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Assistant (1/37)

  1. I'd like to make a small point, after further thought. My original idea was for him to be a Worker, but I am willing to shift it to a Bulwark if you feel it would fit the idea better. Bulwarks would make for better physical laborers, but my thought with Ta was that it would be simpler to play out with being new to the race.
  2. BYOND Key: SooshyFish Character Names: Elliott Hanying - Idris Janitor, Human There are a couple others that I am building regularity with playing, but that I don't have enough time in yet to consider 'staples' of my play. As of my return to Aurora, Elliott is my 'main', and the most likely to see me playing. Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: [RGB 81, 21, 0] Dark sandy brown shell, to follow with the color scheme of Xakt Bound Workers. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have yes. The focus has been on the Hives and how they interact with the world around them at large, and I'm still reading to solidify my understanding of who the race is as a whole, and how they work as a whole, so that I can not only play my own potential characters, but better interact with others. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Short answer is... They seem neat. The Vaurca are a very in-depth race with a lot going on behind the scenes, whether or not other players get to see that through interactions. They're a wonderfully diverse group of beings, that cover nearly as much ground as Humans might, albeit in vastly different methods of operation. Those unique differences I think make for an interesting setup to play as, and I think the visuals help to drive that forward. They're so unique in their looks, even amongst different types of Vaurcae. There's also the fun variance between Unbound and Bound that I think would make for interesting interactions. All in all, it rolls into one, bug-filled snowball of a unique experience that I think would help to keep any monotony from setting in, and of course with any race whitelist comes the point of helping to showcase the race, even if I know far less than other players on them. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are some similarities, but the differences are fairly distinct and should be kept in mind at all times I think. The biggest is in their hierarchy. 'Drones' especially vary from humans in their unwavering mindset of their duty, focusing on their jobs through all but the most strenuous situation. Unbound vary as well, a certain lack of social queues and personal mannerisms in their day to day lives. Part of this is brought on by the extended amount of time spent in VR, rather than amongst other species. The other fact to their 'awkwardness' is the difference in societal hierarchy. For most, if not all Vaurca, betterment of the Hive and their species is paramount. While some Unbound enjoy personal freedoms, most actions are still taken with their Brood and Hive in mind. The other major difference is in the lack of aggression from Humans. Humans are volatile creatures, often growing violent if pushed to the extremes. For a Vaurca, this is an extreme rarity, save for Type B Vaurcae. All those outside of warriors keep self-preservation, or in the case of Type E Vaurcae, the preservation of their fellows as well. This leads to situations of most Workers or Bulwarks hiding in crises, looking to avoid danger rather than face it head on, and even in the case of Bulwark Vaurcae, meeting a threat head on is only done in defense, until an opening presents itself to escape to safety. These 'quirks' help to solidify mindsets that stand in stark contrast to most Humans, and even other races as well. And of course, the visual distinctions are a major part of these differences as well. Any Vaurca are immediately different from their coworkers, save for other Vaurcae, and even then, carapace colorings can denote differences easily. Even beyond the insectoid appearance, each Caste is wildly different in appearance as Breeders and Bulwarks are able to be identified at a glance, with the only similarity being between Workers and Warriors, the latter looking to be larger, bulkier variants on their less-combat-inclined kin. Character Name: Ka'Viax'Tahv Zo'Ra - Of Ta’Akaix’Xakt’yagz’isk Zo’ra's Brood Please provide a short backstory for this character: From moment one, Tahv's life was planned out for him as another number in the vast amount of Bound within Xakt's Brood. His life was set to assist in carving out the vast network of subsurface tunnels on the planet of Luthien. His early time spent in Virtual Reality was used to learn every possible ounce of the tools he would wield. Every (virtual) waking moment was spent being molded into a perfect worker. Once he was ready, they pulled him from his VR and set him to work. Two years were spent in line with his kin, carving tunnel.. after tunnel.. after tunnel. Little time was spent relaxing, simple hours being spent to find sustenance and rest, before continuing on afterwards. Two years 'happily' spent furthering his Brood and Hive both. It was a good life. At least by his minimal standards. Not that he would complain even if he could. But. As life does for all things, his world shifted. Not in any violent or tragic way. The Journeys and Work of the 'SCCV Horizon' had reached the Hive, and soon, his 'Crew' was set to 'transfer'. The terms meant little to him. The Breeders came to collect Tahv and a number of his kin, ordering them away from their work and into the service of the Humans who had arrived. "Orion Express" was settled on their garb, and they seemed to be workers within the same field as his kin. They were miners, cargo technicians, pilots. Albeit all at a less efficient and less cohesive setup than Tahv's 'crew'. He was ordered to leave his home, to settle into their ship and make for this 'Horizon', to continue the same work he had always done, but now in the presence of a melting pot of people, rather than in the tunnels of Luthien. The concept was worrying, to be so far from the only life he really knew. But.. He was a Worker, and Work he would. Some of the others gave him odd looks, some outright bullied and attacked him. But it didn't matter. He had a duty, to his Brood and his Hive, and to these outsiders. And in holding to it, he would help his Hive flourish. What do you like about this character?: Honestly, there's a certain simplicity to Bound as a whole that seems appealing. The sheer focus to their work and drive to be efficient and help their Hive is interesting. I worry about the awkwardness of how Bound are personality-wise, but that adds to the layers of Roleplay possible, and that in itself is exciting. I also just like the idea of an insanely hard-working Miner bug who just... has social queues fly way over their head. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I'm not sure as to how to properly rate myself, but I would like to think I'm a solid 7 on a scale of 1/10. I'd like to think I'm accommodating with other's roleplay, and that I can world well around storylines and improvisation with those stories. All in all, I think I'm fairly decent, and constantly improving. Notes: First things first. I would like to apologize for any missteps in this application. I've been reading up on their lore and this seemed to be a simple enough first step for a character, but I'm also certain there are some issues in the backstory and setup, and I am more than willing to amend them as needed. I'm also more than happy of course to answer any and all questions people may have for me! Looking forward to feedback on this, both positive and negative!
  3. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: 8BitBento Character Name(s): Jie Khada - CMO - Human - Gadpathurian Kuzani Tez'rezal - CSI - Unathi - Wastelander Zheng Liao - Chef - Human - EPMC Dima Matve'Ravi - Roboticist - Tajaran - Zhan-Khazan Cyrus Newark - Head of Personnel - Human - Eridanian AI Name(s): N/A - I have not spent any time in round as an AI, though it's something I plan to change at..... some point. Discord username + tag: 8BitBento#2759 Age: 24 - May 9th, 1996 Timezone: EST -5:00 - Currently 10:47 AM as of writing this. When are you on Aurora?: Typically my time on is late evening/early morning my time. During the 'deadpop' hours as it were. I plan to be on a bit more during high traffic hours, but for now those remain my main times. Experience How long have you played SS13?: 6 months, with a 2 month hiatus ending 3 weeks ago. How long have you played on Aurora: See the above time. All my time on SS13 has been with Aurora. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Admittedly not as much as I would like. I understand a base level, enough to get through a round and possibly help a player through the simpler points, but extremely in depth mechanics still escape me. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No. Or any server for that matter. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I have, and I would certainly like to think I do. The only thing I would be shaky on would be game mechanics as far as intricacies or very specific commands would go. While that wasn't in the list, I certainly feel it's something to mention. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I have not been banned and certainly want to keep it that way. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I think the setup is interesting, in that you're allowed to do just about anything, and games with that level of freedom have always appealed to me. My first character was a Janitor and I had a blast with it. Now at this point, I do just about anything and everything, and it's still just as fun. Why do you play on Aurora?: I enjoy the community behind the game with Aurora. I have a lot of laughs with those I've interacted with, and most of my interactions in game have been enjoyable and memorable. It feels like a place I can unwind and have fun with after a long day. What do moderators do?: Moderators are here to help keep things civil and help out the other staff, and to 'moderate' the players. They help answer questions, guide people along when they're lost, and step in to settle squabbles when they arise. In the event things do get out of hand, they take action to keep it from getting any worse, or move the issue up to an administrator if need be. Another big thing with any moderator in any area is to ensure that the local rules are adhered to. If people are allowed to run amok and break all the rules, then it takes away the power that the staff have, and things descend into anarchy. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: As a moderator for Aurora, you would help to keep things running smoothly. Help players with any issues they're having, so that they can get back to the fun, or step in to smooth something back out if there was a miscommunication or fight. In general, the moderators are here to ensure that the rules are followed, and that people are having fun. Why do you want to be a moderator?: As I've mentioned above, I love the community, and I'd like to help others to have the same level of experiences that I've had thus far. I also want to ensure that the staff are able to go about their business without worrying if people are following rules or misbehaving. Being able to alleviate some of the stress from their shoulders means that they're then able to focus on events and lore, and set up the world even more for us to enjoy. I think it would be interesting at the very least to be that middleman between staff and player. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I would like to imagine that I'm a patient person, able to sit and work through issues with players on whatever they may be dealing with, and to help foster a welcoming view of the moderating staff as people that they can come to if they need any advice or help. I do think however that when the need arises I would be a sort of 'no nonsense' individual. If it comes to a rule being broken, I always try to sit and talk over why that rule is in place, and what the reasoning for it is, and if punishment is needed to be able to administer it. It's not to say I would become a tyrant, but more that I would simply enforce things as they needed to be enforced. As I mentioned above if rules are left unchecked and those who break them go around with no repercussions, it takes the power away from the higher ups, and I'd like to help keep that from happening, and think that I could manage it. Now, that all being said, I would still say that I'm easy to get along with, and good to talk to, which is always the best skill at the core of being a helper or staff member in any job. If people don't want to come to me for these rulebreaks or help with an issue, then I've failed in my job already. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I would say that on a scale of 10 I would be at about an 8. I'd like to think I could handle the stress of a job very well, but there is always room for improvement in everything. As far as insults go, eh.. It's the internet, and I hear them every day. It's not anything I let get to me, and if a person is willing to stoop down to the point of insults during a professional conversation, I know well enough not to join them, and to simply let them go off as they please. Anything Else You Want to Add: As I mentioned at the top, there are certain mechanics within the game that elude me, and I'm still learning new things every day. I've played every department a good bit, and would be able to help someone adjust well enough to them starting out. Help them 'get boots on the ground' as it were, but I still feel that I have a lot to learn about the game in general. That said, I'm willing to learn whatever is needed, and of course to help wherever I can. I've enjoyed my time with you all so much and I'd love to give something back to the community.
  4. Yep, all glaring issues, including a big timeline goof on my part with the Compact, SHOULD be mended now. A decade older to accommodate the Contact War point, and shifted around the crew he was in for a decade to accommodate the timeline issues present with the Compact.
  5. BYOND Key: 8BitBento Character Names: Jie Khada - CMO/Physician - Human Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Unsure yet on a specific color but most likely something of a slate-brown, as much as I could manage it. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, it was a bit staggering at first, but I feel I have a much more solid grasp on it now, and I am still re-reading through part of it to simply solidify the knowledge even more. (and because it's really good.) Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I think the Unathi present a number of interesting options for roleplay, given the diverse setups that they hold. A person from the Wastelands may play out a day on the station completely different from a member from the Hegemony. It's this variance in options and backgrounds that intrigues me the most, and I'd like to try exploring and adding my own ideas to the mix, perhaps playing out some lesser thought of or used ideas. On top of this, just from a personal side, reptilian humanoids have always struck me as being a bit more interesting than most other races, and what's not to love about being a fast scaly killing machine... Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There are a number of difference from humans, some passive, and some more active, both mechanically and in roleplay mannerisms. A big difference from the roleplay side is how they work societally, with their rigid system of honor and gender roles that are well-set in most Unathi. There are even small differences in mannerisms between Unathi and Humankind, such as speech, gestures, displays of emotion, and humor. Their religion, in those that show it, also pushes to set them into a different light from Humans. From the mechanical side, Unathi have a number of differences, such as their claws, the speed boost from their sprint, and their cold-bloodedness. Another big shift is that they can only gain nutrients from meat, and part of that is that they are able to consume dead animals for food. This presents a very different way to refresh yourself in a round, and even might have some RP repercussions depending on who you're with. Character Name: Kuzani Tez'rezal Please provide a short backstory for this character: Tez'rezal is not your typical Crime Scene Investigator, and his rise to that position makes it even more bizarre, given his history with Yizilna's Steel Spirits. Currently being 32, he was 19 when the Contact War broke out, and much like the rest of his clan in what is now known as the Wastelands, he took up arms to push back against the Hegemony with the Traditionalists. Even as a hatchling, he had a knack for using his nose and eyes, growing quickly to be one of the clan's forefront Trackers and Hunters, being able to follow wildlife hours after their trail had gone cold. This skill played into their efforts well enough during the war, but the introduction of the superior weaponry and armor of the Hegemony rendered it almost useless, for what was the point of being a good tracker and quiet steps, when your attacks would be ineffective when the moment came. Despite this, he fought as best he could, hoping to, at the very least, go down in battle, honoring his clan as his soul drifted into the afterlife. But the universe had other plans, and for a still unknown, he and four others in his war party survived their wounds. In their grief at their 'misfortune', they wandered the waists, not pushing themselves to claiming the title of Guwandi, in the hopes that they may learn something and redeem themselves. It was during this wandering that he near-literally bumped into a raider crew, the Honor found through Victory, being set down in a settlement in the Wastelands. It's still unclear to him whether the noises they initially heard were from partying after a battle, or from a raid on the settlement. There was never enough time to find out, and by this point Tez'rezal doesn't care to find out. One of the higher-up warriors in the crew, Shaza'kar, challenged Tez'rezal and his small group to one on one combat, to the death. Those who survived would be let into the crew, to rise through and put the skills they would show in the duel to good use. They all saw this as a sign of opportunity, their chance to redeem themselves had shown itself. By the end of the exchange, Tez'rezal was the only survivor of his group, and stepped aboard with the crew. He only hoped that their souls weren't trapped in grief. And so it was that Tez'rezal put his skillset to better use, growing as a warrior aboard the ship, and using his eyes to find weak points for the boarding crew to exploit in their raids. This went on for nearly a decade, until in 2458, the Captain of the crew, Szalinyr Faz'nazir, ended up attempting to raid a larger vessel with unknown markings. This ship later turned out to be owned by Yizilna Mo'hi, Dread Lady of the newly formed Grim Compact. Word hadn't reached out yet of their presence, or their power, and Szalinyr had to defend himself in a duel once the smoke had cleared. Yizilna nearly tore the man limb from limb, in a matter of moments. It was clear their raid had not gone to plan, not even remotely. But rather than take the crew prisoner, the Grim Compact saw something in the ship, and allowed them the chance to merge into the Compact. So the Honor found through Victory flew again, but this time under the Dread-Lady's fleet. And so things changed yet again for Tez'rezal. Three years went by with the Compact, and in 2461, Tez'rezal's life was poised to shift yet again. Aboard an unmarked shuttle with fraudulent credentials, they were restocking supplies from Biesel, to continue their raids within Tau Ceti airspace as smoothly as possible. While planetside in Mendell, a few of the others noticed a Merchant vessel, and suggested breaking in and murdering the crew in their sleep, then stealing the vessel. Tez'rezal and two others stood against the plan, claiming it would bring dishonor and pain to the Compact and their crew, and themselves. This caused a split in their group, with the few who stood to save their own honor simply leaving, explaining to the main cruiser over comms what had happened. The others finished their restock, taking the shuttle back to the ship, but after a great deal of thought, Tez'rezal felt he could not return to the crew. This was, in his mind, only the first of many offenses within Tau Ceti space. And so he spent a year looking for work in Mendell. He tried to move away from his time as a Grim-Warrior, putting the skills he had built up to use in a career for NanoTrasen. Despite the past spoiled relations with the race, they were not keen to turn away an eager worker, and set him on the path of Security work. Luckily for the Unathi, his skillset as a tracker was put to good use within the Forensics department, and he now enjoys a stable career alongside full schooling for his work. Despite being in a stable position now, and no real signs of the rest of the Steel Spirits coming to find him, many thoughts of doubt and upset still drift through his mind, his thoughts clouded by the wondering if he had gone astray from his destiny at any point. What do you like about this character?: I really enjoy the concept of Ex-Raider gone straight, as much as that's possible given the rep they carry. Any person with good eyes being put to use in a departmental role all about details seemed right to me, and a fun concept in general. So, my hope is that this plays out to be a fun, unique character, and that others enjoy interactions with him. I personally think it's a fun idea, and if all goes well I can't wait to put it into action! How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I would rate my own ability at maybe 6 or 7 out of 10. I like to think I can set up a story well enough, and move along with one, but I certainly have plenty of room for improvement and growth. Notes: It is a bizarre concept for a character, and while I feel confident enough with the Unathi lore, if there are any mistakes or inconsistencies please let me know and I can amend them. I think pushing ANY character from a background of violence and criminal activity into a life of straight path can be difficult, even more so once it's put into practice. So, my hope is just that it makes sense, and seems cohesive enough. As a small note, he is of the Th'akh faith, but not an avid practitioner, despite holding the beliefs close to his heart.
  6. I think it's a neat concept, and Ryog is definitely great both in and out of game. I'm excited to see how it turns out and hope it all goes well! I'd be interested to bump into them as the Skrell Pharm and see how that turns out though >.> Big ol' +1
  7. I've interacted with Tagada on a few of their characters now, including Irene as CE, and I must say I've enjoyed each experience. The characters feel well played out and fun, and they seem like a good player both IC and OOC , so a big +1 from me!
  8. BYOND Key: 8BitBento Character Names: Cyrus Newark - Head of Personnel Han Fei Liuyan - Medical Resident (Nursing) Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: A shade of Murky Blue-Green, due to a primarily water-based marshland environment. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, and I'm still reading through it to solidify the knowledge further. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I've found everything about Skrell to be interesting so far. Their visuals are appealing in a number of ways, I'm a sucker for (most) everything aquatic based, and their history is interesting. They've had both massive leaps forward over everyone else in the universe, and setbacks that caused threats to their life as they knew it. They're just... incredibly appealing, and I'd love the chance to get to play out a member of the race. (Also it'd be fun to be bigbrain squidboi) Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As with any group aside from the Humans, there are a number of both lore based and mechanical differences. From the mechanical side, Skrell don't slip, slimes are passive, The Dream is a MASSIVE part of their play, along with telepathy in general, they're amphibious, and of course they're strikingly different just visually. It can be hard in some cases to tell an OffWorlder apart from a regular Human, needing to see either flavor text or perhaps a piece of gear on their person that shows that they were OffWorlder, and even then it could be hard. But a Skrell is obvious at a glance. From the lore side, Skrell operate differently from the Humans on a number of levels. First would be the mental side, with Skrell holding their mindsets to in more of the "long game" type, thinking of events or making decisions that might affect the world in a number of years, with some making decisions or setting forth events and thinking of the effect it might have in decades or a century, rather than hours or days ahead. Another aspect that would be different would be how they show emotions, with most humans mistakenly thinking they're emotionless or at the very least show small signs, when the reality is quite the contrary. Skrell grow close to one another in a number of ways, both physically and emotionally, and show a wide spectrum of emotion in every aspect, with the blank outward appearance simply being other races not picking up on the subtler signs as much. Character Name: Xoi'Sies Jaxxak Please provide a short backstory for this character Xoi'Sies was born on Qerrbalak, within a marshland near enough to Kal'lo to be considered part of the city. Xoi'Sies' family, and themself included, are heavily invested into the field of medical research and chemistry, using the vast array of marsh flora nearby to test and run experiments, hoping to push their work forward and make advancements in their field. However, Xoi'Sies came into the world during the last decades of the Era of Synthetic Oppression, and dealt with growing through their early decades helping the family to work through menial labor under Glorsh-Omega's oppressive supervision. Xoi'Sies still remembers stories between their family of cities being destroyed and the population dropping by the billions during that time. Looking back on the events, their first years on Jargon IV still feel longer than any period of their life since. Once the blackout caused by the singularity had finally passed, and the Skrell began to rebuild their lives, Xoi'Sies worked harder than ever, pushing to try and do their part to advance medical science and help undo the lasting effects from the genophage that Glorsh-Omega had unleashed. This same work ethic still holds strong within them, with them frequently pushing to work and advance as much as possible. As time passed, the Skrell rebuilt and moved outward, making contact with other species and solar systems, but this didn't matter to Xoi'Sies. They simply pushed forward in their work, learning the bare minimum about the other species, in order to work at the most efficient level they could within the field of Chemistry. This also lead to them having no solid personal relationships outside of family or close co-workers from their early life, and as such their life now is moderately closed off from most of their coworkers aboard the Aurora. Despite this, they feel that the Aurora is still a good place to be in many aspects. There is plenty to study and work on, and the advancements NanoTrasen have made in their research are intriguing to them, and this in turn pushes them even more to work and advance their own research. But some part of them still hurts. To be thrust into a world teetering on the brink of all out destruction, and to live out their first years under constant terror. There have been some in Xoi'Sies' life who suspect that the intense drive to work is a way more-so than meditation to deal with the events of the past, with their dark skin helping to hide the stains of past tears, and a quiet demeanor to help defend themselves on a station so heavy with the same synthetic presence that nearly snuffed out their life before it had truly even begun. What do you like about this character? The more I think about them the more I like them. The idea is that even more so than normal, Xoi'Sies just pushes themself to do more and advance as far as possible. This in a lot of ways has hurt their personal life and relationships to a point, not being able to really have many close friends due to working near constantly, even when at home. That process for making them sets them up to be a lot different from most of my other characters, who are all fairly cheerful in their own ways, and outwardly friendly, where as Xoi'Sies could very well be seen as cold, especially due to having only a baseline knowledge of the rest of the crew aboard the station. I think all in all it would be interesting to play them out and see how they develop from there. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate myself at a solid 6/10, being good in a number of situations, but still having a good bit of room to grow and improve. Notes: So, admittedly a bit of the lore was confusing in slight ways, such as how Qerrbalak was set up geologically and how the cities that remained were, and I tried to do my best with the confirmed knowledge and lore set up, especially with the history revamps going through. SO as always, if anything is wrong please tell me and I will either fix or re-do it. That said, a few small notes regarding skrellian history and interaction with other species in general and Xoi'Sies' place within it. First) The idea here was to have someone who studied the marshlands around them on the chemical level, and really dove into their work within chemistry and medical science advances. HOWEVER, as I was setting them up I liked the idea of them being born and spending their first decades during this massive oppression, and then when they came out of it they had this drive to just work harder and harder, in some ways to help prevent any more issues or trauma, to help people via the medical field, and to simply have an outlet. And due to this insane drive in their work, it began to hurt their social and personal life. There were decades through the journeys where they simply spent all their time in class or at work. Second) They're 284, and so they've gone through the discovery of other species, and while that does interest them in regards to seeing how their sciences work and all, their knowledge on the other species(Dionae excluded) only grew to the point of being able to administer medicine or use some aspect of that species' culture/history/styling/life/etc. to further their work. Due to that they don't know much of how these other species operate culturally, and so they miss cues or humor from these other races. Third) While not outright "racist" against synthetics, Xoi'Sies is exceptionally touchy about them, preferring to avoid working alongside them or have them help in his work, and especially so with Shell IPCs, feeling that in some way they are a next step up from the synthetic issues of the past. That said, if a direct order comes through to work alongside one, in most cases they would bite their tongue and finish the work, but would cut ties and interaction almost immediately afterwards. And again if ANY of this is an issue or needs to be changed or revised please let me know, and I will do what I can to fix it.
  9. Also, I noticed the app is actually past the Trial end date that go posted so for now I'll avoid playing Cyrus, but I'll still try and get some feedback and plug the app. Don't want to abuse having the whitelist.
  10. It was a Head of Sec's call not mine ;-; But thank you ❤️ And thank you to everyone who's given feedback so far.
  11. So far I've enjoyed every interaction with each of these characters. Not gonna lie I'm a tad surprised to see they're all played by the same person, they're all pretty varied, which is pretty rad. I like being able to see people handle different styles of rp and characters, and from everything I've seen they do it incredibly well. Pretty dope OOCly as well. +1
  12. I haven't seen much of their play in or out of character, but what I have seen in game has been stellar, and I think they did a great job as the interim HoS. And same as that the little I've seen so far OOC has been great. +1 from me, I'm excited to see more.
  13. I've enjoyed what I've seen from both of these characters IC, and from connor on an OOC level, and I'm excited to see what the future holds! +1
  14. Idk if it's too late to throw this up but all of my interactions with Stev have been great both in and out of game. The in character moments have been fun and memorable, and well done at every instance. +1
  15. Just as a note, the application has been edited to include a second character, Cyrus Newark, for the position of Head of Personnel. Same as before if this is any issue or there is any feedback, negative OR positive, please let me know.
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