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About DankLordSupreme

  • Birthday June 15

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Gaming, Robotics, Electronics, and Music
  • Occupation
    Automation Quality Control
  • Location
    OR, USA

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Chaplain (2/37)

  1. Bejewled is thoughtful in their role play and consistent! I've enjoyed my experiences role-playing specifically with Zeke Quirin and NT Clark. +1
  2. I'm definitely for this as well. On CM it was great to be able to get stuff sorted out quickly from the first responders (Medics) all the way to the Doctors and Nurses on the ship. When things would get hectic and a flood of wounded would show up, I'd take on triaging and tagging people. A Medical HUD integration would work great for this.
  3. Every interaction I've had with Pierre on the server (be it my intern, pharmacist, or outside medical characters) has been met with consistent and excellent roleplay. I definitely appreciate the effort and energy put into their character! +1
  4. BYOND key: DankLordSupreme Character names: Shivara Li: Security Officer Pearl Zhou: Scientist CYRUS: Station Engineer Jennie Burkov: Xenobiologist/Scientist Lexia Dahlman: Drill Technician Jade Keplar: Medical Intern Zephyr: Pharmacist How long have you been playing on Aurora?: It has been close to a month now since I started playing again. Previously I’ve had a few months of experience on Aurora as well (I do not recall how long ago it was though). Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to be on the whitelist because I see great opportunities for roleplaying and development, especially with the current developments in Tau Ceti (such as the formation of the SCC and the Phoron scarcity crisis). I also now feel comfortable with the station procedures, functions, and lore again after becoming reacquainted with the server. Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora in the interest of playing on a HRP server. In the 10 years I’ve played SS13, I’ve gotten my fill of LRP and MRP servers (such as Goon and CM-SS13), but I’ve learned I still prefer High Roleplay due to my experience in other serious roleplay communities outside of SS13. Aurora offers a great setting, constantly developing lore, and plenty of roleplay opportunities which is what brought me back and is keeping me deeply interested. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I have read the wiki regarding the roles, as well as Regulations, Station Procedure, and applicable guides. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have not received any administrative actions. My only experience with server administration is clarifications during roleplay scenarios. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is being able to immerse yourself into a setting and developing a character that makes sense in that setting. Roleplay is taking time to build a story and learning the lore applicable to the character. Roleplaying should be about taking that character and showing who they are through their interactions with other characters, their reactions to the changes in their environment, and how they change within these situations. With Tau Ceti being a melting pot of peoples from all different cultures and backgrounds, and the Aurora being just the same, there’s always plenty of opportunity to roleplay with others, instead of just focusing on the gameplay mechanics. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I believe the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is to be a guiding hand in both driving roleplay and department/station functionality. Being in a position of leadership for the station, the Heads of Staff are intended to ensure that staff are able to conduct their jobs and be able to guide them if they are struggling with a facet of their job. Being a guiding hand with the functions of the job also allows for roleplay scenarios where the Heads of Staff are able to do things like trainings and seminars with their staff to help them learn and improve in both mechanics and roleplay. Another big purpose is to be able to endure the hardships the station may endure and work together with the other Heads to make sure that things do not get so out of hand that players lose time in the round due to delayed responses to a situation, but are also level headed when dealing with antagonist characters so not to just put everything against them the minute there’s an inkling of something amiss. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: One of the biggest responsibilities is being able to recognize when someone needs help with their role. It is key to be able to understand though when someone is simply having an issue with one mechanic or appears almost brand new to the role they’re playing. You can have an interaction with the character to show them what they need to do to overcome their issue, or if they are fresh to the role, being able to conduct a training with them. Being able to recognize people new to the role (or the server even) allows for you to guide the player themself (OOC) to the resources Aurora has available on the Wiki, Forums, and Discord. Another responsibility is similar to that of the first which is making sure that your department doesn’t get out of hand with inexperienced people in roles wherein they may be doing things that may escalate too quickly. With wanting to be a Research Director, I understand that the department I would oversee has a large potential to deeply impact a round and roleplay of players. A novice Xenobotanist attempting to grow k’ois and causing a release of deadly spores, or a newer Phoron Researcher accidentally releasing phoron and causing a fire can put undue stress on other departments who have to come assist. While these situations can cause some new roleplay scenarios, it also has a high potential to cause major disruptions to a lot of other ongoing roleplay and potentially take someone out of a round too early because of a mistake. One more responsibility would be being stewards to the lore of Aurora. Especially now, with the NSS Aurora starting to undergo a change from NT-centerism to the SCC, the Heads of Staff will be impacted by the changes to how their departments are staffed and how communications are handled out of the station. They may face questions from their staff about the changes that have been reported so far (such as the article in the Orion Spur Oracle). Another example of lore roleplay you can involve is the current situation of the Phoron scarcity crisis and ensuring that, as part of a Phoron Research and Mining station, your department is not misusing or misappropriating Phoron. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti is currently recovering from the Second Solarian invasion. The Big Five megacorporations have banded together in a partnership called the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, with NanoTrasen leading the SCC. NanoTrasen has begun the transfer of oversight of their stations in the outer cloud to the SCC. The region and the Orion Spur as a whole are feeling the effects of the phoron scarcity as NanoTrasen is attempting to keep up with phoron demands with a dwindling supply. Dr. Jennie Burkov, a long time researcher with NanoTrasen (primarily in Xenobiology), has felt the effects of the scarcity with the availability of phoron available for research with xenobiology and in the research department as a whole. The scarcity has caused phoron research to slow as supplies are limited while NanoTrasen is also trying to maintain supply to their customers as well. She is unsure of what effects the change of oversight of the stations will bring, but she is committed to her work, trying to reach the Director position after 15 years with NanoTrasen. Venture, a Shell Model IPC Corporate Liaison for NanoTrasen, has had their directives adjusted very recently. A cunning and methodical representative, their work has changed from just ensuring NanoTrasen stations are meeting their phoron quotas for their customers, and that research and development is at the forefront of operations to continue NanoTrasen’s status as a leader in phoron. Now with the oversight of the stations going to the SCC, Venture has been dispatched to ensure that NanoTrasen’s corporate interests are maintained and that there is unity between the other Megacorporations' and NanoTrasen's aboard the stations. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Research Director Corporate Liaison Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Dr. Jennie Burkov for Research Director (Existing Character) Venture for Corporate Liaison (New Character) How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would rate my roleplaying at 8/10. Outside of SS13, I have extensive roleplay experience through tabletop gaming and other roleplay communities. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I understand this, and that either Server Administration may strip my whitelist or my character may lose their position due to reporting to the CCIA. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I have familiarized myself with the wiki pages for the roles and the guides for those roles, as well as Station Procedure and Regulations. Extra notes: No extra notes at this time.
  5. niennab, thank you for your time and reply. Please see below for the clarifications, I will make these adjustments in the application shortly after this reply. The initial mining company was a Coalition of Colonies company, starting out of Xanu Prime. Thank you for this clarification, I was struggling a little understanding the tagging system and believe it was a tag that followed IPCs regardless. I will modify this appropriately. I will modify it to be a repayment to the Chief Engineer who provided them their freedom. The Chief Engineer purchased CYRUS in a mutual transaction for both of them. In being able to free an IPC and provide them a home, the CE was able to also hire an IPC that was more than capable of providing EVA maintenance aboard the T.C.S Serkonos with ease due to their programming and configuration. CYRUS sought employment in Tau Ceti at the NTCC Odin due to the blending of races that were employed aboard their workplaces. As part of their desire to learn more about the Orion Spur, they sought somewhere that would provide them employment and allow them to meet and learn about new races. The NSS Aurora was the station they were assigned after they applied for employment with the NTCC Odin. Please do let me know if you would like any further clarification. Edit: Apologies, forgot to reply to your last question.
  6. BYOND Key: DankLordSupreme Character Names: Primary Characters Pearl Zhou - Scientist Lexia Dahlman - Drill Technician Secondary Characters Erika Brave - Station Engineer Jennie Burkov - Roboticist Hazel Kari - Xenoarcheologist Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis What color do you plan on making your first alien character: IPC - Exempt Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, I have read it multiple times. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I wish to play an IPC because of the interesting dynamic between playing a race that is both a synthetic being with the capability of being organic adjacent. By “organic adjacent” I am referring to IPCs ability to mimic organics behavior, but only to a limited degree due to their programming in regards to function, decision making, and ultimately self-preservation. The potential for a rich background for synthetic beings draws me to this, allowing for creative stories for an IPC that can be affected by ownership, job function, experiences, and their own desires that are dictated by their programming and personal history. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: IPCs behavior and actions are ultimately dictated by their programming and assigned function. That is not to say that they are completely bound by that as an IPC may reason that it is ultimately better to pursue a new line of work, place of residence, or their own freedom if it means maintaining their highest directive of self-preservation. But depending on their owner’s desired programming for the IPC, they may be incapable of experiencing desires, and instead just doing what they can to maintain self-preservation. IPCs are rarely volatile or irrational due to this directive where only in rare cases (possibly due to program errors) would they risk their own safety. IPCs also have to face different risks than humans do due to the nature of their being. IPCs must be mindful of EMP and Ion storms which can damage or potentially disable them while most humans only worry about their electronic devices or in some cases, prosthetics or augmentations would in their own case could be fatal. IPCs have to keep in mind where they are in terms of ample power supply allowing them to be able to recharge their power cells, while humans instead must maintain their hunger, hydration, and rest. IPCs also risk potential sustained damages if an accident were to occur and an individual with skills in robotics is not present to repair their damaged components (such as a roboticist). IPCs do have their own advantages, being able to handle atmospheres and conditions that can prove hazardous or fatal to humans such as low/high-pressure areas. They do not feel pain so in the event of an accident, they would only face a decline in their function of the damage component and not hindered by the feeling of pain. This is not to say that an IPC is more willing to take risk as explained above. Character Name: CYRUS Please provide a short backstory for this character CYRUS was originally designated as MRO-357, a Xion Industrial Model IPC, manufactured in 2432. CYRUS was purchased by a small mining venture based out of Xanu Prime attempting to make a profit from asteroid mining in Coalition Space. They were programmed and modified to be able to handle extensive EVA activities, primarily heavy-machinery operation, repairs, and mining. They were the only synthetic involved in the venture, the rest being humans with their minds set on riches. CYRUS’ programming was originally heavily restrictive due to their owner desiring a synthetic that was able to handle complex situations but was to take any instruction given to it. CYRUS spent the first few years in operation handling a bulk of the work during the mining operations, with the organics delegating as much work as possible to CYRUS. The operations would be pushed further and further into Coalition space, facing heavy competition from larger mining corporations and faction organizations pushing them out. In 2437, the mining ship that the corporation utilized was damaged heavily during a mining operation. CYRUS was conducting EVA activities when the ship was hit by a meteoroid cluster, opening multiple parts of the ship to zero atmosphere and resulting in the deaths of seven of the sixteen crew. CYRUS responded to the distress calls of the crew, and worked to repair the ship into usable condition after the meteoroid cluster had passed. The ship was able to limp to the nearest planet, Xanu. On Xanu, the venture disbanded as it was both unable to afford the repairs necessary and many of the remaining crew refused to take part in it any further. CYRUS was put up for sale on Xanu and eventually was purchased by a Techno-Conglomerate Chief Engineer aboard the T.C.S Serkonos in 2437. Aboard the Serkonos, CYRUS was reprogrammed to release the inhibiting behaviors instilled upon them by their previous owners. The Chief Engineer, in-line with the general beliefs of the Techno-Conglomerate, allowed CYRUS their own freedom within the Techno-Conglomerate. The Chief Engineer knew that in turn for providing CYRUS with freedom and a home, that they would have a capable employee to help with EVA maintenance activities aboard their ship. CYRUS was unable to process the value that was provided to them, having for too long been forced into labor and servitude in the mining venture. When inquired as to what CYRUS desired to do, they simply replied with their original manufactured functions. The Chief Engineer assigned CYRUS to EVA maintenance and repair activities aboard the T.C.S Serkonos and gave them the name CYRUS. For their time aboard the Serkonos, CYRUS slowly developed a more personable behavior with the influence of the accepting peoples of the Conglomerate. They were provided fair wages for their work and the comforts of living in safety. After a few years with the floatilla, the Chief Engineer had talked with CYRUS about what they wanted to do. CYRUS had begun to want to learn more and more about what and who was in the Orion Spur. CYRUS desired to travel to research stations to further their understanding of the people within the Spur and the worlds they come from. CYRUS continued to work with the Techno Conglomerate for a total of 25 years until 2462, during that time they were able to fully repay the Chief Engineer who freed them and maintain their systems with wages they earned, saving some funds in savings for emergency repairs. CYRUS applied for employment at the NTCC Odin when they finally received an assignment in 2463. They worked with the fleet for a while longer before saying their goodbyes to those that brought them in, leaving the Techno-Conglomerate fleet for the NSS Aurora in 2463. What do you like about this character? What I really like about this character is the idea that I can continue to develop their behavior and personality through my roleplay on the NSS Aurora. Coming to the station with somewhat of a “robotic” nature still, I am able to develop their nature through relationships with other people and shape them. I get to have them face the reality again that not everyone sees them as an equal, but instead as a tool to be used, after years of being in an accepting society of people. There's a lot of exciting potential with this character. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I rate my ability as a 8/10. Outside of SS13, I have had extensive roleplaying experience in other video games and via table top. I really enjoy building a character’s background and developing that through roleplay, regardless of what happens to my character in the end.
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