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About Brayce

  • Birthday May 13

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  • Location
    Third rock from Sol

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  • Byond CKey

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Brayce's Achievements

Chief Engineer

Chief Engineer (23/37)

  1. TO: Sasha Kaiser, Research Director , SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, SCCV Horizon SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The appeal review for the actions recorded against Sasha Kaiser have been completed. Upon reviewing the records and provided evidence in the noted Incident Reports we found that the conclusion from those original reports to be ultimately substantiated. The evidence showed that the emerging patterns of behavior were indeed in need of correcting. During the course of the Review, however it was found that previous communication as to the specifics of the prohibitive behavior was not conveyed in a clear and direct manner. The following actions are applied at this time: Rewording and clarification of the exact cause for actions taken in conclusion of noted Incident Report. -------------------- DTG: 21-01:10-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2467 SIGN: AMS
  2. TO: Testament Pyrewick, Security Officer, SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 20-00:16-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  3. TO: Aayun Kaiser, Captain, SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Review Request -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 06-21:36-TAU CETI STANDARD-10-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  4. TO: Testament Pyrewick, Security Officer, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce). You may be contacted by an HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 29-21:26-TAU CETI STANDARD-09-2466 SIGN: AMS
  5. TO: Isk'sah Zsoehsslehi, Bridge Crew, SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 03-00:19-TAU CETI STANDARD-05-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  6. TO: Isk'sah Zsoehsslehi, Bridge Crew, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce). You may be contacted by an HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 18-18:12-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2466 SIGN: AMS
  7. TO: Isk'sah Zsoehsslehi, Bridge Crew, SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your incident report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to review. If necessary, you will be contacted by a HR Assistant when an investigation begins. -------------------- DTG: 15-17:59-TAU CETI STANDARD-04-2466 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  8. TO: Mi Ho-Jin, Patrol Officer, Point Verdant FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce). -------------------- DTG: 06-17:33-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2466 SIGN: AMS
  9. TO: Mi Ho-Jin, Patrol Officer, Point Verdant FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that your report has been received and placed in a queue for the HR Division to handle. -------------------- DTG: 06-17:31-TAU CETI STANDARD-03-2466 SIGN: CCIAAMS
  10. +1 Bear is a solid, and level-headed guy who's performance as CCIA Leader has been already demonstrated this to a greater degree than any words I could jot down here. He'd make an excellent moderator.
  11. TO: Jarric Naran, Priest , SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 08-18:34-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  12. TO: Atheer Makos, Executive Officer, SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 07-20:09-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  13. TO: CHESED, Physician, SCCV Horizon FROM: Gerard Greyswandir, HR, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The investigation of this incident has concluded, and appropriate action has been taken for affected individuals. This matter will now be considered resolved. -------------------- DTG: 07-20:07-TAU CETI STANDARD-01-2466 SIGN: Gerard Greyswandir
  14. TO: Jarric Naran, Priest , SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce). You may be contacted by an HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 28-21:43-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2465 SIGN: AMS
  15. TO: CHESED, Physician , SCCV Horizon FROM: Human Resources, AMS, NTCC Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to Gerard Greyswandir (Brayce). You may be contacted by an HR Assistant for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 28-21:28-TAU CETI STANDARD-12-2465 SIGN: AMS
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