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I reiterate my counterpoint that this removes any ability to have a stealth aspect for the sake of letting players validhunt or metagrudge other players. For instance, if you are notified that the station AI recalled your shuttle, you immediately know they are malfunctioning, and they have lost all stealth aspect. It is the same with any other antagonist. Knowledge of who called or recalled a shuttle should be kept admin side, and if you wish the information, you ask them. They will not refuse to tell you it if you explain you wish to make a player complaint, honest.
Emergency shuttles are theoretically supposed to be a final option when everything is just fucked. In practice, they are instead used as the 'I don't want to play anymore' button, causing evacuations to be called from everything ranging from 'security can't handle the antag problem' to 'we're scared because the AI is malfunctioning'. The proper response for this SHOULD be calling an ERT, because it's an emergency. If no ERT is available, they all die, and/or the station is ABOUT TO EXPLODE, THEN that's a reason to call the shuttle, because there is no other way to fix the problem than getting the fuck out. Sometimes, even worse, we have an infantile tug of war between the resident antagonists and the command staff, where the shuttle can be called and recalled over and over, because there is no coded in cooldown or cut-off point for the shuttle call function. So, I propose: 1) Certain criteria must be met before the shuttle can be called, such as an ERT call and a certain amount of time passing afterwards (10-15 minutes?) or someone faxing central command and asking them to lift the shuttle block manually. 2) Stop the shuttle tug of war nonsense. If the shuttle is called and recalled more than 2 times in a round, any sensible company is going to want to know what the hell the command staff is doing and stop spending money on sending shuttles until someone explains what is going on. Block further shuttle calls at this point, and an staff member who can receive faxes has to lift the injunction. 3) Alternatively, put a significant cooldown on how long before you can call another shuttle, rather than 'immediately after it was recalled'
You make a fair point that AI recalling shuttles is silly, but, counterpoint: The shuttles are asking for the round to end. The AI has this mechanic to prevent people from just calling a shuttle and ending the round before it can accomplish what it wants. Any other antag can theoretically cancel a shuttle, because they have hands, can can use the Communications computers to do so. AI are hard coded to be unable to access the 'cancel shuttle' command, so the malf command is a workaround for it. Instead of saying 'it's stupid that AI can do this', you should be saying, 'It's stupid that AI taking over the station have no way to stop shuttles from being called in the first place.' and that people's response to a shuttle being recalled is to call another shuttle again and again, like children playing tug of war only it costs the company assets every time someone tugs Perhaps instead of preventing the shuttle from being recalled, to many shuttle calls causes Nanotrasen to take a 'crying wolf' policy, and stop sending them until they get more information about wtf is going on there. People use shuttles as an 'I don't want to play anymore' button, and that's not what it should before. It should be the final option after everything else has been exhausted. Many times, I see no one even attempt to call an ERT, they just jam their sausage fingers onto Evacuate and nope away from the danger.
Blue screen APCs = Malf. This is an concept that is so hard-wired into the typical SS13 player it is impossible to separate from them from it realistically, no matter how much you push not metagaming. It's ingrained, obvious, and it doesn't matter if there is a random event that sometimes causes bluescreened APCs. It's just going to happen, random people will begin reporting them, and from there it is a slippery slope to the malfunctioning AI having someone in their core uninvited because 'they suspect system corruption'. This mechanic is a legacy of an older version of Malfuctioning AI, where you had to have a specific number of APCs under your control in order to blow the station, and things were much more simplistic - there had to be a way to notice the AI doing it's thing before the station exploded, or you were screwed. It was extremely fast paced compared to the much more moderate hour and a half or often MORE process that is involved with NewMalf. With the increased complexity of new-malf, more complexity needs to be added to the process. Malfuctioning AI need to have more breathing room, as the assault on their core should not be starting until they take overt, obvious action. I have worked out a general idea for this, but critique is welcome. 1) Blue Screened APCs: These should stop happening, at least initially. Make the error report for the APC visible only to people actually opening up the APC interface. People randomly passing by should not see a bright overt flashing APC error. Something like, "Interface error: Unable to accept commands" when they try to toggle something. It may be more reasonable for the bluescreened APCs to start happening after the Override command begins. When this happens, all hacked APCs bluescreen immediately, and more of them begin to as the station is taken over. At this point, the AI is on full assault, there is no subtlety. The APCs are being brute forced and used outside of their manufactured purpose. 2) In the defense of engineers, the current 'counter' to bluescreened APCs is very unintuitive: You must tear down the entire APC and build a new one. I propose some method of troubleshooting 'malfunctioning' APCs, like a tool you use on it that debugs it or perform a full reset on the hardware. It should take a while to do this (ideally more than the 60 seconds it takes to hack it, because they're not a super powerful AI), and then the APC is fixed. This will lower some of the alarm caused by having to literally destroy an APC to fix it (wow, this APC was really fucked up and this concerns me!), and make it streamlined more into a general troubleshooting thing. This tool will cease to work during the Override stage when everything bluescreens, thus furthering the evidence that something bad is going on. 3) Make recalling the shuttle possible even during override, if you have the upgrade or ideally, let the override be stopped at will. Keep in mind starting override can carry a high processing cost, making spamming it on and off unfeasible. However, having a full 10+ minutes where you are unable to utilize any malfunction commands is devastating, and actually can cause the round to end early because of shuttlecall spam you can no longer stop. 4) The manipulation tree has some useless stuff in it. The biggest offender is "Electrical Pulse.". The only thing this does is randomly blow some lights somewhere on station, anywhere, with a tiny chance of breaking an APC in the process. This INCLUDES your core APC, so it is actually possible to accidentally kill yourself using this ability. Considering that even when NOT malfunctioning you can 'overload lighting circuits' on any APC on the map, with far more precision and less risk to the station and yourself, this ability is almost useless. Proposed replacement: This tree seems to mainly involve hijacking various nonencrypted station subsystems and machinery. One of the biggest weaknesses of the AI is that people can hold conferences off-radio and plot to kill it without its knowledge. It can use intercoms to listen in, but this suffers from two major problems: First, every intercom on station has a sharply limited 'hearing' range, of about 2-3 squares. Second, it's impossible to do this covertly, because all someone has to do is click on the intercom and see that it's set to a strange station, and they instantly know the AI is responsible and disable it, running out of earshot or watching it like a hawk to see if it turns itself back on. My proposed solution is to allow malfunctioning AI to utilize the sensors on the AI holopads covertly. I know they're on there - when you activate the holopad, you can hear and see everything around it as if you were standing on that spot as a regular mob. The problem is it is impossible to use them without activating the holopad and alerting everyone in the room you are present and listening. This is a fine safety protocol for normal AI, but there is no reason why a malfunctioning AI should follow safety or privacy procedures. 5) The interdiction tree is missing a key element that used to be in old Malf - the ability to hack IPCs. I don't know where this should show up on the tree progression. But I feel it should be a thing again. If you can remotely hack unlinked borg to bind them to you, and even hack other AI units, IPC should be susceptible too. Perhaps replace Hack Cyborg with the more broad "Hack Synthetic" (AI should still be their own tier at the top), and/or auto-hack IPCs who finger your hacked APCs. 6) Hack Camera needs to be done more intuitively. Currently (I think?) it only works with any effectiveness by right clicking on the camera and selecting 'hack camera' This works fine, until crew members begin smashing every camera in sight. Since one of the functions of 'hack camera' is to reactivate a camera, it is somewhat difficult to hack a camera you can no longer see due to it being disabled. Usually I end up having to waste time and resources giving a nearby camera xray vision just to see the camera so I can click on it. That's really silly and roundabout. Maybe something like a special interface similar to what the security cameras computer has, that shows you all cameras and broken ones are greyed out. 7) Some way of preventing all borgs from being blown up by the RD the moment trouble happens. There's already a way to unlock them by hacking. 8) A way to hack in access to the telecomm sat's turrets, bypassing the 'firewall'
There is a current issue with buying certain traitor items in that many of them are boxed in suspicious black and red boxes labelled with such overt names as "Explosive Implant with implanter". This causes obvious problems if anyone happens to see them, including AI or someone across the room from you just looking at you while you're holding the box, because I frequently see people report that this box they saw is labelled with something highly suspicious. A covert operative does not use a super secret telecrystal powered store front to dispense boxes labelled "HIGHLY ILLEGAL ORDINANCE" in bright red letters. This is akin to calling security over a 'suspicious toolbox' or 'criminal balloon', except people allow it to happen because 'that's what the box says on it!'. Change this to unlabeled boxes that aren't differently colored from every other box in existence so they immediately attract attention. The traitor knows what they ordered, they don't need the box to be labelled so they don't forget.
Slithiss is always on walk speed unless he's on his trolley I manage to survive it.
Not a bad idea, but most people never bother to fill out antagonist information in the first place. It would only be as useful as the people who realize it's there or care enough to use it.
That's good to know, but it still doesn't address the issues of: -Changing the model of your construct -Recapturing a soul with a shard should you not have an artificers, and the construct is at like <10% health, making them utterly useless because one shot from anything will dust them From what you're saying, there's already precedent for constructs to not have one healthbar that can never go up again. This would give them more flexibility when they are sorely lacking it.
Yeah, juggernauts are kind of a joke, right now. They move so slowly that all you get out of them is a one-sided fight where security kites them with lasers until they explode. Punch a hole into space and show those officers you mean business. ALSO. As an additional note... perhaps giving constructs limited access to runes would be a good idea. Such as the teleport runes, so they can use the cultie transportation network and not be left behind forever during emergency retreats.
Oh, you can still permakill them, but there should be some method to restore constructs who escape from battle before they are destroyed. I don't think you can even heal them, now. Borg can be repaired, or even rebuilt. Denying that to constructs because 'you think they're overpowered anyway' is kinda biased. As it is, this idea requires you to have a soul stone AND a construct shell on hand to reconstitute a heavily damaged construct. These are, actually, in finite supply for cultists unless they sprung for the support construct model, which is useless in actual combat. And what if you decide that a juggernaut would be a more useful model for your single captured soul than a Wraith? There is no way to change it, now. Again, I reference borg, who have a built in mechanic to change modules. Hahah, that's even worse. I sort of assumed at least cultists could hear them, but yeah, wow.
PROBLEM ONE: There is a current issue in place where constructs made with soul stones are unable to speak to anything non-cultist related, thus causing them to be unable to communicate or even be heard by non-cultists. On the surface, you may think this is an intentional mechanic that works fine, but let me explain why it is, in fact, a poorly thought out trash decision, or simply an accident. 1) Being unable to communicate with anyone but cultists severely limits ones ability to roleplay. The only interaction they are allowed to take in relation to crew (unless they get around it by using me verbs to emote talking), is attacking. This server is not about rabidly attacking everything on sight, and this mechanic discourages attempts to do anything but that. 2) Cultists are not the only people with access to constructs. Wizards, in fact, have an option start out with soul stones to create constructs. Except, as coded, their constructs cannot speak to them. They can only issue orders and have their constructs silently obey them. (Technically, you can even find soul stones on the asteroid, though unless it's a wizard or cult round, there's not much you can do with them) PROBLEMA DOS: Cult constructs are brought into existence by inserting a captured soul into a shell, then they are shot to death by security, permanently removing them from the round. There is no way to reclaim a soul once you put into a construct, it is locked into that shell until the shell is inevitably destroyed, then lost forever. I think there needs to be a way to recapture the soul from a construct, and put it in a new, less damaged one. Possibly this will only work if the construct is heavily damaged. But inability to recycle a finite resource (players active in the round) and allow for everyone to participate is a pretty awful idea. PROBLÈME TROIS: Constructs are very low on customization. They are assigned a role by their captor, then given a generic name with a number next to it like a monkey or mouse. The game even registers them as an animal on the post-round summary. Give them a way to select or be given a name. Bringer of Darkness, Despoiler of Hope, etc. Just because it's edgelordy doesn't mean it's bad. Cultists are already pretty edgelord, cutting themselves and praying to a fucking blood god from beyond space and time. Plus, people remember the Darkspawn Bloodletter much better than Juggernaut (274), and it helps immerse.
Player Complaint: UnknownMurder and Cronac
Kaed replied to Kaed's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I'm afraid I have to completely disagree with this. This is one of the most frustrating parts about attempting to be an antagonist - this cycle of validizing justification. Let me tell you what actually happened here. We marched into security, armed to the teeth, and demanded surrender. Two people, a warden and a detective, who were massively underarmed, ignored all context around them and challenged us. The skrellwarden demanded we stand down and surrender, then when we laughed in his face, he began firing on us. We returned fire, and he was reduced to minced calamari that stumbled off before falling over in pain crit - not dead. The detective also wordlessly tried shooting at us with his rubber bullets, and also got a machine gun salvo, but did not die. I understand from being told later the detective got banned for griefing in a separate incident in the round. There was a third officer who arrived on the station in the middle of all this, and walked right by the two of us heading into security to arm up. Given that she just joined, I opted for the OOC decision to let her pass. (later, she repaid this by wordlessly attacking me in a maintenance tunnel the second she ran into me, despite offers to negotiate. Then, she died due to the ensuing gunfight. Gratitude.) In any case, I allowed medical officials to pass by and retrieve the critically injured warden and detective, making a public announcement that I was showing mercy, and no one else needed to die if they would surrender. If they died due to insufficient medical care, or because that one borg decided to drag the warden in entirely the opposite direction of the medbay without putting them on a roller bed, you can't lay that on me, it's on them ignoring threat level to attempt valids, or on incompetent borg. My only role was telling Yinzr not to execute them when they were down. It was roughly a full five minutes later before the borgs loitering nervously nearby announced there was a law change. So, what I'm getting from this is, it doesn't seem to matter HOW much restraint you show, no one will ever try to negotiate with you, and when you retaliate against blind justice attempts, it further justifies taking any and all action against you, including subverting the station AI? Does no one ever consider that maybe stopping the mad hunt against the hostile unathi and giving in might be a better way to protect the station crew? Probably not, because no one ever wants to admit they lose, instead they reach for bigger guns and endanger themselves and the crew around them by empowering the AI to attempt murder on specific individuals, or call an ERT (an ERT who throws a chloral grenade into a room they can't fully see inside, then fires wildly into the unknown outside of their vision range with lasers, unsure of where their targets even are, or if they're all hostile) because they can't handle it anymore. Possibly, they're letting metaknowledge about how they heard Yinzr 'murderboned' security that one time I enthralled him on a separate round color their perception, and assuming that's the same case here, and irrationally panicking, I don't know. I offered the crew surrender at least a half dozen times, several of them AFTER the show of force, and instead am treated to a full on attempt to murderbone us through any means necessary. This was poor roleplay, and valid-hunting in the most extreme sense. Give no quarter to the antagonist scum, and violate as many protocols as you want to because you are 'justified', they 'killed' a couple of your officers. UnknownMurder/Graves doesn't really have a leg to stand on here, he was warned just yesterday in a separate incident about his 'win at any cost' behavior when he leaped up after surrendering to an unathi in a breacher suit with a laser cannon, to baton them down, ignoring being shot with said laser canon multiple times in the process. Considering that event occurred well after the one THIS complaint is about, he clearly hasn't changed or learned anything. -
Re-bumping this since it's fallen away.
BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Character name: Ssalashtar Intesski, my security officer unathi Item name: Stun Spear Why is your character carrying said item to work? As an unathi-appropriate alternative to the regulation Stun-Baton Item function(s): This item is functionally identical to a stun baton, no stronger or weaker, though it may have different target verbs (jabbed with the stun spear instead of bashed, etc) Item description: A collapsible low-yield stun spear of custom design, easily fits in any equipment belt. An unathi's best friend. Item appearance: Providing my own sprites! Additional comments: Can probably just use the base spear model for the on-character sprite models. Maybe add a red tag to the base of the spear tip, if that's a thing I end up doing. I guess this could qualify as a weapon, and if that's grounds for it to be dismissed for Intesski, I'd like it to possibly be an alternate item available for spawning for Raider Unathi/Traitor uplink with TC?. In that situation, I think it would be a more robust item than a basic stun prod. Also, a dmi version of the animated icon https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkase3bceo6wvw2/spear.dmi?dl=0
Except that the whole point of my post was in regards to rewards you may get for taking down another vampire and eating their soul, as a separate mechanic to the blood drinking progression. I don't think you're paying very much attention to the context other than saying what you think would be broken - that's kind of the idea. You took out the other antag in a fight, and unlocked a new power you couldn't get otherwise. See Skull's post a few above mine, before making comments about how 'it seems to fit cultists more than vampires'. Or maybe, read the actual opening post, where he says he wants to tie vampires more to 'the veil', and the same source of power as the cult.
I think an interesting 'vampire soul' power set would be themed around a stronger control over blood magic and/or mental dominion. Possibly either or? Here is a list of general ideas I have, not all of them may be viable. -Long ranged targetted blood theft, with a cooldown. This would be similar to that one xenoarch effect where a wound rips open on your body and blood splatters, but there is no immediately evidence source. The vampire receives a fixed (not huge) amount of blood to their pool, and causes fear and panic among the affected crew members Possibly they can even do this on the other side of a wall, thus alerting the people that there is a blood-feeding monstrosity nearby but they cannot see where. -Carrying on from the blood boiling, I had the idea of an AOE upgraded version of Screech, that sends all non-vampires around you into pain crit (but not actual damage, or at least not a significant amoutn) as their blood boils inside their body, or something similarly agonizing, but DOESN'T break windows. This should ideally allow you to leave to chomp a few of them before they can get up. -A mass version of Dominate, affecting everyone in a radius around you, but they all receive the same command. Possibly a restriction on orders like 'kill yourself', limited to simple actions like 'fall', 'flee before me', 'cower in terror'. -Sensory Attack: The idea of some kind of temporary interface screw, such as inverting the direction of the screen for people around you, making it shake violently, and/or turn blood red (possibly all at once) for a short while (possibly up to a half minute? That seems long enough to inspire terror without being as caustic as hallucinations that last a zillion years). The idea is to make them all roil around in confusion, screaming in terror as their world spins and churns around them from the power the vampire has unleashed on them. This may be AoE or targetted, I"m not sure. I like AOE for the purpose of being surrounded by security, but strategic use of a single target for the purpose of fear tactics might be a thing -May add more as I think of them.
b]BYOND Key:[/b] Kaedwuff Player Byond Key: Cronac, as Jay Varis, UnknownMurder as Alex Graves Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: This was a round where my character Ickthar Slithiss was a vampire, and so was LordRaven001, as Korlas Lassei. We discovered each other early on, I taught him some ropes of vamping, we sucked some blood, I enthralled Alberyk's Yinzr, and we began the process of attempting to take over the station. I attempted a 'request surrender, punish aggressors' stance, but this round was just FULL of people who wanted to get them some valids and tried their best to attack us before we could fight. Most of it was pretty stupid shit but really within the realm of IC poor decisions (Such as the RD printing a bunch of lasers and trying to teleport into the captain's office to shoot us, but mostly hitting our hostage HoS, causing him to eventually die). Two things, however, were immensely stupid and they reached into the realm of self-antaging and validhunting/lowrp nonense. The first involves Alex Graves, and here are the relevant logs. ADMIN LOG: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves) used 'Freeform' core AI module on Vista V2(CyberstormFox) ADMIN LOG: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves) has given Vista V2 the inherent law: Ickthar Slithiss, Korlas Lassei, and Sslazhir Yinzr are no longer crew members to the station and is a threat to the station. They must be exterminated. ADMIN LOG: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves) used 'Freeform' core AI module on Vista V2(CyberstormFox) ADMIN LOG: UnknownMurder/(Alex Graves) has given Vista V2 the inherent law: The Rank in Succession Must Be Followed By Ultimate Authority: Captain, Acting Captain, Head of Security, Chief Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director, and Head of Personnel. Ensure the task is complete. This law may ignore all other laws." As you can see here, he decided to take it upon himself to modify the AI to focus on trying to murderbone us. I'd really like to say a lot of unkind things about the mentality that goes behind this, but I will try to just objectively state facts. I'm fairly certain no one who is not an antagonist should be uploading laws that proclaim them (the self-declared acting captain) able to give orders that supersede all laws, not to mention un-crewing three people and telling the AI to murder them. The second particularly bad issue was Cronac, playing Jay Varis. This person was a doctor, and volunteered to help the wounded, regardless of allegiance. I thought this was pretty good roleplay for a doctor, and kind of a perk of allowing him to recover the injured rambos who had charged us. Except, after fucking around and failing to do surgery for nearly ten minutes, he revealed his ulterior motives and removed Lassei's heart, killing him instantly. Post round, he admitted it was something 'he had always wanted to do', and that some hilarious puns involving were involved later, or something. I don't know, but as a doctor being watched by two armed unathi as you treat a third that is their comrade, I don't see any reason why a doctor would EVER do this, except under the justification that 'it's okay to murder people under your care if antag'. I admit part of this was my fault, as I assumed that a person playing a doctor would not do something this shitty, but... aren't we supposed to have standards and medical ethics in a high roleplay server? Approximate Date/Time: 4/23/2016, 12am-2:45am CST
[Accepted] Kaedwuff's Head of Staff Application
Kaed replied to Kaed's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hahah, like there aren't already unathi heads of personnel (there's a sandy scaled one I can think of) and no one questions it. I play only lizards, and that shall never change. I care not for thy anti-lizardism sentiment -
I am completely baffled with myself that I missed those entirely after looking over the form like 4 times. Wow. Herp. Fixed. If I have access to turning off OOC I will bloody do it if the memes get too bad. THIS IS A NO MEME ZONE NOW. ALL MEMES WILL BE SILENCED. See, you can't just say no memes and expect people to stop. You have to show them there are consequences to them. Eventually, they are trained to stop, like a dog peeing in your carpet.
guys, this item already exists as a traitor item, it's called the 'bug kit' and costs like 3-4 TC. It's not the item's fault no one ever picks it, it's pretty sweet actually - the bugs always automatically occupy the bottom layer of any tile, allowing you to slip them 'under' tables and other things. And then there's a fake PDA you can use to hear things near the bug, or to use the bug as a camera.
Something that's always bugged me about the straight jacket's sprite is that it is a full-bodysuit for some incomprehensible reason. Even the item sprite is just a jacket, like the situation normally presents itself. I think that the bottom half of the in-game sprite should be cut off, so the characters legs are not in it. It's to restrain the arms, not the legs, and this reflects in the fact that you are still able to walk or run just fine in a straight jacket, rather than being hobbled.
There, I think that's everything..
Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Kaedwuff Character Name(s): Kaed Maltivus Ickthar Slithiss Esisshesi Ssreshkor Korassh Guwan Inesski Sslasskir Ssalashtar Intesski Tssara Svydia S'nesshi Izweski AI Name(s): LEMON Preferred means of contact: Discord, Skype (on request), Byond Age: 28 Timezone: CST When are you on Aurora?: Most of the time. Except late at night, in CST Experience I've been a moderator on three different servers, and briefly a host and administrator on a server I inherited from someone else. I have extensive experience with using byond/SS13 formats How long have you played SS13?: Since 2014 How long have you played on Aurora: Since 2015 How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: A whole lot of things, though notably I'm sketchy on virology and atmos, and obviously there are some mechanics I sometimes discover I didn't know about. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never, beyond 1 minute joke bans by admins on other servers. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Because I enjoy the roleplay enviroment, and the hisslords. Why do you play on Aurora?: Because it's the only server I have found that I enjoy AND has a consistently high population with antags being involved What do moderators do?: Moderators get to talk to players regarding rule and IC issues and are allowed to look like they might have the ability to make changes in-game or fix stuff but in actuality usually are unable to do much except answer faxes and SM because admins get all the debugging/varedit/spawn commands. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Presumably to help manage the workloard that happens during high population. I have never seen how many adminhelps you guys get, but presumably it is a lot if you are hiring this hard. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I like being able to help out with the function of a server, and having an insight into how the management handles things might give me opportunities to make improving suggestions directly, or at the very least lighten some of the worldload. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I think I've got a level head and some decent ability to make good decisions. Also, as stated, I have previous modding experience. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: It's pretty hard to upset me by direct insult. Usually I get upset more because of something I see that seems unfair or annoying than because someone is mad at me. Usually if I've been stressed for a while I need a little bit to cool off, but that happens quickly. I'm not really the lingering grudge type. Anything Else You Want to Add: (Do not put words here) Less memes please. This server has a problem with memeing so bad that it bleeds into IC situations. It's getting tiresome.
This is going to be an incremental thing. I intend to have all the stuff replaced in the end, I'm just starting with the really ugly stuff.
Being the unathi diplomat involved here, I will be honest - The tesla being released irritated me, but it did not bring me to a boil as much as the fact that both of my diplomats hands were fried off. If everyone had just been injured and walked away with burns and mental scars, it would not have frustrated me to this level. But part of unathi canon is they do not take robotic limb replacements. This effectively caused the character to be crippled for life, and further, in a mechanical sense, unable to interact with anything for the rest of the round. Everyone keeps saying 'no one died' without taking into consideration lore issues with the event. It might have been better if he DID die, because then he could have been quietly cloned and been none the wiser about the event. I don't think it should have been released in the first place. Even if it had not burned off both my hands, I would have found it annoying and unnecessary. But then, I don't feel the need for something to explode every two minutes to keep me engaged. I was perfectly fine wandering off to give some roleplay to my Guwan bodyguard who I had been kind of neglecting for a while. Edit: As a side note, on the comment of it being an exclusive event between the 'in people', I want to point out that at several times I did attempt to wander the station to interact, but was repeatedly corralled back into the group by the CCIA running it like a harried tour guide. So not all of us were trying to be some kind of special secret lore club.