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Byond CKey
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Medical Doctor (12/37)
[Resolved] Character Complaint - Epsilion
Fiskap replied to DatBerry's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
You're outright lying now: the character was never in "perfect health", not even close to it (and it wasn't just the bullet in their chest). At the very least, about 10 toxins damage was present, likely increasing over the time too as it was probably related to an infection. Note that I said at the very least. That's not perfectly healthy. The character in question then told you that you had to come back to finish this treatment, yet you never responded. Not just that, but you also never returned. The excuse that there was a person in crit in disposals doesn't fly as you never returned to treat the assistant. After treating or retrieving the person in disposals, you had about 10 minutes to return to the assistant so you could finalize the treatment properly (the round end was even delayed for a while), at some point during this he even asked on the common channel if anyone at medical was available. Yet you didn't even respond to that, as a station-bound synthetic on NT Default laws, while being completely aware that the assistant required treatment as they had tried to contact you twice, with no responses whatsoever. How convenient that you never mentioned any of this here. It really just shows that you didn't care about the assistant at all, which becomes even more evident if you had actively been disrespecting them earlier. Essentially, law bending to screw over a person that you don't like. Lying about the whole incident and not mentioning vital parts of it in an attempt to escape punishment is just unacceptable. -
[Resolved] Character Complaint - Epsilion
Fiskap replied to DatBerry's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I have to agree that nothing has improved about Epsilon at all. They got harsh feedback for their character a while back but it seems that it got us nowhere, seeing as the cyborg continues to disrespect or slander crew to some extent, to fortify their own metafriend clique. About the incident that happened earlier now, indeed it's true that other inappropiate behaviour continued. This time Epsilon disrespected bald crewmembers for no valid reason at all, while later ignoring orders to properly treat one after having been shot with lethals and getting shrapnel in their chest. All as a NT Default cyborg, not bound to any station AI. Crew disrespect continues, the obnoxious cliques continue, the law bending to serve their own interests continues. This is actually fairly INSULTING to those who spent time writing important feedback on their whitelist thread, as it very obviously appears that after getting approved for IPCs, they decided to not care at all anymore. All of this is highly inappropiate behaviour for a station-bound synthetic with NT Default laws and I'm getting very sick of this by now. It really appears that administrative action is the only thing that will get XenosTiger to finally improve his character or remove it altogether. -
If they're legally a pre-sentient species, that'd be an interesting approach since it gives them much more potential to be good cheap labour. Yet they'd have to compete with other cheap labour species, so why would they be considered for work on a corporate space station, if their society is also very primitive? I came up with a few things. - If they're legally considered to be animals, that means they could be exploited for experiments on a space station. Animal testing by NT in Tau Ceti would definitely be a thing, maybe not in other systems. - Many would be gloryseekers that intentionally wanted to sign up to work with NT, perhaps it makes them feel superior to others that are still living in the caves. Perhaps others would be kidnapped and later indoctrinated. If they are actually obsessed about working for a corporation for only food and shelter, it would make them more docile. Few station species are truly docile or non-problematic, making it good in this aspect. - As their vision is far better in low-light environment, it gives them more potential for mining. Yet synthetics and Vaurcae could be used for that purpose better, as they require less survival gear. Perhaps they could be somehow adjusted to make them even better for low-cost mining operations? - Their gestation periods could be abnormally short, while at the same time, harsh conditions on their homeworld meant that their (infant) mortality rates were always very high. They could probably also reach maturity fast, while somehow having decent natural lifespans. The mortality rates alone would mean that the species' numbers would be low before human contact, probably less than a million, but if sent to human-supervised environments they could breed fast, and survive in high numbers. Essentially whoever controls it has a fast source of cheap labour. - They could simply have the capability to learn fast from their experiences and adapt new technology well. This includes languages. Meaning that if some time were invested in training them, they could be competent for menial jobs like gardening, custodial or mining. Combined with the previous point, you could create entire generations of decently competent low-skill workers in no time. A species like this really would have potential. Docile, competent enough for many basic jobs, content to work just for food and shelter, able to learn languages easily, short gestation periods which allows for mass breeding, not even legally considered to be sentient. Other cheap labour species would have many problems compared to this. If I come up with more things, I'll post them too.
Humans don't need this
How much Engineering does a Roboticist know?
Fiskap replied to SomeoneOutTher3's question in Questions
Typically, for my own roboticist (that also has specific mechatronics qualifications) I allow her to handle most electrical/engineering equipment/complex devices as long as it's not too specialized (machinery specific to other departments, mostly) or too related to the main grid. For a robotics character with similar qualifications, it would probably be something like this: Electrical: She and most roboticists can use multitools well, meaning that hacking airlocks or taking them apart is completely fine. Building them however, is another thing. Technically they could do it, but the airlock frame would be too complicated for a roboticist to build by hand. Possible? Yes, but too time-consuming. It's better to get help from an engineer for that. Most complex devices are electrical-based, my own character could probably take apart almost everything, but building said devices is going to be hard if they're too specialized (job-specific equipment). An exosuit fabricator or autolathe is fine, but a SMES, chemistry dispenser or subspace broadcaster is just too specialized for someone who only tends to deal with a few specific robotics-related machines. Minor constructions such as APCs and air alarms would be fine. PSUs too. Even turrets could be built, if they can get the frame for it. But what if the machinery is already assembled, and just needs to be relocated and secured to the floor? Typically no, for job-specific machinery. An emitter is more complicated than represented in the game. Knowledge of the grid is required for this. And like I said, anything related to the main grid is too hard for her. At most she could only repair minor grid damage reliably well. As she got basic EVA training before coming to the station, she could technically set up solars, but it's still something too complex and specialized for her. If she tried to wire solars alone, she would just ruin everything and put knots everywhere. It would just never happen unless the station were really desperate for power. Setting up the SMES, however, is plausible to some extent probably. Just remember that they aren't supposed to know the main grid too well, and would probably mess up the values. This kind of leaks into the next part now: Engines: No, it's too specialized and complex. Advanced atmospherics knowledge, thermoelectric generator knowledge and main grid knowledge in general is required, and that's too much for a roboticist that never specialized in this. The engine is simplified ICly and it's just not possible. However, the emitter could probably be enabled or disabled. And again, the SMES could be configured. The SMES, however, could never be upgraded or repaired reliably well. Not much else. The same goes with other engine types, it's too specialized and complex. Atmospherics: Mechanically, some aspects of exosuits are atmospheric-based. Exosuits also need to refill their air canister at air connector ports, meaning that they could read air pressure and use connector ports for their exosuit, but not much else. Construction: Generally, only small-scale construction. A table or window is completely fine. Building walls however is too much, and I have her stay away entirely from that. The same goes with patching hull breaches. Deconstructing walls may be plausible for simple ones, as roboticists know how to weld. But it's still going to require too much welding, and while possible, it's just hard and time-consuming. And again for construction of complex devices, only machinery that is related to her line of work can be built reliably well. Tcomms/IT: For tcomms, they could do the programming part. But they could never build or repair the tcomms equipment. Most other software could be figured out by them as well. -- So again, as long as it's not too advanced/job-specific, it should be fine to some extent. Also stay away from grid related aspects and non-electrical construction. But software-based things are fine, almost always. -
we're dying
The station directives probably allow you to build that within science, for research purposes.
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
Fiskap replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Like you said there's little you can do, the character is so flawed that even drastic measures wouldn't fix it entirely, or make sense at all. Wiping the personality makes sense... if that old personality were lore-wise plausible in the first place. It's not the case for Epsilon, so you'd require a full retcon. A new story arc based on this makes no sense. Attempting to fully rewrite the character and retcon all of their past interactions is ridiculous. It's just too much, as this character has been active for several months. I recommend you kill off Epsilon entirely and focus on your other characters, or perhaps develop a new character. It's the only really viable choice you have. -
Delete Combat Module; Give Security Module Red Alert Unlockable Items
Fiskap replied to Surrealistik's topic in Archive
The current system is fine as it is. -
[Accepted] XenosTiger IPC whitelist application.
Fiskap replied to XenosTiger's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I'm reluctant to +1 this for similar reasons, while I've seen decent RP from some of their other characters, Epsilon doesn't sound like that much of a feasible cyborg to me. An issue, with this being an IPC whitelist. I've seen them disrespect their own traitor AI while at the same time deciding to not help it out (despite having a law zeroth to help the AI), for instance, one time their antag AI was being attacked while they did nothing about it. During emergencies as a non-antag/non-subverted, I've seen them trying to order other borgs around, despite that there was an active AI during that moment who could have managed them by itself. I've seen them disrespecting other crewmembers, I'm certain that one time I even saw them implying that they wanted to torture a few of the crewmembers who subverted them earlier (I assume they got reset at some point, or maybe got new laws). Still, too edgy to be plausible for a synthetic. They shouldn't base themselves on emotion that much. I've seen them possibly dissing crewmembers in EAL after they were told to be quiet. The list about unrealistic cyborg behaviour could go on and on if I could find more incidents. It's too much of an emotion-based cyborg, and as a start, I'm not fond of these. It could not even be plausible lore-wise, at least to this degree. I certainly won't consider that playstyle to be challenging or good RP. Sometimes I wonder why Xenos even made Epsilon a cyborg instead of taking their personality and putting them into a human character instead, because Epsilon feels entirely like a human to me. The cyborgification procedure didn't affect their personality one bit, they're undistinguishable from a human. Cyborgification apparently also didn't affect some of their memories, perhaps even all of their memories were spared somehow. I remember reading on the forums some time back that this was not possible. It's just excessive to me. It's too ridiculously human, it's like they made zero effort at all to play a cyborg character. Not only that, but their interactions with many crewmembers/master AIs make it all worse. I'm not really suggesting fully synthetic behaviour, but cyborgification should affect a person somewhat. The only halfway "synthetic" thing I noticed over the past few months is that they complain about being a cyborg due to laws, and a lack of hands. And that's about all. Perhaps they can do better cyborg roleplay than that, but it still leaves a lot to be desired especially since I'm certain that they did this IPC whitelist application so they could play Epsilon as an IPC sometime later. That's even more ridiculous, wanting to play a ridiculously human IPC that shows next to no synthetic behaviour. Why even bother with IPCs at all? For the mechanical differences? I want to see better and more realistic cyborg RP from them before I can +1 this. At the very least they could try being what bygonehero suggested earlier, be more professional. Still, the potential lore issues would remain. Ignoring that much lore would say a lot about someone's RP abilities. -
Note that you can just get a random crewmember to help you with placing the corpse into the scanner for cloning. Mediborgs shouldn't be able to do all of cloning unassisted, but if you're not willing to find help among the crew to do that while 6 people are dead, then that's your own fault honestly.
[Accepted] MatterL's Head whitelist application
Fiskap replied to MatterL's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
35 is just for captain, 31 is fine for the RD position -
Make cameras glow when in use from security monitor or AI
Fiskap replied to JKJudgeX's topic in Discontinued Projects
You can disable the cameras and then dismantle them entirely so they don't even show up on the camera monitor as "deactivated". It's not hard.