to start, i definitely think that the access locks were a good idea for many of them, the CMO scanner for example two thumbs up for that recommendation
think any and all of the augs would be subjective to some fandangling with the loadout cost
while i think a lot of good points were made here there are a couple of things I'd like to give my own opinion on first off being the hypospray
while at face value it does seem like an incredibly valuable tool for antags you have to take into consideration that it can only hold 10u, the only chemicals with an overdose point of less than 10u are saline plus and drugs that literally just kill you, which, yknow, if they had they might aswell just feed them to you, while the first thing that would come to mind as a kill drug would be coagzulug due to its OD point of 10u it would probably metabolize faster than it would do any serious damage (you put 10u in it would only be at the OD threshhold for a couple of seconds before it gets brought down to 9.5u or something) while on the flipside of using it for medtag wouldnt make sense because most medical antag items come with their own delivery device (Hypo, Pills, Syringe, etc.), in general i think it could be a really fun tool for EMTs or other medical personel, while obviously not good if you have your gear it would be a nice little fallback point, i could see it being a ZH exclusive though it definitely has promise as a non-restricted aug
TLDR for the Hypo: Think it should be fine, potential ZH exclusive, would rather be non-restricted
For the inbuilt welder goggles i think that would be alright seeming you can go to public tool storage and, if theres an emergency toolset, nab welding goggles, though i can definitely see this one being a heph exclusive i like to keep augs unrestricted, i'd like to think that them losing durability if used as flash protection is a good insurance against it being an antag must have, also think maybe it could have a smaller view radius than normal welding headwear (don't remember but i think the normal welding stuff has like 2 tiles before you hit the checkerboard tiles, figures make it so just the tiles next to you are fully visible)
TLDR for the weld protection: Can get welding goggles from the public tool storage, figures shouldnt be that bad
Agree with you on the mag-boots as far as i can tell, brought up some good points there
T-ray think could leave it as 3 points if it was an unrestricted aug, 2 if it was access locked
Night-Vision, think it makes sense for them to be security exclusive since night-vision is classified as a "combat" module for hardsuits, definitely agree should be mutually exclusive with the welding goggles, again with the flash protection causeing eye damage or aug damage
GPS can definitely see why this would be a lot stronger then it seems at face value, dont see why it would be a heph exclusive, but i think maybe it JUST reads where you are rather than anything else, again, could still be used if you KNEW how to use it but its better than having a full GPS
Hepht welding tool, yeah fair points all around
Honestly most of the ones on your 2/3 seem reasonable
Temperature rig, yeah seems cheaper, especially since from what i've seen aurora temp system is if youve got a spacesuit and internals youre fine, don't really see too much playing with temperature if theres any playing with atmos at all
I'd wager that the internal recipe book could exist seeming medical laptops have a chemistry registry, could make it so it holds all of the recipes? might be a little wonky though
Personally don't see the voice mod being restricted as its something a lot of higher ups might like to have, though i can definitely see how it would have an emphasis on entertainment
oh boy another long block i think (turns out it wasnt that long)
so, the facial aug for antag, think having a full clone would be a bit too far, think maybe could have it act as a portable version of the little auto-plastic surgeon that most off-station antags have
figures it works like the vial of venenum except you can only use it on yourself and you control what you look like, maybe give it limited uses in order to help balance it
TLDR for the whole post: definitely think some things need revision, others seem alright, in the end think we just gotta build off of eachother
Edit: should be relatively easy to pick a location for most of the augs, weld gogs go in eyes, gold star dispenser goes in hand, yada yada, and yeah, access lock over job restriction is probably the way to go