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Everything posted by Kaed
They're a very militant race who pride themselves on physical combat, and by extention, physical fitness. Being a fat sack of lard is basically being weak and soft, out of shape. Disgusting to unathi.
BYOND key: Kaedwuff Character names: Kaed Maltivus Ickthar Slithiss Esisshesi Ssreshkor Korassh Guwan Inesski Sslasskir Ssalashtar Intesski How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Uh. I forget. Probably over a year now. I've been hisslording a while now. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because I'd like to play a head of staff once and a while. Why did you come to Aurora?: For the promise of high roleplay times. And because hisslords are great. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay should be about the cooperation between two or more people to reach a goal via simulated interations. In general, the goals follow several tiers of importance, with meeting the settings standards (which is why no one plays an ancient rainbow dragon robot in human form on the server) being the highest, with meeting you simulated standards, and then with meeting your character standards and producing an event that is engaging for everyone involved. Engaging does not necessarily mean 'fun', or 'enjoyable'. One person's entertainment may be another person's frustration, but they are both participating in creating a scenario nevertheless, and they are engaging in roleplay. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The heads of staff don't serve a singular purpose, except perhaps to 'lead' their department. The HoS is responsible for making sure that all their officers follow regulations, and that the station remains as safe as possible WITHIN those regulations (though I think sometimes they stretch the 'stop the bad guys' bit past regulations at times, but that is a problem for security in general), the Chief Engineer manages the functions of his department, including making sure the engine is running, the station doesn't have breaches, and I guess the AI too. They all have rules dedicated to their department, plus a few additional things, such as the HoP's secondary job of managing access permissions and job titles. The captain is there to be an all-access rambo superhero with delusions of supreme power over everything from regulations to what to do with the AI, apparently. (I'm kidding, but I see it a lot...) What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Ickthar Slithiss Character age: 59 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Ickthar was born on Moghes nearly six decades ago, and lived through the changes that occurred on Moghes after contact. He was part of a reasonably well off clan that became much more well off following the chaos of the contact war, and for most of his life he lived as a shaman of the Th'akh faith. Having a natural aptitude for administrative duties, he often found himself in positions of advisory or spiritual leadership. With the advent of the Hegemony and the decline of the Th'akh faith among the inhabitants of Moghes, he found himself in increasing conflict with the Hegemony. His beliefs had been tainted and were no longer respected by the ruling clans, and after several attempts to affect change on this matter, he ended up fleeing the homeworld. For a time, he lived on Ourere, but as the Hegemony reabsorbed the colony, it became less prudent to do this, and he further exited unathi space entirely, ending up working for Nanotrasen. What do you like about this character?: I enjoy playing a crusty, old, and generally serious unathi with a limp. He's generally all business and has little interest in the typical unathi standard of rushing into battle with a roar, preferring the more quiet, administrative duties such as Warden or Chaplain. This is essentially his retirement. What do you dislike about this character?: Sometimes it gets tiresome limping (walking) everywhere and if no one is looking, I'll turn run back on to get somewhere. /scum What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: I intend to play him as a Head of Personnel, primarily, due to his aptitude with administrative duties and paperwork. Warden is honestly not too far off in responsibilities from HoP, except with more managing weapons than people. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I think I do a good job roleplaying my characters, though sometimes I feel that people do not reciprocate the effort I make, especially when I am an antagonist trying to take them captive or do something that isn't murdering them violently on the spot. It's way to easy to shriek for help over the radio instead of interacting with the antagonist. Extra notes:
I get kinda creepy. I agree with Nana. I also think enthralled mobs should give double the blood points, so enthralling and keeping "livestock" gives a solid reward for not draining and killing outright. Because lets face it, nobody likes dying to an antag, and Vampire is one of those rounds where you won't have to. Can vampires feed without killing the victim? sounds good, i'm all for it. The vampire is my favourite antagonist due to the lack of necessity to murder people. Being a vampire slave is way more fun than being dead You.. CAN feed without killing the victim, but it's not exactly prudent. Once you let them go, they are liable to run off screaming to security that you bit them, and you will spend the rest of the round in a cell or being chased by security. Again, the ideal is that people will cooperate with your roleplay when you make an effort, but the SS13 community is in general a bunch of validhunting fucktards who want to be the hero or at involved in stopping the bad guy. Good roleplayers are the exception, not the rule.
Bumping this thread because it's still an important idea.
that sounds kinda backwards to me. That would make it so that monkies can sstill be used for powerlevelling, but not as a snack between fights. I think giving you useable blood, but not increasing your blood total (or only increasing it if it's below a certain limit) would be better. then monkeys can be food to refule, but there's nothing tl learn from them and they cant get stronger Sorry, but if you do it that way, you will encourage more feeding on monkies than the way skull suggests. Because, the total blood thing is important only for unlocking abilities up to a certain point, whereas usable blood is needed to do things. Vampire abilities are EXPENSIVE to use (the scream alone is 90 blood, most mobs have ~200 blood TOTAL). Having a bunch of usable blood but nothing to do with it is kind of pointless.
Yes please. Same with security records. There are actually a plethora of things that are hardly ever filled out in the character creation screen, but most of them are due to negligence (exploitable infoooo) rather than it being mechanically impossible to do so.
Though I am not familiar with code in this setup, part of the problem with the interaction between lings and monkies is that monkies are not... monkies anymore. They are effectively people in every sense of interaction with them (they even show up on security monitors as a ?), including being able to use their DNA to become a monkey, which can then wear any clothing normal people can, with horribly buggy floating clothes. That needs to be removed entirely, monkies should stop giving you a monkey shape when you eat them. Lings have an ability that specifically does this, and is less buggy, and allows for vent crawling, I believe.
This sounds like a reasonable compromise for vampires. Blood total is honestly more important in the short term than usable blood, and it's what gives you access to all your abilities, up until 500 blood, when it stops being helpful and you have everything. Then you need more substantial fare. Not sure how you'd do it with lings. Their mechanics are rather different, and if you lower the amount of EV they get from monkies, that will just encourage them to waste even more time eating them.
Implying that anyone who plays a meek woman on the server has any interest in roleplaying being eaten by an antag, won't scream for help immediately, and that security won't instantly know you are a vampire and hawk-watch you afterwards.
Now I find myself curious about something. Piles of money (thalers?) seem to have a variety of different sprites, which randomly change every time you add or remove money to the pile. I wonder if having several different randomly occurring chili pepper sprites would be possible..
While I am forced to agree that spending an hour eating monkies and being a non-participant in the round is pretty shit, I also want to point out that vampires and lings can do about jack and shit until they get about 200 blood/4-6 extra evolution points. I agree with Nikov on putting a cap on how long you can feed on monkies and receive evolution points/ usable blood, but as for blood bags - those should stay how they are. As things are now, blood bags and corpses only increase your total blood, which unlocks new powers, but you still need living blood to use them. Vampires actually have an even harder time early game than lings do, due to their total lack of anything that can silence their prey, even temporarily. Personally, I usually don't reach for the radio to shriek for help the second someone starts attacking me and instead try to react to the antagonists actions directly, but I know 90% of people scream for help within seconds of being glared. As a result, I don't feel SAFE as a vampire trying to feed on someone unless I have a decent blood pool with which to escape the nearly inevitable security takedown or AI bolt-in. I can't be the only one who likes playing antags and feels this way about vampires.
Oh, definitely. That's why you don't enslave a security guard to set up the supermatter. Dumb idea. This argument is rife with subjective conjecture, and additionally, I see traitors in rounds far less often than I see heists, changlings, or wizards. Autotraitor is, at the current time, basically broken, unless they've recently fixed it. You are also pigeonholing and entire class of antagonist into doing the sort of things you expect them to do. I can tell you myself that I very, very rarely go on murder sprees or bomb things as ANY antag, much less traitor, where there are many exciting tools to choose from. I don't find doing those things to be fun, and derive much more enjoyment out of the conflict between two characters with uneven levels of power over the other, whether it be kidnapping, or forcing them to your will. I don't think there's any reason why enslavement implants shouldn't be a thing, and I categorically dismiss the whole 'but players shouldn't have to be part of things they don't want' arguement. That is against the purpose of a roleplay server that is intended to include antagonists. Even skull, the person who hosts the damn server, agrees with this. You can't play on this server and expect to have a special safety comfort bubble, unless it is extended. And extended rounds happen frequently enough that there is an opportunity for everyone to have fun. Don't ruin the fun of other people because of misguided moralizing about social correctness and comfort boundaries. The very fact that there is an argument here indicates that there is an audience for this kind of feature. Inclusion is for the people who want it. The people who don't want it isn't why it's being suggested as a feature to the game. It doesn't unbalance the game or provide an unfair advantage that was previously not there in other places, it's more conductive to roleplay than a bomb or gun. The crux of the arguments against it can be summed up as 'I don't like it'. That's not an argument, it's an opinion that goes against the philosophy of the server's goal to provide high roleplay including antagonistic scenarios. I don't like YOUR argument that traitors 'should be planting a bomb and holding the station hostage if they want help'. It seems a little hypocritical to suggest antags shouldn't force things on other players, then turn around and tell everyone what the same antags should be doing in a round.
Hey funny you should mention that, this is what I have so far. More is coming.
Hypocrisy? From criminal syndicates? Unthinkable! Also a trial wouldn't be a bad idea, but given that A) Not many people will necessarily try to use it at all times and B) Traitor rounds don't come up that often compared to some of the other game modes, the trial might need to be longer.
Hey, wow. There's a lot of insult calling in this thread and generally scornful attitudes towards each other. Here's an easy answer for you in HighRP terms - the disposal gives a way to keep the location clean and tiny, and MOST PEOPLE WOULD NOT CONSIDER IT TO BE A DESIGN FLAW BECAUSE IT IS SUICIDAL TO JUMP DOWN IT. When designing a confinement facility you do not not stop to think, 'wow, what if the prisoner arbitrarily decides to commit suicide because they don't like being in prison?' or even 'hey what if the guy we lock up is secretly an immortal alien monster that can regenerate from all wounds?' This is a research station, not a school - they are not going to childproof everything, and aren't going to factor in every suicidal idiot into their design plans. Every other disposal on the station is identical - it will kill you if you jump in, they are not going to make a special super exception in this one location because it is where people tend to do it most, especially since there is kind of a negative continuity on antag rounds. The location IS secure, from a logical standpoint of people who do not immediately assume the deadly murderhole will be jumped into at the first opportunity. No one looks at a design plan expecting people to kill themselves.
Many of the random events on the station add some interesting flavor and need to avoid a clear and present danger for a short period. There is one random event, however, that is irritating and most of the time does nothing except make a mess everywhere and most of the time never get fixed because it's too much of a hassle to be worth the trouble, since it doesn't do more than mildy inconvenience nearby people and dispense free items. I am of course referring to the 'rampant brand intelligence' event. I think it needs to be cut entirely, or at the very least be severely lower in occurrence. As is, it happens literally. every. round. Usually within the first half hour, and then persists for the rest of the round.
I see this far, far more often from crewmembers who raid a dead pirate's headset and spend ages insulting them over their private merc channel. If I have to suffer through that in 2/3 raider rounds, you can all suffer through some antagonistic comms messages.
Every other server I've been on that hat cultists didn't let you use constructs as part of rune-using. Did they forget to remove that?
Yeah sorry I don't see a good reason to remove this. This is basically just another 'can't let the antags get away' mentality coming up. If it's a sucidal baldie killing themselves, ahelp it as mentioned before. If it's a changeling 'abusing a mechanic' (lol) then that's their prerogative. They can come back from the dead if they wish, and security shouldn't know that's a thing unless they see it.. Seems to be more like a good, mildly creative surprise tactic to escape being permabrigged and ignored for the rest of the round by shitcurity.
... Except this is now, not then. "It used to be this way, lets leave things as is' is a pretty dumb reason not to improve on game mechanics.
I'm behind this idea, but if you put a delay on the headset being destroyed that is that long, it will be nearly impossible to ever accomplish. By the time you realize you realize you need to crush your headset, you are probably already in serious trouble, and possibly stunned on the ground.
Jesus fucking christ everything looks so hideous in basic baycode, we need to get some actually appetizing sprites for plants, seeds, and fruit/vegetables. Half of them reuse recolored, puke or snot tinted generic 'fruits' that often look nothing like the actual fruit in question is supposed to. I've seen good sprites for fruits and vegetables before. I know they're out there. Do I actually need to make my own custom sprite pack and mash it against some administrator's face repeatedly to make it happen? D: And while we're on the subject, having nearly everything you can grow being described as "A delicious X! Probably" is really lazy and stupid. Did you know GRASS is labelled as delicious fruit, probably?
This should never actually happen, given that captainship is whitelisted
That narrative is already served fine by the current setup, though. You don't need to make their lives even MORE miserable just to fit your personal desired standard for what a bunch of mangy pirates have or don't have. Though, personally, I think it would be interesting if a different spin was taken on the matter than as it is done now. Give the pirates access to intercepted comms channels from the beginning, but make it an object on the ship itself they can sit next to and listen to, i.e. one of the heisters was the captain and gets to use the interception radio because they stay on the ship, and they have to warn the others about problems they overhear on it. Slightly on the same topic, I'd like for the pirates to be able to destroy captured pirate radios somehow. I get sick of certain players who I am not going to name always grabbing a radio off the first dead heist member they see and listening in on the private channel or spending ages insulting the pirates over it like petulant toddlers.
I don't know about this. The heist game-mode already suffers from enough crippling weaknesses (poor armaments, shitty tools). Why do we need to take away one of their few concrete advantages? Speaking as someone who, as a heister, actually was adminbussed into being able to access telecomms, I can tell you that you are making it sound like they have things a hell of a lot easier than they actually do. Have you ever been on a heist team before? They have like 2 voidsuits and three rigs to go around, each of their rigs really only does one set of specific things (cloak OR hacking OR have nice armor values) unless you cannibalize the three rigs modules into one suit, and the 'hacker' suit doesn't even have spacefaring capabilities, you will die if you go into space with it. Everyone starts out with a single randomized weapon that ranges from 'shit' to 'decent' and an agent ID, and NO BACKPACK.