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Everything posted by Frances

  1. A corp filled with entirely newbies in a game where most groups' activities consist of repeatedly griefing each other is not prone to go badly at all. In other news, I've started looking at InfernoMOO, which is a HellMOO clone (seriously, it's literally the same game) with balance reworked towards a lot less grinding (you can actually get some actual combat skills within the first few days of playing, and not weeks). It also has reportedly less insane admins, and removes any underage references and murderable orphans (which might be a good or bad thing depending on the outlook you have on life.) Would we (returning and new players) perhaps be more interested in playing there?
  2. Reporting Personnel: Jim Fairbanks Rank of Reporting Personnel: NanoTrasen Navy Representative Personnel Involved: Phoebe Essel (Surgeon, NSS Aurora) Time of Incident: 29-NOV-2456, 15:00 (approx) Location of Incident: Station Comms Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other Admission of criminal behavior___ Overview of the Incident: While conducting a workplace review of several members of the Aurora's staff, I witnessed Phoebe Essel, a surgeon employed on the station, very openly admit on open comms that she had recently been banned from a nightclub because she had "dragged a man into the changing rooms and sliced his groin open". When confronted by other staffmembers reacting to that rather shocking statement, she claimed that she was "a nice person" and "only [wounded] people a little". Additionally, cross-checking miss Essel's workplace records, it appears that this is not the first time she has made such outrageous and violent claims - threats of violence towards other crewmembers from her have been reported on a near daily basis since she began working on the Aurora. To be brief - I would like to enquire as if a review of miss Essel's contract could be conducted, along with appropriate disciplinary actions. I also recommend a criminal investigation be opened regarding her admission of having voluntarily inflicted bodily harm upon a fellow man. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: N/A Additional notes: -
  3. Ban lifted.
  4. Okay. You should still be using the appeal, as courtesy, because it's procedure, and because it contains relevant info (even if you don't know everything, we can fill in the details, leave fields you don't know about blank). About this specifically, I can already tell you your brother has attempted to multikey - shortly after being banned, our filter caught a ckey named "Ihatetheaurora" trying to connect from his IP. We cannot lift this ban if your brother actively attempts to circumvent it, especially with clearly malicious intents.
  5. 1. Use the appeal format 2. If your brother keeps making accounts, I'm afraid we don't have much of a choice but to IP-ban. The other alternative is to let someone keep creating accounts to do dumb things with, because it inconveniences someone else. It is your job to ensure your brother does not attempt to circumvent his ban. We'll talk more about this once you rewrite your thread with the proper format.
  6. I'm more for taking a forgiving approach. Though we might sometimes seem like the unstoppable arms of justice, we really are not. Well, no. I assign punishment based on what makes sense. Basically, we want everyone to be able to enjoy the game without fucking up. Seven Ghost has proven to be temperamental on one instance, and ignore staff judgement in an outburst. It is something he has apologized for, and clearly acknowledged. We all fuck up sometimes, and I understand getting upset. If this was a common occurrence, I would be a lot more severe in keeping the ban. But for now, it is not. I hope that explains my justifications behind lifting the ban. The way I see it, keeping it in place doesn't achieve anything - bans are not dissuasive; they serve either as a reformation and communication tool (both to stop you from doing the thing while you reevaluate your life choices, and to let you know we're really serious about not doing the thing), or as a way to flat out prevent users from doing things (that would usually be a perma). And I actually tend to be nice with unbanning proven the user submitting the request doesn't act like a complete idiot - but you can be sure we will come down hard on anybody abusing this leniency, and already have before.
  7. I will add that the round had taken a horribly unserious turn at this point. ERT were briefed by an alien queen, then NT sent a strike team after the ERT dying, then a syndicate team after the strike team died (to not having hardsuits in a depressurized environment). Clowns were also running around (though that was my doing). We try not to fuck up, and respect other people's RP as much as possible. But when horribly trolly things are happening all around, mistakes can be made. I'm not saying they should be completely excused, but these might be attenuating circumstances compared to the usual. There is one thing I have to say against Sue, however. Which is that she's a dev, not an admin - consequently, unless she's running an event herself, she should be relying on admins' judgement and directives to alter the round, not her own (she could simply have asked). Because of the way things are now, she does not have the responsibilities of an admin, and thus should not be entrusted with the round-altering powers of one. Plus getting admin approval would protect her from accountability of things such as complaints like this one, to say nothing of people going "you're a dev, devs shouldn't abuse their powers to alter rounds".
  8. I'm all for it (and yeah, this ban is ancient, yeahchris hasn't been around in ages.) Gonna wait a day to see if there's any other responses, and if not, I'll see about getting this lifted.
  9. I cannot think that your backpack would be loaded enough that you couldn't temporarily put away something less important than a firearm, so you can actually put your SMG in it. That's not a valid excuse for failing to secure your weapon. You have racked up incident after incident during the last month, and are actually one misstep away from being permabanned. Considering the several breaches of protocol Skull clearly observed (not announcing any charges to the suspect, not calling the arrest on the proper channel, not making any efforts of stowing your gun away when arresting civilians, throwing your stun baton to arrest a suspect that was not resisting in anyway), the jobban is very deserved.
  10. Firstly, apologies about taking so long to get to this. I was waiting for a few mods to reply first, but that rarely happens. Then I forgot this appeal was here, and, yeah. So, your ban was four months ago. You had no prior notes and your appeal seems fairly reasonable. So I'm willing to lift it. Go forth and play, and keep in mind you still have to observe our rules. See you on the server.
  11. Frances

    Player Notes

    You don't seem to be getting the point of my post. If we make notes available on request, some people will want to see them for shits and giggles. To avoid that becoming popular (and causing us a lot of work), I'd prefer we actually take the time to sit down with the player and give them a summary of their notes, along with recommendations on what sort of behavior they need to improve (if any). This isn't a "dick move", this is actually better for users who seek genuine improvement, while weeding out stupid requests.
  12. Frances

    Player Notes

    Except that's not what I've said. There's a reason why we shouldn't release notes as a whim, which is that a lot of people will want to see them out of sheer curiosity (a la "hmm, I wonder what sort of mischiefs I've racked up over the years"). To avoid a bunch of purposeless requests, which will generate a lot of work for little more than an user's personal (and often misdirected) amusement, I find it more appropriate to stick to releasing "behavior summaries". Which means that players that just want to laugh at funny shit they did can go look elsewhere, while we can still meet the requests of players seeking genuine improvement.
  13. Whoops, didn't reply to that. Well, that's more than excusable. Will give people a few to write their thoughts, but if no one else opposes, I'll lift this Saturday.
  14. Frances

    Player Notes

    Information sent by PM. If anybody else would like to know their standing, btw, no need to post here. Just send me a PM, asking "Can you tell me about my notes?" or something such.
  15. You can. It's not very effective, but there is a thing called a "penis flail" that is an actual craftable (?) weapon. I'll let you figure out what it's made out of.
  16. Horatio hands JercHoff a coat hanger. Horatio says, "in case you ever knock a ho up" JercHoff says, "awww right" Horatio says, "it has been good use to me" Horatio says, "You know what they say..." Horatio puts on his sunglasses. Disclaimer: HellMOO is a game where you spend most of your time killing orphans and cutting off other players' body parts with the intent of force-feeding them back to them. You're basically looking at Goonstation with RPG elements. HellMOO is a MUD (basically, SS13 without as much as a graphical interface) which leaves the player to fend off in a post-apocalyptic world filled with zombies, giant lobsters, inflatable sheep, and all other sorts of creatures looking to kill you. The game platform is incredibly extensive, and has been built to support all sorts of hilariously trolly shit, from pissing on players to hunting them down, cutting off their asses, embalming them, and putting up an entire rack of preserved, disembodied butts inside your house. The community, surprisingly, is friendlier than on goonstation and the like. Needless to say, it is wildly inappropriate and politically incorrect. The first grinding area of the game involves repeatedly murdering orphans to bring up your skills. Hell, it even includes a fetish list for your characters, that you level up complete with its own XP system. Now, I figured that because we're all playing SS13, and despite being on a heavy-rp server, some of us did have an original/continued interest in how silly SS13 can be as a game, I figured there might be some overlap of interest between these two games. So if you think things such as dead orphans, exploding corpses and fishing for crank-addicted sealife might be down your alley, download a client such as [ur=http://simplemu.onlineroleplay.com/l]simpleMU[/url] and come on down to http://hellmoo.org/ to check out the game, and we can arrange a playing session sometime. Second disclaimer: Yes, HellMOO includes some overly sexual themes (thus why this thread is marked NSFW). I trust anyone interested in playing a game with the description of "killing orphans" wouldn't get very offended by those, but they do exist. So just a warning. And let's try to keep the discussion of these to a minimum on this thread (unless they're absolutely hilarious, but still then, try not to overdo it.)
  17. This is the kind of behavior I absolutely despise from antags. I actually don't mind if you try to go on a rampage and kill half of the station, but at least make it interesting. If you're going to mass-produce weapons or generally start a shitstorm, by god, come up with some rationale behind it. And /interact/ with other players. Set yourself as a villain, give your antagonist an interesting persona. Trouble can be fun, yes, but there's a way to create it. If you play your cards right, you can make half of the station die, and get them to enjoy it. (Well, not all of them, people will always complain). But unless you're 100% sure of what you're doing, don't take the risk. Start small, and expand with experience of what works as an antag and what doesn't. Have not observed myself, so will not be intervening, except possibly to pass judgement later and close the discussion (if no one else is willing to).
  18. Let's see... -A group of naked bald assistants running down the hallway while screaming and farting. -Giving flowers from the funeral parlor to their crush. -ERP during code red. -A donut filled with space drugs. -Bald characters. -A legitimate bald character. -Dressing up protohumans as medical staff. -Emoting your penis. -A clown spontaneously combusting. -Throwing Pun Pun down disposals at the start of the round. -èéààìôîèàìö -Endernearing. -A player complaint. -Four bald players joining at once. -Running out of the double escape airlocks, venting the entire room. -A bald assistant dragging a fueltank. -Interrupting ERP as a mouse. -Pierre Baguette, the station chef. -Stuffing Ian in a washing machine and turning it on. -Beating an SSD to death in the dorms. -A spray bottle loaded with welder fuel. -The clown breaking into R&D. -A nuke ops trying to feed their cyanide pill to security in the midst of battle. -Replacing the cryo beakers with tequila. White cards, obviously.
  19. Would be easier to lock down/delete the armory when not in use than build it every time we need it.
  20. A few highlights I'd like to see addressed. This question does not refer to the OOC chat, but to the general out-of-character purpose of heads of staff. Like, we know they're appointed to direct and lead departments, in-universe, but I would like to hear exactly how you're planning to do that as a player, and what is your projected outlook and attitude. You have the psychological background to your character, but I'd actually like to see a historical background as well. Education and employment credentials, and the such. For example, you say that your character has enough experience to be both a CE and CMO - considering both require their own college degree and roughly a decade of experience each, you wouldn't ever see a character being able to fill both roles, within reason. I'd suggest you decide to specialize your character's backstory entirely around a single field, and pick entirely different characters to play other head roles. Could you retell the story of such an event happening during a round, for the sake of example?
  21. I sort of have to see this as a major lapse of judgement. Two main things which I thought we had agreed on were broken here. The first was that you were not to play science for some time (on a self-imposed restriction, and the social scientist was attempt to partly restrict that, I understand). But the second was that playing with science toys, especially weapons, in unusual ways, had been causing a lot of issues. I would have thought that a few hours after having a conversation about that, you would have known better than to throw a grenade of any kind in a crowd of six people. Am I wrong?
  22. Let's start with one issue which still concerns me and I'd like you to address: When I jobbanned you. There was a complain thread, in which we discussed your behavior a fair bit. At the end of it, I gave you a last chance; you said you were planning to quit science for a bit, I replied whether you decided to own up to your behavior now or take a break first was up to you, but I didn't want to resort to a jobban if you recognized your problem. Shortly after that, on the same day, you came back into science (as a Skrell character, if memory serves me right) and started chucking grenades at security for no reason other than to "test their reflexes and ability to react in an unexpected situation". I would like to know why that happened, given you said you were going to take a break from science a bit before.
  23. Frances

    Player Notes

    We won't release your notes unless we have to (to prove a point, if you want to contest behavior you've been accused of), because otherwise we run at a risk of everybody wanting to see their notes so they can laugh at incidents they've racked up. (That's a staff-only privilege, I'm afraid.) What we can do, however, is look at your notes, and give you a general idea of where you're currently standing, behavior-wise. As well as any suggestions as to how to improve, if improvement is needed.
  24. "Prison" is about as specific as I want it to be. You'll notice there's no markings of any kind, so this could be a NanoTrasen prison, a Syndicate prison, etc. By deleting the trees and replacing the floor of the main courtyard, it can even be turned into a prison station or ship. I am planning on designing all-purpose areas. Which is why the next two things I'll be making, a ship and (smaller) office will also be more general, non-distinct things.
  25. Compact makes it harder to click and get a good read from (gamestate). The first sprite I'm proposing actually turns it more into a kind of "emergency panel", justifying the size of the alarm as it has a screen displaying the station's current security status. The station's fire alarms have always been more in function than just something you pull, anyway.
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