been wanting to experiment with the blood reactive slime cores though, by inserting them into test subjects to see what happens. Sadly, every round I've played Xeno and asked for the equipment for surgery, either it was never given to me, or I got tile-stomped by the slimes before it arrived.
So...I take it no headway has been made on a decision regarding this application?
I'm on board with bringing back old-code slimes. I never had this much trouble with them, and it seems like with these superslimes, I'm dying every time I go into that lab, no matter how many different ways I approach population control. One always gets a wild hair up its core and takes me out. I can be as careful as I want and it still doesn't work.
I don't even get a "Game will return shortly" message. Just Connection Failed.
It is now 5:51AM EST, and I am still unable to connect to byond://server.aurorastation.org:1234 Wth happened?
For those of you interested in seeing what it would be like to interact with an MMI-SCAI, I will be implementing it into my cyborg character, SynWave, in future rounds. So far, it has received positive in-game results.
Your opinion has been noted for future reference. Thank you for the contribution to the thread.
Because then you'd just have another Cyborg running around. That would defeat the purpose of having an AI to begin with. Adding in the implementation of a living, breathing SCAI Unit gives much more flexibility. Especially during rounds where the AI is antag. Instead of just going about it in the most methodical and logical way, an AI who is capable of understanding and feeling a true range of emotions can play to 'mean streaks' and cruelty. See example below. The difference between an AI and an SCAI is this: True AI (what we consider to be the ultimate in processing power and decision making) does not need emotion to factor into its calculations. It can 'understand' them by computing the results of various stimuli and responses...but it cannot relate to them and twist them to its own designs because it is incapable of doing so. Anyone who plays an AI that does this has been playing an AI that does not, and likely never will exist, simply because the parameters of an AI have been clearly outlined and established. The moment an AI can do these things is the moment it becomes a sentient, living thing. Until we move to the SCAI. The SCAI is the next logical progressive step in AI construction. It IS that sentience. The self-awareness to a point a computer cannot understand or calculate. The SCAI is the living computer that will choose to save a life, even if it is one that holds no intrinsic value to its processor, laws, or personal safety. Even if doing so might put others in harm's way. The SCAI is the living computer that is able to dispute Mr. Spock and the Vulcan's philosophy of "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". If I have not convinced you thoroughly enough by this point, then I doubt I am ever going to. This will be my last attempt to do so, before I move on with discussing this with those who are interested in the mechanic enough to give it a chance. If there ever comes a time where this is in voting for implementation and you still feel against it, I welcome you to cast a negative vote against it and in your favor. No ill-will be found, promise.
You're focusing on the wrong point. This isn't about an AI with emotional capacity. It's about a more mobile, more involved role for the AI. As was stated in a previous post, it's easy to forget they exist if everything is going well. The emotional capacity is just a side thing. The law states that it is not to interfere with the AI'S judgment, not to ignore all emotion. That aspect, along with the humanoid form, is to give the AI a more relatable aspect. AI units of this capacity don't have to worry about sticking to "I would process happiness" or similar lines in conversation, because they would actually be able to FEEL it, instead of just simulating. There's a big difference between a machine saying it's happy for you, and a living creature saying it. Now then, setting aside the clusterflakk that has become the 'emotional debate', can we please focus on the other aspects of this idea?
In response to the Soul argument: if synthetic can't have souls because they're artificially grown, I suppose that any of your characters resurrected by Genetics through cloning are soulless husks. Cloning is the act of growing an identical artifice. However, if souls are unique and singular in their existence: a soul would not be able to be duplicated or shoved into a new body. Souls, as I see it, are not a product of mysticism and hand waving, but are something we develop over time in reaction to our experiences and interactions, much like perception and conscience. I find further argument on the topic to be if not invalid, then at least a thorough waste of time.
Looking as this image I just said... "Ooo, Owch, Oh...Why..." There are alot of mistakes in there that need to be fixed: 1. Things in windows, just no. 2. There is a converbelt infront of a table... Why... 3. The windoor should be on the other side. If you fix all those, should be fine. Uh...BC. Read the bit above the image:
Rumor has it that SAIA, the first widely known MMI-SCAI, was actually human before NT got their hands on her. But that's only speculation and here-say, of course.
Instead of being physically removed, the SCAI can also be carded as normal. This would give it all of the same abilities as a carded AI without the risk of losing it by removing its organic form from containment. The only reason that the Synth is dependent on the connections inside the tube is for power and coolant. Carding is available as an option in case the organic component sustains damage, or is unable to leave the cryotube. Otherwise, the SCAI can interface with any station computer console while it is roving via direct-connect network cables hardwired into hands, with limited range wi-fi reception limited to line of sight and four meters distant. The drawback to this is that once removed from the synth's brain, the SCAI loses all ability to retain its non-linear deductive reasoning and ability to display emotion. Carded; it is essentially just another AI. Carding the AI will also cause an automatic shut-down sequence in the synthetic's genome. Since the body is NT Property and is somewhat experimental in design, NT doesn't want anyone getting hold of the technology and has hardwired this emergency routine into it. This procedure essentially is the death of an SCAI, and should not be performed unless absolutely necessary. The SCAI is self-aware, and will feel itself losing "consciousness". It may panic if improperly trained, and may attempt to thwart attempts to be carded. The main idea behind a synthetic AI is to give the AI a secondary role to try out...and to give the players something that they'll be more hesitant to kill in the event of a station emergency.
So, not really anything? See previous reply. That's just flavor text until I can figure out a good way to put it.
The purpose is to provide the Station AI player with an alternative role to simply Computerized Processing. As is: AI personalities aren't all that...creative lately. I'm hoping to help rectify this by providing another way to take on the role of monitoring station and crew.
History of the MMI-SCAI Station Master Control Unit Developed by: DragonDrive Industries, SolSys Earth Division Function: Station Intelligence Module/Master Control Unit Purpose: Alternative AI Role Design Specifications: MMI-SCAI Smart Intelligence control unit is shielded in a faraday cage emplacement. Main unit processor is organic, kept in stasis by cryogenic technology. In the event that the intelligence module needs to be removed, carding or activating the Emergency Release are both viable options. Organic Core composed of synthetically grown organism with direct implementation of station subroutines and primary functions into the cerebral cortex via cortico-stimulators and subdermal cranial implants. Processing and Computing power is dependent on these connections, however they are able to be temporarily severed in the event of an emergency so that the organic core may be removed and either replaced or taken aboard an evacuation shuttle. Caution should be taken, as the organic unit cannot survive outside of containment for longer than two hours. Organic unit is conscious within containment, and can produce processing power equal to or greater than standard Artificial Intelligence units. As the unit is organic and sentient, it is also capable of displaying emotion and non-linear (Holmes-esque) deductive reasoning capabilities. DDI is proud to present the first truly friendly Station Intelligence. Unit Operation Specifications and Handling Procedures: While within containment, the SCAI is capable of all functions of a normal station-bound AI. The SCAI is lawed in the same manner, with the exception of two additional Laws taking priority over standard NT Lawsets: #1. Do not allow your emotions to interfere with productivity and/or safety of the station, its crew, and/or any property of NT contained there-in. #2.You are not human. You do not qualify for human rights, nor are any race-specific laws considered to be applied to you in any scenario. You are Property of Nanotrasen, and are subject to termination by any NT Official if deemed fit. Because of its inherent and unique MMI design, the SCAI is able to interpret its laws in various ways by 'thinking outside of the box', unlike a normal Station-Bound Lawed AI, which is only capable of algorithmic, linear logical deductive reasoning. As previously stated, organic unit cannot survive outside of containment for more than two hours. It is dependent upon the chambers cryostasis technology to maintain optimal temperatures within the cranial processing superstructure. Catastrophic Meltdown of the cerebral cortex and processing unit can and will occur in the event that proper coolant cycling cannot be maintained. Cryostasis unit must be maintained at a minimum value of -293.3*K (-20*C) and should not exceed more than this. While outside the confines of its containment, the SCAI is able to interface with the station via any console or camera using a limited range broad-band connection. Within four meters, the SCAI is able to override any camera and access its network for remote viewing. It is also able to 'plug-in' to any console for direct access to the master framework. Using this same connection, the SCAI is capable of overriding airlock security protocols that it able to directly contact. More to be added as details are hashed out.
What, you mean something like this:
What you propose in that post is an interesting idea. It's a shame it didn't see much attention. You could viably bring in interdepartmental communication and RP to not only Cargo, but Xenobiology, Toxins, Kitchen, Telescience and Engineering as well. Cargo: to send the modifications back to Central (and unlock the ability to purchase more specimens/samples via Cargo) Xenobiology: to gather specimen samples from the current world, process and ship to Genetics, and then to study/catalogue any new creatures created Toxins: to process any creatures that may end up producing harmful substances and to research if any of them can be weaponized Kitchen: Who doesn't want a chicken with more wings and drummies? Telescience: Damn that Bluespace Carp! How the hell does it teleport through walls? See if a Telly and Genny team can unravel the mystery! Engineering: Do any of these creatures produce chemicals that would be useful on station? Only one real way to find out. Set them up with Engineering and start testing!
Actually, it may be easier just to use the already available Disk Boxes in the code and just type up a new type of box for whatever department needs it. Apparently, we've got disk boxes...but only in Genetics/XenoBot(newcode).
Isn't the nuke disk a totally separate spritem? If that's the case, leave that one as its original size and just change the master disk sprite.
Recategorize Data Disks (Viro/Science diskettes) to Small so they fit inside of boxes. It is a pain trying to sift through stacks of them that are just lying on a table, and it makes the work space look cluttered as hell. Right now, they don't fit. Please change. D:
Uploaded a new map image of a redone cargo bay (since it's the area I'm most familiar with.) Find it at the bottom of the original post.
Empty beakers, syringes, bottles, etc into sinks
Damarik replied to SierraKomodo's topic in Completed Projects
Alot easier to just code it to where, if the container is filled and you click a sink, you'll get a quick prompt of, "Hey, do you awnt to empty the beaker, or add water to it?" Whatever is easier for you guys. This actually sounds better than my idea. -
Empty beakers, syringes, bottles, etc into sinks
Damarik replied to SierraKomodo's topic in Completed Projects
Oh sure. Take all the fun out of it why don't ya?