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My turn to beat the horse I guess, since all the other resident medical mains have chimed in. To put it bluntly, this PR is an annoyance at best and actively detrimental at its absolute worst. As NM, Sheeplets, and Acetrea have all stated, this problem has been self-created in the interest of 'realism' (on a game set in the year 2466) and now we're trying to ham fist in band aid solutions when the easiest option would be to simply remove the problem that was created in the first place. I personally have seen First Responders on no less than seven separate occasions untie a patient from the bed, either drag or fireman carry them down a flight of stairs, then re-tie them to the bed before wheeling them into sickbay rather than stand and wait for an elevator. It's obvious no one is wanting to engage in the mechanics this PR has introduced because they only serve to add unnecessary tedium to a department that is already far too gameplay heavy in a role that is stressful enough as it is without having to worry about sending your patient cartwheeling down the stairs like a deleted scene in Weekend at Bernie's. (This is of course looking at the whole change through a medical lens, I can't speak for box jockeys who play operations) Put simply, as Sheeplets said, please just revert this PR. No one wanted it, it adds nothing to the game for anyone's benefit, and people are already trying to come up with ways to circumvent it regardless.
Replaces the FR Hardsuits with Voidsuits - Feedback Thread
BravoBohemia replied to Flpfs's topic in Archive
I’ll just rehash what I said on the PR itself, granted it seems like everyone else has already hit the high points. Truth be told I think some clarification needs to be made on what is meant by power creep because by my count the hardsuit has been unmodified for as long as I’ve been playing over the course of the last few years, aside from the most recent movement speed nerf. If you’re talking about power creep in terms of the new tools that medical has been afforded, like the stabilizer harness, why is it that the first responders best piece of EVA capable equipment is the one getting the axe? As LVS said earlier in the thread, the whole purpose of the suit is to make operating in a hazardous environment actually feasible and keeps you from having to play a scavenger hunt at the start of each round to get the various pieces of kit to give you that capability; barring the suit injector suite whose capabilities are only replicable by the premium hypospray. Again piggy backing off what LVS stated, this seems to be one of a long list of PRs recently tuned around making medical’s job “harder”, be it the removal of sensors, downsizing of first aid boxes, or in this case, the removal of the rescue hardsuit. I just don’t see what we gain from removing a piece of equipment that only three people can use in any given round in the interest of “balance”, or who that balance is in the favor of. -
Suit sensors nerfing/adjustment/removal discussion
BravoBohemia replied to greenjoe's topic in General
I threw my hat in this ring already back in the medical department discord but I’ll just repeat what I said there, despite it being an almost carbon copy of what Ramke just said. Sensors monitoring is perfectly fine as is, there’s no need to add any restrictions as there’s already plenty of ways to get around it as an antag, which could be said about a lot of things but I won’t get into them in this post. If a traitor or changeling or merc wants to be covert, they have those tools available. All the proposed change is going to do is punish medical players for not setting aside their round staring at a console in the penalty box for when people who wouldn’t scream for help over the radio anyways start to tank in vitals. Not to mention this is something medical players are harped for to begin with both in and out of character. -
[feedback] Removes changeling from secret rotation
BravoBohemia replied to kyres1's topic in Archive
A changeling going loud is also usually no fun for any party involved because said changeling can just 'die' and stand right back up again to start the process all over again whenever they like. Being that the two options afforded to changeling are not really fun for anyone, it makes it a pretty obvious choice on whether or not it needs to be pruned until it can be tweaked in a satisfactory manner. -
[feedback] Removes changeling from secret rotation
BravoBohemia replied to kyres1's topic in Archive
I'm also a big fan of pruning changeling as it is now until it can be reworked in such a way that meshes better with the server 'culture'. Having an antag whose entire drive is to stack as many bodies as it can within a timeframe of two hours isn't exactly driving a fun and engaging narrative, and as many people have noted before in this thread, most people playing changeling don't even put in that effort. 9/10 times when you get a ling round it's going to be chasing someone flying down the hallways at the speed of sound while they hit you with a drive by arm-blade. Eventually, one side or the other is going to lose that war of attrition but it is the most mind numbingly boring back and forth I can think of. -
Hey Danse, thanks for chiming in. I'd like to start off by saying that I haven't been a member of 'The Based Department' discord for about three to four months now, I left back towards January of this year when I decided to distance myself from the community at large, due to a falling out with a few members there, the details of which I'll withhold from here unless it's really needed. I will admit during my time on Aurora I definitely fell into the wrong crowd, the images above of statements I've made are a result of that, and I'm sure they've soured the outlook quite a few people have on me at this point. While I can't offer up any kind of excuse or 'yeah but' as a way of covering my you know what, all I can say is that I have grown quite a bit in that brief three to four month period, hard as it may be to believe; which I'm sure some other members of the community can attest to. I'd like to sincerely apologize though, to both you as well as the other players, staff, and characters I'd badmouthed during my time in that discord. It was distasteful, and as you said at the beginning of your post, harbors a very toxic and vindictive environment which is what I would like to try and stamp out if given the opportunity. Ultimately though, I realize this is quite damning and I can understand if this more or less knocks me out of the running completely.
Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: CoolSortieBro Character Name(s): Liam Knight primarily, however I have occasionally played Andrew Knight; as well as Thomas Roach and William Becker way back when during the KOTW events AI Name(s): N/A, have never played AI Discord username + tag: coolsortiebro Age: 27 Timezone: CST (UTC-5) When are you on Aurora?: During weekdays, anywhere from 1900 to 2200 my time. Weekends are a bit more open and can stretch from roughly 1200 up to 2300. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Collectively, probably close to about three to four years, although the exact time frame in my mind is a bit fuzzy. How long have you played on Aurora: I started playing shortly before the KOTW Arc way back in 2020 but took almost a year long hiatus shortly after that event chain had ended. So all told, probably close to two years total playtime. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: While most of my experience lies on the medical side of things from a mechanical standpoint, I have had the opportunity to sample other 'facets' of the gameplay loop, mainly in security in engineering. The part of the gameplay loop I can't say I have any real experience in is science. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Not SS13 but I did help to moderate a Minecraft server for a period of about a year in 2016. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I don't think anyone would be applying for a position like this if they didn't think they checked all the boxes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never banned, hope to maintain that streak for the next long while. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I play SS13 for the same reason I play immersive sims like System Shock, Deus Ex, or Thief; the breadth and depth of the systems on offer for the player. There's very few other games, with a multiplayer aspect, that offer as many avenues for play as Space Station or have each of those avenues as fleshed out as Space Station does. My favorite example of this is brainmed which is by and large one of the best 'medical' systems I've seen in a game, on par with something like ACE Medical for ArmA 3. Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora offers a unique opportunity to engage with a player base that focuses more on roleplay than the actual gameplay loop of Space Station 13 itself. I don't think I'm alone in saying that there are plenty of SS13 servers that offer better 'gameplay' than Aurora from a mechanics standpoint but Aurora has the unique quality of offering an HRP environment without some of the baggage that other servers of this type tend to carry. (You know the ones I'm talking about.) This makes it a no brainer for me to spend most of my time playing pretend spacemen here. What do moderators do?: A moderator, as the name might suggest, has a duty to moderate. Much like CCIA handles server issues from an in-character angle, moderators take care of issues in a more traditional sense through out of character communication and inspection. As a result I find that moderators tend to handle the more egregious and immediate issues but they also act as the right hand men to the admins, helping to deliberate and ultimately make judgement on any issues that may crop up. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: For Aurora in particular, while you not only have the job of ensuring the server's rules are not broken, you also are tasked with ensuring a smooth and enjoyable flow to the round, owing to our HRP setting. As a result, moderators (at least from my perspective looking in) seem to handle more issues regarding poor play than actual rule breakers. Why do you want to be a moderator?: 've played Aurora on and off for a few years now and I've never quite gotten the same investment out of it as I have in the last few months. I've made quite a few close friends in that time who have supported me through some personal issues and I feel it only proper to try and give back to this community and help foster the same environment they provided to me for all players. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Organization and persistence. I tend to laser focus on a task when presented and keep hammering away at it until it's completed before hopping to the next job. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Working as a professional engineer in the construction industry exposes me to quite a few callous individuals. I don't think I'd be where I am today if I couldn't handle stress. Anything Else You Want to Add: (Do not put words here) I have had multiple people poke and prod me (you know who you are) to try and apply for either mod or CCIA and now I have. I hope I can do you guys proud.
Medical priority for crew over hostile non-crew
BravoBohemia replied to Flpfs's topic in Policy Suggestions
While I haven’t seen it personally, one would think the people you live and work with on a daily basis would take priority for medical care over the guys who were shooting at you not five minutes prior. I don’t know if it necessitates an IC policy change as you’d probably get more than one antag main malding that medical is just leaving them to die but I don’t disagree that crew should take priority over non crew if they’re in a similar state. -
BYOND Key: coolsortiebro Game ID: Several instances of character behavior to the point where I feel it's not necessary to include a specific round ID. Most recent instance was yesterday at approximately 1900 CST. Player Byond Key/Character name: Sparta9002 / Riona Kelly Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: This is more a complaint against general character behavior rather than any one round in particular, although I will be providing excerpts from particularly egregious rounds to help paint a more complete picture on why I'm drafting this complaint. Put plainly, Riona Kelly is a character that I think most medical players can attest is concerning in the absolute least. While I know that not having knowledge of brainmed on a mechanical basis is not in and of itself a problem but it is more the refusal to learn and insist that your way is "better" while in the same breath throwing other characters under the bus to cover your own ass to the point of outright lying to a head of staff to craft a scenario in which you were in the right and the other responder, in this case Jota Bolaji, was to shoulder all the blame for the death of a patient. Note, these screen captures were taken from a round that took place on the 5th of June, at approximately 1500-1600 CST. This round in question was a merc round, the patient being referred to was a mercenary who had attempted to escape via the Intrepid but was gunned down by security in short order. Bolaji, played by Sheeplets, attempted to affix said mercenary with a stabilizer harness to maintain his pulse and breathing. As Bolaji was fitting the harness to the mercenary, Riona Kelly saw it fit to more or less snatch the body out of his arms and drag them to medical, which ended in the mercenaries death. This is not the first instance of Kelly snatching a body without treatment and running them direct to medical, usually resulting in greater harm coming to them overall. However, the most egregious part of this exchange is the aftermath, in which Kelly shifted all of the blame from themselves to Bolaji to both the captain and the chief medical officer in that particular round. A similar incident occurred two days ago in which Kelly blamed the engineering team on shift for the death of a xenobotanist due to a phoron leak, stating that engineering took far too long to respond despite being on scene before Kelly. Additionally, Kelly was not wearing any protective equipment to respond to a phoron leak, leading to the atmospheric technician having to more or less do Kelly's job for her in retrieving the body of the xenobotanist who had long since expired. I unfortunately do not have any screenshots or logs of this particular round but I feel the point has been made regardless. Ultimately what this character complaint boils down to is that I, and I'm sure many others in medical feel that Riona Kelly as a character has only served to provide a lot of headache due to her refusal to take advice in character while actively attempting to paint other characters in a bad light as a way of making up for her own short comings. I don't find it conducive to a enjoyable time both in and out of character when one dreads having to work with this character and I'm sure plenty of others feel the same way. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation?: No as I was not in the round at this time, only receiving accounts of it after the fact. Approximate Date/Time: As stated, most recent incident took place yesterday, the 8th of June, 2023 at approximately 1900 CST.
accepted 50_n00b - Command Whitelist
BravoBohemia replied to Rabid Animal's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
+1 from me as well. As Huntime stated above, 50 does an excellent job of portraying Sasha as someone who is an actual superior at work, who expects you to get your job done quickly and effectively as opposed to trying to be your friend while on the clock. It'd definitely be a healthy addition to the command team to have someone a little more uptight that is more focused on results than everyone having a good time. -
Remove the the black screen overlay from being unconscious
BravoBohemia replied to Sheeplets's topic in Archive
As a not so regular medical player as of late, I'm inclined to agree. Being knocked unconscious is unbearable enough but being forced to stare at a black screen with an ever present thump thump in my ear is an incredibly engaging experience. While it hasn't happened to me personally, I've seen my fair share of rounds where antags and players alike have been left lights out for no joke twenty to thirty minutes at a time which on your average day is a quarter of the round spent staring at said black screen. On the subject of bad actors, maybe a 'grogginess' period could be implemented when waking up from being knocked unconscious to keep Officer Jarhead or Sgt. Slaughter from immediately springing up into a gunfight after getting a bump on the head.