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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. Kaed


    As things currently stand, peanuts are recolored, shitty potatoes in game, and serve absolutely no purpose other than to be eaten on the spot when you pick them. They don't look like peanuts, they don't serve any purpose in any kind of cooking. Thus, I recommend they receive a sprite that actually looks like peanuts (possibly several tiny peanuts per object, with the resulting object being called 'peanuts' instead of 'peanut') and that they contain an amount of 'peanut butter' rather than 2 nutriment when ground up. This could be used to create several new recipes, such as PB&Js with the already present jelly you can make from cherries.
  2. Kaed

    Enslavement Implant

    That's... not an argument in your favor. At least with a rigid code of conduct they can be called out of they are being shitters about it.
  3. Kaed

    Enslavement Implant

    If it's a softer effect, there is also room for people to just decide to ignore you by finding some justification for doing so, and you've wasted your resources anyway. This drug idea you gave is also probably a lot harder to code in than a targeted item that displayed a 'follow orders of X' to the target when used. It's also less precise in who it makes you suggestible to. I don't really see how this 'falls apart in practice', Tenenza. The idea is solid, and aside from people being upset about it happening to them (something that is liable to happen during ANY antagonist interaction involving being captive in some fashion), the only problem I can think about is there not being any enforced standards for what antags can order people around for when they're enthralled/implanted. I can see being suicidal on command as a stupid thing, sure, but this idea has much more potential to it than just telling people to go murder security.
  4. Kaed

    Enslavement Implant

    I think you kind of missed the point of what I was saying, which was "communicate with the people you have enthralled/implanted, so you don't send them off to do something that makes them uncomfortable as a player." There is no reason to use a mechanic like this just to upset people on a meta level. It's a tool to use, to make other people your tool, but they are still other people. You can easily find something for an anti-antagonistic person to do that doesn't involve going around killing people or committing obvious public crimes of moronic potential if you are creative. Even if it's just to sneakily uncuff you when you're later brought into the medbay after being captured with force. That's your choice, and you can certainly ghost immediately if someone enslavement implants you, but the fact that those other things exist already gives us precedent for something like this to be in the game. It is impossible to tell by looking at someone whether they 'want to be antag', and since 90% of people never fill our their exploitable information, traitors are left to guess. You not liking it doesn't mean other people won't be up for the idea. I'm not sure why people keep making this 'if I wanted to be antag, I would have readied up for the role' argument. It's a randomly selected small pool of people, there are lots of people who ready up for it and don't get to be antags. It's like saying 'I don't think we should have a security force, if I wanted police I would chosen to be one.' As in that situation, if you don't want to be an antag, just... don't be a antag. Ghost if you have to. Whine at the player in looc about muh ruleplays. It's not a reason not to have something in the game
  5. Kaed

    Enslavement Implant

    Those are very subjective descriptions of the process, and I recall having a number of interesting roleplays regarding this exact mechanic on servers that had it. From a mechanical standpoint it can gain you the skills and resources of any one of nearly anyone in the crew as an ally, without worrying about them running off and betraying you the moment you take your eyes off them. The whole "buh I dun wanna be an antag" thing is frankly kind of a watery argument in the first place - if you're playing in a round type with antags, you're going to see antags. Sometimes, they're going to hold a metaphorical gun to your head and force you to do things, one way or another. If you want to throw a tantrum and log out instantly, fine. They can just talk to the admins about maybe getting the resources they lost on you replaced, and find someone more receptive to negative roleplay. You aren't being FORCED to participate in the round, but don't rail on people because they prefer a non-murderous idea to get someone to do what they want. Also, a lot of people who want to be antags don't get picked as antags, because you can only start with so many in a round. You should avoid getting into a hugboxing mentality in a server that literally lets people pick what round type they want by vote at the start and doesn't penalize you for leaving the round if you don't want to play anymore. From a roleplay standpoint, as Trapster says, in many cases it is better than removing them from the round and they get to have an active role. An important part of using them is understanding people's comfort zones, too. If you implant someone who hates being antag you're going to make them miserable, sure, but it's possible to work out a middle ground with them so they aren't having the worst round ever because you're, say, sending the medic to go murderizing everyone when they just wanted to lurk in medical and roleplay. This is actually a more reasonable option than entrallment, on that note, because the implant is an object that shows up on advanced scanner in the medbay and can be surgically removed. Vampire enthrallment is undetectable and irremovable.
  6. I've noticed a number of rigs are defaulted to human body design (or in the case of the stealth suit you get on Raiders, simply does not show up on unathi and possibly other sprites). I've been on a server before where the rig suit changed its design when active to conform to the current species you were, so your snout isn't poking illogically out the front of your mask. So, maybe this is a thing you can look into. Also, adding a (magical) wizard hardsuit suit-cycler for their gem-studded hardsuit
  7. Back on a few of the servers I used to have an option in the traitor panel for a neat doohicky called an Enslavement Implant. Costing 4 crystals, it essentially caused the organic you put it in to be 'lawed' to follow your orders/not harm you/assist you to the best of their abilities. Now, way back in time I suggested this to the Aurora server, when you were on your old codebase and map, and it was sort of dismissed as 'not conductive to fun roleplay'. However, now you have set a precedent in including vampires, who have essentially the same concept built into their kit (though in a less mechanical 'follow these rules' way and in a more 'serve your dark overlord' way), so I think the time is ripe for re-suggesting this idea in some form. Usually it is also blocked by loyalty implanting, which seems reasonable.
  8. My only experience with this player is them opening a hazardous, on-fire area as their borg before I could finish venting it, to remove a welder, but questionable decision making isn't an indication of bad roleplay. In fact, in many cases it can make things more entertaining than being a powergamer. I'm a little dubious about adding another Yinzr, but as long as you don't roar A WARRIORS DEATH and rush into dangerous combat situations constantly (we have enough of that already), I think you'd be alright. +1
  9. ... What is the reason gank rules exist, then? To blindly enforce that you stop and roleplay before taking any kind of hostile action? Even the rule itself that you mention specifically refers to 'removing people from the round'. Here, I'll even copy and paste it for you. No ganking. While antags will sometimes kill, it is expected for you to provide interesting roleplay to your targets first, if your goal is assassination. Collateral damage is acceptable within reason, but this means you must use common sense, and avoid creating scenarios with a lot of potential for collateral (setting bombs in high-traffic areas, etc.) You can't just take your own rules out of the provided context to protect the upset player who got mindswapped! If anything, they removed themselves from the round, not me, by refusing to participate after it happened. And telling me the roleplay wouldn't have been fun for them isn't an argument. Roleplay happens as long as characters are alive and in the round, whether the person involved in it enjoys the result, and that specific one involves more than an interaction between two people, the entirety of security was thereafter compromised because they bailed. The fact that they were capable of remaining in the round to have an impact on things is more important than whether they 'liked where it was going'. This isn't a hugbox, it's a high roleplay server. People should be able to deal with unpleasant things happening to their character and push forward.
  10. You've by your own admission waffled between following your laws and orders to the letter and based on your perceived intent of them alternatively based on your personal feelings about how the round should go. You can't just swap between the two concepts as desired to let you do whatever you want, it's inconsistent and, subjectively speaking, poor form. You also admit that you went into a designated task (discreetly assassinate the bureaucrat) with the intention to fail because you didn't like doing what you were told to, which is a third entirely separate way to behave when roleplaying a character and is actually disobeying the order given entirely. The only way that any of that makes sense is if the borg deliberately went into everything with the self-aware intent to deliberately screw over the person he was by laws slaved to at every opportunity. Further, your defense of why I did not tell you to not attack Jackboot's character is both an example of rigidly following orders AND making assumptions on what I wanted - how did you expect me to tell you to not follow orders when security was within earshot? If we assume you were carrying out the earlier discreet assassination orders there, you were not being discreet as ordered, and if you were killing him because of your perception that I ordered you to do so after the code word, that was no where in the actual order, and you were also not doing as you were told. I should have to worry that a silicon's player didn't properly read orders I give them. The main function of your existence in roleplay is to follow laws and orders, you need to be sure you are actually carefully reading them. Telling me you were following orders exactly but also misinterpreted their intent does not make sense.
  11. As a small note, I'm 'Kaedwuff' on server, 'keknar' is someone else xD
  12. BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Player Byond Key: SierraKomodo Staff involved: Alberyk Reason for complaint: This was an unusual round in general, because I began as a wizard, bodyswapped with the Head of Security, then was stranded there when I lost all my spells. Deciding to just roll with it (the person previously inhabiting the HoS immediately logged out, so I was uncontested for the identity), I subverted the AI, and though the AI went afk at some point after this, I still had several borgs. (https://gyazo.com/95d6d8b64d255ca99de570a73ac3c2eb The law in question) I picked one at random, and me and the engie borg (Katana Bravo) began collusion. A tajaran bureaucrat played by Jackboot came on a bit later, and I ordered the borg to assassinate him with as much discretion as possible. They failed, which was pretty much as was to be expected of an unhacked engie borg with kill orders that specifically preclude walking up and bashing ones head in, but it caused some interesting conflict as no one was sure if the borg was subverted or the visitor had shocked themselves tampering with a door. After that, I had them redesignated to a security module, and invited the bureaucrat into my private shaded HoS office, where we talked for a while about his job, before I had the borg baton him, take his headset, and cuff him. The intention had been to kidnap him, since the transfer shuttle had arrived at this point, and take him away on a pod. However, the borg began complaining that it was low on power and wanted to recharge. Since I did not need it further at that point, I told it to go recharge. So it did, dragging the handcuffed prisoner behind it through the entirety of security, screaming for help. The logic behind this decision eluded me at the time, and I assumed that they simply thought it would be funny to do so, despite orders to be discreet, not implicate me in the crime, and having a law that requires them to be loyal to me. This right here was likely misinterpreting the orders and laws simply for a giggle. But post-round, a different story came out. https://gyazo.com/7403b6940a2979d825ab481575cb29bf https://gyazo.com/18678716b405cf70e077ed20d7086c4e https://gyazo.com/3a03d69b86fdc1b280c00b0eb3e121a8 The supposed 'orders to kill' that I gave them. https://gyazo.com/a72def52f23c5366b3d882fce361a653 So what I gather from this is that they somehow misinterpreted what I was going to do to Jackboot's character, and as a result, deliberately sabotaged the plan by disregarding previous orders I specifically gave them to be subtle and not implicate either of us (something that I would have assumed by any interpretation dragging a screaming cuffed prisoner past security would do), simply because they 'don't like removing players from the round'. It should not be the job of any silicon to ignore orders they don't like or 'accidentally misinterpret them' to be the hero, even I had been planning to murder him in my office. It makes the entire purpose of subverting AI or silicons entirely pointless. There was even a specific clause in the law change, You will assist him with the highest priority, even if it comes in conflict with other laws. which should imply that the silicon in question put assisting him above other concerns, i.e. be loyal to the person indicated in the law, but that could be nitpicking. Then, there was the part where they began trying to kill the bureaucrat in front of the security team, on their own initiative, by openly declaring that it was going to 'follow its previous orders' (presumably referring to earlier in the round when they were tasked with discreetly assassinating the bureaucrat) unless told not to, again ignoring the part about 'remaining discreet' and 'not implicating either of us,' for reasons I assume were to further display that they were subverted? https://gyazo.com/5846a11e1f024b0ffd533002b1f461c5 Approximate Date/Time: 2/22/2016, Around 12am-2am CST
  13. BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Staff BYOND Key: Tainavaa, SierraKomodo Reason for complaint: This is both a complaint about the Evidence/logs/etc: Admin logs with Tainavaa https://gyazo.com/fe9669fff4f1eccc80f80b56c90a0b0f https://gyazo.com/3609bde948e06fc2a30cf702dbc3919a https://gyazo.com/12d38c249b1dfc77d4c81b558241746b Post-round comment by SierraKomodo: https://gyazo.com/8ef42cc0a7729b8cbf6f684edce133ee Additional remarks: Rules against 'ganking' are usually created for the purpose of avoiding killing sprees or wordlessly removing someone from the round. Rigidly interpreting the concept of 'no ganking' to mean you are not allowed to do anything aggressive without stopping to roleplay a bit is an unreasonable expectation to hold upon players. To clarify a little more, I had already been told by security twice that I needed to come with them because I did not have an ID. I had declined both times, and at that point, there was an active manhunt for me about to start, because I astral jaunted away twice. The head of security arrived, and I saw an opportunity to cause confusion by swapping places with them and arresting 'myself'. My reasoning at the time was there was an AI active, and security officers not far away. If I had stopped to talk to the arriving head of security, I would have been surrounded and rendered the ploy pointless. There is a time when one has to take action in order to further the round, and roleplay for the sake if it gets in the way of ones plans. Plenty of roleplay could have resulted from capturing the head of security in my former body, which is, after all, supposedly the point of a high roleplay server? What happened instead was the player immediately went SSD, and complained to administration. Further, and the reason why Sierrakomodo is brought into this, is that while I do not have the privilege of being part of the staff team on this server, every other server I have been on staff with wished the administrative staff to maintain a level of professionalism, which includes not disclosing the details of administrative actions publicly, especially as a means of creating an ad hominem argument. If this is not the case here, I guess this part of the complaint can be disregarded.
  14. Well, I'm pretty used to the banana jokes, and lemme point out, on the note of rubbing some mud on him: This is how the character used to look on the old server (put on some sunglasses)
  15. That would make him brown, not yellow. I'll just wait for Jackboot's say on the matter, though.
  16. Well I dunno guys. Jackboot said he couldn't be neon yellow, both of you said no banana lizards. I made a more muted yellow, and it's still too yellow? :V
  17. He's more of a lemon lizard, and I like lemon lizards. But, I can play ball here. How's this work?
  18. Fair enough. Your setting makes the discovery of unathi too recent for a non-native unathi to be of any significant age impossible, and younger people tend to do internships for a while. So I'll probably go with that until I find something I like.
  19. To be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely sure which department I will play him in. In other servers, I tended to waffle between engineering, security, and medical, depending on my waning interest with one of them, with very occasional forays into Xenoarcheology or Xenobiology, since the rest of science is pretty boring to me. And I always enjoy playing him as a chef. But you also have telescience and genetics, something that was removed/not implemented in my previous server, so I might give those a poke? I'm not entirely sure how you deal with character roles on this server. My old one had a rule that you were not supposed to roleplay characters who had knowledge outside of their department, but there was no specific rule that a character HAD to play a specific job every round because that was ~their job~. Though it sounds kind of like that's what you're implying..?
  20. BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Character Names: Grenn Takkis (Human), LEMON/Lemon (Silicons) How long have you been playing on Aurora: Several days Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Yellow. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because it is the race I have always enjoyed playing on other servers. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Being physiologically distinct from humans makes their body language rather different for a start, with tail thumps and scale rattling both being signs of emotion. Unathi have a somewhat japanese-flavored sense of propriety, in that strangers are supposed to address each other by surname unless they know each other well. Their viewpoint on females is somewhat stricter than humans, and a classical moghes unathi will view women as property. They tend to also be somewhat more violent and territorial than humans, though in my experience, an unathi who behaves strictly according to lore often ends up brigged for assault or similar charges after being deliberately provoked, while piles of players make whining forum complaints about the character being excessively violent. Therefore, I think playing a somewhat more human-socialized unathi character is a more feasible option. Character Name: Kaed Maltivus Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Maltivus an Ouerean unathi, and though he and his parents were born on Moghes, he does not remember much of it, as he was only a few years old when he left the planet. They relocated as part of the second attempt at unathi space travel, and as such was one of the first colonists on the planet. The others of their clan who wished to stay behind subsequently died in the apocalyptic exchange a year later, leaving him and his parents without any living family or anywhere to go back to. His mother was a painter, though, and he grew up surrounded by artwork of what his homeworld used to look like. That, combined with the mounting sense of depression from his parents, who felt dislocated and alone due to the loss of everyone they knew, instilled in him a strong sense of moral outrage towards oppression and social injustic that colored much of his life. The unathi, though particularly small and even runty for his kind, grew into someone with a strong personality and perhaps a bit too much bravery for his own good. What do you like about this character? I enjoy playing a character with a vibrant, assertive personality. I also have a taste for bright colors, which is reflected somewhat in his character design. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think I am pretty experienced with it. I have been roleplaying in other mediums for years, and in this particular one for around 6 months. Notes: While yellow is not strictly within the portfolio of 'scale colors' it is not really that far off from the green/red/sandy colored spectrum listed. And yellow is actually a color that exists in real lizards. I hesitate to reach for the 'genetic defect' card for this, because it doesn't really seem completely implausible that shades of yellow would be naturally occuring.
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